j- PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 Hanrh^Htfr iEttptting ^if rald Artngt DaUy Net Press Run BVr The Week Ended June 28, l t « The Weather About Town Announce Engagements Students new to Miancbester Thunderstorms tonight. Low I9gh School lare b^lng register­ 15,459 In 60s. Partial clearing tomor­ ed at die school on Tuesday and iianrljpatpr Uprali row. High In upper TOe to low Thursday 8:30-11 ;30 a.m. and ■ v i a g n a v o x . ANNOUNCES HaneheMter— 4 City of ViUoKe Charm 80s. 1-2:80 p.m. They must present a VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 272 year-end report card or have (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1969 a transcrtpt torwazded to the (ChMslfled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE TEN CENTS school prtor to registration. New etudents entering Orades 11-12 win be tested at the high school ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH! Tuesday, Sept. 2, at 10 a.m. Stu­ dents who do not regilster be­ fore the Labor Day weekend cannot be guaranteed a pro­ gram for the first day of school. Camille Toll: 128 Dead The Town Nativity Scene Committee will meet at 7:80 to­ G l'LF PO R T , Miss. (A P ) night in the coffee room at the — An increasingly grim pic­ Municipal Building. ture of Hurricane Ca­ GIs Rushed mille’s devastation along The West Side Old Timers Set & Forget ■ See It First the Gulf Coast emerged to­ Committee will meet Wednes­ day at 7 p.m. at the home of To Reinforce day as rescue workers un­ Clarence Gustafson of 81 Brook­ covered 23 Irodies in an field St. Lorlng photo UirtnK photo) apartment complex, rais­ H ie engagement of Mlsa The engagement of Miss f Mauled Unit ing the death toll to at The North Manchester Al- Laurele Oarolyn Brook to John Katherine Rose TanUUo of Ver­ 1 least 128. Three more Anon family group will meet SAIGON (AP) — Hundre* of Michajel Halloran, both of Mian- non to William K. Breen of Wap-1 i were killed in Cuba. Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the TV U.S. infantrymen were rushed cheater, has been announced by ping has been announced by I to the itAUng fbothUls 80 miles ”Wc know there are more Parish house of Second Congre­ t^ tes.” .said State 8«». Nap her mother, Mrs. Avlc C. Brook her parents, Mr. and Mra. south of Da Nang today to re­ gational Church. The Thursday •NC CENTER Casalbry. coordltuUor of OtvU group will meet at 8 p.m. In of Roslindale, Maas., and her Benedict Tantlllo of 5 Hunting- lieve two Amerioen companies ton Dr. badly battered by a North 'Viet­ Defenae along Mlssbuippl's the Pathfinders Club at 102 father. Perry Brook of Brook- cotirtul strip ”We esUmate the Norman St. Both groups meet Her fiance Is the son of Mr. namese force seven Umes their m llne. Mass. sixe. final toU will be between 150 and weekly, and are open to friends and Mrs. Francis B. Breen of| J" 200.” Her fiance is the son of Mr. Associated Pnees Oorrespond- and relatives of a person with 87 Timber Trail. ent Richard Pyle reported that It was suil too early tor an ea- a severe drinking problem. and Mrs. John J. Halloran of Miss Tantlllo, a graduate ofl the two companies from the tlmale of damage along the Newington. Rtjckvllle High School Is em-| Behind The Counter O r Behind The Tube. Norman's Has The Experts! 196th Light Infantry Brigade, to­ ciuistal resort area, but CUst- Men of all ages are Invited ployed at Travelers Insurance! Mian Brook la a 1968 grradu- taling 177 men, had suffered bry e.stlmate,l $500 mtlllon In to alng with the Manchester Co,, Hartford. atc of Northeastern Univeraity about 40 per cent casualUes—15 damagen to coastal mtlltoTy In­ Chapter SPEBSQSA every Mon­ Mr. Breen Is a graduate of| Three of the Green Berets charged in the fatal shooting of a suspected C!om- Oollego of Nursing, Boston, People You Know You Can Depend On When It Comes To Service. men killed and mono than 60 stallations akme Manchester High School and| day night at the Army-Navy Mass, She Is employed as a reg­ munist double agent are shown, Tuesday, outside a bachelor officers’ bar­ wounded. But American officers nvU Defense and other offl- Hartford InstKute of Account­ Club on 1090 Main St. The istered nurse at the Parkway said the outnumbered Infantry­ cUils set what they termed a ing. He la employed at Pratt racks in Long Binh, South Vietnam. From left are: Col. Robert B. Rheault of group, which sings In four- Pavilion, 'niompsonvlUe. People You Know Con Fill You In On The Latest Features. People men together with American ’’war coimcll” for later In the part, barbershop-style harmo­ Mr. Halloran received his BS and Whitney Division of United Vineyard Haven, Mass.; an unidentifie d man; CWO Edward M. Boyle of New bombers and artillery had killed morning to tighten up opera­ ny, requircB no voice testing degree in matheimntiloB in 196B Aircraft Corp., Bast Hartford. 148 North Vietnamese. tions tn the hnrd-hit area. lor participation. from Central Connecticut State The wedding Is planned for You Know You Con Trust. You're Kind O f People! York City and Capt. Robert F. Marasco of Bloomfield, N. J. (AP Photofax) Four other smaller fights ”\Ve’ve got a management Feb. 7, 1970. College, New Britain. He ia em­ also flared in South Vietnam’s problem,” said Wade Gulce. a Army Pfc. Kenneth G. Du- ployed as a junior high school northernmost provinces from Civil Defense spokesman. poni, son of Mr. and Mrs. mathematics teacher by the south of Da Nang to the demtll- ’’We’re running a supermarket George E. Dupont of 117 Ridge South Windsor Board of Ekhi- Public Records tarined zone 200 mUes to the with a clerk.” 8t., la serving os an Infantry­ cation. north. U.S. Infantrymen and ”Tlie problem Is so vast we A Glimpse at the Accused: are miring down In .M alls and man with the Amcrical Division Hie wedding la planned for Warrantee Deed South Vietnamese forces re­ In Vietnam. Dec. 20 in Boaton. Robert L. luid Margaret M.j ported kilting a total of 251 can’t »ee the forest for the Gordon to Edward L. and Maryl North Vietnamese In the area. trees,” he said "W e’ve got to M. McKeman, property at 18o| U.S. casualUes were put at 18 be more strict but I don’t mean WelU* St., conveyance taxi NOW . the first and only fabulously convenient They Stand Tall; Don Berets killed and more than 70 wound­ martial law We’re unloading $30.26. ed. generators fur the water wells TOTAL AUTOMATIC COLOR TV . a new and mmr (U»d pros|>erts are gtud that PLAZA DEPT. STORE Murriuge LIcenseH LONG BINH, Vietnam (A P ) on. He talked with the others “On the biaste of the secretary Fighting alao continued on a 'A exclusive ELECTRONIC SYSTEM which —The U.S. Army let newsmen and laughed a few times. reparts from smaller scale in the Saigon re- we’ll lukvr water lines back In (W e IBive A Notfon 1V> Please) Ralph Vincent Need, Mcri-| operiitiun asm at Gulfport.” djin, jind Antonia Margucrttel C O M B IN E S all the functions of the three look today a* some of the Green officers otficers ’’ r w « v « . ^ sklrmlKws rang- IL SDDDUO TPKB. (Neort to HifaiMr SOrb) Outen aiil.t Vice President Spiro Clementlno, 105 Amott Rd.,| Beret ndtieew. u He . ...jer '^ k e d out of their billets and “ ^ Dsfenee from 20 miles south of the OFBN WED. ■ FBL tlU B Magnavox innovations described below. If the Berrt officers it Is holding under ^ ^ “ ’•***' capital to 80 miles north of the T. Agnew w«ui expedted to sur­ Aug. 23, St. Bart]K>lomew| vey the situation personally In Church, f; murder charges but made the their shirts and green berets on, Y ” ' ^ made to detennlne city. ’Two Americans and 22 ene- Color T V brand you’re considering DOES N O T oorrespondents stay 30 feet their backs straight. They re- information may be made my were reported killed and 13 Gulfport and smne aourem said SCHOOL SUPPLIES Jerold William Oasida, Eastl away so Uiey couldn’t quesUon turned to the billets a *(hort without prejudicing any Americans wounded. Agnew already was In the area. BALL POINT PENS CELLOPHANE TAPE Hartford, and Walll Edith Ber-I h HAVE ALL THREE, it is already obsolete; for only ___ _ 'k while later, led by Rheault puff- prosecution and with- in another secUon of the cOun- Agnew’s office m Washington FILLER PAPER (High Count) tram, 470 Adams St., Aug. 23,[ M agn av o x TA C banishes annoying color The seven officers and a aer- on a thin cigar compromising the rights of try, the central plateau, heavy Five iter.sons await re.scue on rail track In'tween Culfi*ort and New Orlean.i as was non i-onimlttal, however. Zion Lutlieran Church. RULERS, ERASERS and BINDERS geant accused of conspiring to The other officers are Maj. potential defendants.” B62 raids Indicated a new ene- Ntraiiwhlle, the Weather Bu­ variations and the need for bothersome their large frame hoii.se wa.s lifted tiy the 150 mile an hour winds of iimricane A ll Tour Sobool Needs Ane A t The Pkua Ernest Joseph Bozinet, 4c| murder a Vietnamese double David E.
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