PAGE TWKNTT THURSDAY, DECkiUBER 29, 1966 i | m U i Average Dafly Net Press Run For tho Week Ended The Weather Fair and cold with iUwIhINI OoUege Centers, and the Stam?, ’ ’ 8, INS Ing winds tonight, low 11^ ^ About Town Four from MGC ford Branch of the Uniyersity .TOWN OP MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Prokopy to Retire, of Coqnectlcut *' 20; sunny, Htfla temperatuie Xi^al . Onutce Xiodge wlU At Meeting of 1 5 ,1 3 1 mwostfr • N «w Yeai'fl Eva dEUice Members on the council will diahg^ tomorrow, high' iR SiK consist o f two reprosentatives ManeheUer— A CUy^ of, Vfttage Charm Saturday ift Orange Hall. The College Council Ooldm Oate Quarts Pl<^y Zion Church Pastor and the corresponding secretary from each school, plus the pres­ Refuse for danota* from B pju. to 3 Four delegates from Man* VOL. LXXXVI, NO? 76 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CpNN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1966 (Classified AdverUalng so Page IS) PRICE SEVEN C E in i The Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, pastor of Zion Evantrelic^] ident of each udio will ex- a.m. A buffet aupper will .be c h e s ^ Community College at- aerved. The event is open to Lutheran Church foi* almost 24 years, has announced officio. \ pieinb€W%nd guests. his retirement. His^is the longest3t pastorate’pi in the his-^tended the secomLoigthiixation- The council ehalm an’s and., tory of Zion Chu He will conduct his last regular al meeting of the ConnecUcut treasurer’s posts will be rotated ' CoUection A Toy and Doll Tea Party service, with Commnuiuon. Sun- Stat«x Inter-collegiate Council among the schools annually. 7 Million imd story hour will be held to­ day at 10 a.m. for Two-Year Institutions, held Students from Norwalk will hold will b* no lofino eolloetlon on Mon- morrow from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Farewell Sunday will be ob­ recently In Wlnsted. the posts this year. All meetings West Side Library, Cedar St. served ’ Jan. 29 when Pastor The local representatives are to be held in the New Ha­ day, luory 2, 1947. A t houtdraMs normoEy T ie ex'ent is open to all children Prokopy will conduct gn Eng­ were Priscilla Doyle of Rock- ven area. schodi ' for collection on this day, Hioir no^ Due fo r through the fourth grade. They lish Service at 10 a.m., a Ger­ .ville, a freshman; w d Chris collocrii ^ wlH bo Thuisday. January $• may bring a favorite toy or doll man Service at 11 a.m., and F um ng of Wethersfield, Wayne GEORGIA OUTRANKED .with them. Stories will be told Vesper Services at 4 p.m. Schuster of Hartford and J[ohh LOS ANGELES — In 1910 the 1967. \ by Mrs. Gertrude Spiess. A reception and fellowship Marco of Rockville, all--sopho- population o< Georgia was larg­ hour will be held for Pastor mores. er than that of CaUfornla — C h ristm a s Collection for all housohdlds WASHINGTON (AP) -4- Members of Manchester and Mrs. Prokopy in the As­ The council was formed late 2.6 mikion to 2.8 mlUlon. will be mode lularly schodided collection Crippled in Atlantic Xiodge of Elks will meet tonight sembly Room o f the church nt last month to promote inter­ d ays. Some 7'million workers will at 6:46 at the Lodge Home, and 5 p.m. after his final Vesper school sports and social events be up for wage hikes in 'Gets Mfister^s sei^ce. go to the Holmes Funeral Home, and serve as a vehicle for shar­ EYEItriHfNG Christmas troos shebid Im plocod at curb 1967 in new labQr talks or 400 Main St., to pay respects William H. McPherson, son Now observing his 60th year ing mutual problems. previously negotiated con­ in the ministry, Pastor Prokopy for jstckuii by Hit town Oontrocter. ^ to the late Everett E. Moore, o f Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Mc­ Other colleges with repre­ TO CELEIRATE tracts, an^ James R. Hof- and his wife will retire to Mc­ Fur Enough a member. Pherson of 243 McKee St., has sentation on the council Include THE NEW YEAR! fa’s Teamsters Union leads New Year Reveliy 2 Freightei®i been awarded a master’s degree Afee, N.J., a small town not too W ALTER S. FUSjS / far from their daughter, Mrs. Norwalk and Northwestern Director of Public Works o ff the parade. DETROrr (AP)-<aifford The Golden Age Club will in industrial arts education from (Wlnsted) Cmnmunlty Colleges, ARTHUR DRUfi The . lAbor" Dej^^ment re­ Caldwell, 70, told police that meet tomorrow at 2 p.m., Columbia University, New York, Arthur Doring, and her family. En R oul^ The Prokopys also have a son, the Middletown and Stratford ports tbd fipuhd of major labor .'May Set Record twotwu women W&ked into his weather permitting, at {he Sen- N.Y. negoUaUopA will be the biggest w storet on Warren Avenue lor Citizens Center, Myrtle and He earned his B.S. at Gen- Paul Erdmamn Prokopy, in the teaching ministry at Detroit, in recent years, covering airline NEW YORK (AP)— All domestic tensions, many Ameri­ mrsday and flashed a pair Linden Sts. There wlU be a pen;_ trai Connecticut State College 10 o n ^ d a r d Mich., and three grandchildren. 1^ pilots, auto workers, food pro­ signs point to a revelry cans seemed determined to of \peari-handled revolvers ny sale. Iri 1962, where he was president Pastor Prokopy has served In Rev. Paul G. Prokopy cessors, hdlroad employee and boom New Year’s Eve that make a big Right of it. ‘at him. o f the college band and _ylce n e w /; y ^ k ( a p > - r Manchester longer than any workers in textile, .rubber, could be the. biggest in fun and “ The people seem determined ITie^, den0anded money. president o f the student gov­ creased from a small plot at the FightiliK high winds and other present clergyman. The paper, telephone and many oth­ money since World War n. You to celebrate and do their worry­ He said he had none. ernment. He^ was graduated rear of the church to 4 % a c i^ h^Vy seas, two merchant Public Records Rev. Clifford O. Simpson has er industries. could pay anywhere from a ing on Jan. 3,’’ said Phil Miles, They told him to ■wraprup from Manchester High School which includes a wooded area been pastor of Center Congre- ^ m ». - . buck to a: hundred dollars for vice presidertt of New York’s a couple of furs. He refused. ships plowed through tha In the Class of 1958. The |;overnmentHi figures cov­ Wanaatoe Deeds gational Church since February er bnljc contracts involving 1,000 lhelnlght*out. Brody Corporation, which man­ They forced liim to wiito North Atlantic today to tha Michael J. Dzamba and He is currently teaching In­ 1945, and Rabbi Leon Wind door services are frequently held Apparently ready to put aside ages the Rainbow Room and the a check. Then they walked rescue of 10 persons aboard In warm weather. A parish or moke wqriters and smaller Teckla M. Dzamba to Harry P. dustrial arts atfthe secondary came to Temple Beth Sholom serious thoughts of the war in Rainbow Grill among other es­ out with the fup/'pieces a crippled 70-foot yawl. house was also acquired and ad­ cases ^11 bring the total num­ Groves Jr. and Mary C. Groves, level In Wilton. in August 1945. Vietnam end other world and tablishments. flung abound Oieif' necks. Alerted by a kw-Oying Ooaat ditional property, including ber of workers involved coneld- property at 54-56 Lyness St. Pastor Prokopy and his fam­ HAM "It’s as though they’ve had it Guard aircraft, Qm British mer-. quarters for a sexton, were pur­ crably Wgher. Florence Sullivan -to Gerald ment Center Inc., second-floor ily came to Zion Church in Information on contracts cov- up to the teeth this year and chant •vessel Ootsweid and the D. Jackson, one-quarter interest offices at 63 E. Center St., for March 1943 from Albany, N.Y. chased for future expansion of now they want to forget for a German freighter HUM Olden- the church. aring .Aji^ additkmal 1.7 mlUion in parcels at 200-202 W. Cen­ three years, commencing Dec. He succeeded the late Rev. night,” Miles continued. "The dorff turned in the p n d a m In Mardi of last year, the FOR YOUR workers t^rain't available for the Fire Rescue ^rs. Powell ter St. and 96 McKee St 16, 1966. Hugo F. R. Stechholz, and is reseiwations have been pouring houra toward the storm-toseed Rev. and Mrs. Prokopy were Labor Deparinient’e re^rt. Quitclaim Deed . Building Permits the sixth pastor to serve the in. This'seem s to be true of yawl, the Petr^. feted at a special service honor­ Of the 7 hliiUon workers list­ Arthur F. Harper to Angelo Norman S. Hohenthal, two- church since it was organized Bid Misses; many restaurants and hotels.”, / Staidds Up’ The CMnwald radioed the ing their 40th wedding anniver­ ed, mois ^kn 3 million will be Napoletano, parcels at 129-131- family dwellings at 106-108 in 1891. During his first /five, Generally, prices ■will ,/run Ooaet Guard in New Tortc that sary. Mrs.\prokopy has always NEW YEAR'S DINNER iarStvifA In new contract talks 133 Spruce St. and 105 Birch Broad St. and at 102-104 Broad years at Zion Church, Piistor ^imd nearly 4 million will get about the same as IsM^'^year, she was 66 miles from the Pe­ .
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