Page 8 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, October 10, 1983 Trips for Travel Abroad U. of M. Enrollment Jumps Fourth Annual Cancer Survey Gourmet Guides Available The fall and winter seasons are Enrollment at the University of The fourth annual follow-up in Gourmet Guide restaurant hoolaJ J:.~ ("L~ ton E. Kilpatrick, Chief gaining rapidly In popularity as a Maryland this fall jumped from an the Cancer Prevention Study spon­ sponsored by the Junior Chamber lat Shiader1111, lppoi1ted It Ill Adait Book S.·h·tion, Princ-e vacation time. expected increase of 1,319 students lrtenbtlt sored by the American Cancer of Commerce and sold through the ; (H·or~t·'s :\~Nlwrial Library Hundreds of thousands of Ameri­ to an actual increase of 2,260. Society gets under way October 1, Women's Group of the Jewish (EJ. not. This ;, the first of a ser­ cans are busy right now planning Reporting to the Board of Regents, according to Mrs. Harry W. Penn, Community Center are now on sale. Board; le,w la!I!L!• Be fiiW Ies of brid book notes written by for a trip abroad. They know they University President Wilson H. El­ Jr., Chairman, Cancer Prevention The hooks contain 16 coupons, to .Mr. Clayton Kilpatrick, chief of can miss the busy tourist seasons kins added that the five year rise Study, Prince Georges County. be ·used over the course of a year The G.H~Board of Directors elected Nat Shinderman to fill' adult book selection, Prince Geor­ in other lands; they may be able has brought campus enrollment More than one million men and at the following restaurants: Old the seat vacated by Henry Brautigam, who resigned when he mov­ ge's County :-Icmorial Library. The from 10,818 in 1958 to a total of to save money through off -season women over the age of 30 have been Angus Beef House, Gustl's, La Salle ed ~rom Greenbelt. Six persoua had been nomluatecl to JJ1 the 18,943 this fall - an increase of notes will include recent books, rates on planes and ships and In enrolled in this national project Du Bois, St. Regis, Alex Stuart's, lttws Btv~w po&Jtion and Shinderman waa elected on a 4 to 2 vote. and interesting older titles in cir­ 74.3~;.. The total will exceed 19,- hotels. which began in 1959 and will take Dolphin, Blue Marlin, Maxlme, A rea1dent of Greenbelt for 19 culation in the county. Any book 000 by the end of the week. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER If you're planning a fall vacation, six years to complete. More than The Judges Inn, Napoleon's, and Vol. 27, Number 46 New Bus Line from Plaza years, Sbinderman was lnltrumen­ on the Jist may be requested at the keep in mind a few pointers that Noting that this Is the last year 20,000 persons are enrolled within Conrad's. Each coupon Is good GREENBEL~MARYLAND tal In lettlnf up the perwonDeJ pro­ Greenbelt branch library.) before the so-called tidal wave of Thursday, October 17, 1963 To University, Ch.evy Chase will help to inst,~re that your t~ the state. for one free meal, with a paid gram for tbe bnn.tnc deve'opmeat VOICES OF GWRY gradmitlng -lifgh -school students is a pleasant, healthy journey. In Prince Georges County, there meal of equal value. Call 474-7481, RIB f1vors Sep1r1le The D. C. Transit Company tbls In the beginning when It wu own­ by David Grubb reaches the colleges, Dr. Elkins WHAT GOES ON are 137 volunteer researchers, each 474-6400. week inaugurated a new direct bWJ ed by the U.S. sovernment under The author of the immensely Depending on where you are said, "if we have experienced a Thurs., Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m. contacting an average of ten fam­ ·AGENDA service between Beltway Plaza P.H..A. Hll 111111tanee clariDe tbe popular "Night of the Hunter'' has going, you probably will need some 74% increase In our College Park Divi•c Bait for Pool Special Zoning Meeting, City Ilies. Maryland researchers have The Recreation Advisory Board and Chevy Chase <Wisconsin and transition period to private OWDer­ written a probing novel of life In vaccination shots. Smallpox vac­ enrollment during the past five offices REGULAR MEETING been cited for contacting 99 per in an opeR meeting with city Western Avenues) via the Univer­ sblp under G.V .H.C. II eredltecl Glory, West Virginia as It Is con­ cination within the last three years years when Maryland high· school Sat., Oct. 19, 7 pm - 14th An­ cent of enrolled persons at com­ Post Office Exam council on Wednesday, October 9, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF sity of Maryland, Prince Georges with enabling the corporaUon to earned with and touched by Mar­ is required for ~entry Into the graduations have Increased by 47%, nual Greenbelt Little League pletion of the second and third sur­ went on record as favoring the Plaza, and Silver Spring. Tbe bus­ continue Its service with no clela:FL cy Cressop, Public Health Nurse, U.S. With your passport applica­ then what kind of Increase should The next written examination IDI• Awards Banquet, Firehouse GREENBRT, MARYLAND tion you get a form for your Inter­ vey&, and rank third In accuracy ~rinciple of two separate pool un­ es marked J-4 leave the Beltway Sblnderman hal contlnually been who as the story opens, Is on trial we expect In September, 1964 and der the Civil Service Post omce Mon., Oct. 21, 10 am - Millinery In the National Survey. Its, rather than an L-shaped pool. Plaza every hour, starting at 7:02 called upon to &llilt In the JDallllle­ for practicing medicine without a national certificate of vaccination. 196:1 when high achool graduating examining program In Prince Geor­ Course, Co-op Hospitality Rm. Information on the enrolled sub­ Its selection of Plan A, which calls October 21, 1963 a.m. After 7 p.m., the buses will ment of pel'IIOIUiel on a volilntary license. Marcy comes through as a It will save red tape snarls, and classes will Increase from the 31,- ges County will be held Saturdq 8 pm- Band Practice, Youth jects In the survey Includes expo­ for a separate diving pool and the 1. Meeting called to order. run to Silver Sprlnr ooly, the Jut . basis. believable and whole person possibly severe Illness, If you fol­ 078 graduated last June to 35,092 afternoon at 2 o'clock, October 19, Center sure habits, occupatiollll, heredity, use of the existing pool for swim­ 2. Roll call. one leaving the Plaza at 10:10 p.m. The election of a new treuurer, through revelations of a dozen or low the rules on thls form. Ask <June, 1964) and 40,080 (June, 1963 In the cafeteria at North­ 8 pm - City Council meets contacts and medical histories. ming only, was based on Informa­ an office allo held by BraqUpm. .,;J characters who knew and were your doctor whether you'll need 1965) ?" western High SchooL rues.. Oct. 22, 8 pm - Library 3. Minutes of Reg-ular meeting The complete run to Chevy Cbue These factors are being explored tion given by city manager James was placed on the ~ 'fOr the tnfluenced by her at some crucial any other shots, such as typhoid. Evening enrollments at College Meeting, Co-op Hospitality of October 7, 1963 and Special will take about an hour, with a for domlnent clues as to why some The examination will take ap­ K. Giese and Mr. Scharf of the en­ next meetinr. NM!netJCiGi were point in their lives. The richest And while you're getting your Park, Elkins reported, have been Room meeting of October 17, 1963. fare of approximately 80 cents. T.he people may be more likely to get proximately three (Sl houl'l!. Par­ gineering firm, Greenborne and received for the other ·vacaziet .. on man in town, the bad boy, the shots, ask your doctor to give you determined by the number of facul­ Wed,, Oct. 23, 8 pm - Art Films, 4. Petitions and Requests. fare to Baltimore Boulevard and cancer than others and what fac­ ticipfmts are requested to be In the O'Mara. Taken Into consideration the Board, a director to ftD · · the mother of a hill family _ these and a general physical checkup. If ty available to properly staff the Jewish Community Center Campus Drive Is 15 centa, with an tprs In our environment can be examination room promptly at 2 li. Additions to agenda by chair vacated by !lana JoJ'8'e'Men. others tell their own stories, hut you take regular medications. make also were factors of ease of super­ ThUI'II., Oct. 24, 10:30 am - additional 8-cent fare for BtoPI on courses offered. Registration this Identified as contributing to or p.m. They should be through the Councilmen and Manager. at the same time add pieces to sure of your supply while away vision, recreational use, and econ­ BuslneBBmen's Meeting - Ed­ the campus. 'I'he buses run Mon­ p~-- fall is 1,5111 as compared to 1;216 causing cancer. test at approximately 11:30 p.m. omy. the portrait of Marcy. Mr. Grubb's from home. Medications for motion In 1962 - a 24.6% Increase. gar Smith's office 6. Wrlten Communications. day through Saturday, with no ser­ A rroup of memben .. of· the marked talent creates a whole no- sickness and intestinal disorders al­ In adopting Plan A, the RAB Thurs., Oct. 24, 7:411 pm - GHI 7.
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