TRACE NEWS 32 Spring 1999 FIRE, ICE and ICD : Three Number 1 Hits! Lauterbach ended the 1998 business year NEC V850, ARM7, ARM9 and Siemens with sales 60% up on the previous year. TriCore. Lauterbach thus retained its position as Lauterbach entered the debugger busi- the most successful manufacturer of mi- ness a few years ago with mixed feelings croprocessor development systems in since TRACE32 was originally posi- Europe, filling the number 1 spot in three tioned more as a sophisticated high-end different categories with its three product development tool. Now TRACE32-ICD lines TRACE32-ICE, TRACE32-ICD is firmly established in the Lauterbach and TRACE32-FIRE. product array showing that “high-end” by no means rules out debuggers. After all, debuggers can also be made better than those of the competition and high-end is not necessarily synonymous with high- price. TRACE32-ICD has doubled its sales in each of the past few years and in 1998 emerged as one of the most popular debuggers of all. In Germany it was the most successful debugger in both the au- tomotive and telecommunications industries, especially for the processor architectures ARM, PowerPC and 68HC12. leading companies for microprocessor development tools. There is now also a brand new version of The classic TRACE32-ICE, the in-cir- TRACE32-ICD for SIEMENS TriCore After this short look back over the past cuit emulator for 8- to 32-bit architectu- and C166CBC, for Motorola M-Core and business year we will now turn our atten- res, emerged as the top-selling member MPC8260. tion to the future - and there’s plenty in the development pipeline for this year. of the TRACE32 family. A large number All in all TRACE32 has made enormous of new processor probes have contributed progress over the past few years and Lau- What new products you can expect in to this success. The most successful proc- terbach has become one of the world’s 1999 can be seen on the following pages. essor families used with this product are the SIEMENS C166 family and the 68HC12 from Motorola. Context Tracking System 2 The product launch of the TRACE32- ICD Trace Extension 3 FIRE was also a success. An unexpect- Current Information 6 edly high number of orders made this product the most successful RISC emu- New lator for the PowerPC family MPC860 in Germany. The TRACE32-FIRE is cur- Supported ICD Debuggers 3 rently available for MOTOROLA Supported Trace Modules 4 PowerPC, Hitachi SH-2 and H8-S. Fur- Supported RTOS 6 ther promising processor architectures Supported Debuggers 6 will be following shortly, such as the LAUTERBACH TRACE32 DevelopmentTools http://www.lauterbach.com 2 CTS - Context Tracking System for TRACE32 1.) Switch on the Context Tracking System 2.) Select the recording point for which the state of the target system is to be recreated 3.) The PC will be set automatically to the recording point 4.) During the trace-based debugging the changes of memories, variables and registers can be watched In order to find out which instructions, memory. The debug functionality has fers is not usually available. An data or system states had caused mal- been further extended so that it is now exception to this is the C166 family functioning of the target system it was also possible to step backwards. which makes all information about in- necessary to spend a lot of time analys- At the same time it is also desirable to ternal operations visible externally via ing the trace listing. be able to track the changes of variables, the bondout busses. The context tracking system - CTS for memories and registers. There are vari- Another alternative is to use an instruc- short - now allows to recreate the state ous strategies available for this. tion set simulator which effectively of the target system at a selected point The changes can be followed relatively allows the individual instructions to be based on the information sampled in the easily by using the write and read cycles executed again. This enables registers trace buffer. From this starting point the recorded in the trace memory. However, and memory states to be recreated more program steps previously recorded in this only functions for internal memo- easily. Instruction set simulators are real time in the trace memory can be de- ries if the CPU shows complete available for the PowerPC, the 68K bugged again. information about these accesses. Even family, the SH2 family and the ARM7. How does context tracking function? then information about register trans- After switching on the context tracking system you first select a recording point in the trace for which the target system state is to be recreated in the emulator. The program counter is then automati- cally set in the source listing to how it was at the selected time. All debug commands such as Single Step, Step Over Call, Go Return, etc. can now be used. The commands are proc- Hll Analysis of the essed as they were recorded in the trace Trace Contents LAUTERBACH http://www.lauterbach.com TRACE32 DevelopmentTools 3 Trace Extension for the ICD Debugger The TRACE32-ICD In-Circuit Debug- ger allows easy debugging at C or C++ Target level via the on-chip debug interface. J P T The complexity of these interfaces has r e A p G increased over the past few years and r o / B they now include: c D e s M HUB s o • Additional hardware breakpoints C r o • Trigger options n n • The possibility of reading and writ- e c t ing memories while the CPU is exe- o cuting code r These processor-specific expansions are naturally integrated fully in the 10 BASE-T TRACE32 debugger. Since 1998 real-time trace modules have also been available for most ICD R I debuggers. Each trace module contains S C a trace memory with a capacity of 64K P D D O T E E R frames. The sampled records are D B B A PC or Workstation E U U C marked with a timestamp with a resolu- T G G H tion of 100 ns. E Thanks to this trace extension com- plete information about the program flow is now available also for the In- TRACE32-ICD with trace extension and ethernet connection to the host Circuit Debuggers so that it is easy to follow which instructions or system Trace Connector able about the program and data flow. states have caused a particular pro- All signals needed for tracing must be This requires the address and data bus gram state. made available at a standardized con- and certain important state lines to be To add the trace feature to your nector in order to be able to connect brought out at the trace connector. TRACE32-ICD additional hardware the preprocessor to the target hard- Program Flow Trace modules in the form of the universal ware. Since the trace connector has to RISC trace module and a CPU-specific be taken into account as early as the In order to achieve higher speeds the preprocessor are connected to the target design stage it is recommended programs on many of the newer pro- PODBUS. that information about the connector cessors run from the cache and bus layout is obtained early on. A detailed accesses to resources on the CPU such technical description can be found at as internal RAM or on-chip flash are New ICD Debuggers the Lauterbach web site. no longer visible from the outside. http://www.lauterbach.com/ This makes implementation of a bus OCDS debugger for C166CBC ord_7870.html trace impossible since the information OCDS debugger for TRICORE Two different modes, the bus trace and necessary for this is not available. ONCE debugger for M-CORE the program flow trace, are used for the This is where a new development, pro- JTAG debugger for MPC8260 implementation of the trace module. gram flow trace, comes in. The basic ROM monitor for H8S Bus Trace idea is to make the program flow com- pletely understandable even though a ROM monitor for the In the case of a bus trace the data and minimum number of fetched instruc- SH family address bus and certain state lines are tions are visible. ROM monitor for V850 recorded for every CPU cycle. As a result complete information is avail- Instead of the complete instruction LAUTERBACH http://www.lauterbach.com TRACE32 DevelopmentTools 4 address the CPU now feeds informa- tion about the program flow, for exam- Operation of the program flow trace with MPC555 as example ple next program step executed, direct branch taken, etc. to the outside via additional state lines. If these state sig- nals are recorded an intelligent soft- ware can reconstruct the complete program flow from the start address of the program run, from the state signals and the program listing. The only problem with this solution Directly recorded signal with information of program flow approach is posed by indirect branches since in their case the branch address is not usually established until during the run time and cannot therefore be deter- mined from the program listing. Most processors that support a program flow trace can, however, be set so that the instruction address of an indirect branch is output in full on the address The reconstructed assembler program flow based on the start address, program flow information and the program listing bus. The software thus provides the correct rerun point for the further reconstruction of the program flow. In the case of the program flow trace the address and state lines and the lines that feed information about the pro- gram flow to the outside must there- fore be brought out for the trace connector.
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