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A lluImer's GUide to theB.tstory of elleo.- ~ sa hcl 8oa.g--wt1U.-. stOll••: .. _~.tna........]n.... ., ~"~h~ho1d 1'prirtft'8 • ., 1'1q .I (..'.. b~bolu ................. ... 3,. Bau4hook-h•.e !be.. _1n Stnkes Jlae1t-ooLuctaao 1..- cn........ldtda New aad ~Sbda.t• .. al"el=1t.ed aboutOd'·.~...1 ,Ir ,...... De 100Idag fot.'Wal'd .to ..e of ioiC.C. t •.beK _~g:.t-.tftttt••. no.t..... ,...•.~•••• • t~~. _eft a!1) 7 .*leo_. t~ e-.c P tfi Jr. .., ~................. pclel .... a.. td ••~ ....1 J ~,-- .... • Ul . .. 1fW·SIdad ~htu ·tM caf .. 'l'lo,.tor on td'Pt_~,.:1.8 .t, $1... ~ ... tilt..... *.~hOd. ___ .pu wil1_jO'1 the ·lIew t.utt ...,.. _of ........ you td!1 ... tbel 1fy 'beiagcaMful wtih eat'tDa. 2:. - 7:s) ! ..It. t.&t~ lqU~lloiA 6:00 1'.:8. ~ ¢tub (~ <:1 ) ~,~at2f; 'tOO A... ..~ Cltot\) (in Club ~ Il'i:ar......t 27 9:dM) A.H,. ~ C~ (1'4 fa.ab ' ....'.A1iW•••- >~"""JJO Art Show ifl S~ ~"$ ~, ft. A..L ..... ~. (in ~U fIIl\IitIMra) ..... 10diO AM. ~nl~b (~ m.ub ...) ~hOO A.JIt. ~ al~t ~tlb',~ 12:.3t - 1130 W..taWQwk SM'p (:ttl S~"'t ~) 9~."ltOO P."" U.i~ ft~iZ_ ~..~ OR~teV:U1~ it. ,~.. ~, f:~b (..\\ekb~) 1:00 '"K. ~$1att'i1. t6_ht~...... , , " " "" ... -.,.. THE -STUDENT SERVICES- ---------------------~--------------------------' THE STUDENT SERVICES-COURIER - - - - _. A FORJyL.-\I.. INTRODUCTION The Office of Student Activities welcomes you back to the fall semester of 1982-83. We wish to serve you in the best possible fashion and in order to do so~ we invite you to submit articles (in writing) about club activities, etc., that may be published in this publication. Articles of interest for the students should be submitted by t-Jednesday, the ~veek prior to publi.cation. Bac.h week on 1rJe.dnesday. the Student Service Courier ~vi.ll be put out on various locations around the Campus, which include the Library and student Union. Please submit information to the Student Activities Office in the Student Union building (3S-106) by at least the end of the working day, 5:00 pm the Wednesday prior to publication. The Associated Students and the offic.e of Student Ac ~ivit:i.(;:.s announce a special elect:Lon for officen~ for the Associated Student government (day students.) The oiftces of Vice President, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer, are available for interested candidates. Petitions should be picked up and circulated for signature t.he weeks of August 3D-September 3 and September 7-10. Students interested in running for these offices should meet the following qualifications: 1.) They must have attended Glendale Community College for at least one semeE;t,,,r prioT to this semester. 2.) They must have and maintain a minimum of a 2 point grade average. 3.) They must be enrolled in at least 6 semester hours of classes of ",hieh 51% must be during day time hours (example: a student enrolled in 6 hours of v,Jhich 4 are day and 2 are night would be concidered eligible. The 1982-83 school year \"i11 be an exciting and challenging year for those students ~,Jho have the ability and the desire to rise above the average and become the leaders of the community both today and tomorrow. Petitions are available in t le student activities office in the Studel1t Union" building (8S-l06) and the Associated Students office building S. O. (SOA-I08). Please pick up your petitions early so you ,l7ill have as much time as you need getting the signatures required to put you on t~e ballet. <. Good luck to all ,./ho choose to run. ~ve look forward to working close with you for this academic year. Elections will be held September 23, & 24. CAFETERIA - §alad Bar is now available!: Only $1. 35 for a large platter. Also SERVE YOURSELF SOUP KETTLES, FRESH FRUIT SALADS and BEVERAGES. Open Honday through Friday, 9:00 to 1:15 PM. Hot food line is open at 10:30 AM. §NACK BAR - Break.fasts !...~ever~es,-.9rilled I terns. Open Monday through Thursday, 7:00 Al'1 to 3:45 PH. It is closed from 3:45 to 4:30 to set up for evening business. Snack Bar re-opens 4:30 to 9:00 PM. On Fridays, it is open from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM -----SPECIALS: Monday, Aug. 30--------- Tamale Pie---------------$1.25 Tostado-----------------­ .70 Tuesday, Aug. 31-------- Ham & Hacaroni----------­ 1.25 Wednesday, Sept. 1------ Chop Suey---------------­ 1.25 Thursday, Sept. 2------- Reuben Sandwich---------- 1.25 French Fries------------­ .45 Friday, Sept. 3--------- Vegetable Quicbe:::------ 1.25 STU DEN T HEALTH INS U RAN CE Student Health Insurance is available at nominal cost through an outside insurance agency. Information is available in the Dean of Students Office located in the ,(.Jest end of the book store For students interested in this insurance program should contact Mrs. Foley for a brochure and an application blank. Some of the programs are only available during and close to the time of registration t so please act now. NEh1'1'1AN NEi"JS: L) Reg:!:stration _to Vote The Newman Club will sponsor a table at the Activity Fair to register students to vote. Deadline to register to vote in November 2nd General Election is September 13. 2.) _Prayer Group The Ne.'i.\1rnan Club is beginning their prayer group. ,(.Jednesday evenings, from 6:00-6:50 PH in the. Club Room. 3.) Club Meetina The Newman Club meeting will he at the home of Rita Voss: 347 H. Pine. Valley Rd. Mass will be at 6:30 - Shared Potluck and fellowship.
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