unscrwt an independent student newspaper Ji Ohio Wesleyan Public Safety Monnett Weekend Officers actions questioned Schedule of Events By Ron Spalter to buy a couple ofjoints from him he said The administration of Ohio Wesleyan Wright claims that the accusations are University is investigating students claims completely unfounded He speculated that AH Events Weekend that new Public Safety officer Eric Wright he made some enemies while working at Student Spring Art Show Beeghly Library tried to buy marijuana from them United Dairy Fanners because he caught Alumni Art Show Mowry Alumni Center According to Fred Mover chief of Public students shoplifting and using fake identifi- Safety Wright was hired as a Public Safety cation The students who made the accusa- Friday April 12 officer on Jan 28 1991 and began to work tions said that they have never been caught 830 am Bookstore open somewhere around that same date for using fake identification or for any other 300 pm Track and Field meet Selby Field Students claim that Wright approached crimes never smoked 410 pm Chemistry Department Lecture Speaker Walter Ettinger 74 them and asked for marijuana while he was Wright said that he has an the Wilham Street United marijuana in his life Science Building employee at Dairy Farmers store during the 1990 Fall I think its bull that people wont come pm Chemistry Department dinner Mowry Alumni Center 500 semester One Delaware resident claims that forward and accuse me to my face Wright invitation only Wright attempted to sell him marijuana as said Id like for anyone who wants to ac- 600 pm Student Art Show opening reception well cuse me to come forward with physical evi- 600 pm Shabbat service and dinner sponsored by Hillel One student who granted an interview dence Hearsay is not enough MUB Faculty Lounge in exchange for anonymity said that during Delaware City Police denied the Tran- 800 pm Tartuffe by Moliere Chappelear Drama Center the first semester He Wright approached script access to any records of charges of 800 pm An Evening With Mark Twain Gray Chapel me and asked if I knew where I could get shoplifting or using fake identification even 1030 pm Spring Cabaret Stuy Smoker some weed The students response was a though the records are public according to hurried no and he left the store immedi- Ohio state law Saturday April 13 ately Don Chenoweth dean of student serv- Another student who also requested ano- ices called the matter very serious He said 730 am Parents Council Mowry Alumni Center nymity told of a different event which took that an investigation had begun hut were Phi Eta Sigma induction Sanborn Hall 800 am place in November He said Eric tried to not going to comment on the nature of the Sibs 800 am Fun Run Selby Field Little event give me his phone number with the interest of investigation 900 am Coffee and doughnuts MUB Lobby buying marijuana I said no and told him Despite whether the allegations are true 900 am Bookstore open that I dont smoke the stuff myself there may have been no way for Ohio Wesleyan 1000 ajn Conversation with the president MUB Ballroom A 19y- earold Delaware resident also to know about Wrights past before he was 1000 ajn Mortar Board induction Sanborn Hall claims that Wright is a habitual user of mari- hired According to Jennifer Hamlin direc- Wesleyan 1 1 am Picnic outside of Welch Hall juana Before he became a Public Safety tor of public relations at Ohio 2 1100 am Womens alumnae lacrosse game Henry Street Field officer Eric asked a friend and I if we wanted continued on page 1100 am Omnicron Delta Kappa induction Jemison Hall at Hall Student arrested 1100 ajn Tree planting Sanborn P 12 noon Carnival outside of Bashford and Thomson Halls pleads innocent Inside Little Sibs event By Todd Raphael and Margie Schultz 00 pm Induction for the Ohio Wesleyan Honor Society in Nursing Sophomore Bill deJonge was arrested 00 pm Mens Baseball vs Wittenberg at Littick Field March 22 1991 by Delaware Police and 3- 5 00 pm Mens Lacrosse vs Cortland State Selby Field charged with criminal trespass on a com- ENTERTAINMENT 00 pjn Outstanding Greek Alumni Award reception plaint by Ohio Wesleyan Public Safety Events of the Week Delta Tau Delta Fraternity invitation only DeJonge has pleaded innocent Tartuffe play review 430 pm Reception at David and Ellen Warrens home His father William deJonge said Uni- Annual spring art show versity officials are railroading his son and 135 Oak Hill Avenue possibly other students here as well Panhel crush party 615 pm Annual Psychology Honors and Awards Banquet Bob Brandt associate dean of student MUB Ballroom affairs said DeJonge was asked to take a se- OPINION 6- 7 700 pm Nursing 1991 Striping Ceremony and Recognition night academic Brandt mester off due to problems Editorial 700 pjn Movie MUB Pub Little Sibs event rescinded a letter saying deJonge could not 800 pm Tartuffe by Moliere Chappelear Drama Center be on campus because he was said to have set Letters to the editor 800 pm Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra Presidents Concert off fire alarms in Stuyvesant Hall In the letter Cartoons Gray Chapel dated March 4 Brandt wrote I am rescind- ing the ban from the residence halls indicated 900 pm Coffee House Stuy Smoker SPORTS 10- 12 930 pm Dance MUB Pub Little Sibs event in the earlier letter The Resident Assistant in Stuyvesant Sports Raps Sunday April 14 Hall involved in confronting deJonge was Mens Baseball contacted but refused to comment Brandt Brunch Stuyvesant Dining Hall Mens Volleyball 900 ajn Chief of Public Safety Fred Moyer and Sue Sharing our Faith Gray Chapel highlighted 1000 am Convocation Bowles the residential life coordinator in Tennis 1 00 pm Ohio Wesleyan mens baseball vs Wittenberg Stuyvesant Hall were all contacted but also 315 pm Park Avenue Jazz Band concert Gray Chapel continued on page 2 2 Hie Transcript April 10 1991 Drugs Qualifications campus officers continued from page 1 to take a physical prior to being for most of what the school knows hired by Ohio Wesleyan Chief of are by about an applicants background Public Safety Fred Mover confirmed explained chief of Public Safety is provided by the applicant that the physical included a urine By Andrew Sharer follow the same state laws that apply authority to arrest individuals they Hamlin added that Ohio analysis Chenoweth said he didnt Chief of Public Safety Fred to all Delaware police officers Public do not have the facilities to keep Wesleyan does everything in its think the University tests its em- Moyer said in February that a high Safety has modified some of these prisoners and therefore work with power to find suitable employees ployees for drug use school diploma or GED and good regulations to aid in better serving the Delaware Police Department by means of a complex applica- An expert on drug use at the health are the only requirements for the Universitys students Before the Delaware Police tion process A different selection Care Unit Hotline said it is hard to joining the department however an The main difference between Department comes to campus of- committee is chosen each time there say for what period of time traces of Ohio Police Training Certificate is a Delaware and an Ohio Wesleyan ficers always call Public Safety is an open position The commit- marijuana can show up in drug tests preferred Currently all public safety Public Safety officer is the ability first as a courtesy to maintain good tee Reviews the applications and That is because of variables such as officers have this certificate which of Public Safety to conduct a search relations between University forces makes a recommendation how long the person used mari- means all have at some time gone of a student room for any reason and forces within the Delaware She did not know whether or juana how much they used and through some police training because the University owns all community not background checks or checks how much they weigh She said Ohio Wesleyan Public Safety rooms and all students consent to Likewise when Public Safety on the applicants criminal record traces can appear for up to six months officers are commissioned officers searches before they are admitted feels it is necessary to arrest a stu- are conducted by the committee after the user quits but could disap- through the Delaware City Court to school dent the Delaware Police Depart- According to Wright he had pear after only one to two months System which requires that they While Public Safety has the ment is always informed Arrest continued from page 1 Those available for comment I was confronted by a RA on Brad Shellito filed a formal crimi- sonal stake in the case also He had refused to comment Don Che- were deJonge and bis father The the way up to the room deJonge nal trespass complaint against a confrontation with public safety noweth dean of student services following is what happened said He was questioning me and deJonge when trying to retrieve the bicycle said he didnt want to breach confi- According to deJonge he fre- I told him I got a letter from Bob DeJonge however said that his son still had on campus dentiality quently visited friends on campus Brandt and everything should have he and his parents met with Brandt When I got there to get his Its not a situation were going this semester in Stuyvesant Hall been cleared up who told them he never received bike back the confrontation started to discuss Chenoweth said but received a letter from Bob Brandt A public safety officer arrived such a call DeJonges father said he said The attitude of the public
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