MM EXCLUSIVE • MARY WILSON tells why . ~ MAY 31, 1969 ls weekly DIANA ROSS and By ROYSTON ELDRIDGE a rumour," said Mary. the Supremes are to The Supremes cur­ take more solo work. rent hit, " Living In break up. Shame ,. is at number The rumours aboL•t SOLO 19 in the Melody 11 Diana Ross leaving the Diana will be do­ Maker Pop 30 this group were confirmed ing more spots on her week. by Supreme Mary own, but for six or eMORE ON PACE S Wilson to the MM from seven months of the New York this week. year we'll still be mak­ ing live appearances and SPLIT records," said Mary, The final split will who is herself consider­ not be for II a year or ing releasing a solo two,'" but the three record. girls - Diana Ross, Talk of Tammi T er­ Mary Wilson and Cindy rell replacing Diana in DIANA ROSS: she will be doing more solo appearances Birdsong - will under- the Supremes is " just MONK QUARTET FOR RONNIE'S WHEN Thelonious Monk's Quartet comes to Britain in the autumn to appear at Jazz Expo '69 in London, the group will almost certainly stay on to play a Deal under way month's season at Ronnie Scott's Club. Thi! deal 1s not yet signed and sealed, but the club expects that Monk will open there for November on Monday, November 3, ring at the club, will be Kessel in a Guitar Festi• and remain for four fo llowed on June 2 by val (June 30). weeks. Jazz Expo runs U.S. guitarist Kenny Bur­ The Les McCann group from October 25 to Nov­ rell's quartet and singer open on July 14. ember I. Sandra King. The club celebrates its It is hoped that the After their two-week tenth anniversary later Clarke-Boland Big Band season, the club will pre­ this year. will be at Ron nie's for the sent Maynard Ferguson's month of October. Big Band (June 16 for a Barney Kessel and Jon fortnight) followed by Hendricks, currently star- John Williams and Barney I I I Adv rllum nt 'DIZZY' AT No. 2 IN THE CHART Fl"H COLUMN TOMMY ROE, whose " Dizzy " has risen to PLUS TWO No 2 in the chart this week. visits Britain for a brier promotional trip Tommy Roe from Saturday (May Tht> mht-r wt>e-k I ,,_ 31). Already fixed is ahetut WALL\' \\.HYTO:\'S n~ Top Of The Pops on smRI .. Ot.rr 0, THt RO.\O.­ June 5, and radio dates roST -' Tf' IIJI 1~ th, ''Jif.1 are being lined up. l~ue' num~r. to leap Olil an4 1 ( 1 I CET BACK . Beatles. Apple Agent Barry Clayman ('lr de r 11 no..., ~c-ause- 1t - 11 2 (6) DIZZY Tommy Roe. Stateside told the MM: "Tommy has to visit released on the 23rd M.1~ Th, 3 (3) MAN OF THE WORLD .. Fleetwood Mac, Columbia to be back by June 6 for rerord fr-ature-1 a stttl hal\d 4 M Y SENTIMENTAL FRIEND .. a commitment in Disney• y, h1ch JU Vet 11 someth "l (If a (2) Herman's Hermits, Columbia land in Hollywood We 5 (4) MY WAY .......... Frank Sinatra, Reprose different sound. the ver, atron hope to brmg him back rhythm c-ome1 frorrr WALLY'S 6 (8) BOXER .. Simon and Garfunkel , CBS later for a long trip,-pos• 12-.stnn& ,:ui1ar, JON MARI 7 (7) BEHIND A PAINTED SMILE Isley Brothers. Tamla Motown sibly in July, August or September " guitar, Bal.AN BROCKLE­ 8 (1 0) RACAMUFFI N MAN . Manfred Mann, Fontana HURST bass. and TO Y C~RR 9 (5) COME BACK AND SHAKE ME . ... Clodagh Rodgers. RCA Britain con,:• drum<t 10 (16) LOVE ME TONIGHT ......................... Tom Jones, Decca BARRY IN FESTIVAL the late Ar.drew Gold, who 11 (9) GOODBYE . .. Mary Hopkin, Apple was BBC Chief Assistant, DRUMMER BARRY MARITN L.i;:ht MUSIC 12 (13) ROAD RUNNER Jnr Walker and The All Stars. Tamla Motown lefl Britain last week with his On the ME.RC L R) ,;;id..- thert 13 (19) GALVESTON ............................. Glen Campbell, Ember Ragtime Band to represent arr- 1hrtt alhums 1n I.heir JAZZ 14 (22) TIME IS TICHT ................. Booker T and The MG's, Stax VARIETY FOR SALENA SERIES fo r J une--,o don·1 ~:~~s ~~~!7est '6~e -/:.':" b2.~ forget to order no \O>--the\ &rt PINBALL WIZARD .. is doing a 10-d• y tour, which 15 (11) Who, Track •• JAMBO CARIBE" - Dlu\ 16 TRACKS OF MY TEARS started in New York, before! AMERICAN SONG. TRESS (20) reaching the Crescent City Salena Jones complete!= her G11Jesp1e (MERCURY SYjwi. Smokey Robinson and The Miracles, Tamla Totown today (Thursday}. first•ever cabaret stint at 21024), .. RICH CR A FT"­ With Martyn are Clive Lond<. n's Savoy Hole! on 17 (23) AQUARIUS AND LET THE SUNSHINE IN Wilson (tpt), Dick Douthwaite Budd) Rich and his Orchcstl"ll: Fifth Dimension, Saturday (June 7) After o ne Liberty (cit), Frank Naundorf (tmb), week off, slie goes north for (MERCURY SMWL 21"5), 18 (14) CUPID ................... Johnny Nash, Major Minor ~r~~~o:i!·i~s!rno) Af~! oabaret at the Chanee Is ., TIIE HER05MEN" (MER· 19 (17) l'M LIVING IN SHAME ~h~: Club Newcastle (week c,f June weeks in New Orleans they ROE , CURY 5MWL 21038). Now the-n Diana Ross and The Supremes, Tam la Motown embark on a furthtt JO-day 15) Snd Warren Club, Stock­ --a bit morr detail .. J AMBO Diueylancf Date port (29) tour of the Slates before fl y• CARIBE" (MERCURY 21024) 20 (12) ISRAELITES ......... .. Desmond Dekker, Pyramid Ing home 21 (1 5) HARLEM SHUFFLE .. ..... .. .. Bob and Earl. Island al Song Or The Ye.ar); " I 1s a lovely rc-,ssue and 1s well 22 (18) GENTLE ON MY MIND ....... .. Dean Martin, Reprise NOVELLO AWARDS Close My Eyes And Count To OTIS PROMOTED worth getting It features 23 (21) BADCE . Cream, Polydor Ten" by Clive Westlake (Most DIZZY, JAMES MOODY tenor THE BEATLES, the Bee Gees, Romantic Song Of The Year): 8 flute, KENNY BARRON piano, 24 (29) DICK-A-OUM-OUM Des O'Connor, Columbia Le..,i; Reed and Barry Mason, " Build Mc Up, Butterrup," !h~!s kif~ 1~~~ ~~d:r:st 25 (27) HIGHER AND HIGHER Jackie Wilson. MCA Clive Westlake and Bonzo Nell by Tom Macauley and Michael CHRJS WHIT£ ~uitar, RUDY D'Abo (Outstanding Dance­ 18 months ago, 1s the first 26 (28) SNAKE IN THE CRASS lnnn were among the wm­ artist to be promoted into tbe COLLINS drums, and KANSAS ners or the I 968/69 Ivor Beat Song); "I'm The Urban Rhythm and Blues Associa­ F1ELOS percussion •• RICH­ Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich. Fontana Novello • wards for Bntish Spaceman " by Neil Innes (Novelty Song). tion of Great Britain's new CRAFT" (MERCURY SMWI. 27 (24) PASSING STRANGERS popular music. The awards Hall or Fame. were presented in London last Light Music Composition Of 21035) 1s somethmg for the­ Sarah Vaughan and Billy Eckstine, Mercury week by Douglas Muegeridge, The Year was ., Ring Of The Association's annual BUDDY RICH fans with a per. 28 (-) OH HAPPY DAYS . Edwin Hawkin Singers, Buddah controller of Radios One Kerry " by Peter Hope. Ger• awards dance at llford Palais and l'wo. tificates of honour were last week attracted a crowd sonnel that'M scare the pants 29 (-) I THREW IT ALL AWAY ....................... Bob Dylan. CBS The awards are: "Con­ awarded to " Abcrg.1venny" of 1,000 and among the artists off you-EMMETT BERRY, l-1 l'D RATHER CO BLIND .... .... Chicken Shack. Blue. Horizon gratulations " by Bill Martin by Marty Wilde and Ronnie who appeared were Joyce HARRY EDISON, J O FER­ and Phil Coulter (Most Per­ Scott, " Massachussetts " by Bond, J J . Jackson. Don s Two titles tied for 29th position formed Work); "Hey Jude" the Gibb brothers and Lennon Troy, Marsha Hunt, Oscar RANTI:., STAN FISHELSON, by John Lennon and Paul Mc­ and McCartney's ·• Fool On Toney Jr, Ram John Holder, and JIMMY NOTflNGHAM top twenty albums Cartney (Highest British The Hill " A posthumous Tony and Tandy and Root and trumpets, EDDIE BERT, BIUY Sales): " DeJilah " by Les Reed award for outst3ndnig services Jenny Jackson. Alan Pricl! BYERS, JIMMY CLEVELA D, and Barry Mason (lnternation- to British music was made to presented the awards fl I HA.SHVILU SKYLINE Bob Dylan, (BS 11 1101 OllVER .. Soundtroc.k. RCA WILLIE DENNIS trombones, 12 ) OM THE THRESHOLD OF A DREAM 12 (111 THE au.nu (Oo11ble Albllml EARLE WARREN and PHIL Beatles, Apple Moody BlUt"S, Derom WOODS altos, AL COH and l UI BUT OF THE SEEKERS ~! ~6:~D OF ·elun Boys, Cop,tol Secke~, Columbia g~: :ce:rR BLUEBEAT B EN N Y GOLSON, ttnors, 4 IS) [LVIS PllUU:Y {NBC TV SPECIAL} Vor= Ar1os1,, Decca Elv1 :,, Presley, RCA 15 (12) GENTLE ON MY MIMD STEVE PERWW hantnne, S f7) HOLLIES SING DYLAN Dean Mortin, Reprise HOT 10 JOHN BUNCH piano, SAM Holhe1, Porlopho,,.e 16 (171 ROCK MACHINE I LOVE YOU 141 HAIR London (01.I, Polydor Voroous Artists, CBS , 111 WHO YOIJ HERMAN guitar, PHIL LESHIN 17 (lBJ THOU WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE 16 1 SONGS FROM A. ROOM SALUTE YOU . (ol~m, Fontal'IO GONNA RUN bass, and or course BUDDY Leonard Cohen, CBS 18 /16) POST CARD M:iry Hoptur,, Apple RICH on drums-a nd, I almost I (QJ U:D ZEPPELIN led Zeppchn, Atlontu: 19 1-1 WORLD Of MANTOVANI TO 9 481 GOODBYE c,~m, Polydor Monlovon1, Decca Th,a laelw,,q.,.,_ CAM.El · 10 forR,Ot, ERNIE WILK.INS d1d 10 1111 THE SOUND OF MUSIC 20 (19) THIS IS DESMOND DEKK ER the arrangemenl9---now 1r that Sovodrrock.
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