University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1969 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 10-20-1969 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 073, No 26, 10/20/ 1969 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1969 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 073, No 26, 10/20/1969." 73, 26 (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1969/110 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1969 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a • Friday, October 17, 1969 Page 8 NEW MEXICO LOBO r • • • • • • • • • f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING kopy korner I RAT.ES: 7e per wor~, 2Q word mini­ WHERE: ,Journalism Building. Room UMAS Urges Chicano Studies Program mum ( $1.40) per time run. If nd is to 159, afternoons p~efcrably or mail. High Speed XEROX COPIES-Be-No Limit I run five or m01:'C consecutive days with no chumres th"' rate is re4uced tO" 5c Classified Advertising special rates for dissertations-required paper supplied free per word and the minimum numbex• of UNM P.O. Box 20 Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 SIMMS BUILDING other locations in Winrock Center, Proposed Department Will Be Funded Tht·ough Regular University Budget words to 10. 7 National Building & 120 Madeira NE TERMS: ;l?n.ymcnt must be mndc in full prior to insertion of advertisement. A_ Chic<tno Studies Department, Chic;~ no libr;~ry, ;~nd barrio ;~nd recruitment of more Chicano individual interests and basis for responsible citizenry, the to mcorporate Chic<tno students, relations. students for the UNM program. potentials," according to the study says. 1) PERSONALS 4) FOR RENT f<tculty, and the Chic;~ no Administration of the The propos;~! st;~tes the Chic<~no study, The report says the validity of studies department should f<tll The p;~per also discusses the DEADLINE for inserting classified 4 :00 . MAY WE help you 1 Renting-selling­ community h<ts been proposed in department would be by <t the report itself is of no p.m.-will go in next day's Lobo. listing, Residentio.l properties. Walter a study prep;~red by the United under the College of Arts <tnd histodc;~l perspective, the cultural Duke Realty. 4704 Lomas NE. ~GB-3932. supervisory committee which importance if action is not 10/28 Mexican-American Students Sciences or the College of rejecti~m, and the Chic<tno 69 MIRAGE are now on sale for $o-rm. would review all major ch;~nges · forthcoming, and that action (UMAS). Educ;~tion. ;~c;~demic status in the current 205, Journalism Bldg. ~) FORSA!-E within the department, review all "does not mean the acquisition of The proposed department situ<ttion <ts seen from the v;~ntage The study w;~s prepared on hirings and firings, and est;~blish Ford Foundation grants for the E. ENGINEER wants grad stndent or up­ 1~59 FO:RD, VS, :rndio, air conditioning, behalf of the Joint Committee on would have to be funded through point of Chic;~no students. perclassman to share large, two _level $150. 370G'h Campus, Leave name. 10/22 policies, rules, and regul<ttions. purpose of studying poor people; house, univ. area. Expenses npprox. $75/ Ethnic Studies. the regular university budget, <ts The study cites the f;~ct that 12 BUG EYE MICI Sprite, gond condition. The committee would consist of nor a government subsidy to dig mo, Call 842-9210. 10/17 The proposal calls for the determined by the university ;~nd to 14 percent of the UNM student Not running-#4 bUl·ned intake valve. four UMAS-;~ppointed students, graves and bones; nor the personal A13 is $300.00, rul\ning for $400,00. immediate hiring by UNM of ;~ appropri<tted by the legislature, in body is Chic;~no and that only 3.1 THUNDERBIRD taking contributions for Overhaul 6,000 miles ago. Call after 9 the department director, <tnd two donations of historical letters, prose: short stories. essays, reviews, Chic<tno with the responsibility of keeping with the thought of true percent of the 1969 degree plays, etc. Rm. 158, Joqrnnlism Bldg.• 20G-6548. Chicano Studies faculty members. books, maps, and records which pl;~nning and implementing the university involvement in the candidates were Spanish all manuscripts must be typed,. 200 USED TV's, all styles. Save today. study suggests courses enhance a university's name but 441 Wyoming NE, 255-5987. 10/23 department. He would serve as the The ;llfairs of Chic<~no people, the surnamed, ;~!though Chicanos DO YOU BITE your nails? Would you considered essenti<tl to the study do little or nothing to improve 1959 Ford, four door, good condition~ $260 Chicano Studies Director, ;~nd study st;~tes. comprise approximately 30 like to stop? A limited number of peo­ of "Chicanism." The courses ;~re a conditions." ple are being' accepWd in an experi· Call 265·4785, after 5, would furnish a report indic<tting The Chic;~no studies department percent of the st;~te's popul<ttion. ment to stop nail biting. Under the nus.. 1969 Harley-Davidson 350 cc. E_xcellent the staff and facilities required to compilation of courses already in Such documented facts ;~s the The study states the university pices of UNM Psychology Dept. Call W<tS proposed bec;~use "the condition, $575. Call 242-0749 after 4 Foreign Car begin planning the program. existence in other schools, courses Chic<tno position is not recognized high drop-out r;~tes for Chicanos, must cultivate convictions in the Mr. Stephen, 277-2103 for appointment. pm. 10/20 conceived by UMAS to meet 10/27 The proposed department by most university personnel, as the high crime r;~te among entire community in order to 1966 GTO 4-speed, chrome wheels. Asking Specialists regional needs, and some already 2) LOST & FOUND $1300. Must sell as I nm buying another would be divided into an evidenced by curricula which seek Chic;~no youth, <tnd the low study the people past and present, car. Phone Grant ut 277·5011 after 6 at UNM. wage-earning c;~pacity of the to learn from the people as well ;~s pm. on week nights or on Sunday after.. Repair & Maintenance administrative section, <tn to emulate ac;~demic traditions of LOST: Black & white kitten: 8 weeks old: oper;~tion;~l section which includes Student services under the the nation's more prestigious . Chic;~no are largely the results of to educate them, and to become long hair: in Harvard-Silver area; call noon. 10/20 On All Foreign Cars 242-1557 or 277-4202 after 6 pm. HONDA-160 Scrambler, like new. $350. suggested courses, and sections dep;~rtment would include schools rather than to educate the very system whose function is <tn instrument through which the Cali after 4 p.m.-296-3247. 10/21 counselors, tutors, schol<trships, to educate and to provide the people may truly benefit. FOUND: 1969 Valley High Class Ring, Over 100 yrs. Combined dealing with student services, a people ;~ccording to their girls red stone. CnU 299-6940. 175 cc BENNELI MOTORCYCLE. 1969 model, only bus 1800 miles. Practically Experience LOST: Engagement ring, Zimmefitlnn new. Sacrifice for Uncle Sum, $250. 242- Library. Please return, no questions. 7235 evenings, weekends. 10/17 Free Estimates Reward. 298-3405. 1007 Matador SE. 1965 IMPALA, automatic, AM-FM, air. 10/20 $950. 313 Princeton SE. 10/27 265-5901 3) SERVICES 6) 333 Wyoming N.E. NE\N EMPLOYMENT IRONING-humane rates, pickup and de­ COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES NEED­ Uvery~ Bngworm and 'Vnsher\vomnn ED to sell Volkswagen bus tours to Ltd. 247-8737. 10/27 Europe in summer, 1970. $100.00 com­ mission per snJe. Write VW Adventures~ COLLEGE INN BARBERSHOP offering P.O. Box 7999, Austin, Texas 78712. Midnight regular haircuts, razor cuts, styling. 243~ 10/16 Friday - Saturday lVI EX lCD SPECIAl SHOW Vol. 73 Monday, October 20, 1969 No.27 "HOW TO MAKE A STAR" Vilgol Sjoman's complete and uncut I Am Curious (Yellow) is a "remarkable TODAY THRU TUESDAY film (which) has been playing for a long time to droves of Swedes, and to (Men Only) several million people almost everywhere. lt is the story of a young girl who is, or was. curious about politics, nonviolence, Zen. commitment, socialism. other Swedes and, to be sure, sex. 11 is a serious film with a noble lheme, and, in dramatic terms, it is original," says Look magazine. The Evergreen Two LawyerS Will Determine STUDENTS $1.50 Film presented by Grove Press stars Lena Nyman. A Sandrews Production. ANYTIME ADMISSION RESTRICTED TO ADULTS. ALSO CO-HIT IN COLOR TENTH AND LAST WEEK DON PANCHO'S Herrera's Workmen's Benefits 3211 .. Central NE 265-4675 2108 CENTRAL S.E./247-4414 Evenings 7:15-9:35 because "the burden of proof in a ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE A University attorney <tnd ;~n not to sign the st;~tement bec;~use ;~ttorney for former Physical Plant the transcript contained some case like this lies with the I employee Jose Herrer;~ are "unclear language." cl;~imant," Burciag;~ said. AND··· i! !! working together to determine "I advised him not to sign Herrera's eligibility for workmen's because I felt the tmnseript Public Hearing compensation benefits under contained some value judgments University policy, Administrative by Wruter Lewis (Coordinator of Friday's meeting was the result Vice President Sherman Smith Campus S;~fety) which might have of a public he;~ring last week said Friday.
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