GREEN COMMUNITY DESIGNATIONS REACH TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY AMESBURY SALISBURY MERRIMAC NEWBURYPORT HAVERHILL WEST NEWBURY CLARKSBURG METHUEN GEORGETOWN NORTHFIELD HEATH ROWLEY ROWE COLRAIN NORTH ADAMS BERNARDSTON ROYALSTON TOWNSEND DUNSTABLE LAWRENCE ASHBY DRACUT BOXFORD IPSWICH WOBURN WILLIAMSTOWN WARWICK ASHBURNHAM PEPPERELL NORTH ADAMS TYNGSBOROUGH ANDOVER TOPSFIELD CHARLEMONT GILL WINCHENDON ANDOVER ROCKPORT SAUGUS LOWELL HAMILTON ERVING SHELBURNE GROTON TEWKSBURY ESSEX MELROSE ATHOL CHELMSFORD GLOUCESTER BUCKLAND GREENFIELD ORANGE FITCHBURG WENHAM WINCHESTER HAWLEY SHIRLEY CHESHIRE GARDNER WESTFORD MANCHESTER LEXINGTON TEMPLETON LUNENBURG BEVERLY LINCO LN AYER BILLERICA MALDEN MONTAGUE MEDFORD DEERFIELD WENDELL WESTMINSTER CARLISLE ARLINGTO N LANESBOROUGH WINDSOR PLAINFIELD LITTLETON REVERE CONWAY LEOMINSTER SALEM EVERETT DALTON ASHFIELD LEVERETT HARVARD NEW LYNN HUBBARDSTON LANCASTER BELMONT CUMMINGTON SUNDERLAND SALEM ACTON BURLINGTON WALTHAM SOMERVILLE CHELSEA SAUGUS GOSHEN WOBURN PITTSFIELD CONCORD WINTHROP HINSDALE BOLTON PERU WHATELY SHUTESBURY MAYNARD CAMBRIDGE BARRE PRINCETON STOW NAHANT WILLIAMS- PETERSHAM WATERTOWN RICHMOND LENOX WORTHINGTON CLINTON BURG HATFIELD WESTON RUTLAND BERLIN HUDSON CHESTERFIELD WEST WEST PELHAM HARDWICK SUDBURY BOYLSTON NEWTON MIDDLEFIELD AMHERST MARLBOROUGH WAYLAND NORTHBOROUGH BOSTON STOCKBRIDGE NORTHAMPTON NEW FRAMINGHAM BRO OKLINE STOCKBRIDGE WESTHAMPTON BELCHERTOWN BRAINTREE CHESTER WARE SHREWSBURY SOUTHBOROUGH WELLESLEY BECKET HUNTINGTON EASTHAMPTON WEST NEEDHAM GRANBY WORCESTER BROOKFIELD SPENCER WESTBOROUGH ASHLAND GREAT BEDFORD HINGHAM BARRINGTON SOUTHAMPTON LEICESTER SHERBORN COHASSET NATICK HOLYOKE AUBURN HOPKINTON BRAINTREE NEEDHAM BLANDFORD EGREMONT GRAFTON HOLLISTON MEDFIELD NORWOOD SCITUATE WARREN WEYMOUTH CHICOPEE PALMER MILLBURY UPTON MILLIS CANTON NORWELL MEDWAY DEDHAM ROCKLAND WEST OXFORD WALPOLE QUINCY WESTFIELD SPRINGFIELD WILBRAHAM BRIMFIELD NORTHBRIDGE STOUGHTON MARSHFIELD SHERBORN WEYMOUTH SUTTON HOPEDALE ABINGTON HANOVER TOLLAND SPRINGFIELD CHARLTON NORFOLK STURBRIDGE GRANVILLE MENDON FRANKLIN SHARON PEMBROKE PROVINCETOWN SANDISFIELD AGAWAM MONSON UXBRIDGE WHITMAN WEBSTER DOUGLAS BROCKTON LONGMEADOW SOUTHBRIDGE DUDLEY MILLVILLE BELLINGHAM HANSON DUXBURY EASTON PLAINVILLE BLACKSTONE HALIFAX TRURO KINGSTON NORTH ATTLEBORO BRIDGEWATER ATTLEBOROUGH NORTON PLYMPTON WELLFLEET MIDDLEBOROUGH SEEKONK CARVER REHOBOTH DIGHTON LAKEVILLE WAREHAM Nine New Green Community Designations ROCHESTER ACUSHNET BREWSTER ORLEANS DENNIS MARION HARWICH CHATHAM BRAINTREE HOPEDALE ROWLEY NEW BEDFORD YARMOUTH FAIRHAVEN WESTPORT MASHPEE CLINTON NORTON WALPOLE FALMOUTH FALMOUTH PRINCETON WEST STOCKBRIDGE DARTMOUTH TISBURY WEST TISBURY New Green Community Designation - April 2021 CHILMARK AQUINNAH Previously Designated Community NANTUCKET J 25 J.Pfister, 4-12-21 Miles GREEN COMMUNITY DESIGNATIONS REACH 280 Designation Designation / MA Green 100% Date / Award Competitive Grant Grant Project Summary Population Communities Done Date Award Multiple $50,884,848 230 Jul-12 $2,419,773 18 Jul-13 $3,621,952 20 Jul-14 $7,625,169 42 Jul-15 $8,643,951 50 280 Jul-16 $9,130,159 47 5,972,714 Jul-17 $13,563,317 71 Jul-18 $14,037,983 79 Aug-19 $14,443,012 80 Aug-20 $12,735,576 52 Jul-20 $7,859,992 to fund energy conservation measures, energy management systems, variable frequency drives, and administrative support, in Dec-17 $164,900 X Town Hall and Library Abington to fund energy conservation measures, weatherization, LED lighting, air source heat pump, destratification fans, and 16,516 Jul-21 $200,000 administrative assistance, in municipal facilities including Frolio, Beaver Brook, and Woodsdale Schools, other town schools, and Senior Center to fund energy conservation measures, lighting, HVAC analysis, DHW heater, vending misers, and energy education outreach May-10 $150,794 program, in municipal facilities including Memorial Library, Town Hall, Public Safety Facility, Davis Memorial; and Acton- X Boxborough Regional School District to fund energy efficiency measures, demand control ventilation, unit ventilator controls, weatherization, and HVAC re- Jul-12 $140,738 X commissioning, in municipal facilities including RJ Grey , Conant, Douglas, Gates Elementary schools and Administration Jul-14 $229,819 tobuilding fund energy conservation measures in the Memorial Library and five schools X to fund energy conservation measures, LED streetlights, lighting, HVAC upgrades, and thermostats in municipal facilities Jul-15 $245,000 including Parker Damon Building, RJ Grey Junior High School, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, and Douglas X Elementary and Conant Elementary Schools to fund energy conservation measures, interior LED lighting, in municipal facilities including Parker Damon Building, Acton- Jul-17 $244,924 X Acton Boxborough Regional High School, and RJ Grey Junior High School 23,738 to fund energy conservation measures, LED lighting retrofits and insulation jackets, in municipal facilities including DPW Jul-18 $249,984 Building, Town Hall, Fire Stations 1, 2,and 3, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, Parker Damon Building, and X Administration Building to fund energy conservation measures, LED lighting and controls, in municipal facilities including Public Safety and Recreation Aug-19 $139,219 X (50 Audubon) Buildings and Acton-Boxborough Regional High School to fund energy conservation measures, LED lighting, retro-commissioning, hybrid vehicle purchase, and EV charging station, in Aug-20 $91,553 municipal facilities including Parker Damon Building, RJ Grey Jr High School, Acton-Boxborough RHS and other buildings, and X town vehicle fleet and infrastructure to fund energy conservation measures, hybrid vehicle purchase, electric vehicle lease, weatherization, and LED lighting, in Jul-21 $93,921 municipal facilities including town vehicle fleet, Memorial Library, 468 Main St., Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, and Parker Damon Building Dec-13 $154,225 to fund energy conservation measures in school and several municipal buildings X to fund energy conservation measures, HVAC upgrade, thermostats, lighting and controls, vendor misers, weatherization, Jul-15 $206,014 HVAC controls, demand control ventilation, in municipal facilities including Town Hall, Parting Ways building, Emergency X Medical Services, Ford Middle and Elementary Schools, Council on Aging, and DPW garages to fund energy conservation measures, weatherization, lighting, HVAC fuel conversion, and LED streetlights, in municipal Jul-17 $131,003 X facilities including Town Hall, EMA Building, Fire Station #1 & #2, and Golf Course Maintenance Building Acushnet 10,580 to fund energy conservation measures, insulation measures, lighting fixture modification, and LED streetlight conversion, in Jul-18 $132,287 X municipal facilities including Parting Ways Building, Police Station, Council on Aging, and streetlights to fund energy conservation measures, LED lighting and controls, in municipal facilities including Elementary School and Ford Aug-19 $171,494 X Middle School to fund energy conservation measures, LED lighting, interior, exterior and controls, in municipal facilities including Elementary Aug-20 $153,358 X School and Ford Middle School Green Communities Division, Department of Energy Resources Page 1, updated 9-20-21 GREEN COMMUNITY DESIGNATIONS REACH 280 Designation Designation / MA Green 100% Date / Award Competitive Grant Grant Project Summary Population Communities Done Date Award to fund an HVAC Engineering Study for Memorial School/Community Center, ASHRAE Level II energy audits for Town Hall, Dec-15 $166,865 X Adams Police Station, and Library, and LED streetlight and exterior lighting conversion for downtown and other areas 8,077 Aug-19 $15,000 to fund energy conservation measures, weatherization, in municipal facilities including Town Hall to fund energy conservation measures in municipal facilities including James Clark School. The energy conservation measures Feb-17 $207,970 funded are LED lighting retrofit, HVAC-R modernization, grant management assistance, and implementation of approved X energy conservation measures to be determined Agawam to fund energy conservation measures, EMS and air handling unit controls, and lighting, in municipal facilities including Granger 28,854 Aug-19 $201,133 X Elementary School, Library, and DPW to fund energy conservation measures, LED lighting, EC motors, evaporator fan controls, cooler miser, and VFDs, in municipal Aug-20 $177,396 X facilities including High and Junior High Schools to fund a HVAC assessment at the Middle School, purchase of two BigBelly compactors, purchase of an electric vehicle and Dec-13 $173,775 charging station at the Water Department, services, and the following energy conservation measures: an LED retrofit of period X streetlights in the downtown; and exterior lighting upgrades at the Cashman, Middle, and High Schools. to fund the following energy conservation measures at the Amesbury Middle School: installation of a new energy management Jul-15 $225,865 X system, destratification fans in the gym, and vending misers, and repair of heating system steam traps Amesbury to fund energy conservation measures in municipal facilities including Amesbury High School, Middle School, and Cashman 17,569 Jul-17 $250,000 Elementary School. The energy conservation measures funded by this grant are: weatherization, HVAC controls upgrades, X transformer upgrades, and installation of variable frequency drive pumps Jul-18 $250,000 to fund energy conservation measures, LED streetlight
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