STATE SIGNAL C, S. P. A. Medalist '33, '34, '36, '37, '38 VOL. LII (52d Year) NO. 13 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1938 Enders To Discuss Spring Athletics Will Make Premier Tibet In Assembly Period Tomorrow Appearance At Hillwood This Wednesday Track Team Will Raise Curtain Andreasmen Will Play Millersville Lecturer is Adviser to Grand Against East Stroudsburg; LEADS DIAMDNDMEN Teachers in Baseball Opener Lama of Tibet; Was American Fear Lack of Training Here This Saturday Aviator in World War HAVE FULL SCHEDULE MANY VETERANS REPORT HOLDS UNIQUE POSITION State's track team will inaugurate Baseball will make its 1938 debut American aviator, lecturer, and the Spring varsity sports program, on the campus this Saturday, April author, Gordon B. Enders will discuss when it meets East Stroudsburg on 30, when the Lions meet Millersville the topic "Forbidden Frontiers of the Hillwood track, Wednesday after­ Teachers College at 3 P. M. on the Asia" during the assembly period to­ noon. Two other home meets will fol­ Hillwood diamond. Twenty-four men morrow morning. Mr. Enders should low the opening encounter in quick who reported to Coach William An­ be well qualified to discuss the situa­ succession—Panzer on April 30 and dreas a month ago will go through tion in the Far East with regard to the Pentangular Meet on May 7. their final paces this week in an effort Tibet, since for the past four years Coach Earl H. Dean reports that his to gain starting berths for the curtain- he has been serving as foreign ad­ chief concern is that the candidates raiser of a stiff ten-game schedule. viser to the Grand Lama of that coun­ have had insufficient training, due to Ten juniors, five freshmen, and four try, retaining that position during his the deplorable condition of the track seniors and sophomores make up the brief vacation in America. and the inclement weather. He ex­ squad. Mr. Enders is the first foreigner to plains that before the holidays the Captain Harold Otis, senior port- hold a cabinet position in the "Her­ poorly packed cinders on the track sider, leads thirteen returning vet­ mit Kingdom," the first foreigner to had been a great source of worry. GORDON B. ENDERS erans who saw action on last year's receive a rank in Tibetan nobility and However, he states, the present condi­ club. Two others of the group, Bill the first foreigner to occupy a seat in tion of the track is much improved HAROLD OTIS Christian and Hank Redlus, junior the Upper House of the Tibet National since diligent work to resurface it is Business Department and senior, respectively, are also on Assembly. almost completed. the mound staff. Claudius Hammond Born in the United States, he went Will Start Practicum To date, the most outstanding Varsity Debaters Will and Fred Raker are the only new as­ to the "forbidden land" of Tibet at the tracksters in practice are Captain pirants for the pitching corps. Two age of four. Long before he learned "Bud" Leeds, the dashing sprinter Travel to Jersey City Juniors to Have Ten Observation veteran catchers, Bill Would and Roy to r ead and write his native language who ran 100 yards in 10 flat last year; Tintle, are back in harness with fresh­ and act in accordance with American Periods at Pennington High Walt Kuzianik, another wiry dasher; Thencanic Plans Meets With Two man Saul Gilman also donning the customs, he had learned the language and Marshall Lippincott, sophomore mask and glove. and customs of Tibet. He has lived Impressed by the apparent success miler who placed in every race he Universities in Near Future near the Lamaist frontiers in India, of the practicum idea initiated by ran last season. Lewis Bilancio and At first base four men are trying China, Mongolia, and Manchukuo all An experienced varsity team will for a starting job. Fred Schaible, who other departments of the college in "Ed" Lukemire, two veteran letter- his life except for the periods when men, have made their appearance on compete with the debaters of Jersey won his letter "S" there last season, the past years, the Business Education he received his American education the track for practice in their events, City Teachers College next Monday John McTamney, who saw some ac­ and s erved as a United States aviator Department will inaugurate a similar the 440 and 880 runs. Both boys will in the fourteenth contest of the cur­ tion there, and Ken Pierson and Ver­ in t he World War. educational activity for the junior run against Stroudsburg, although non Skidmore, junior and freshman, The Grand Lama of Tibet was at­ rent forensic season. The team con­ class in that curriculum next year. the coach believes that they need respectively, are all working out at tracted by the young man when he more practice in starting and en­ sisting of Shirley Selbie and Harold the initial sack. was an aviator and trainer of aviators It was necessary, however, to choose durance. Robert Foster, a fresh re­ Winterhalter, will go to the North Charlie Smerin, a junior and regu­ in Ch ina. The two soon became close a school other than Lanning School in cruit in the quarter-mile class, is per­ Jersey college with a record of vic­ lar shortstop last year, Tom Evange- friends, Mr. Enders acting as his ad­ which to carry out this program, for forming his feat nicely and appears to viser. The friendship is a strange one tories over Shippensburg and Western lista, a senior and a letter-winner two the campus demonstration school of­ be very promising material. years ago, and sophomore Bill Eigen- since to the average follower of Edward Summerton, ace hurdler and State Teachers College. The Jersey Lamaism, a single contact with the fers only grades one to eight. With City fray will be the fifth debate for rauch, are the candidates for the sec­ twice letterman, is returning to the ond base post. Smerin has switched Grand Lama in a lifetime is enough the cooperation of Mr. Saul, supervis­ cinders this year. As yet, it seems the negative team on the labor ques­ to insure him permanent future hap­ ing principal of Pennington Schools, positions with junior Ray Adkins who that Summerton will have to bear the tion, other schools met in non-decision held the second base job last year. piness. Among the Tibetans he is the Business Education Department State colors alone against the oppo­ regarded as God in human form, the has been extended the use of the Pen­ debates being Rider College and New Sophomore Jack Ellingham is also a nents in both the high and low hurdle candidate for the shortstop post. The actual reincarnation of Lord Buddha, nington High School as the educa­ races, for no candidate worth consid­ Brunswick Preparatory School. the founder and supreme being of the tional institution in which the practi­ Recently the freshman team, com­ switch, however, may not be perma­ ering has appeared for practice in nent. Over at the hot corner, Paul religion. cum will be conducted. this event. posed of Charles Bodine and Ruth Selby, junior veteran, is getting com­ Mr. Enders' duties as cabinet minis­ Plans are now being formulated to On the field, the coach is even less Kane, met Perth Amboy High School ter have been largely concerned with provide for a ten-hour observation in a discussion of the unicameral ques­ petition from Vera Hendrickson, an­ impressed. Here Art Muniz holds top other junior. the growing danger of Japanese ad­ period which will extend through the position in the javelin and weight- tion, and the junior varsity aggrega­ vance across Asia and the steps Tibet first semester of the next school year. heaving divisions, while Walt Ku­ tion, consisting of Lewis Gunn and Three outfielders are on hand from (Continued on Page Four) In order that the practicum will not zianik is broadjumping, and both Antoinette Sakelos, spoke against the last year's nine with only two new­ conflict with classes at the college, all (Continued on Page Four) debaters of North Plainfield High comers pushing them for starting Broadhurst Will Speak observations will be probably sched­ School. Debates with Overbrook High berths. The veterans are senior Marty uled to take place in the afternoon. School of Philadelphia and South Conlon and juniors Jerry Guenter and Before Apgar Society The high school at Pennington, College Choir To Sing River High School are pending. Johnny Liscko. Sophomore Fred Sta­ which includes grades nine to twelve, Varsity debates are being arranged huber and freshman Les Ricker are Dr. Jean Broadhurst, of Teachers Col­ has been selected by the college be­ Three Types of Songs with New York University and Drew challenging them for their jobs. lege, Columbia University, a graduate cause it corresponds most closely to University. of th e Trenton Normal School, will be Singing songs representing three Coach Andreas will be watching his the type of school in which most State Outside the realm of intercollegiate charges closely this week in an effort the guest speaker at the Austin C. different periods, the college choir graduates are placed. Dr. Pichard, forensics, Thencanic Debating So­ Apgar Society banquet on Thursday will render its annual spring concert to pick a combination that will get the principal of Pennington High School, ciety's activities have included the Lions off on the right foot after two evening, April 28. Dr. Broadhurst re­ under the direction of Miss Mabel E will begin arrangements in the near sponsorship of the annual interscholas- unsuccessful seasons.
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