Few showers High: 62 | Low: 46 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Monday, June 27, 2016 75 cents First flight EASE ON DOWN THE TRAIL Young Eagles Program offers kids a taste of flying at Airport Day By TOM STANKARD from far above. [email protected] Before they got a ride in the IRONWOOD TOWNSHIP — plane, Lovelace showed the kids Young Eagles saw the North- how to conduct a pre-flight woods from a new perspective check. while being 3,000 feet in the air “How many have ever flown Saturday during Airport Day at before?” he asked them. A couple Gogebic-Iron County Airport. hands went up. Lovelace demon- Pilots donated their time and strated how to check the tire’s planes, and kids brought their pressure, check for leaks and enthusiasm and smiles as dozens check the oil. of youth took their first plane It was 10-year-old Payton ride as part of the Experimental Birkmeier’s first time in an air- Air Craft’s Young Eagle Pro- plane. gram. “Look, it’s Powderhorn Moun- The Young Eagle Program tain,” said Birkmeier, of Iron- was launched nationally in 1992 wood, as she looked out the win- and is closing in on its 2 mil- dow of the plane piloted by lionth ride. The program’s mis- James Hubbard, of Bessemer. sion is encourage youth to con- Children also got to ride in a sider becoming a pilot when they helicopter flown by Donald grow up. Giackino, of Marquette. Lorne Lovelace, of Ironwood, Isaak Fyle, 10, of Bessemer, said he became a pilot because of said it was a “cool” experience. the program. Air Choice One had a plane on “I went to my local airport, got display as part of the Airport a ride and that was it,” he said. Day festivities. There were door The pilots were volunteers prizes including airline tickets, Tom Stankard/Daily Globe who used their own planes Sat- LORI DRAY, of Ironwood, acts as the Wicked Witch of the West from the “Wizard of Oz,” as part of her “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” exhibit urday to help children see the for Art in the Miners Park at the Miners Memorial Heritage Park in Ironwood Sunday afternoon. The outdoor art exhibit features nine area Northwoods and Lake Superior artists and will run through Aug. 28. It is presented by the Friends of the Miners Memorial Heritage Park. AIRPORT — page 5 Little Finland RUNNING FOR A CAUSE celebrates New Beginnings hosts color midsummer run around Sunday Lake By TOM STANKARD [email protected] By ISABELLE KLEINSCHMIDT prizes given away that were HURLEY— As rain poured, [email protected] donated by local businesses. Little Finland hosted its annual WAKEFIELD — New Begin- New Beginnings is a non-prof- Juhannus celebration Saturday nings had a good crowd for its it organization that offers sup- inside with polka music, dancing Color Run/Walk/Roll on Satur- port and resources to local resi- and camaraderie. day morning at Sunday Lake in dents in need. Its fundraising Juhannus, or the Finnish cel- Wakefield. throughout the year helps it stay ebration of midsummer, is This was the eighth annual in operation. marked on the Saturday closest run/walk fundraiser for New The organization gives par- to the longest day of the year, Beginnings, but the first year enting classes, diapers and other usually between June 20-26. that the color was introduced. necessities to new parents, and “The sunset stays on the hori- “We put this on to raise funds as offers a wealth of other resources zon and never goes down,” said well as awareness in the commu- to the public. Seija Jarvenpaa, a Finnish lan- nity,” said New Beginning’s New Beginnings employee guage teacher. Director Stephanie Minielly. Diana Friedli said, Jarvenpaa said the midsum- The run began at the John “We’ve seen a lot of changes in mer celebration is the biggest Siira Pavilion at Eddy Park. Par- the area through the years,” said celebration in Finland, even big- ticipants followed a route around New Beginnings employee Diana ger than Christmas. Sunday Lake. At the finish line, Friedli. “We try to stay involved To celebrate, Gary Schlais, of New Beginnings staff and event with the community to be aware Mercer, played the accordion as coordinators threw colored pow- of those changes.” traditional Finnish folk dancers der at the runners and walkers Freidli and other mentors are moved around the dance floor. as they arrived. available at New Beginnings to The celebration usually After the run, participants help new families with an array includes a bonfire, but the were treated to hot dogs, chips of issues that they may be facing. inclement weather kept things and beverages provided by To reach New Beginnings or inside. Isabelle Kleinschmidt/Daily Globe Knights of Columbus, and live to volunteer, call 906-932-0414, Hot dogs and refreshments Von Lyons runs through a cloud of color at the annual New Beginning’s Color Run/Walk at Sunday Lake music by Denise Haas and or stop by 126 W. Aurora St. in were served. on Saturday. The event was a fundraiser to support New Beginnings’ work with families. Tammy Grewe. There were also Ironwood. Interstate Falls ceremony celebrates purchase of property By RICHARD JENKINS long-time owners Donald and ball Community Center, the ded- conservation easement on the legislators, state Sen. Janet Watermolen Foundation and the [email protected] Nancy Siebert before transfer- ication ceremony was held. The property. Once this effort fell Bewely and state Rep. Beth Mey- Modestus Bauer Foundation. KIMBALL, Wis — Area resi- ring ownership to the town of trust’s executive director, Bryan through, Pierce said the focus ers, enough funding was restored After Pierce and Kimball dents, officials and supporters of Kimball. Pierce, started the ceremony by shifted to purchasing the proper- that the grant application could Town Chairman Ron Ahonen the Northwoods Land Trust “I didn’t want to commercial- recognizing the state and town ty outright and donating it to the go through, said Pierce. spoke, Siebert gave a brief histo- gathered in Kimball Saturday for ize (the property). I didn’t want officials in attendance, as well as town. Half the purchase price came ry of the property. a ceremony marking the town’s to build houses (on the land),” the current and former members The efforts were almost from a stewardship grant, Pierce “The reason I wanted it was acceptance of land bordering Donald Siebert said during the of the trust’s board. derailed again, he said, as cuts to said, with the remaining funds my dad — he was dead already Interstate Falls. The The North- ceremony. “I wanted it to stay Pierce then gave a brief histo- the state budget eliminated fund- coming from a variety of private — but he always wanted to buy woods Land Trust, an Eagle the way it is so anyone could go ry of the effort to acquire the ing for the Knowles-Nelson Stew- organizations including the it, but it was never for sale,” River-based organization dedi- there.” falls, explaining the group has ardship program being used to Caerus Foundation, James E. cated to conserving land, origi- After the trust’s annual meet- initially sought to simply get a fund a portion of the purchase. Dutton Foundation, John C. nally purchased the land from ing and a short lunch at the Kim- purchaser to agree to include a With the work of the area’s Bock Foundation, James & Jane INTERSTATE — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY SOARING EAGLES Classifieds . .12-13 Daily Globe Inc. Sunday Today’s records High 80 High 97 (1971) Comics . .11 Vol. 97, Ed. 151 118 E. McLeod Ave. Few showers Band among 2016 Low 63 Low 34 (1925) Community . .3 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 Kennedy Center hon- Ironwood, MI 49938 orees Entertainment . .14 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .7 High 75 48 hour to 7 a.m. — Entertainment yourdailyglobe.com Low 48 Sunday .68 in. Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 page 14 Sports . .9-10 5 Miles West Of Ashland on Hwy. 2 Sales Hours: 8-7 Mon.-Thur.; 8-6 Fri.; 8-5 Sat. 1-715-682-8400 • 800-296-3819 FIVE STAR www.ashlandfordchrysler.com • 5stardealers.com/ashland 2 l MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2016 NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Few Showers Sunny Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny 62º 46º 68º 50º 75º 55º 73º 54º 72º 52º Winds: 10-15 mph W Winds: 5-10 mph SW Winds: 5-7 mph W Winds: 5-7 mph W Winds: 5-10 mph W Ontonagon LOCAL OUTLOOK 59/48 .*/01%+2%+"33%422%5*4631%73*8/1%49"24%+"6$% 0%-(:%7$0;72%*<%4$*+2=4>%$"#$%625?2=068=2% Bergland *<%,@A>%$85"/"61%*<%,B:&%C246%+";/%D(%6*%DE% 60/46 5?$&%.$2%=27*=/%$"#$%625?2=068=2%<*=%6*/01% :DNHÀHOG "4%FBA%426%";%DFBD&% Ironwood 61/46 45 Saxon 62/46 64/49 Marenisco SUN AND MOON Bessemer 61/46 Watersmeet Hurley 64/46 2 Upson 64/44 Associated Press 66/48 66/49 H8;="42%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%EID(%0&5& LT. DENNIS Feazell, of the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, rows his boat as he and a co-work- 51 H8;426& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 'IEB%?&5& Mercer er search flooded homes in Rainelle, W. Va., Saturday. About 32,000 West Virginia homes and businesses J**;="42% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & D@IK-%0&5& 66/48 J**;426%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%DI(E%?&5& remain without power Saturday after severe flooding hit the state.
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