VO~.22 - NO. 3 SQUAMISK, B.C.-WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1978 20 cents per copy Phone 892-5131' TWO SECTIONS - 18 PAGES Harry Olaussen, former NDP the social and economic crisis as a candidate, he intends to win M.P. for Coast-Chilcotin, has that exists in Canada today. this riding for the NDP and declared his intention to seek carry on the tight in Ottawa as the NDP nomination in the new "Unemployment in Canada is he had' previously done as the federal ridjng of Cariboo- now at the highest level since Member of Parliament for Chilcotin. the Depression" said Olaussen. Coast-Chilcotin. "The people of Olaussen, on a visit !o "Unfortunately, the government Cariboo-Chilcotin need ef- Squamish last Sunday, attended is not taking effective action in fective representation in Ot- a coffee party held at the dealing with this matter which tawa," said Oloussen. "'As an residence of Jim and Helen Leh- has become a. national tragedy M.P. for this riding I intend to man. In his address to the NDP at a time when the cost of living carry out my duties to the best members present Olaussen said has continued to increase ad- of my ability and provide the that the issue of national unity ding to the burdens of those who kind of representation that the Members of the Black Tusk Snowmobile Club turned out to give nearly 60 People, the local Squamish club provided them with an afternoon to will be promoted by the have families to support." people deserve." ' handicapped Vancouver youngsters snowmobile rides at the Easter Seal mnember. pictured here with passengers ready to go are club members AI Liberals to distract voters from Olaussen said that, if elected Camp last Saturday afternoon..A new experience for many of the young Tkorne, Wendy Crosson and Terry services- sought from, health unit LOCAL LOGGERS AT' . An early morning fire Members of the local logging fraternity will be attending destroyed a small cabin the annual Truck Loggers Convention at the Bayshore Inn in belonging .to Hans Schaer on By ROSE TATLOW said she had no strong feelings Vancouver this week. Round Mountain just west of Delegates to the Coast- about the senior staff being The convention will feature a speech by the Hen. the Base Camp last week. located at Powell River, but would want to have a co- Thomas M.Waterland at the Friday luncheon. Waterland is ' Police said the fire was repor- the B.C. Minister of Forestry. A head table guest at this lun- ted to them at 5:lO a.m. on ordinator who would hove the cheon will be the Hon. Len Marchant, federal Minister of the January 9th. When checked they ' authority to get things done. She found the fire at the cabin which felt it took too long to get affairs Environment. services in this portion of the looked after because of the red Another guest speaker will be Geoffrey Calvert who *" located the local ski area. N. Police, reported, - they had. tape and steps involved. is addressing the group at today's luncheon. found no cause and the case was They met with Dr. Richards Richards told the group he . The western federal Liberal caucus will also be present still under and Dr. Laing, director of the felt the complaints were not so at Friday's meeting and will be presenting a formal brief However Schaer said that he Coast-Garibaldi Health Unit, on much with the site of the office dealing with Bill c-38, the Fisheries Act, following the lun- believed the fire might have Friday morning. Richards said as with the lack of services and been set by someone using the ; letters had been sent from every said the history of providing portion of the health unit ex- services has been fairly difficult. pressing concern about the lack However, Dr. -Laing said that of services or the unsatisfactory' staffing conditions had im- distribution of services. proved and that "we :ve up to He felt the matter should be full strength here!" attacked on three fronts: WANT ',e The lack . of service in FULL TIME NURSE Marchant challenged this ~ ,,.. .' Aldridge, Peter Heidanreich: -...-....-.. Representatives Of B.C. -"'As the.-Cheakamus.;is. .a ..and :David.~:aisdn'~a~%~rtd:';iii Hydro and the consulting firm valuable salmon spawnink court before Judge C:f. Walker, .. , . r. .-- - - __.- - .. -. which i.s working o'n the stream there is no way a tower charged with assault causing -- - Hugh Richards with Bruce Laing, director of the Coast-Garibaldi Health Unit, and senior staff of the Coast proposed new line from could be Put in the Stream bodily harm, robbery and at- Dr. Dr. Garibaldi Health Unit. Squamish to Vancouver Island without damaging the Salmon tempted robbery. T.B.M. Fougberg, at the meeting last week which discussed the lack'of services in part of the unit. , He asked, the delegates why it held an "open ' house" in the run," he said. "Any farther They appeared in court again was necessary to relocate and council chambers at municipal sourh and ik~linC5 Could yesterday. where did they suggest the unit's weeks and this didn't constitute hall on Thursday evening to possibly be a danger to the air- The charges arose out of an offices should be? full-strength in her eyes. hear objections or comments port." incident on Broh'm Ridge where AAothers March sforts Jan. 28th T.B.M. Fougberg, speaking She also stated that a fully from people concerned with the Reiker said he understood the a person was assaulted and qualified public health nurse The Kinsmen Club of with shock of acddents, the in- children and adults in B.C. in- for the Squamish-Lillooet proposed route. problems but wondered why property taken. wanted the position and was Squamish is happy to announce sidious onset of a crippling dividual patient care, medical Regional District and for the They reported that about 16 B.C. Hydro had not considered prepared to move to Pemberton that the week of Jan, 29th to disease or genetic accident that treatment, equipment supply, Village of Pemberton, said people dropped in during the building a generating Station on and her application had not Feb. 4th is Mother's March results in physical impairment electronic environniental con- "Maybe they shouldn't be course of the evening between 5 Vancouver Island and using Essay 5 been considered.. In fact, she Week. This year our local from birth, one factor is com- trol equipment supply and in- relocated. Maybe we should and 10 p.m., and of these Peter some of the low grade coal wasn't even granted an in- hotelmen are activc!y sup- SOfi. "jsjca! A,IS&i!iQ is in- dividual referral. counselling have a new health unit and staff. Rieker and Andy Trachsel ap- which is produced there. Competition terview! porting the Mother's March discriminating and often un- and placement services. Services are not bad but all the peared to be the only ones af- He felt this would be better The Squamish Kinsmen. Club Mrs. Jo Winters, nursing con- Drive, by having special events. predictable. It can' happen to' Donations received by the equipment is at Powell River , fected by the proposed route for than destroying valuable land is 'sponsoring an essay com- anyone. 1978 Kisnmen Mother's March and it's stationary. We can't sultant for the unit, said she was the power line. by putting power lines Over it petition to be held in con- Here is a schedule of events: send our students up there for hoping to make a proposal to The proposed line crosses the when it could better be used 10 junction with Heritage Day, Jan. 28th: 11:OO a.m. 2:OO Public support to the which is the foundation's main - Mother's March provides vital support will ensure that these testing." the department that the present railway tracks almost directly produce trees or other crops far Feb. 12th. p.m. A Mother's March Lunch Fougberg said he felt the public health nurse be allowed more valuable. services to physically disabled vital services will continue. from the substation across the Students in the high school at the Squamish Hotel. students should be tested here to work full time until the property owne'd by Rieker and "For every 100 feet of this and in the elementary schaols Jan. 29th: 5:OO p.m. to 9:OO or closer to home without backlog is caiighi up. 400 foot corridor," Reiker said, will be asked to write essays Trachsel, and would take away on p.m. A Mother's March Dinner having to make the long trip to Marchant stated that there "we are taking one acre Of *'Why I'm proud to be a the bench area where they at the Garibaldi Highlander Young Canada Powell River.. had been cases of hepatitis in proposed to build. valuable land Out of use. That Canadian" Or "What it Means to Hotel. "When the question of a Pemberton, and cases where However Rieker told the acre can't even pfoduce trees be a Canadian" and submit them Jan. 30th: 5:OO to 9:00 p.m. A health unit was first discussed," children had not had their Times on Friday of last week and if it is sprayed it erodes and to the club. Mother's March Dinner at the forms available he added, "the idea was to have regular innoculations as that the line should be taken creates additional problems." There will be cash prizes for Chieftain Hotel.
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