Kw;', ;■ J ’*. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, i U 9 ite ThaWcathar, Avwsta Daily Nat Ftm e Raa ^nir^»at«r Ctt^ntej ijgraKi Feeaeaat at O. a. W«atlM» Banaa'; Won «ha M tm tk af aeptombw. i$4» ous Methodist. Boards and leadlag Sair, whMIy aad aaatianad vary The Stanley flraup of South Vew Building laymen and laywomen. 9,676 warm thto aftemoont partly etogady .jitbadtst ebunb will maat to­ Pi^israting Silk City Aw G Pri^Eg Thla meeting to to serve as a aM faxUnaRd mUd wttli aeattarad kick-off oecasldn for tha. begin- night at 7:48 and have Mlaa Kmlly oTef Ihe AaiH nfcaaaia late tonight. Smith talk on bar racant trip to. g o f a etudy o f a aeries of t;lie B est of Everytkin^ I e< CUeehdldee On Leonard St. eight “Faith Booklets", to be stud­ Manehe$ter -^ A Cliy of Village Charm T ki «< ^ lUaohMtw Buropa with tha Oirl SoouU. ied simutaneously by tke church’s ____ aad Loan AMoeiatlon eight and a half million members. \ ifS b* flloMd tomorrow th obMW* Mr. and Mrs. Charlaa J. Brad­ D illon Cdmpany to Con> During tha day group dlscusalons MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1949 (TWENIft PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS shaw, of 281. Center strait. (CtaMUtod AdvateMtog aa Paga IB) aaeo eC Cotumbua Day. will be held, and a youth banquet in entertainment for VOL. LXIX., NO. 10 nounea tha Wrth of a son, William struct Salesroom There in the evening* i m , 3 t f ftariB, of S4 Drlva F, Charles, at Hartford hospital on The Advance program rapre- October 6tb. —Work Commenced wm grant tlia uta of bar h o m e ^ ■ents Methodiam’B poeltiva thrust tke wkole family Student Tiupped in Debris m arrow avaning at $, ter a pubUc Unable to* handle tha volume of at secularism and Indifference, party to bo bald for the n a Buckland-Oakland club and has the two-foIA purpoae of News Tidbits meeting which was to have been business at the present location on Defenses Crumble baaafit of Bunaet Council No; 46. tha comer of O ntor and , Church deeper understanding of the basic Culled From (/P) Wires to. of P. Tbere wUl ba prlaea and held tomorrow avaning has been elements of the Christian faith, postponed until next week. atreet becauae of crowded and in­ ratraabmanta. adequate apace, the Dillon Sales and an over all increase In mis­ sionary gl'vlng, including overseas Mra.'Ra^h Rockwall, chairman, and Service, local Ford daaler, Is Before Red Drive; •When present strike situation Tha North Mathodlat W.8.C.8. erecting a new building on relief. la over U. S. is In for the greatest and members of the rummage sale The program at Worcester will wlU maat tomorrow afternoon at 2 committee will ba at tha Second the northeast side of Leonard period of prbsp^ty it has ever on: begin at 6:18 a. m'. and will con­ o’clock at the church. Congregational church vestry atreet near Main street known. Secretary of Treasury I Work has already started on the' tinue throughout the day. All are John W. Snyder says., m m e this evening to receive articles for welcome to attend. Moving on Canton the sale there tomorrow at nine new alte. Surveyors havo " stakad Minister Jawaharlal Nehni bf In­ o’clock, which is a project of the tha land and early this morning dia seta out on strenuous gbt-ac- woritman were clearing the area. PRESCRIPTIONS Lucy Spencer group. qnalnted tour of U. 8 .:. New sur­ The brick buUding will be one ElemenU of Communist gical technique for espo5in|( pon- CALLED FOR Mrs. Ralph Kilpatrick, of 87 atoty 148 feet by 60 feet John R. East Carman cregg one of body's most import­ Horton road, gave a party Satur* Wennegren, local contractor and HALE'S Atinies Within 35 ant organs but also one df most., AND day afternoon. In recognition of builder,? has been awarded the difficult to explore in time of the fourth birthday of her small contract Miles of / Tottering trouble—is announced by Univer­ Busy Man Puts Dollar Fleet Admiral Scoffs Oonatnictlon Is sxpected to get Headquarters Head Pledges Russia Again DELIVERED daughter, Oall. Twenty-five rela­ sity of London doctor in ^ew Or­ In Mail Box; Gets It Back \At B-36; Asserts Bul- A lt Conditioned tives and friends helped to Cele­ imderWay this week and DiHoa Provisional: Capital of leans. , brate the event, and remembered plank to move Into his new sales FOR j lets from Fighter room about April 1st of next year. China; Thousanda oi Red Guidance There’s a sweet-fooed little old Seeks Count I^wrenceburg, Tenn., Oct. PINE her with a choice assortment of lady of 73 in Berkeley, Calif., JaU beautiful ahd useful gifts. Games [ Chinese in Hong Kong 12.—(O—H. A, Cunnlnghein. a I P^es Only Things who brags about crime the way busy man, walked to a mAil PHARMACY were' played, and a feature of the Pictured above Is Bliss AUcs Bsokns of 88 Woodland street s c ^ t t a g most Women her age talk of sew­ I Lik^y to Be Stopped; luncheon was two birthday cakes deUvery of the flrat prise, sa B. C. A. Victor ’IWile noodel ’TeletvUloa Local Clergymen GrotewohlFormRlly Pre­ O f A-Bom bs box here yesterday, a letter In' 664 Center Street Hong Kong:, Oct. 12,— (ff) ing or knitting, .‘"rae Most Beau­ made for Oall, one baked by Mrs set from BIU (Bullet) Shaw, of the Silk City A. C. I ^ k l ^ «m to one hand and a dollar in the I Need During War Will T e l 2-9814 Roland Bendell of Hilliard street, sents His Communist' tiful GirU In the World" wUl have other. Burt Pearl of Pean’s Appllaace and Furniture Centre, Televtalpn deal­ To Attend Parley I— Nationalist defensese in to seek new portals after Satur- and the other by her mother. Varl. 'south China crumbled today Austin Calls Move *An* He opened the chute— and Be FasVPlanes Which colored balloons predominated In er from whom the seta were purchased. The I***® .J^„*,**^ Packed Cabinet; Six< dgy night’s closing performance at torola Portable Television set won by A. d. LeOanlt of 818 Billiard before fast moving Gommu- fabulous Earl Carroll theater-res­ mailed the dollar. the decorations and each child re­ street. Ho Is a student at the Dalveralty of Connecticut.________ Rev. WUIard J. McLaughlin of Point Program Given other Attempt to Fool He waited at the post office Ctin Hlirass Armies ceived one. niat Armiea. Red elements taurant'in Hollywood.. Fearing the North Methodist Church and another BUck Dnhlln slaying, Los and got his dollar back—then Rev. Fred R. Edgar of tha South were reported within 35 Public* After Secur­ WashWton, Oct. 12,-^fl^ The W. 8. C. S. Group of North The Mothera Circle of the Sa­ Berlin, Oct. 12 — i P h - Prime Angelea police launch Intenalve moiled the letter. •fss HIElOItu Sunset Council Methodist church will bead groups miles of the tottering provi­ search of Griffith park’s Fern Dell ity Council Demand Methodist church will meet tomor­ cred Heart will meet Thursday of members from their respective Minister Otto Grotewohl formally —Salty Fket Admiral Wil- row afternoon at 2 at the church. evening at 8 o’clock with Mrs. J<T- sional capital of Canton. The presented hla Communist-packed for body of Jean Spangler, film liqm F. (Bull) Halsey scoffed churches who will attend an Ad­ bit player. seph Sylvester of Scarborough To Hold Party vance maas meeting at Worcester, government fled to Chung­ cabinet for eastern Germany to­ Lake Success, Oct. 12—(IP)— at .the Air Forces’ big B-36 Holy Family Mother’s Circle road. Mass., Thursday. king, far In toe interior. TJiou- Government mapa plans for Russia has renewed her demand will meet tomorrow evening at 8 ■ande of evacuee* Jammed Hong day and pledged his government fresh start in Chicago trial of Sees Passage bomber today aa a “siege” This meeting is one of 78 simi­ Ranges, Refitgeraton television • fni-ani radio • phonograph ter a world wide count of atomic at the home of Mrs. Harry Long, Mlsa Margaret Hyde who has Mrs. Ronald Farris of 34 Di lar gatherings being - held across |Cong. to Soviet Russian policy. Preston Tucker and seven asso­ weapon. He said it can't stop 148 Bissell street. been spending the summer at her G, Silver Lane Homes, will gjt America, from September 29 to W ashers and All ISVi laek rletare tube with new R«da In Outlying Suborba Confirmation of the cabinet by ciates on charges of fraud and bomba by the United Nations. U. O f Farm Plan an enemy and likely '^ u ld U ^ ^ W IN rE R cottage at Grove Beach Point, has the use of her home for the W M k ly November 2, as part of Metho­ ■■•A teV IB W eereea give* 25% more the- People’s chamber, equally conspiracy stemming from their S. Delegate Warren Austin, called never stop anything ex^pt Tomorrow, Columbus day, Is returned to her apartment on Pre-Natlonaliat reports here Communist-dominated, win be vot­ Mlsa Gayle Keen, tO, of ihroetproof, Fla., her face contorted by pain, setback party of Sunset Coimdl, dism’s four year Advance for Other Appliances arcs. , ctysal-deer television picture. Simplified aald Communist troops had en­ promotion of rear engine outomo. the Soviet move "another attempt bank holiday and the local banks Depot.
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