Accn No. Title Author Class No. BP19985 Reaching Out: Four Short Plays Hemens, Mollie T 822.914 BP19993 Scenes from Plays Ed. by Michael Marland J 809.2 BP19999 Football Fever: Poems about Football Foster, John T 821.914 BP20001 Selected Poems for Children Causley, Charles T 821.912 BP25141 Amina's blanket Dunmore, Helen J FIC/DUN BP28040 The fantastic flying journey Durrell, Gerald TF/DUR BP30654 Dolphin music Moses, Antoinette T428.75 BP30694 Further stories for reading comprehension B Hill, L. A. 428.7 BP30854 Movers: Pupil's pack Harries, Andrea J428 BP30935 As the inspector said and other stories (BLAT-191 BP30936, BLAT-192 BP30937) Escott, John T428.75 BP31005 The Portrait of Dorian Gray (BLAT-188 BP31007, BK BP31006) Wilde, Oscar T428.75 BP32226 Pollyanna grows up Porter Eleanor H. TFIC/POR BP32236 Kim Kipling, Rudyard TFIC/KIP BP32237 The swiss family robinson Wyss, J D TFIC/WYS BP32261 Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel TJFIC/DEF BP32291 Oliver twist Dickens, Charles TJFIC/DIC BP32372 Tewnty thousand leagues under the sea Verne, Jules TFIC/VER BP32374 Sleeping beauty and other stories Larkin, Rochelle TFIC/LAR BP32376 David Copperfield Dickens, Charles TFIC/DIC BP32380 Tales of mystery and terror Poe, Edgar Allan TFIC/POE BP32381 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert L TFIC/STE BP32384 The reptile room Snicket, Lemony TFIC/SNI BP32385 The bad beginning Snicket, Lemony TFIC/SNI BP32386 The miserable mill Snicket, Lemony TFIC/SNI BP32389 The hostile hospital Snicket, Lemony TFIC/SNI BP32392 Captain courageous Kipling, Rudyard TFIC/KIP BP32394 Snow white and other stories Larkin, Rochelle TFIC/LAR BP32395 Moby Dick Melville, Herman TFIC/MEL BP32401 The puffin treasury of modern indian stories Dayal, Mala TFIC/DAY BP32414 Rain in the mountains : notes from the Himalayas Bond, Ruskin TFIC/BON BP32418 The Penguin book of Indian railway stories Bond, Ruskin TFIC/BON BP32421 Ruskin Bond's green book Bond, Ruskin TJFIC/BON BP32425 The rupa book of Ruskin Bond's Himalayan tales Bond, Ruskin JFIC/BON BP32434 Timeliness of world history Teeple, John B RT909 BP32439 Children's illustrated encyclopedia Kramer, Ann RT032 BP32440 Ultimate visual dictionary 2001 Kindersley, Dorling RT423 BP32504 Not just a witch Ibbotson, Eva TFIC/IBB BP32511 Tell me what : answers to hundreds of questions Chancellor Press T032.02 BP32512 Tell me about : answers to hundreds of questions Chancellor Press T032.02 BP32514 Tell me why : answers to hundreds of questions Chancellor Press T032.02 BP32515 Tell me how : answers to hundred questions Chancellor Press T032.02 BP32527 Stories of Krishna Pai, Anant JFIC/PAI BP32529 India Chatterjee, Manini T954 BP32536 The Jungle book 2 JFIC/JUN BP32538 The Tigger movie JFIC/TIG BP32539 Nonsense Verse Carroll, Lewis J428.6 BP32541 The ladybird illustrated thesaurus Vickers, Clare J423.1 BP32542 Picture dictionary Matthews, Anne J423.1 BP32543 The Space boat Murray, William J428.72 BP32546 Storytime for 6 years old Stimson, Joan JFIC/STO BP32549 Animal stories for under fives Stimson, Joan JFIC/ANI BP32551 Farmyard stories for under fives Stimson, Joan JFIC/FAR BP32552 The Space boat Murray, William J428.72 BP32553 Beauty and the beast Ayton, Robert JFIC/BEA BP32554 The big pancake Kenyon, Tony JFIC/BIG BP32555 Chicken licken Stone, Petula JFIC/CHI BP32558 The elves and the shoemaker Stevenson, Peter JFIC/ELV BP32559 The emperor's new clothes Long, Sally JFIC/EMP BP32561 The gingerbread man Stevenson, Peter JFIC/GIN BP32562 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Maclean, Moira JFIC/GOL BP32563 The Magic Porridge Pot Pace, David JFIC/THE BP32564 The Ugly Duckling Marklew, Gilly JFIC/THE BP32565 Little Red Hen Percy, Graham JFIC/LIT BP32566 The Enourmous Turnip Holmes, Stephen JFIC/THE BP32567 The Three Billy Goats Gruff Percy, Graham JFIC/THE BP32568 Goldilocks and the three bears Russell, Chris JFIC/GOL BP32569 Hansel and gretel Stevenson, Peter JFIC/HAN BP32571 The little mermaid Thomas, Brian Price JFIC/LIT BP32572 Little red riding hood Stevenson, Peter JFIC/LIT BP32573 The magic porridge pot Gordon, Mike JFIC/MAG BP32574 Peter and the wolf Stevenson, Peter JFIC/PET BP32575 Pinnochio JFIC/PIN BP32577 The princess and the pea Ayton, Robert JFIC/PRI BP32578 Puss in boots Kenyon, Tony JFIC/PUS BP32579 Rapunzel Aitchison, Martin JFIC/RAP BP32580 Rumpelstiltskin Aitchison, Martin JFIC/RUM BP32581 Sleeping beauty Rowe, Gavin JFIC/SLE BP32582 The sly fox and the little red hen Thomas, Brian Price J428.6 BP32584 The three little pigs Smallman, Steve JFIC/THR BP32586 Thumbelina Stone, Petula JFIC/THU BP32589 The Ugly duckling Stone, Petula JFIC/UGL BP32590 The wizard fo Oz McBride, Angus JFIC/WIZ BP32592 101 Dalmatians JFIC/DAL BP32594 Peterpan Disney JFIC/PET BP32596 The lion king JFIC/LIO BP32598 Bambi Disney JFIC/BAM BP32601 Beauty and the beast Disney JFIC/BEA BP32602 Happy family book 1 Shirley Jackson JFIC/HAP BP32603 Off to school book 2 Catriona Macgregor JFIC/OFF BP32604 Sticker swaps book 3 Marie Birkinshaw J428.6 BP32605 Rollercoaster ride book 4 Shirley Jackson JFIC/ROL BP32607 Monkey business book 6 Lorraine Horsley JFIC/MON BP32610 My mum is mad book 9 Lorraine Horsley J428.6 BP32611 Under the sky book 10 JFIC/UND BP32612 My dad can't dance book 11 Lorraine Horsley JFIC/MYD BP32613 Whoops there go my trousers book 12 Shirley Jackson JFIC/WHO BP32615 What's that noise? book 14 Taylor, Geraldine JFIC/WHA BP32618 Stargazers book 18 JFIC/STA BP32619 The wacky wacky machine book 19 Macdonald, Alan JFIC/WAK BP32622 Hansel and gretel Pound, Claire JFIC/HAN BP32624 Rapunzel Stevenson, Peter JFIC/RAP BP32626 Rapunzel Stevenson, Peter JFIC/RAP BP32628 Heidi level 4 Leplar, Anna C JFIC/HEI BP32633 Pinocchio JFIC/PIN BP32635 The Sorcerer's apprentice JFIC/SOR BP32637 The Aristocats JFIC/ARI BP32638 Tarzan JFIC/TAR BP32639 102 Dalmatians JFIC/DAL BP32641 Atlantis : The lost empire JFIC/ATL BP32643 Disney's The emperor's new groove Walt Disney Company 813.54 BP32648 Evolution Burne, David T576.82 BP32656 Gladiator life and death in ancient Rome Malam, John T937 BP32661 Quantum physics Gribbin, John T530 BP32662 The three little pigs Lewis, Jan JFIC/THR BP32664 The sly fox and the little red hen JFIC/SLY BP32671 Jack and the Beanstalk JFIC/JAC BP32672 The three billy goats gruff JFIC/THR BP32679 Key words with ladybird 12a: The holiday camp mystery Murray,W J428.6 BP32681 Key words with ladybird 10a: Adventure on the island Murray, W J428.6 BP32685 Key words with ladybird 6a: Our friends Murray,W J428.6 BP32686 Key words with ladybird 5a: Where we go Murray,W J428.6 BP32687 Key words with ladybird 4a: Things we do Murray,W J428.6 BP32688 Key words with ladybird 3a: Things we like Murray,W J428.6 BP32689 Key words with ladybird 2a: We have fun Murray,W J428.6 BP32690 Key words with ladybird 1a: Play with us Murray,W J428.6 BP32691 Read with me book 4 : Sam to the rescue Murray, William J428.6 BP32694 Read with me book 7 : The day trip Murray, William J428.6 BP32695 Read with me book 8 : Tom's storybook Murray, William J428.6 BP32698 Read with me book 10 : Magic music Murray, William J428.6 BP32699 Read with me book 9 : The spotrs day Murray, William J428.6 BP32700 Read with me book 16 : A busy night Murray, William J428.6 BP32701 Read with me book 15 : The robbery Murray, William J428.6 BP32702 Read with me book 14 : The dolphin chase Murray, William J428.6 BP32704 Read with me : First words - a pre-reader Murray, William J428.6 BP32705 Read with me book1 : Let's play Murray, William J428.6 BP32707 Alice in wonderland Carrol, Lewis J823.8 BP32709 Gulliver's travels Swift, Jonathan J823.8 BP32710 Heidi Spyri, Johanna J823.8 BP32711 Oliver twist Dickens, Charles J823.8 BP32712 The secret garden Burnett, Frances Hod JFIC/BUR BP32714 The Three musketeers Dumas, Alexandre J428.6 BP32715 Treasure island Stevenson, Robert Lo J823.8 BP32716 The wind in the willows Grahame, Kenneth JFIC/GRA BP32717 The railway children Nesbit, Edith J823.8 BP32718 King Solomon's mines Haggard, H. Rider JFIC/HAG BP32719 What Katy did Coolidge, Susan JFIC/COO BP32721 A story to share : My superdad Crossley, Dick J428.6 BP32722 A story to share : Man mountain Waddell, Martin J428.6 BP32723 A story to share : Too busy to play Yates, Irene J428.6 BP32724 Incy wincy spider and other nursery rhymes Petrone, Valeria J821 BP32725 Humpty Dumpty and other nursery rhymes Smith, Jan J821 BP32726 Hey didle diddle and other nursery rhymes Smith, Jan J821 BP32727 Phonics book 12 : Bella's bedspread Ross, Mandy J428.6 BP32728 Bedtime for little dragons Yates, Irene JFIC/YAT BP32730 Sweet dreams Josephine Baxter, Nicola J428.6 BP32731 Drandma hippo's visit Yates, Irene JFIC/YAT BP32732 Snuggle down ducklings Ross, Mandy J428.6 BP32734 Goodnight little Bunny Randall, Ronne JFIC/RAN BP32780 Doctor Dolittle in trouble Lofting, Hugh TFIC/LOF BP32788 The enourmous crocodile Dahl,Roald JFIC/DAH BP32804 The Austere Academy Snicket, Lemony TFIC/SNI BP32806 The ersatz elevator Snicket, Lemony TFIC/SNI BP32809 Let me write Murray, W J428.6 BP32810 I like to write Murray, W J428.6 BP32811 Read and write Murray, W J428.6 BP32815 Lost and found Disney JFIC/LOS BP32818 Learn abc Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32819 Learn about time Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32821 Learn opposites Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32825 Red boots yellow boots Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32829 Old shoes, new shoes Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32830 Start school Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32831 At the farm Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32832 Look after their pets Adamson, Gareth JFIC/ADA BP32834 Learn to swim Adamson,
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