Xmas is coming! Christmas - Around the World

Who is Franklin?

Christmas - Around the World

/by Mateusz Niekra/

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania wi ta bo ego narodzenia

Boxing Day takes place on December 26th and is only celebrated in a few countries; mainly ones historically connected to the UK (such as Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand) and in many European countries.

  • In Spain gifts are given on January 6th

on the Feast of the Three Kings.

  • In Greece Christmastreesarenotcommonly used, giftsaregiven


  • In Germany it is known as "ZweiteFeiertag”

(which means 'second celebration').

  • In Denmark for the Christmas Eve a sweet rice is being served with the cinnamon and roasted goose with apples. Blancmange is a traditional dish with the rice in which the housewife is hiding the almond. Who will find him, the one is catching mumps of marzipan which is ensuring happiness all through the year.

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English Christmas songs

/by WiktorŁoboda/

Here comes Santa Claus

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer pullin' on the reins
Bells are ringin', children singin', all is merry and bright
So hang your stockings and say your prayers 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane
He's got a bag that's filled with toys for boys and girls again
Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle, oh what a beautiful sight
So jump in bed, and cover your head, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane
He'll come around when chimes ring out, it's Christmas time again
Peace on earth will come to all, if we just follow the light
So let's give thanks to the Lord above 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer pullin' on the reins
Bells are ringin', children singin', all is merry and bright
So jump in bed, and cover your head, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight

Peace on earth will come to all, if we just follow the light
So let's give thanks to the Lord above 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight
So let's give thanks to the Lord above 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight

Gingerbread recipe

/by Jan Kozłowski/

500g flour

200g honey (4full of spoons)

200gpowdered sugar

125g butter

1 egg

1teaspoon of baking soda

3 teaspoonsof spices for gingerbread


Butter, honey and spices for gingerbreadslightly warm up. Do not cook!!!

Pour on the table top flour, baking soda and cocoa, pour cold butter, honey and spices for gingerbread (mixed before). Put the rest of components and mix.

Putthe dough for 1 hour in the refrigerator to cool down.

Then, split it into several pieces. Roll out to 0,5 cmthick and cut with the gingerbread molds.

Bake about 10min. in 170-180st.C

Bon Appetit!!!


flour – mąka

honey – miód

powder sugar – cukierpuder

butter – masło

baking soda – soda

spices for gingerbread– przyprawa do piernika

slightly – lekko

warm up – podgrzać

pour – wsypać, wlać

components – składniki

pin out – rozwałkować

split – rozdzielać

several – kilka

pieces – kawałki

thick – gruby

mold - foremka

Red Bus Interviewwith MrsAnna Klimek - GASPScience teacher

/by Jan Kozłowski/

Jan Kozłowski: Have you always wanted to become a teacher?Have you ever dreamed of choosing another profession?

Anna Klimek:I have always wanted to become a teacher:)

J.K. : What was your favourite school subject?

A.K. : Polish and History.

J.K. : What subject you didn't like at school?

A.K. : I didn't like physical education.

J.K. : What is your favourite dish?

A.K. : My favourite dish is pasta.

J.K. : What is your favourite fruit and vegetable.

A.K. : My favorite fruit are strawberriesand my favorite vegetable is peppers.

J.K. : What is your favouritecolour?

A.K. : My favorite colours are the colours of the rainbow.

J.K. : Do you have pets?

A.K. : Yes, I have a cat.

J.K. : How do you like to spend free time?

A.K. : Very active, for example: I ride a bicycle

J.K. : What is your hobby?

A.K. : My hobby is travelling.

J.K. : What is your favourite book?

A.K. : My favorite book is "P.S. KochamCię".

J.K. : Are you an early birdor a night owl?

A.K. : I'm an early bird.

J.K. : What is your biggest dream?

A.K. : My biggest dream... Have a lot of free time:)

J.K. : Thank you for the interview!

A.K. : Thank you

The history of Great Britain – Queen Victoria /by Jan Kozłowski/

Wiktoria, Alexandrina

Victoriawas born on 24th May 1819, shedied on 22nd January 1901 in Cowes on the Isle of Wight - Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 63 years

The coronation of Victoria took place on 28 June 1838.

Victoria married Prince Albert on February 10, 1840 in the Royal Chapel of St. Albert. James's Palace. Albert and Victoria had four sons and five daughters together.

Queen Victoria was the first modern British monarch. Queen Victoria has gained great popularity throughout the United Kingdom, and its reign is called the "Victorian era."

Although she took the throne at a young age, she was able to overcome the bad political situation in the country.

Over time, she has become a symbol of victory for the British and a triumph of moral truth.

In the days of Queen Victoria, Britain became the world's most powerful empire, gaining many colonies in Africa and Asia.


modern – nowoczesny

triumph of moraltruth - triumf prawdy moralnej

modern – nowoczesna

gained – zyskał

reign – królować

overcome – przezwyciężać

gaining - zyskuje

Franklin appears in GASP!!!

/by WiktorŁoboda/

In classroom 25 there is a new pet. His (or her) name is Franklin!


  • Franklin is a Greek turtle.
  • It is overland turtle, so it needs dry land to survive.
  • It has its own pool.
  • It needs UV and heating lamps to grow.
  • I am writing “It”, because we still don’t know what gender it is.

The Greek turtles are herbivorous. Only accidentally can eat, for example, a small invertebrate with plants. The diet of this reptile should be as close as possible to the way it is eaten in nature, that is, it should be rich in fiber and calcium, and low in protein, sugar and fats. At home, it eats most of the meadow plants, as an occasional additive can be served on a grated carrot. You should not serve fruits. Some vegetables are often diuretic, and some of them like lettuce, spinach, rhubarb, cabbage - contain health-threatening turtle oxalate.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania w grecki kolorowanka Heating lamp

overland -lądowy invertebrate - bezkręgowiec

gender - płeć heating lamp – lampagrzewcza

herbivorous –roślinożerny diuretic - moczopędny

Christmas fun

/by WiktorŁoboda/

Someone said:

I wasn’t planning on giving Christmas gifts this year until I heard about those exploading samsung galaxy phones.

Santa said:

I’ve seen your facebook statuses, you’re getting a dictionary for christmas.

Cat said:

Christmas tree, christmas tree,Your ornaments are history.

Tips for learning English

/gathered and selected by Mateusz Niekra/

  • You should read English books
  • You should watch films in English
  • You should sing English songs
  • You should speak English to people
  • You should write in English
  • You should talk to your friends only in English during English lessons
  • You should do English homework
  • You should read English words every day
  • You should listen to the teacher on English lessons
  • You should play English games
  • You should learn more English every day

Authors: Mateusz Niekra, Remik Maciorowski, Agata Sut, Daria Marczykowska

FUN PAGES /by Ada Bartłomiejczyk/

C Users nauczyciel AppData Local Microsoft Windows Temporary Internet Files Content IE5 M37THX1X labirynt swiateczny png

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania happy new year funny black and white pictures

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Newspaper Editors:

- Marcel Górlikowski




- Jan Kozłowski

-Mateusz Niekra

Distribution: - AlicjaChejmanowska

- DominikaGórny

Managing Editor: - PiotrNiekra

Teacher Advisor: - EwaSnopek