Don’t Forget! Daylight Savings is Sunday, Nov. 3 LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO LIVE? Winthrop, MA 02152 | 617-846-9900 Let Kim do Your Homework! Check out ourEstablished website; www.cottagehillrealestate.com in 1882 Kimberly Paulson op’s P (781) 910-9716 thr ion in ee W Wr WinthropINTHROP Newspaper SSUNUN TTRANSCRIPT 50 C E NTS E ST . IN 1882 Published by the Independent Newspaper Group THURSDAY, Faison’s updates include new labor 28THANNUAL HOLIDAY TREE December 5, 2019 LIGHTING CEREMONY INDEX attorney, department heads training Police 2 Editorials 6 By Laura Plummer federal Equal Employment tion, as well as special pro- Through The Years 7 Opportunity Commission. tections for female workers Then and Now 7 At a succinct meeting of In addition, Valerio is a who become pregnant. Obituaries 11 the Town Council on Tues- guest lecturer on the topics The training will also in- Business Directory 14 day, Dec. 3, Town Man- of employee discipline, em- clude a goal-setting activity Classified 15 ager Austin Faison shared ployee leave, and education that will inform the budget updates on four key issues law and labor issues. She process. impacting Winthrop and its was awarded the Massa- INDEPENDENT citizens. chusetts Super Lawyer dis- -Middle school zoning tinction in 2005. The process for deter- -New labor attorney mining the zoning of the Faison introduced the -Department heads middle school is being as- Town’s latest hire, the new training sessed by legal experts out- Labor Attorney, Elizabeth Faison announced that side of town government. Valerio. Valerio is a partner department heads will be The purpose of this is to at Valerio, Dominello & attending an offsite train- provide Council and resi- Hillman. ing on Dec. 17. The train- dents with viable alterna- According to her web- ing has to do with keeping tives. Newspaper Group site, Valerio has experience them informed of the laws representing government regarding discrimination in -Win2030 NEWS Brief entities in their bargaining the workplace. Massachu- The town manager pro- goals with labor unions. setts has laws on the books vided a brief update on DRONE SAFETY She has represented the prohibiting unlawful work- Win2030, which is the The Massachusetts Mass. Department of La- place discrimination based town’s vision for what it Port Authority (Massport) bor Relations, the Mass. on an individual’s race, wants to achieve in the kicked off an advertising Commission Against Dis- color, creed, native country, coming decade. The Met- campaign aimed at edu- crimination, the Mass. Civil ancentry or sex. In addi- ropolitan Area Planning PHOTOS BY MARIANNE SALZA cating the public about the Service Commission, the tion, Massachusetts offers Council provided a sched- Briana and Alex Flannery took advantage of the holiday safe use of drones. The Mass. Joint Labor Manage- employees protection from ule for the last half of fiscal lighting ceremony to get some early time with Santa. Meanwhile, Lisa Curran with her grandson, Reed Bonnice, campaign encourages drone ment Committee and the sex-based wage discrimina- year 2020. th operators to be responsible: at the 28 annual Holiday Lighting ceremony on Nov. 29. “Fly your drone safely this THANKSGIVING DAY GAME Hundreds came out to enjoy caroling and jolly old Santa in Holiday Season. Know the the Centre – as it will be the last tree lighting before major infrastructure work begins in the business district. See Rules.” The ads will ap- more photos on Page 4. pear on print media, social media, and billboards. The campaign will run from Nov. 27, 2019-Jan. 10, 2020. Drones have been among the list of popular holiday gifts. According to the Federal Aviation Ad- ministration (FAA), nearly 1.5 million drones are reg- istered in the U.S. and a majority of them—over 1 NOT THIS TIME: Winthrop’s Bryan Conceicao has a hold on Revere’s Joe Llanos to See NEWS BRIEFS Page 2 put a stop to a run during the Thanksgiving Day game. See more photos and story on Page 9. JOY & PEACE ON EARTH ART EXHIBIT AND MARKETPLACE Kate’s Corner Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories Kim Mahoney has a lot polls quickly and easily is on her plate. As a full-time “I felt like this was some- important and I think that employee at Mass. General thing that I could do be- ease encourages participa- Hospital in the In-terven- cause the time commitment tion in the political process. tional Radiology Depart- was really just the elec-tion That's where election work- ment, the mother of two days and a short training ers come in. We try to be as young boys still manages session,” said Mahoney, efficient as possible while to carve out time to commit who credits the experienced paying attention to detail. to her town, and it all stems workers in precinct four We do everything we can from her ability to seek out for showing her the ropes. to ensure that every per- and jump on fulfilling op- “The election days them- son has an opportunity to portu-nities. When an op- selves are very long, but vote when and where they portunity arose to serve the the work is so important. are supposed to. I encour- town as an election worker Access to voting is easy to age anyone who is curious last year, Mahoney didn’t take for granted. As a vot- think twice. er, getting in and out of the See KATE’S CORNER Page 2 Price subject WE HAVE PARTY PLATTERS AND BAKERY PLATTERS to change without notice AVAILABLE FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS .45 WE HAVE POINSETTIAS AND $ Per PHOTO BY MARIANNE SALZA Kathryn Morgan and Debra Rideout buying Danny Dalo’s paper fan angels and wreath Gallon CHRISTMAS WREATHS AVAILABLE • 1002 Gal. Minimum • 24 Hour Service See our Ad on Sports during the Joy & Peace on Earth Exhibit and Art Marketplace on Sunday, Dec. 1. The event was a hit and put on by the Winthrop Cultural Council. CALL FOR DAILY LOW PRICE www.winthropmktplace.com • 35 Revere St. Winthrop 15 TAPLEY AVE 195 GLADSTONE 97 HORACE ST REVERE ST #1 EAST BOSTON EAST BOSTON OPEN HOUSE SUN. 11:30 - 1PM 2 Family 4-5 rms with 3 heated attic Great singly family - New Kitchen Newly remodeled 2 bed and 2 bath and Bath! Granite Counters, Stain- condominium with garage parking. rooms, sep. utils, lg lot 5000 S.F., less Steel Appliances! 4 Bedrooms, desirable Harborview location. 1.5 Baths, New roof, Nice Patio, Marble baths, quartz counters, Needs updating. Close to T & Beach Conveninent location. $529,900 hardwood floors and SS appliances. Great Potential. $839,900 $499,900 36 EUTAW ST. 364 MERIDIAN ST 3 LAMSON CT #2 EAST BOSTON EAST BOSTON Reduced to Sell in Eagle Hill! Over- Eagle Hill Townhouse! 2 Bed/2 Bath EAST BOSTON sized 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom townhouse with off-street parking. Jeffries Point! 2 bedroom & 2.5 with stunning master suite. Open Open concept kitchen/dining/living bathroom townhomes have garage concept kitchen, dining and living room area with brand new kitchen, areas. Hardwood floors, granite parking, private outdoor space, and quartz counters and stainless steel counters and stainless steel appli- amazing design and finishes. ances. Deck with water views too! appliances! Includes outdoor patio $599,900 area too! $499,900 Walk to Maverick. $829,900 CALL TODAY AND FIND OUT WHAT SETS US APART FROM THE REST! 617.846.1020 C21SEAPORT.COM 12/5 Page 2 The Winthrop Sun Transcript • Thursday, December 5, 2019 Email: [email protected] WINTHROP POLICE BLOTTER Monday, Nov. 18 the intersection of Lincoln door through the bell cam- and alert. Fire made entry notified and he reported he moved the truck that was Party came in to report and Winthrop and they will era – she does not know no damage, party is alert. had a friend drop off the slightly blocking driveway. fraud committed on him by walk home from there. who it is – she will be wait- Motor vehicle accident dog after he was transport- Clear. his ex-girlfriend who had Party called that some- ing outside until police ar- with injury air bag deploy- ed out of Town. Both par- Caller reports here moth- taken out credit cards in his one broke into her car. She rive. Caller showed up on ment. Possible entrapment. ties advised to bring their er took her motor vehicle. name. He has filed with the will come to Winthrop Po- scene and informed officers G/J notified and enroute property issues before the Informed officer will call credit card companies, and lice Department to file a re- that the male party made with two tow trucks, both Court. the mother have her bring they are investigating. port after work. entry to the home. There parties transported to MGH. Accident involving a car back vehicle to her daugh- Female party wanted a Hit and run overnight of were people doing work Retrieve old antique fire- carrier. Truck rolled for- ter. slush and went to help her- a Honda Civic. on the home but they are arm no clip, rusty, found it ward as the two were at the Party came to the station self, cashier told her she Complaint of neighbor not authorized to be there in the park. light. Female owner/oper- to report an altercation last could not help herself and throwing trash on property. at this time. Units spoke to Report of manhole cover ator stated she was having night at a family member’s they started arguing. Party Officer spoke to neighbor party with assistance of a sticking up and may cause back pain.
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