GCSE Business and Communications Systems

GCSE Business and Communications Systems


‘The Flower Pot’ Garden Centre

“The Flower Pot” is a small, family-run Garden Centre based in Sea-water Lane, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 9RU. It sells a range of plants, shrubs, garden ornaments and water features. You have just started work as an office junior.

Task 1: Questionnaire

To improve customer service, “The Flower Pot” Garden Centre has asked you to create an anonymous customer satisfaction questionnaire to be given to people at the till. You have been asked to find out:

·  Age groups

·  Gender

·  How often they use the garden centre

·  How satisfied they are with their purchases

·  What they think about value for money

·  How satisfied they are with customer service

Think about putting ‘tick boxes’ and multiple choice answers in your questionnaire, and also leave a space for customers to write their own opinions if they want to.

Task 2: Memorandum

Mrs Pauline Brind and her husband own the Garden Centre. Pauline is not sure how the data collected in the questionnaire could be stored and analysed using a computer.

Write a Memo to Pauline explaining the following:

·  What computer package could be used to store the data from the questionnaires

·  What field names could be used to store the data

·  What advantages are there of using a computer to do this rather than just keeping the questionnaires in a filing cabinet

Task 3: Letter

Last month, Mr L Francis ordered and paid for a water feature: a ‘Patio Planter Pool’ for £69.99. Mrs Brind has asked you to compose a letter to Mr Francis informing him that the water feature is now ready for collection and apologise for the delay. As a gesture of goodwill, “The Flower Pot” is enclosing a £5 gift voucher to be spent at the Garden Centre. He has requested that the letter is laid out in a correct business format.

His address is:

753 Cherry Tree Close, Bromley Cross, BOLTON. BL3 4LR

Task 4: Spreadsheet

Below is a spreadsheet showing different types of water features on sale in the Garden Centre:

JUG PLANTER / 43.5 / 62
PEBBLE POOL / 23.75 / 39.5
WATERFALL / 74 / 99.99
FOUNTAIN / 86 / 110
SUPER SPLASH / 29.6 / 42.5

1. Using a spreadsheet package, place a suitable heading in cell A1

and copy the information.

2. Using a formula, work out the profit on each water feature.

3. Format the three columns into currency.

4. Insert a row after ‘pebble pool’ and add the following data:

ROCK POOL, £42.60, £68.50

5. Print two copies of your work – one showing the values (£) and

the other showing the formulae

6.  Create a bar graph showing the profit made for each type of water feature. Print out a copy of your work.

Task 5: Word processing and proof reading

As part of their commitment to customer care, the Garden Centre want to make a free information page available to all customers buying plants.

Your plants will flourish in beds, patio tubs and hanging baskets. Remember to kep them watered, particularly in dry periods, and feed regular. It is advantageous to use a slow release vertiliser to see plants throo there growing season. This can be plaiced in the container at the time off planting.

Wen the plants have a full canopy (full flowering of leaves) it is important ot ensure that when watering, water penetrates down to the soyl / compost. Keep your eyes out for any pest atacc. Greenfly can be a particular problem, soo take action to keep them at bay. Water plonts in the morning if possible, to insure that leeves are dry by evening.

(1) Make a copy of the text above, correcting all errors.

(2) Fully justify the text and format to double line spacing. Use size 16 point Arial


(3) Add the heading ‘General care for all plants’ in spaced capitals.

(4) Emphasise the last sentence.

(5) Place a box around the first paragraph.

(6) Add a suitable piece of clipart at the bottom of the text.

(7) Place your name and form as a Header and print your work.