)o Your Christmas Shopping With Independent-Leader Advertisers :**^*?*/^/^ liET THE "INSIDE' LOW - DOWN THE LARGEST SUBURBAN ON LOCAL HAPPEMNG3 NEWSPAPER I* THE COUNTY in TUB CROW'S NEST COMPLETELY CO V EKING BT th. NAVIGATOR WOOOBRIDGE, 9EWAREN, AVIMEL, PACE 16, TODAY'S ISSUE Jfnbepenbent - leata PORT READING, COLONIA tad ISEUW \XXJ. No. 41 \V<H>MiRIIM,K. N J, FRII»AY. l)Ki ' \\.....H'"-im- PKICK FIVE CENTS To Take Part In Avenel Ceremony HIGH SCHOOLNEW MAIN STREET DEVELOPMENT CONDSTO HOUSE BIG SUPER-MARKET [City Offers SaUry Stern Maintains Woolworth II. ol E. Member To Move 2,800, $700 More Rumor Says Fmirdl, Schaffrick To Shift Assignments Also To Establish Store ll BP Taken Down As an Is Paid Here WithFormerBecoming Chairman Of Road Committee In 65*125 Development Result Of Tests WoODHKIIXiK A ;.|,i ii II. Ailiimiistratiun Committee MENTOR J1LENT ciimniittiie tt&>ijpiiiu>[>U whu r i i,|. iniu'iUiiii> to asMime th« ud- 2 PROPERTIES BOUGHT POLE, A GIFT TO TOWN, place the Department of \ *uWii LNS FOR FUTURE Works under the direction of Sum Organisation OPPOSITE BANK HERE IS NOW 28 YEARS OLD uel Psrrell of tho Third War-Jni- In iiddition, the Third Ward He- ter the first of the year, is lining 1111icit11 organization is known to Niehomenal Success contemplated by Mayor August I1'- • insistent that Mr. Farrell be Work Already Started OB Came From Taconia By Gnintr. liucil in charge of the road de- Producing Many ,_U the change i» made, Mr_ Kur- •ntment on the strength of the Teariai Down Famous Way of Cape Horn, A Pret- rell will succaed Citti furt that it haa been some'time npionjhip Teams Jsmei Schaffrick in thja si me the place was given a Third Old Und-frUrks ^ ent From E. Demartit ntnt and the exchange, it Wurd representative:. lieVad, will be rounded out t»y th« Mr. Run kin has proved aft able Ir.iilDGE—School board naqalnt; of the Second WariS w" and discriminating Police ComiBiS- WOODBRIDGE —With w«fc* \ W(K)UBR!DGE — After stand- Anbury Park yesterday M chairman of the Finance Coin* siinu'i, respected by the rank and men ilresdy tearing down the old ) the report (hey are seek. ing in front of theiilgh aohool for tnittee, a post now Raid b^ Mr- file of the department The renom* Brown homestead on Main StMft, i'ivices of Nicholas A I L'K yiars, the flag pole that weath- Psfrell. Committteman Herb«it?> of Mr, Spencer as head of across Hie itreet from the Wood* Bsnkln will undoubtedly contiim* oodbrldge High School li'ii'il a sea voyage arqund Capa ilio Administration Committee in bridge National Bank, the M Police Commlailancr and likewise taken for granted because ; athletics. ni, will undoubtedly be taktn M dik A S of the high order of effleiency and whin questioned by a down in the very near future, mHf«»Rian Frederick A: p Hive of this newspaper, discipline he haa maintained among construction of a new shopping condemned as unsafe. will be roappolnted as chairmn o * I not to comment on the the Administration Committest, municipal employe* and depart- center which will definitely bout* At the last meeting of the Board jpi t city's proposal. How- It is ihe practice to rotate tti« ments. He haa held this post fur an A&P self-service auper-markti nuls there revealed they of Education, District Clerk Roy FnMic Works' supervisor ssniiwK six years. and in all probability a Woolworth :'il the Barron mentor a E. Anderson took up the matter of the majority members and ilnc« Farrell Besides, the probabality he wtlj Five and Ten Cent store, seven) $2,800. Bishop Moses E. Kiley be named Finance Commissioner, uiis to the flag pole and he was to« post has not yet been filled b? other chain concerns and a haluf b'm; to a statement by a Mr. FairteU, it is likely he vwll! l>« disposition to give this assignment Mr. gchaffriok also is equated to authorized to get Mr. Johnson, of r 1 shop, as well. • t>f ihe Park school board, named by Mayor Greiner or* N«* to M '- Spencer, but because of the be made chairman of the Commlt- Perth Amboy, the son of the man e requested to appear be- Blessing By Bishop Will Be^Given Year'i day. There has been »ni Vast details of his duties as head tee on Lights and Transportation The man'behind it all la Kd* body last Monday. He who erected the pole, to inspsct ward Lotery, of London, England, the entire athletic plant t. Mr, Johnson made several bor- who haa been very successful in , it is said, was greatly NewSt.Andrew's ChurchOnSunday ings and it is understood that be 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL One-Third Of Town's Population developing business centers in his l>y the propesal. reported that "although the tests wn country. Mr. Letery, who b alxo stated, the Barron Ceremony At St. Andrew's howed nothing radically wrong, mly 38 years old, is represented ii lil talk the matter over ACO1SES_BA11A,28 Goes To School, Nichlas Reports [.IVoodbridge school board To Start At 10:30 A.M.; MRS. NEWTON US;s>till the tests weren't so good." In iere by Judge Arthur Brown. a decision early in other words, Mr, Johnson diagnos- AIM Implicate. 4 Otte* Supervifhif Principal U Stoa-n Wid Dnigcstt, local real «*• Program listed is jeft it up to the Board of Edu- tiiU> firm, in conjunction with WAS 81 YEARS OLD Perth Amboy Men In Speaker At Meeting Of GRID SEASON NETS Hanford M. Twltchell, a dlraetor il.r, H«r« SM0O AVENEL — Catholic clergymen cation to make the fiaal decision. salary at Woodbridge the firm of Alb.rt B. A*WorJ from all parts of the state have One member of the fr>*rp), Story To Police He receives 11,700 for lit** inviW lo iJkiticitmle iii tht Widow Of CirilWuVttor- HltH SCHOOL S8I2. 1S JE_. AAhk Al'a'as^ss^ U&^ Vrfwwb tb« pr«wnt time, declared yettrc- City, have been instrni*rent«I in 28, of 525 Ranway Avenue, this and Church here Sunday morning. day that he would recommend to fore firemon at the annual Mrarlng tins necessary property. phrcs, was held for the gran«jjui*:y Possibility Is Total Will In comparison, coaching The Most Rev. Moses E. Kiley, Prominent Here •the Board that the pqle be taken of the Woodbridge Kx- The structure when completed tin nearby mutadipalitles Wednesday morning by Judssrc Ar- D.D., Bishop of the Trenton Dio- down as long as there was any !rnpt Ciremen's Association,' held Climb To $1,185, Wer- will occupy a 65-foot frontaire, as follows.: Tarferet, WOODBRIDGR-Prlvatc funer- thur Brown on a charge mewli y*i cese will hies* the new hou.se of question in regard to safety. hav« a depth of 125 feet and will ba Orange, 18,000; New al services for MrB, Josephine C. DehaV of a thirteen-year-old PeitJi n ^chuol Street Firehouae Mon- lock Reports worship at 10:30 A. M. At 11:00 Gift of Dtnuroit what Is known tn rc»l estate cir- ||k, $2,800; Elitabeth, A. M the solemn hi^h mass will Newton, a life-long resident of Anvboy girl by her mother. day night, Victor C. Nicklas, sup- cles as a "one-ntory taxpayer." It The flag pole has an interesting all cur- on Pagt Z) take place with Rev. Charles A. Woodbridgt, who died Monday at ervising principal of schools, out- will be of brick conatrucM«n and story attached to it On May \0 A-ttheaame time, Michae-UVix- rent obligations paid, the Wood- Dusten, former curate of St. lined twelve interesting facts con- will boast a smart facade hi'front the Soldiers' Memorial Home in 1911, W. H. Demarest presented nyeiak, 21, of 706 Charles Staxr*. bridge High School Athletic Asso- James' parish, of which St. An- The building will utilize the land Vineland were held Wednesday at a letter to the Board from his Perth Amboy, was arrested here tho educational system ciation will have a net bank bal- drew's Church is a mission, as : formerly taken up by the Boynton, brother Ernegt Demarest, who was by Detective Sergeant Geor«e B* of the township. ance Dt $872.87, according to a celebrant; Rev. John E. Kura, as the Greiner Funeral Home. Rtv. and, the Brown properties. The in the lumber 'business in Taconut, lint and turned over to Perth Ai*"*- statement filed, with the school deacon; Rev. Frances J. Lyons as Howard F: Klein, rector of the According to Mr. Nicktas, the land formerly irwned by Hiss Mar/ Washington, offering to send \»oy police in connection wLtb tr»e board's athletic committee bv Ste- sub-deacon and Rev. Thomas E. Trinity Episcopal Church, offici- approKimate.inLoi|munt; in town- E. Neary will he used for parking DEAD flag pole for the new high school same case. The girl has IUUK'II phen K. Werlock, director of ath- Carney, curate of St. Jamcsl par- ship schools is 6,300, \ which is purposes. ated. Burial was In the Presby- free of charge. The offer was ae three other Perth Amboy me*i,i|s«. letics at the Barron Avifhue insti- ish, .as master of ceremonies. one-fifth of the tlownship's terian Cemetery. ccpted by the Board of Education to the girl's story *o tution. Had Long Expsrionea Schendorf Dies Rt. Rev. Monstirnor Peter J. population.
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