ENGLISH SUMMARY MÆRSK POST NO. 1 - 1970 elevator would be ready when the ship Cover Photographs company, and with monthly departures reached Hamburg, so that no special re- Front Page: from each end. gard had been paid to possible discharge This photograph was taken onboard m.t. To ensure that the ships would serve the through the sideports, no less than 45 "LOUIS MÆRSK" by Mr. Ole Peter Niel- line as efficiently as possible, it was de- pallets, corresponding to about 90 tons, sen, at present studying at the Marstal cided already at the beginning that all left the ship per hour thanks to the ele- navigation school, and it shows the chief cargo, if possible, should be palletized or vator which did away with the two-hour officer's two boys in the swimming-pool unitized. The new liners of the MÆRSK limit mentioned before. of the ship. Together with their mother the fleet are all constructed with sideports, as The photographs show how the elevator is boys were accompanying their father on it has been proved that by the truck-to- placed between the ship and the quay, this particular voyage. truck method palletized cargo may be while two heavy fenders keep the ship off handled through sideports several times the quay at a distance corresponding to Page 23: faster, than what was possible when using the width of the elevator, which passes up The turbine tanker "KRISTINE MÆRSK" cranes or the ship's own gear. The two and down along the quay side to the level in heavy seas. Photo by Mr. Flemming H. MÆRSK ships serving the Europe/Far required by the sideport, independent of Schytte. East line, "CHARLOTTE MÆRSK" and ebb and flow. "CHRISTIAN MÆRSK", are fitted with The 45 pallets per hour is a figure almost Page 3: three sideports on the starboard side and twice as high as the number normally New bulkcarrier two on the port side. handled by the ship's own gear; so the On November 7th, at the B&W shipyard Hamburg is the most important port for cargohandling department immediately in Copenhagen, a new bulkcarrier for the this service, both for loading and dis- started planning ahead in co-operation MÆRSK fleet was launched. The ship was charging, being the last and first port on with the ships, how the cargo should be sponsored by Mrs. Kirsten Sichelkow, outward and homeward voyages, re- stowed for discharge, and results im- wife of vice president B. Sichelkow, Kon- spectively. Consequently Hamburg should proved at once. Compared with the 45 gens Nytorv, and the name of the new ship be the place where sideport operations pallets per hour mentioned above, the is "OLIVIA MÆRSK". might be used with greatest effect. There figure grew steadily to 60, to 72, and The newbuilding has a deadweight of is one disadvantage, however. The tide at further, to set a preliminary record at 112 about 51,300 tons and a total length of Hamburg is rather heavy, with a difference pallets per hour, when "CHRISTIAN 718 feet. There are seven holds, four short between ebb and flow of about ten feet; MÆRSK" discharged at Hamburg on the ones (Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7) and three long and as Pier 85 has rather a great distan- 5th and 6th November 1969. ones (Nos. 2, 4 and 6). ce between the quay level and the water, When comparing these figures with those The main engine is an 8-cylinder B&W 15 feet at normal flow, this means that of 6 months earlier it is seen that by using diesel engine, type 8K74EF, yielding only when the tide is in, and for two hours only one sideport and one elevator the 16,300 IHP. at the most, will the sideports be on a production has been trebled. Conse- The new ship was taken over on November level with the quay and permit sideport quently the next elevator has already been 25th, and the maiden voyage was to operations. ordered. Oxelösund and Rotterdam. The ship's The two photographs show how this master and chief engineer are Messrs. problem was solved. At the beginning of Pages 6 and 7: K. R. Friis-Pedersen and Mogens A. 1969 the cargohandling department at Isolated by the Sea Pickel, respectively. Kongens Nytorv started tackling the prob- Captain Kaj Bang, at present chief of the lem together with the Hamburger Hafen Faroese naval district at Torshavn, told Pages 4 and 5: Und Lagerhaus Aktiengesellschaft. In our readers some time ago about the part Pallet Elevator May 1969 the solution in the shape of a played by marine helicopters in surveying In March 1968 MÆRSK LINE started the special pallet elevator was tried out, when the Faroese fishery limits. This time we are liner service between the Far East and "CHARLOTTE MÆRSK" came alongside going to hear how important the heli- Northern Europe in co-operation with fo? discharging. copters are when breaking the periodical Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha. At present the line Though one could not be sure, when the isolation suffered by the islands in rough is served by four ships, two from each loading took place in the East, that the weather conditions, assisting in the transportation of patients and women ex- of course photographers have had a passenger ships are its caviar and cham- pecting babies. chance to have a "shot" from above when pagne". When given to understand that 17 of the making film reports and motion pictures New York has always existed first and fore- 18 larger islands are inhabited, one might thanks to these very versatile "blow- most because of its position by the sea and be tempted to assume that you can sail to lamps". This phraze has been coined by at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over and from these islands just as you visit Scottish trawlers, who have sometimes 22,000 arrivals and departures make New any other islands like Hven and Tåsinge, been exposed to unexpected curiosity York the world's largest and busiest port. but this is far from being true, as one will from the air, when they were violating the She has a waterfront of 750 miles, which, realize after only a short stay in winter. fishery limits in Faroese waters. if stretched out, would reach from the Once surrounded by a swirl of 10 to 12 statue of Liberty to Bermuda. It has 200 yards' height one easily understands the deepwater piers with berths for more than PageS; problems with which the local population 300 ocean-going ships. Today about 28 Management Course for Officers is faced when trying to keep up communi- per cent of the value of US overseas trade Like the leaders of great enterprises on cations between the islands, especially in moves through the Port of New York, and land, officers of the merchant marine are winter. the 450 banks located in the state of New today experiencing ever increasing de- The islands which are most difficult to York have total assets of over $ 134 mands within technics and economics as reach are no doubt Myggenæs, Store billion (in Europe milliard). well as human understanding, when plan- Dimon, and Skuø. When the autumnal For Pier 11 in Brooklyn a couple of figures ning and carrying through their daily weather sets in, it may be a question of may be quoted to show that quite a lot of routine as leaders. Consequently Danish months where even the most skilled crew cargo passes via this pier. It has a total shipowners decided, about five years ago, of fishermen are unable to land supplies length of 2,200 feet, and the warehouse, to have their Association arrange a series on these islands. What this means psychi- which extends almost from one end to the of management courses, where the newest cally and in other ways to the inhabitants other, covers an area of 270,000 sq.ft. methods of planning and of leadership, is evident. One has even taken the pre- With 96 calls per year by MÆRSK ships gained in other branches of commerce caution of never keeping pregnant women Pier 11 handles about 450,000 tons of and industry, might be utilized. on such islands after the "fourth or fifth cargo annually; the trucks which take the On March 29th, 1965, the first of these month". goods to the pier start their journey as far courses took place at the Risø Hotel near No wonder therefore that the arrival of the away as Chicago. 144 trucks may dis- Roskilde under the leadership of Mr. Erik patrol ships of the Danish navy, carrying charge at the back of the warehouse Hansen, chief of training in the Danish helicopters, was surrounded with the simultaneously, and a railway truck also Shipowners' Association. The first team greatest expectations. Were these ex- leads to the pier. Three large or four was composed of 19 MÆRSK officers, pectations fulfilled? medium MÆRSK liners may go alongside who underwent a week of professional After a period with many good results at the same time. The photo was taken from lectures, besides having a chance of ask- this question can no doubt be answered the back side of the warehouse, showing ing questions of almost any kind within with "yes". one of the new C-type liners at the quay shipping. Also the feeling of co-operation Naturally a certain amount of experience side and the famous Manhattan sky-line between the ships and the offices at Kon- had to be gained by the commanders of in the background.
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