TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1970. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR lKattrl?]^j04Fr lEu^ntag l^txnih See the Back-To-School Supplements in Today*s Herald •____ • Bloodmobile Visit Marks HOIMES ^^une.'zd^yorne. Averse Daily Net Press Ron The Weather 1400 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER,CONN For The Week Ended I h O W ARD h o l m e s ARTHUR HOLMES NORMAN HOLMES Angnrt U, 1970 Partly cloudy, not ao cool to­ 20 Years of Free Service night and tomorrow. Low to­ night about es. Chance of after­ Those Connecticut residents who turn­ ed program has been sponsored by the 1 4 ,7 8 0 ralh noon-evening showers, thunder­ ed 20 years of age on or after June S Connecticut State Medical Society, the showers lliursday. State Department of Health, and the Memcheater— A City of Village Charm have been protected each day of their Hospital Association. lives by the nation's only all-state free -V Sharing sorrow lightens sorrow. That's VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 272 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TWO TABLOIDS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1970 (Ofauslfled AdvertUng os Bagn M) PRICE TEN CENTS blood program. The goal o t the program is to keep on hand at all times enough blood to why funerals came'into being . why On that day in 1990, the first Red fulfill the needs of every hospital in families are encouraged to have a Cross Bloodmobile visit was made in the state. public funeral instead of a private one Danbury, and, on the following day, the second visit was made in Manchester, In the first year of the program, the . and why friends and acquaintanc­ at Center Church. statewide total of donations was 63,733 es of the deceased are encouraged to State Democrats U.S. Will Confront pints, which was used mostly as whole, The first in line to donate blood in blood. Last year, the total number of attend. town 20 years ago was Arthur Murphy pints collected in Connecticut was 138,- of 16 Hackmatack St. Murphy said he 217. Go to the Polls Reds with Charges plans to make an anniversary donation HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — ant clergyman, became active One pint donated today can conceiv­ when the Bloodmobile visits Manchester ConnecUcut’s Democrats vote in politics two years ago when Thursday between 1;4S and 6:30 p.m. at ably £ild as many as six recipients. today in a three-way primary he led the Eugene J. McCarthy With advances in technology, one pint SOUTH SIDE Made by Israelis St. James’ School. ENTRANCE to pick a replacement on their presidential campaign in Con­ can be separated into a number of com­ Ucket for Sen. ’Thomas J. Dodd necticut. He has appealed for Murphy also was on hand at the 10th ponents, each with a specific task. 'A —^who has left the Democratic the support of labor and has By FRED 8. HOFFMAN anniversary of the Blood Program, along fold but refuses to be counted used his liberal base as the AP Military Writer with seven others of the original donors Despite the increase in donations, the out. foundation for a statewide cam­ WASHINGTON (AP)—The United States is taking and three women staff members. demand constantly escalates. The blood Dodd, censured for alleged paign network expected to bring up directly with Russia and Egypt Israeli accusations of Murphy said he did not know the total bank is never “ full” enough. In addi­ misuse of campaign fimds In a high percentage of his sup­ violations by them of the Middle East cease-fire agree­ number of pints he has contributed over tion, summer demands are even great­ 1967, bowed out of the party’s porters to the polls. ment. The U.S. itself is still examining the recent the years. er because of the Increase in elective struggle for the nomination in With a low turnout, both of charges. surgery during vacations and the oc­ June, when it appeared he his opporvents concede, Duffey In a statement Wednesday, Since 1960, the Red Cross administer­ currence of more accidents. wouldn’t make a strong show­ could stand a good chance to the State Department an­ ing at the state party conven­ win. nounced a U.S. conclusion that tion. He is now running for re- Both Duffey and Donahue are there was “ forward deployment IsraelisHit election as an Independent. trying for public office for the of surface to air missiles” on ’The Democratic convention first time. gave its endorsement by a nar­ Donahue is 54, a successful the Egyptian side of the Suez row margfin, to Alphonsus J. businessman and a veteran of Canal front before the cease-fire Arab Bases Donahue, the choice of state fundraising for the Democrats went into effect and "som e evi­ M O R O party chairman John M. Bailey. for years. His chances are ex- dence” indicates this movement But convention delegates also pected to increase with the size continued beyond the cease-fire In Lebanon gave enough votes to two chal- of the turnout produced by the deadline. ’TEL AVIV (AP) — ’The Israe­ The NORGE Permanent Press 18 lengers — State Senate Majority big-city ptirty organizations. But the statement declared li command said its warplanes Leader Edward L. Marcus and Today’s balloting is the Dem­ that “ our evidence of this (for­ attacked Arab g;uerrllla bases in the Rev. Joseph Duffey, nation­ ocrats’ first experience with a ward movement after the Automatic Dryer Lebanon today. It was the sec­ A Cake for Her 87th Birthday al chairman of Americans for statewide primary in Connecti­ cease-fire began) is not conclu­ :.V ; * ond Israeli incursion into Leba­ Happy birthday wishes accompany the cake presented to Mrs. Charlotte Democratic Action — to qualify cut. Last Wednesday, when Re­ sive.” for today's primary. publicans held their first state­ non in aa many days and the Chelpanolf on her 87th birthday Sunday by Mrs. J. Robert Bedlack of "Vernon The effect of the statement third in five days. All three are in the general wide primary, about 33 per cent on behalf of the Manchester Junior Women’s Club. Mrs. Chelpanolf was born and of comments made by a A spokesman said the planes category of "doves” the is­ of the eligible voters turned out. Aug. 16, 1883 in Sweden, and has been making her home at Laurel Manor o n State Department spokesman on struck for 30 minutes against sue of the Vietnam Weir, and State law has allowed primaries Israel’s charges was to deny full targets on the southwest slopes Convalescent Home for about three years. A busy person, she spends much of all have stressed economic is­ since 1955, but this is the first her time knitting, crocheting and helping the other residents of Laurel Manor. support for the Israeli accusa- ©f Mt. Hermon, east of the Has- sues like imemployment, Infla- year in which challengers have tlons, to appeal for a prompt banl River and near the fron- She has a son, Frank Carlson of 232 School St., a daughter, Laura in Califor­ tion and the high cost of bor- pressed their bids all the way _ » «<•• start on peace talks between Is- tier. All planes returned safely, nia, and another son, John, in Florida. The Junior Women’s Club provides birth- rowed money. to the ballot box. rael and the Arab states and to he said. But Marcus has spent much The Republicans nominated . day cakes for the residents at Laurel Manor and at Holiday House as a part of South Vietnamese troops round up Cong prisoners in Cambodia. (AP Photofax) renew U.S. assurances of mill- Israeli troops blew up six (7 effort on appeals for "law and Congressman Lowell P. Welcker their community service. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) YOUR tary support of Israel. houses in two border villages in order,” while Donahue and Duf- Jr. last week, and he was im- Students Say “ I do want to make clear,” ground raids Saturday and fey have tried to get the votes mediately rated the favorite, of blacks and Puerto Ricans in Dodd’s presence in the race is press officer Robert J. Me- ’Tuesday. Stays with Walter Dolls ^Tiger Cages’ Closkey said, “ as President Nix- Israel Has continued opera- the cities. expected to hurt the Democratic Sources Say U.S. Helicopters Marcua, a 43-year-old lawyer, candidate—whoever he is—more on and Secretary Rogers have tlons against guerrillas since done before, that we will not al- ceasefire began on the Suez Not Abolished low the balance to be upset—to Canal and the Jordanian fron- Swiss AFS Student Inside Laos be turned to the disadvantage of m l ^ h t Aug. 7. BgjTt. Land South Viets SAIGON (AP) — Saigon stu- jarael Jordan-------- and Israel------ --------accepted the 497 Vote in First Hour SAIGON (AlP) — The South Souphanouvong, the leader of mercenaries trained by the tl.S. dent leaders accused the South U.S. position has been____ commandos re- To Arrive Thursday Vietnamese military command the Pathet Lao, made the Special Forces and paid by the Vietnamese government made to the Israeli government today denied Communist charge last Saturday in a letter U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- Wednesday of reneging on a by the American ambassador in 'We are continuing our usual Robertson School on N. School Miss Ursula HEisler of Schaffhauseij, Switzerland, will At 1 p.m. today, after the charges that Its combat troops delivered to Prince Souvanna cy. ’They include Montagnard promise to abolish the ’"Tiger Tel Aviv, Walworth Barbour. It activity to assure the security of St.
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