Side 1 WEEKLY MISHNAH on the PARSHAH Parshas Bo 5772 REBUILDING BABYLONIA – (Babylonia). The precise intent of the original tower- builders is the subject of much discussion amongst the IN EGYPT commentators, but the consensus seems to be that their In Moshe’s appearances before Pharaoh, he employs a efforts constituted a rebellion of sorts against the Almighty’s curious appellation when referring to the Almighty. As Will. As such, Divine Intervention thwarted their plans, stated by Moshe in the beginning of this week’s parshah as Hashem introduced foreign languages, disrupted their when he once again beseeches the monarch to release communications and construction and caused a dispersal Yisrael: of different peoples across the land. Pharaoh sought to pick up where the tower-builders left ּכֹה ָאמַר ה' אֱֹלקֵי הָעִבְרִים... ׁשַּלַח עַּמִ י וְיַעַבְדֻנִי. off. By contemplating their situation, he felt that he knew “So says Hashem, G-d of the Ivrim (literally, Hebrews): what had sidetracked their efforts and how to avoid the ‘... Send my nation, and they shall serve Me’” (Shemos same obstacle. The passage of the tower begins with the 10:3). statement, “And all of the land was of one language” To appreciate the profundity of this title – and why it was (Bereishis 11:1), identified by Rashi as Lashon Hakodesh chosen at this particular time – it is worthwhile to first (“The Holy Tongue”, i.e., the language of the Torah). examine the greater context of the Egyptian episode. What That is, they began as Hebrew-speakers, but when their were the underlying aims of Pharaoh’s enslavement of the language was switched, their project was doomed. Why Jewish people? did Hashem seek to divert them specifically from Lashon Hakodesh? To Pharaoh it seemed clear that therein lay the THE GRAND PLAN – MORE THAN MERE key to completing the project. PYRAMIDS CREATIVE EXPRESSION In the Az Yashir hymn, the Torah refers to the enemies of those who rise against You (Hashem)” What was the secret of this sacred language? The“ – מֶקָ י ָך the Jews as (ibid. 15:7). As Rashi explains, the opponents of Yisrael supremacy of this tongue over all others is well established are, in effect, opponents of Hashem Himself. and reflected in numerous areas ofhalachah . For example, regarding the passages written on the parchments of tefillin And so it was with Pharaoh as well. In yet another brilliant and mezuzos, the Mishnah tells us (Megillah 1:8): exposition, R’ Yehonasan Eibshitz (Tiferes Yehonasan) אֵּבֵ ין סְפָרִ ים לִתְפִּלִ ין ּומְ זּוזֹות, אֶּלָאׁשֶהַּסְפָרִ ים נִכְּתָבִ ין ּבְכָ ל identifies the real target of Pharaoh’s designs: his fight was לָׁשֹון, ּותְפִּלִין ּומְזּוזֹות אֵינָן נִכְּתָבֹות אֶּלָאַאּׁשּורִ ית. .actually directed against Hashem An apparent student of history, Pharaoh was well aware “The only significant halachic difference between of another attempt to wage war against the Master of the Scriptural texts and the texts of tefillin and mezuzos is the Universe: namely, the attempt to build the tower at Bavel following: Scriptural texts can be written in any language, Dedicated in loving memory of Kindly take a moment to study MISHNAS CHAYIM in the merit of a fellow Jew who passed away with no relatives ,שמעון בן צבי ע"ה נתנאל בן משה וזוגתו שינדיל דבורה בת דוד ע"ה by their children, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fischman, Brooklyn, NY to arrange Torah study on behalf of his neshamah. MISHNAS CHAYIM is brought to you by CHEVRAH LOMDEI MISHNAH, a network of Torah scholars dedicated to bringing the merits of Mishnah study to the greater Jewish public. Encompassing Mishnah, Gemara, and a variety of other services, CHEVRAH LOMDEI MISHNAH primarily assists mourners interested in acquiring the merit of Torah study for their loved ones. Side 2 WEEKLY MISHNAH on the PARSHAH בַּ its ּשfor ְׁלִישִׁ י יֶשnotedׁ בּוֹ was טֻמְאָ that ה, nation בָּרְבִיעִ י ּוthat בַחֲמִישׁ ִ י co-optedאֵ ין He בָּהֶ ם .speak טֻמְאָ so toה... whereasFor thebackground texts of tefillin purposes, and mezuzos we present must behere written a brief in שׁ ֶ נִּבְרָ ,tongue א בְּ יוֹם nativeהַ ּשׁ ִּׁשtheir ִי,, טָמֵ א.Ashuris (i.e., Lashon Hakodesh [Tiferes Yisrael]).” tenacious loyalty to Lashon Hakodesh But it was far beyond the heightened level of sanctity and he forced them to engage in his pet project: rebuilding synopsis of the Creation schedule, in which the items the Tower of Bavel. (as reflected in the aforementioned halachah) which “From things created on day one, there are those Pharaoh perceived as essential for the tower’s successful that are susceptibleTWO CAN to P tumah.LAY A TNothing THAT GcreatedAME on day completion.created on Rather,any given it was day the of immensethe Six Days power of contained Creation in these words and letters, for they carried real creation twoWhat is Pharaohsusceptible didn’t to realize,tumah. Therehowever, are was items that createdhe was noton the only one seeking to duplicate the Tower episode. In potential.are mentioned: As Chazal tell us (Berachos 55a), it was through day three with tumah-susceptibility. Days four and five the combining of various letters of the sacred alphabet containconnection no withtumah that-susceptible event, one of items... the righteous but creations descendants of of Shem, son of Noach, stood as a bulwark against the evil that the very world was fashioned through the Word of day six are tumah-susceptible.” Hashem;Day #1: one Heaven who knowsand earth the secret(and light). of these combinations designs of the builders of the Tower of Bavel. He rebuked can harness this power of creation. theIn masses all, days for engagingone, three in thisand projectsix contain and prophesied tumah- about its eventual demise (cf. Rashi, Bereishis 10:25). AndDay so, #2: Pharaoh Firmament concluded, separating this must between be why the Hashem upper susceptibleThe name ofitems, this whileupright days individual two, four was and E iverfive, and,do not. in introduced foreign languages amongst the original tower- Thefact, oneBartenura of his righteousfills in the descendants details: Generallystemmed fromspeaking, the builders;waters and for itthe could lower only waters be successfully (the latter completed being the with yam materialssame spiritual become “root”; tumah this -susceptiblewas none other when than theyAvraham, are the language of Creation. Thus, Pharaoh thought smugly father of the Jewish people, who is identified in Scripture that he had outwitted the Creator at His Own endeavor, fashioned into vessels or clothing – that is, depending [sea]). onas Avrahamwhat the “ materialsHa’Ivri” –are. reflecting On the anfirst association day, the withearth his progenitor, Eiver (cf. Bereishis Rabbah 42:8). was created; earthenware vessels are susceptible to Provided with this background, we can now understand Day #3: Trees, grass, and all vegetation. tumah. Day number two saw the fashioning of the Moshe’s usage of the term “G-d of the Ivrim” in his firmamentdealings with separating Pharaoh. Asthe R’ waters;Yehonasan nothing explains, there Moshe that Day #4: Heavenly bodies of illumination (sun, moon, couldsought incur to shake tumah Pharaoh. The third from day his saw swagger. the creation In effect, of the he trees;was tipping wooden off vessels the despot are susceptiblethat he was toonto tumah his plan. On – the and stars). fourththat it wasand destinedfifth days, to failure.the heavenly “You thinkbodies you and can creatures succeed with your diabolical scheme, hijacking speakers of Lashon ofHakodesh the air andto rebuild sea were the Towerformed, of respectively.Bavel and fight They against do Day #5: Flying creatures and denizens of the sea. notHashem. incur Buttumah don’t, and forget so, seemingly,Who stands a behindmoon-rock this nation jug, orand a Whosharkskin sent mepurse to woulddeliver bethem: tumah none-free. other However, than the Day #6: Animals and man. leather-products‘G-d of the Ivrim.’” from Moshe animals was – reminding created on Pharaoh the sixth that daythis – nation would comes be susceptible from the toroot tumah of Eiver. and shares his potency. And just as he railed against the original attempt The Mishnah in Keilim (17:14) goes through Theand accurately Problem predicted with its demise, Seaweed so, too, will the G-d of the “Ivrim” ensure that your efforts at rebuilding and A personalized program of limud Torah rebellingUpon delvingwill end intoin failure. some of the intricacies of this each day of Creation,in your notingzechus on which days materials topic, a point to consider would be the various forms of ZERA sea vegetation (generally referred to as kelp or seaweed). susceptibleZIVUG KAYAMA to defilementPARNASSAH were created:REFUAH You’ve come to depend on us for your weekly dose of inspiration. Can Althoughwe depend possiblyon you? 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