Collectors'digest Vol

Collectors'digest Vol

STORY PAPER COLLECTORS'DIGEST VOL. 50 No. 591 1\tlAR CH 1996 ' --"'\._. \~ COLIN CREWl<: COI.I.ECl'ORS ROOKS I 2B WESTWOOD ROAD. C1-\!11VE"i'ISLAND F~SEX. SS8 OU) TELEl'IIONE: 01268-69.'.\735l.!VE.NINGS BUST ()[n IWl'.'i ;1,\'() <,IRIS BOOK~ SU/JI, fJOCIGI/T A.VD EXCJMNGl:JJ ll l'fll liSTIWSIASM l'OUR n'Ai',TS UST WHCOME SU11'ABU: COI.I.ECTJON5 WAN1HD HELLO E\ ERYONE: A iin,~-<l.iyof Jllq pre-Spring. I .1m ..:verhll op11ml,1 nr c~ur,c' !I.J,mv(ll you w,11 t.11:t111nk1ng ,,run c:1rly ,·mt to our ln,el} ,~t.incJ.The book 1nom, an· ovl'rf1,1wi11g, with ni:"' amval~. the bik,.\ are 111i!OOd or,kr, 1he ,ri-,kct hat<;well 1•ilctl. l .:-1\pect1h(1t !he m:in from Nc1r1hWe\l Nine will l)l' earl)' on the u·:llL A 1,p lllf' po~1.1I~.~rvii;c ,t~ :1su.1I Pn~mcntplus pos1:1gt·1101 requ1rc,.l 11111il~~11sfoc111ry sl!Ti\,IIof t,ook.i on.t p,1prr,. R \1>10 1HU:S l'iSl'ES OF l1J5-!/1'15S. !11f1M c"niJitt(ln, llNl0:'11 J1\Ci.S Of '\ t-:\R IYJ?. VG t<'f'll'!.-,ll (~ c.1,h !Obi:..,·~'.11\.!"I J\ £' e.u:!: Rch\'C lh~e '1or10u:s~ltam rmh•, IJ72 1475 !-1711. I i.<tS,1,l~r l~Rl. l•\8!! 1118'! 1,1•111.1491, ,ln\S. IJ"l 1,i;1 15611 IS'O, l~Y,1, ,,;1s.1o;·u,.,~17.1579. 15>10,1:'i~\. Till!: 110\S 1-Nll\o'in tllli/lQ!$. ,\II ~..in1a111 ,,.,ue, 1~s1. I 58(,, iSR1 IWI, 1"9) I>%, 1~9~, J(>l)I 161)1, ffifl,l, l{miky,'nc,tlS10nC'i (,-xiJ 'lll'l<"< ,,, U.25 l!.1c'1 1601 1606. 1t,1,1, 1611K.161JQ 1610, lbl~ J(,IJ. H,15. llolti. ~~·1 .o,~\I.Kl!O, <KI, ~'l~ q I\,,;;:_(,, <J:!7,IJ1fi, 'J'1, '•~.\. l\~19. 1(,1,7 16211,l<•ll lf.~2 !r.2\ 1626. 16'.'7 16:!8, lt.•2. lf>U, !Ul•I. 102.1.liJ!l, ll}]J, 11147,llltn.. I '74 12~5, l~tl:Z 16.\6 16~8. lh-lU, 1•'41 1(,.11, !61~. OLXON IIA \\ K Ult 'l;o. 419 'Iv m <,rmm,•,, lil,1d (1n:11::' IUlllO Tli\lES lll-' YEi\lUi 1~5,l. f9Sfi, I ,,uci. willl ,., vcrs VGu,ri lr1•1n 11n5 ,,rr,1IC r1,,,n,•.(llt 1.1~0<, ,1 •IICC1JIllll~tC'ol II• L• lie·,,~ l.tivcl) Ii· n:,·alt 111,,sc Dl:\ON 11/\\\'K Lill No, 471> 'Tha M,rn \1ad~ l.n•hl' wli,. ltak\',,n ,a1.ll:"tvc.1n l(nrn l vr1uJ1~1.•rW1,rlu VG ,111wf'nlln , ,,;,i;011,11"<' ThiJUIPO E15J)(I lc•1.l!,1_y'R,y~Jl.111gh('<ivd - -,,i,~1 11,,, Ill :i,:o:..If,\\\ K l !II No, 4.~'I •·111,·Fl:i~h "' Urn,n•' Vt: .:(·PY \lr~armNn1irmr1l~t AitH.r~c ,_~<'''"~' 19,1 ',Cj,1 [6.5cl fnm1 l•JJR ll1 rare Thnri,.;;on 1-!~.oO T11,·n,u,,>n:.\!h n,,111 R11c·1· c, ,.,,r WJ;,,;..; £JUn {HXOS 1-1/\ \\ h. I 111"-11. 4'14 Keeper of ll•~ f-cil•IE., ·c. \ (, f;,utor E'tli11nn1~,-1 fot.1,-,4 H>.~tl w1•~from 11ni;orr.11cTh""'''''' r1,!Jr, t,A Cup l'in:il, l'rc;m11,, Wesl Llnm 2)1.\ 54 illl.tkl TJIIUl,l l:R PApcr \\'1111! 1i1t .. •:;u1,IThrill•' V(, ·ruF. Tc,! lte.tth B.u,d ~ov~r 4 ·~. 51, · (6 ,() ,•or11csal (4 coc 1Jor HI pl1L,c• 1r1t! .II [ I """1'. S11Ot-r,1,,11 R,rh~ri1, · .501hH111hclny it1..t,,;4 t:6 50 12.. 4\, ~7. 13, 76, 11 N, IU JU,~'}, •I(} Y..I,'Ill,~. n. n, TI,e Hugiiensni•·t1 1,1;~S4 l.'J.SO M 1. J.15 liO, 1s2 D,-rhy Duy •11Ept>n I ).iwns !M,5. ~-1 £6. ~ll Dh'Tf:t'TJ\F Wl-~EJO.,. halt bou1d H,,nd"•mc ~.n. I\ hi1w111101,ua, r d111110c,111100 4,t>, q £6.'i\l cn\!eriug lul.:,-Pc...01 )C"r 11/.\4, ls,.ut, ,n< All wl,,mc 72 ,;1 Wln,tik,/1111f'<:q111gh1 c"'"' tl\•6.·~4 J'.HJ.00 1~11c ,,,nt"'1in St\ton l1l,1tc 51011e,. VG ,·,111,eo· lt.mla.Jrl~ll ,\rthu{ ·'.sf,oy'Helln l'i 1ym11h!,' '.! 7154 ill. 50 w11hm 1111111quulit~ p~il'.""'"""' hm,llng. hlu~ dull,, i:i,td Srw~ f1,,111Ul~rkrttul at St;i;ul> 9'7 'i4 £6 SO lctt,·r•. rn~.tllJ Augu'1 ll~n~ \krrv-yo-R,iund' ,ri7,H L,~'ll THI·'. ~H)f)l·,RN RO\' ll/2!i•ll/J8, lien \ G uipiC\ ,,1 [.1 1 k11n1•1l'.'-"''CrY.llh A 11.. d:crid!'e N<l,,-t U~.uo Clll"[I, 11)';; tll<('nUI\I •11 10 plUSUlj'IC,. I I U \<. j(), ;,!) ;I", r.,11.:n U111,l111c''""' I~, 1(1 ~11 J;t, ,1, .;1, ~8. 611, 6:.!, t,5. (m, 61 6!• r11,11, 71, 7~. 16, 77, llt,, 86, H,1uL·,wJ.,·11,ei'M,,nt<J<:~• H.ill Hnur' 1!'11 ~d £20 1irJ %., I 1!, 113. I HJ, .111~• .1~8 1~" 390. )')J. 3)12. WI, l'J.1. TI1c ...n:hcrs IIXKlll1i'p1.o,l~c(WOI lY-1 l•S-1 r1z.,u 4Sl •• ,~,. ,15.1, 4S6. ~~,. ,15$, 45 11, l<,O 481, n~. 46,, ,io. 1110 l'J!ot Chwm1autli11nn ;: v12,s.1 £I" oo ~S2 -1~3. 4!14, •ISS, ~O(,, ~r,7 5(18, ')lll, .,~s.,o,, ~,~,.~o ... Joa111CmAncln•,15 'Whnli Ml' Lull:' ruvcr ~ I 12.54 CCdU 'i 11. ~ 12. ~ lli, '17, Sl'I. ~ill, ill. 522. ,n_ Jenn Me1calfc'run11ly f••11,un1e.~ :~,11~5 f.7 ~O I SA)' YOll Ff.1.LOW5 LOOI,. ,\ T Ttl ISi Denn.v11111 T'-"''""'111)' ol Year .n,s~ £10.ilU MAl:Nl·;T ( O~ll'U~l"E H~\I{ Of 1931<~.! '""csJ,u, 1st Bnun John"'" '1.,(:1'5(,,, Sutlll1Wl1,·rc' 11 11~~ .0 SJ)CI 19.18. Der .ll" l',/lll, l~~·•-!611 mr ,11,inginul tup1c, m Nunnan Wic,11,m,I lenrv lbl!'\ Oue-i I J 'l \, ill.Sil VO ~oml,11011(c1111ld I.le huun,1 ,1' 2 lmd} haH )c:nr "'l11me«) Grt11 1);1) ol Sf'0t1, liv:,t Rae~. <lnu11IN,ttuinal I'./\. Cu11. l'<lmplch>:Vcar J.'lll.11<1 etc £6.50 1.10Y~c1:s;EI\I.\ , ... s2,,11.l<:..1910 \'1,c,1pv. u1,o TI1cGruvc l'nrnlly ,,over 2513/55 £650 BO"\.~ CINl-.~1,\ 01' l'll!i/l!/~11. VG cc,p1csn1 eaah. £.3 Ea.,1erHuHdu~ h!1li11n11155 R'-1155 £6.~0 8S'J. R(M 9(:tO,•Xi-i, 4-l.l, 950, 94l. 1061, IOf,6. FA Cup Fmll! 1'151,M,111 Ci1~ v NewrLc.11" £1\.00 \ Ot11'G I.IRITAl!li 01' 1\120/ll Vt) ,:op1,•,ul ll'.Je:.irh Bill~ Ct•11on.'\'.•kc), W:ikc)'I' 13151S1 D jO •17. 101. I()~. 111'),110. 111 l y.. n, ~I H011,t, Oen Rnrltruu &. Bebe :!7 ' 1 I 1S l CT 50 BO\S ~I.\G:\ZI-:~: 2d I•\ EJ<\' S/\Tl,lH>A\' 1'.l!ft.l\1311. fmnlrc llm,tuU ,'t•vcr I 1 'i4 t:!i.50 l'ubl by Allie,! Nc"~rarc•·~ VC,<01,1...,;"' £J er.~h. Tern' n,,,m"s , 11h\\ df Piruc, 512/.H ft, ..,tl ~2.3.J97 .\l\,4\1 R1\l)IO n1:o,;CO.'IICS Oft Yl;:,\KS 1'13!/l'J5J . VCl ,o. <,().I, NQv nm scot:.· s,1, £~.Q!l c1111d1th•11T·avouritc ,IIITT fr111" UJO~ RilJ1u rinll"l ~! ul.\~) YOU1'iG '"'G1,.\ND :?56,fon 1903. VG. £4.M or I (1 nr m,,r~ ~vplt, u1 t:'I ~Ocal:h. l'RAC'l"ICAL WIR.El.ESS "Ir,. t.U, S11hJune 193,;, VG £3.()rt 6;11, (i</6, 1,9'J, 105. ,oc;, nn.,c,~. 109, 111, ff! "714. 111 11$. 119,12.1 .,2.,. n1, n..,.726,121. n!I. -,~2.n:1. 714. porllLAlt WIRELES~ 2.\11,l\ld11-c,, 1927 VG. £'.\.(lU 1Js. 73<•,n1, ?JR.'/.II, ,.1s,,,1s, 1s2. ,s.1.76J, ,~. 768, l'Ol'lll«\ R wnu;t.ESS t,711. Isl. June t<JJ:\ £J !Ml 170, 11\<J,782, 7113.'78,1. 786,!IOl,Rl4 I>lfK 11 iRl'IN, 1'imcml'Cr ll/U1, 1\121 VG. U.O!• 110\\ARP IIAKER MAGNF:r, GE.:>I & ASMIAl. ·1111; GRJ-:\'Ti'JtlAltS IIFR·\I.I) V(, .:c,p,e., .£3 ,no. m ,·nhnucs. o\,:t JOOililrcrtnt volume, rn 610<:I-.ut k~cn prir·t:1 cu,.h I.\, Ii>, t'l', Ill. Scud} ll~ for bu111p;:rhsL G~;MS OF LIIRl:S'l!\1'\S Al'(ll M;\\ YEAR. l~,~11937 Fumuus M:i,tfr.' al &.1wD11JHouse Scnc.,, ID NigiRPI~. VG 1:up1cs 150-l,1Sil1nc. 'llwscl £l8J>(1 STORY PAPER COLLECTORS' DIGEST Editor: MARY CADOGAN STORY PAPER COLLECTOR COLLECTORS ' DIGEST Founded in 1941 by Founded in 1946by W.H. GANDER HERBERT LECKENB Y S.P.C.D. Edited and Published 1959 - Januar y 1987 by Eric Fayne VOL. SO No. 591 MARCH 1996 Pric e £1.20 SOMETHING TO THE EDITORS CHAT I CELEBRATE Readers will notice that thi month's DO YOU REM EM­ BER? feature is the two hundr ed and fiftieth of thi extremely interesting and popular erie.

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