University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 8-7-1920 Spanish American, 08-07-1920 Roy Pub Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news Recommended Citation Roy Pub Co.. "Spanish American, 08-07-1920." (1920). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news/384 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. University H M AL ' JUL JjL1L SPA "With Malice toward None, wkh Charity for All, and with Firmness in the Right" Volume XVII. ROY. Mora County. New Mexico, Saturday. August 7, 1920, Number 30 ' -- ST. GEORGE SCHOOL BASE BALL' SUMMARY OF "A STATE- - Reception Paj-i.- Schools Notes The New School MENT TO THE COUNTRY" Serious Accident Bp.11 A reception has been planned for Base game Sunday at'Roy The Roy school board met in regu- Father Felix Vachon, pastor of the Maintaining that the prodigious Acónito Balasquez, of Carrizo, Friday evening of this week, unique Starts 8, P.M. Springer vs Roy session Monday evening, and pro- Holy Family church, requests that and g number of mil- lar in many ways in the annals of Roy. A baseball game at Roy Sunday, met with a very serious accident ceeded to canvass the minutes of the the names of all children who intend v lions of Americans who are not even It is a farewell expression to Rev. August 8th, is scheduled, at which Thursday morning. His horse work done during the last month, to enter the new St. George school nominally affiliated with churches and Mrs. O. W. Hearn and 'family on Roy will attempt to retrieve the re- fell on him crushing pelvic finding it very good and satisfactory in September be sent to him by the presents a crisis, not of churches, not tht the eve of their departure for Las cord lost last Sunday at 'Springer, to all members. members were parents, together with- - the grades of of creeds, but of morals and charac- bones and causing internal inju- All Vegas. When the affair was inspired when that town romped on them to present. A considerable mass of cor- the children. It is necessary to have ter and freedom, 8,000 laymen of the ry. His neighbors, Hal Warner the first thing apparent was that it the tune of 8 to 1. respondence was taken up in order this information as soon as possible, Unitarian church have- combined in W, could not be merely a Roy went with a picked-u- p team and C. Yarbrough brought church recep- in order to make arrangements for "A Statement to the Country", in and disposed of. tion, for Rev. Hearn to fill vacancies and were pre- him to the Plumlee Hospital has been too not which "No insight and The lease-o- f the Lucero building books and other school equipment. they say: man of much a factor in the life of the town pared to play against the $20 Trin- all is being done for him school purposes was unanimously It is now certain that the school build can look at a fact like this and not that 13 for outside the church to admit of even idad pitcher of the Springer team. approved and appreciation expressed ing which had been blessed and dedi- understand that a historic change, possible. his own congregation claiming this This game Sunday will be for real the work of the president, R. Lo- cated a few weeks ago, will be ready grievous in its injury and perhaps for right to him selfishly, so the plans winnings and a good, clean game, pez, in securing same. for classes as soon as the other school ominous of disaster is befalling this were extended to include all who re- played by the players, with no scoring Joe Lopez and Manuel Valdez, Two applicants for the position of of the town resumes, about Septem heir and hope of the ages, the United cognize and appreciate all he has done by the umpires. of Wogon Mound, came to Roy primary teacher were considered, oth- ber 6th. States of our Republic." been to the town and community. Friday ers for which the board had deferred The Sisters of St. Dominic will be Recent and authoritative surveys to attend the Fair meet- Accordingly all are to have a part The special meeting of the Odd Fel- action having been withdrawn. The in charge. reveal the unsuspected and alarming ing as representatives from their in the reception. Great quantities lows last week resulted in a decision position was unanimously awarded to fact that the unchurched are now in town. of ice cream and cake have been pro- to just get busy and make Lodge so Miss Mamie Harris, of Fort Sumner, A son of J. W. Robinson arrived a considerable majority in the United vided and a program committee has interesting that all will want to come N. M., who has a splendid record of here last week and will locate as a States. The Unitarian laymen ad- been busy rounding up talent for an rather than adopt any of the methods The plan to hold the Democrat primary work at Fort Sumner and plasterer and cement worker. He dress themselves impartially to both entertaining session. It is understood suggested for inducing attendance. convention at Roy has been other points and unquestioned recom- comes with the best of recommenda- groups, to those who are affiliated chan by ail that this is to be an attempt to That's the true spirit of fraternity. mendations. tions and will be á welcome addition with the church as well as to those ged in the interest of expediency express at this time much of what the Penalties or prizes are alike out of Four candidates for the position of to our rather short list of builder ex- who are not. From the statement The delegates will meet in the community has known and felt but place. Service is its own reward. principal were considered, all of them perts. that "the proselyting busybody is county which it has been tardy in exDressine convention at Mora Aug. with the best of references and re- abhorrent to our spirit and unknown of appreciation of these sincere work re- The Santa Fe Fiesta, the historical 23d and then stop at Las Vegas commendations. The board decided Attorney J. B. Lusk and family to our tradition", plus the repetition ers who have labored so lonir and pageant in which is some for the state convention on upon the application of Mr. Cameral turned Monday from their auto trip that "we would disturb no man's sin- the faithfully among us. to eastern points. They of the thrilling scenes of a history Bazzil, of East Las Vegas, as the Texas and cere convictions, nor disparage the way home, Aug. 24th. All are invited to this receDtion at older than that of any of the Atlantic most suitable although all were very had a fine time and improved his work which any church is doing", the Christian church Fridav evening. rheumatism immensely. states, will be held September 13th desirable and a second choice could "We earnestly hope that our fellow Mr. Dodds. a son of under-tak- er August 3rd. You will be allowed to and 14th. It will be spectacular, as the easily be made from among them. citizens who believe in the historic assist with the entertainment and re Elmer Neill and family arrived well as educational, and will be well J. C Dodds is working at The teaching force, if these two creeds and desire them will enter freshments both as well as enjoy from Hilldale, Indiana, Sunday in a worth managing your vacation so that the Liberty Garage. He is an ex- accept the appointment will be as fol- ' the churches that teach them. We them. new Dodge car in which they made you can witness it. lows: wish these churches well. They are pert auto mechanic. the 1,700 miles in 10 days and burn- Cameron Bazzil, principal, 9th and indispensible in maintaining the great The Mesa Co. has ed but 80 gallons of gasoline. A heavy rain to the north of Roy 10th grades; Miss Ernestine C. Grze-lachows- prevailed tradjton, and in meeting present Malaquias Baca, formerly of upon Wolcott L. Russell, to They now know that they will nev- Sunday wet up all the country as far 7th and 8th grades; Miss needs. But you, fellow Americans, Roy and Mosquero, one accept, tentatively, the position of er live in the again and are look- as Springer and Gladstone, Monday a but now Lena Lusk, 5th and 6th grades; Miss east who cannot enter by the gateway of a Manager for the business thev nlan ing for a location. Elmer of rain from the southeast seems to have of the attaches of the Internal Leda Schnell, 3rd and 4th grades; talks creed, yet who are distressed by your to start in the near future in Roy. getting land under the Springer ditch, finished the mesa in that direction, Revenue Collector's office and liv MissTillle Branch SC3nd Grade, churchlessness, and are aware of the Mr. Russell still has his own busi he may here on so that it had the effect of a general Miss Mamie Harris, primary.
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