Grange Primary IPC and Foundation Subject Weekly Planning

Grange Primary IPC and Foundation Subject Weekly Planning

Grange Primary Foundation Subject Weekly Planning-Science

YEAR GROUP/TERM:Spring2 / WEEK BEGINNING:23.2.2015 / Healthy Me
2graph program / LITERACY LINKS:
Recording observations and making comparisons
Speaking and listening / NUMERACY LINKS:
Data from tally charts and graphs / PE LINKS:
Exercise Activity send home on the week before exercise investigation
Send Healthy Me Award at the end of term-Pg 4 Rising stars
lesson 1 / LI:to know that humans need food and water to stay alive and that we need a variety of food to enable us to grow. / Resources:
Food Groups DOC
IWB / Vocabulary:
Food grow meals water drink hungry thirsty vegetable fruit bread diary cereal meat
SC:state that they need to eat and drink to stay alive
name a variety of basic food groups
Sort some foods into existing groups
Activity: / Show ch the food diary, explain how to record and allow time for children to fill in what have had to eat and drink.
Discuss the foods and drink ch have had from looking at their diaries. How would you feel if you were not able to eat/drink regularly? Discuss definitions of:hungry/thirsty.
TP task: Why do we need to eat and drink regularly?
Shared talk: if we did not eat we would feel weak, food/drink is essential for growth, if we did not eat enough we would not be able to grow at a normal speed.
Get ch into 2 groups. Give each group a set of pictures of different basic food types. Ask them to sort into groups.
Each group describes the basis of their sort. (criteria may include: colour, like and dislikes, things they don’t recognise?
Food Groups -share presentation
Model sorting pictures into basic food groups, ask ch if they can recognise criteria by which you are sorting. Invite ch to suggest further foods that can be put into these groups.(refer resources)
Use of Technology / refer power point to recap sorting criteria
Food Groups DOC
Afl Opportunities/
Key Questions: / What does healthy mean?
Can you sort these foods? How did you sort them? Why is food and drink important?
What might happen if you do not eat regularly?
Plenary: / Have your sortedfoods into various groups correctly- self assess
TTYP: tell them main food groups and give examples of foods.
Differentiation / EAL:Apinaya and Gharam to buddy Sadia and Rakish
SEN:Teacher to ensureJosephine and Huda are clear with the task, buddy withKabissa and Ilyas
Challenge:use an overlapping Venn diagram to sort sweet foods and dairy foods
Lesson 2 / LI:to collect and display data on our class favourite foods / Resources:
Tally and graph templates IWB
Template for Healthy Meals / Vocabulary:
Tally block graph favorite total food groups most least the difference between
SC:contribute to creating a class block graph
Provide a simple description of the data displayed on the graph
Activity: / Prompt ch to recall and draw what they ate for dinner last night. Discuss the wide variety of foods and ask them to pick out one that is their favourite. Choose six suggestions and say that we are going to find out which of these six foods is the favourite in class.As a class ch to vote for their favourite foods and teacher models creating tallies. Do we have food from all food groups? Is it balanced?
TP task:Who can help count them up and record the totals? Discuss results. How else can we display the data?
Model how to create a block graph and transfer the data from the tally chart on to it.
Ch work in pairs to create graphs
Use of Technology / Display vocabulary and examples of graphs and tally charts on IWB
Afl Opportunities/
Key Questions: / What is your favourite food?
How can we display this data?
What have you found out from looking at the graph?
Plenary: / Ask ch to suggest occasions when special foods are eaten. Make a list and record associated foods. As a class decide on a soon to happen event and plan their chosen menu by listing the food items.
Give ch a paper plate and they create a pretend meal using card, crayon, glue, tissue paper etc.
Ch share their models, remind ch it is acceptable to have sweet treats on occasions but overt time we must eat foods from all the food groups in order to stay healthy.
Differentiation / EAL:Apinaya and Gharam to be paired with language buddies
SEN:teacher to support Huda and Josephine with constructing graph
Challenge:Healthy meal template-add the foods on the plate to create a balanced meal.
Lesson 3
Challenge may need a lesson on its own (PE) / LI:to know that we need exercise and a wide variety of foods to stay healthy
To make and record observations
To make comparisons between observations / Resources:
PE kit
IWB, hall
(if hall spaceis not available use PE lesson) / Vocabulary:
Test, fair, time, record, exercise healthy drink meat bread sweet food block graph bar chart
Say that they need to eat foods from each food group to stay healthy
Say that regular exercise contributes to good health
Describe changes that occur during exercise
Activity: / Hook: Ask ch what exercise they like doing, tally the results and ask ch to recall block graph from previous lesson. Model how the data from the tally can be transferred to be displayed as a block graph- use IWB.
What is healthy? Share video clip below.Explain the activity and expectations. TP task: How can we ensure this test is fair? Listen to responses and correct misconceptions. Ch get changed into PE kits to do the steps on template eg skip, hop, sit up etc, during the practical activities draw out changes that occur. Once in the hall, adults time activities and children work in small groups to participate and record their observations on the template (Step on it).
Use of Technology /
Afl Opportunities/
Key Questions: / What changes did you notice during exercising?
Which step did you take the most/least of?
Was your prediction correct?
Plenary: / How was this test fair?
Why is exercise important?
Can we stay healthy by just exercising alone? Why?
Differentiation / EAL:language buddies for Apinaya and Gharam
SEN:Teacher to support Huda and Josephine with graph task to begin with then buddies to support.
Challenge:Ch work in pairs to create graphs to show their class favorite types of exercise.
Lesson 4
Carried over to summer / LI:to know that animals produce young and these grow into adults
To know that young children need to be looked after / Resources:
Image of frog life cycle
Scissors glue paper / Vocabulary:
Animal young adult baby toddler child adolescent growth eggs frogspawn tadpole frog
SC:toexplain that animals produce young which grow older
To describe differences between babies and toddlers and how they need to be looked after
Activity: / Use website below for introduction, discuss with ch whether they have siblings who are toddlers, babies etc. show a series of questions: Can the baby walk? Feed itself? Dress up? Talk? etc
Explain that ch are going to look at pictures of a baby and they have to collect as much information as they can about it so they can compare it to a toddler.
Next show pictures of a toddler, take the same series of questions asked for the baby and use these for the toddler.
Emphasise similarities and differences.
Summarise the differences together with ch, eg babies have food and drink fed to them while toddlers can sometimes feed themselves.
In groups they work together to record information below 2 headings: Baby/toddler
Use of Technology /
Afl Opportunities/
Key Questions: / Can you name the stages in a human life cycle?
What is the young of a … called?
What are the differences between a baby and toddler?
Plenary: / Baby animals: do all animals have babies? Listen to responses. Complete end of unit assessment and stick in science books.
Differentiation / EAL:Apinaya and Gharam paired with language buddies-complete Growing Up (Sequencing) DOC
Tops: illustrate the human life cycle and label the different stages independently
Middles: illustrate the human life cycle and refer to word bank from shared writing to record labels
SEN:Huda and Josephine buddied with Kabissa andRakish
Challenge:groups tocreate a tally chart to show how many brothers or sisters there are in the ffg categories: baby/toddler/child/adolescent