VOL. X X X V III NO. 28. MAIlNE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, FEBRUARY 3, 1916. PRICE 4 CENTS FLY ROD GUEST THE BOOTHBYS Nation or People upon Earth; and PICKFORD MAKING let the God of Nations be the Su­ FORESTRY preme Arbiter of all of our National OF THE PIERCES in FLORIDA • IMPROVEMENTS and International' disputes and dif­ DEPARTMENT ferences. On Wednesday Muss Cornelia T. Col. and Mrs. Frederic E. Rootoby Two New Camps Will Be Built Good living in Bermuda is not muc Crcsby (Fly Rod) went to Farmington ,lePt for Magnolia Spring, Ftar- more costly (if any) than in the To Repair Telephone Lines from t^liere alie will be the guest for a ida., and will pass the remainder of This Season. northern states of America. A very few days of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. | the wtoter there. comfortable stone cottage, of four' or Spencer to Dead River Dam. Pierce, the popular host and liostes© five rooms, partly furnished and with (Special to Maine Woods.) of King & Bartlett Camps. baths can be hired for about $30 per The forestry department has receiv­ Before returning home Miss Crosby SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MAINE Rangeley, Me., Jan. 31.—A few month.. Cooking is mostly done with words to let you know that Pick- ed a letter frcm United States Sena­ will go to Rum ford to visit friends. WOODS. $1.00 A YEAR. .o’i which is 21 cents per gallon. All ford’s Camps' are still on the map ether needful things coat very mudh tor Burleigh stating that the $20,000 Am making a great many improve­ the same as in the States. Good asked for to fight the white pine ments this year, building two new help is s'oaree, and most new resi­ blister .rust has been inserted in the camps with all modern improvements, dents would be happier and much agricultural bill1 by the committee and in fact will be the best public log better off financially if they should that .it would undoubtedly go through camps in Maine, also a new garage do their own housekeeping. The ex­ the House all right, though opposit­ that will hold 20 cars and an auto tra war tax i© scarcely noticed by ion might be found in the Senate. bus to hold 16 passengers. the buyer, and all governmental taxes The department i® utilizing the I am also building new' graveland duties seem to me to be very sleighing to get into the wood© the walks, putting rustic house benches lmhit, except, perhaps, on tobacco, material for a wooden lookout tower and stairs in the woods. wines and liquors, and a few other on Hardwood mountain, in the north­ The camps are all rented for the luxuries. ern part of Somerset county. The season of 1916. Prospective visitors to Bermuda will mountain has long been used as a Good luck to the Maine Woods. do well to bear in mind that the so- lookout station, but tlie only tower Yours respectfully, called winter season i© one of con­ the watchman ever had was a tree. Harry E. Bickford. tinual out-of-door life. All forms of Whoever lias the job will1 appreciate sport can be enjoyed freely, and but t'he tower. little artificial heat is required in Material i© also being taken into Steel Line* NOTES FROM the home. A large kerosene lamp­ the woods far the repair of the light will raise the temperature of a State telephone lines from the foot SHOT SHELLS SUNNY BERMUDA large room 5 or 10 degrees. Clothing of Spencer lake to Dead River dam. suitable for fail wear at home ils all In both these cases, the work will not Arrow and Nitro Club that is needed, and for much of the be done until spiring. Steel Lined Speed Shells time no top coats are worn except Scientific tests show that Remington-UMC Arrow and Nitio Send a Company of Their Sons to in the evening or when out riding. Club Steel Lined Speed Sheila are the fastest shells in the world. There is good boating and sea battl­ 1 he steel lining grips the powder—puts every ounce of the the Front. AROUND THE explosive force into a straightaway drive. No loss from shell ing the year round, and as for fish­ expansion. ing, rare ©port and much hard work You take a shorter lead on the fast birds, get more of them. Hamilton, Bermuda, Jan. 29, 1916. and not a little .bisk and exposure to STATE HOUSE Like many other shooting refinement*, this steel lining is an exclusive Rem- To the Editor of Maine Woods: X ' U, L feature, found only in Remington-UMC "Arrow** and "Nitro “malde mer” wall be encountered, es- Club —the sleet lined speed thelis. Mercury 68 degrees above. Perhaps For all around field shooting, cot Remington-UMC "New dub**—the "Old “ Malde Mer” will be encountered, es- Among the latest victim© of the Reliable Black Powder Shelia.' a few lines from Sunny Bermuda, a Time and space would fail me in grip are: Chief Cderk Myrtle Hodig- C o to tho.dealer who shows the Red Ball Mark o f Remingi»n-UMC~ti\e Land a thousand miles scuth of my sign of Sportsmen’s Headquarters. He sells them. which to recount Bermuda’s various don of the fish, and game department, T o keep your run cleaned and lubricated right, use Ram Oil. the new summer home in Maiine, may be in­ powder solvent, rust preventative, and gun lubricant. and manifold attractions. Its many Chief Clerk Geo. F. Giiddings and As­ teresting to you personally, and to REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. ’'interesting excursions by land and sistant Clerk Roy Leach of the pub­ m Broadway Naw Tor* not a few', may be, of your many water, its lovely scenery, its wond­ lic utilities commission. «L readers at large. To be fully apprec­ erful caverns, its charming people iated at its full value as a health and their unique whitewashed sand­ and pleasure resort, Bermuda must Curator James of the State Mus­ stone heuses enbowered in abundant be lived in, for a time at least, as a eum on Wednesday was presented PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS vegetation of many hues and many HOTEL BLANCHARD short sojourn for only a week or two with a lively black and white sucker, On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ kinds, its submarine gardens full of * STRATTON MAINE fails to disclose its many virtues and caught in toe Kennebec. It was celled. Best of hunting. Special rates animal and strange plant life are a manifold attractions. To begin with, placed in the southwesterly tank of In ihe center of the Fish and Game for June, October and November. few of them. Many forms of coral sailing from New York, one must the aquarium and at once began to Section. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. flourish here and are found on sale in cross the wide, warm Gulf Stream, at explore its new home, apparently HOTEL BLANCHARD, WESTON U. TOOTHAKER,' Prop., the shop© of the country and ciity. I STRATTON MAINE. E. H. GROSE. Prop. a point seventy-five miles wide. It well pleased ; on its short acquain­ Pleasant Island, - - Maine have yet to see a field of grain or of sweeps up frcm the Tropics, via the tance. standing grass. There are qompara­ Gulf of Mexico, and, with moderate ti vely few cattle, but many horses'. speed, veers off to the northeast to­ No snakes, nor poisonous insects, Game Warden Bertrand E. Smith of ward the Irish' Coast, thence south­ other than mosquitoes, and but few Augusta received a telephone message erly toward Spain and the Azores. ■ Mountain View House of them. No steam cars, no trolley from a lady late Monday afternoon This deep, wide body of warm salt cars, no automobile honks* nor fac­ repenting sounds from' the wdods on | Mountain View* Maine water takes out all the frost from the tory whistles, and no fire alarms, toe hill to the west of toe electric For further particulars write or address north winds, and helps greatly to save once in about 25 years. The road’s car barn which, indicated that modify the temper of every wintry stock of the Bermuda Fire Insurance some animal was in trouble. Warden L . E. BOWLEY, wind that blows. Bermuda lies about Cc. is. a first-class investment yield­ Smith hurried to the hill and after 200 miles below the Gulf Stream in Mountain View, mm* Maine. ing, I am told, about 15 per cent per some search found a hound which had Lat. 32 degrees 45 minutes, and Lcn. year. evidently broken its chain and ran. 64 degrees west; 700 miles southeast away, but in, going through the woods The climate of Bermuda, though, from New York., 800 from Halifax an the chain had caught and. he was, very damp at times, is conducive to about 800, due east, from Charleston, held prisoner. The animal was, of Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps health, complete rest and recuperat­ S. C. It is a 1,000 miles north of course, somewhat pleased at being Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and ion, especially for all over-worked Porto Rico, and, although far above released and restored to hist master. stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. Excellent cuisine. Post Office burden-bearers, and the nervous and Long Distance Telephone in Main Camp. For fates, descriptive circulars the frost line the mercury seldom goes and other information, write much below 50 degrees in winter, nor wrecks of humanity.
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