Packages Documentation Release 0.1.1 Louis Paternault July 20, 2015 Contents 1 Installed tools 3 1.1 System information...........................................3 1.2 Available python versions........................................3 1.3 Installed python packages........................................4 1.4 Installed binaries............................................. 17 1.5 Installed C libraries............................................ 50 1.6 Installed .deb packages.......................................... 60 1.7 Installed LaTeX packages........................................ 87 2 Download and install 169 3 Usage 171 i ii Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 This sphinx extension provides some directives to see what tools are available on the compiling machine. I wrote this because I was developping a sphinx extension calling system commands, and I wanted to be able to use is on readthedocs, but I did not know which tools were available there: the official list of installed tools is pretty scarce. Warning: If your are reading this on readthedocs, keep in mind that thoses lists are not official. It is not guaranteed that those tools will remain available in the future: they only reflects what was available when this documentation was compiled. I do not know and I have nothing to do with readthedocs, so I do not know how they choose what to install. Contents 1 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 2 Contents CHAPTER 1 Installed tools If you want to see installed tools, the list is here. Else, se below for more information about this package. 1.1 System information This information is provided by directive: .. packages:platform:: It list some platform information. Machine x86_64 Platform Linux-3.13.0-55-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty System Linux Release 3.13.0-55-generic Version #92-Ubuntu SMP Sun Jun 14 18:32:20 UTC 2015 Processor x86_64 Architecture 64bit ELF Linux distribution Ubuntu 14.04 trusty 1.2 Available python versions This information is provided by directive: .. packages:pyversions:: It lists the available python versions. Binary Version /usr/bin/python2.7 Python 2.7.6 /usr/bin/python2 Python 2.7.6 /home/docs/bin/python Python 2.7.6 /home/docs/bin/python2.7 Python 2.7.6 /usr/bin/python Python 2.7.6 /home/docs/bin/python2 Python 2.7.6 /usr/bin/python3 Python 3.4.0 /usr/bin/python3.4 Python 3.4.0 3 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 1.3 Installed python packages This information is provided by the directive: .. packages:python:: :bin: BINARY It lists available python packgaes, using BINARY as the python binary. Note that packages only available in a vir- tualenv may appear, and system packages may not be displayed if run in a virtualenv. • To list installed python2 packages: .. packages:python:: :bin: python2 • To list installed python3 packages: .. packages:python:: :bin: python3 1.3.1 Installed python2 packages This information is provided by the directive: .. packages:python2:: which is a shortcut to: .. packages:python:: :bin: python2 It lists available python2 packgaes. Package name Version BaseHTTPServer 0.3 Bastion CDROM CGIHTTPServer 0.4 Canvas ConfigParser Cookie DLFCN Dialog DocXMLRPCServer FileDialog FixTk HTMLParser IN MimeWriter PIL 1.1.7 Queue SPARQLWrapper 1.6.4 ScrolledText SimpleDialog Continued on next page 4 Chapter 1. Installed tools Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version SimpleHTTPServer 0.6 SimpleXMLRPCServer SocketServer 0.4 StringIO TYPES Tix Tkconstants Tkdnd Tkinter $Revision: 81008 $ UserDict UserList UserString abc aifc alabaster 0.7.5 allauth amqp 1.0.13 antigravity anydbm anyjson 0.3.3 appconf 1.0.1 argparse 1.3.0 ast 82160 asynchat asyncore atexit audiodev audioop babel 1.3 backports bamboo_boy base64 bdb billiard binhex bisect bs4 4.1.3 bsddb 5.3.0 bz2 bzrlib 2.6.0 cProfile calendar celery 3.0.24 celery_haystack 0.7.2 certifi cgi 2.6 cgitb chunk click 4.0 Continued on next page 1.3. Installed python packages 5 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version cmd code codecs codeop collections collective colorsys commands compileall compiler contextlib cookielib copy copy_reg copyright 1.0.0 corsheaders 0.13 crypt cssselect 0.7.1 csv 1.0 ctypes 1.1.0 curses 2.2 datetime dateutil 2.4.2 dbhash dbm decimal 1.70 difflib dircache dis distlib 0.1.2 distutils 2.7.6 distutils2 1.0a3 django (1, 6, 2, ‘final’, 0) django_extensions 1.3.8 django_gravatar django_mailgun djangosecure 0.1.2 djcelery 3.0.23 djcelery_transactions djkombu 0.9.4 dns doc2dash 1.1.0 docopt 0.6.2 doctest docutils 0.11 dumbdbm dummy_thread dummy_threading easy_install Continued on next page 6 Chapter 1. Installed tools Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version elasticsearch (1, 5, 0) email 4.0.3 emport encodings examples factory 2.4.1 filecmp fileinput flask 0.10.1 fnmatch formatter fpectl fpformat fractions ftplib functools funtests future_builtins genericpath getopt getpass gettext git 1.0.1 gitdb 0.6.4 gitflow 0.5.1 github2 0.5.2 gitpy glob guardian 1.2.0 gunicorn 19.1.0 gzip hashlib heapq hgext hiredis 0.1.2 hmac hotshot html5lib 0.99999 htmlentitydefs htmllib httplib httplib2 0.7.7 ihooks imaplib 2.58 imghdr importlib imputil infi inspect Continued on next page 1.3. Installed python packages 7 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version io isodate itsdangerous jinja2 2.7.3 json 2.0.9 keyring keyword kombu 2.5.16 launchpadlib 1.10.2 lib2to3 linecache linuxaudiodev livereload 2.4.0 locale logging lxml macpath macurl2path mailbox mailcap maintenancemode 0.10.1 mako 1.0.1 markdown 2.6.2 markupbase markupsafe md5 mercurial mhlib mimeparse 0.1.4 mimetools mimetypes mimify mkdocs 0.14.0 mmap mock 1.0.1 modulefinder multifile multiprocessing 0.70a1 mutex netrc new newrelic nilsimsa nis nntplib ntpath nturl2path numbers oauth Continued on next page 8 Chapter 1. Installed tools Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version oauthlib 0.7.2 opcode openid 2.2.1 optparse 1.5.3 os os2emxpath ossaudiodev packaging 15.2 pagination parser 0.5 pdb pickle $Revision: 72223 $ pickletools pip 6.1.1 pipes pkgutil platform 1.0.7 plistlib popen2 poplib posixfile posixpath pprint profile pstats psycopg2 2.5.4 (dt dec pq3 ext) pty py 1.4.28 py_compile pyclbr pydoc $Revision: 88564 $ pydoc_data pyelasticsearch 0.7.1 pyexpat 2.7.6 pygments 2.0.2 pyparsing 2.0.3 pyquery pysolr (2, 0, 13) pytest 2.7.1 pytest_django 2.6.2 pytz 2013b quopri random rdflib 4.2.0 re 2.2.1 readline redis 2.7.1 repr requests 2.3.0 Continued on next page 1.3. Installed python packages 9 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version requests_oauthlib 0.5.0 resource rest_framework 3.0.4 rexec rfc822 rlcompleter robotparser runpy sched sets setuptools 18.0.1 sgmllib sha shapefile 1.2.3 shelve shlex shutil simplejson 2.3.0 site sitecustomize six 1.9.0 slumber smmap 0.9.0 smtpd Python SMTP proxy version 0.2 smtplib sndhdr snowballstemmer socket south 1.0.2 sphinx 1.3.1 sphinx_http_domain sphinx_rtd_theme 0.1.8 sphinxarg sqlite3 2.6.0 sre sre_compile sre_constants sre_parse ssl stat statvfs string stringold stringprep stripe 1.20.2 struct subprocess sunau sunaudio Continued on next page 10 Chapter 1. Installed tools Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version symbol symtable sysconfig tabnanny 6 taggit (0, 16, 2) tarfile $Revision: 85213 $ tastypie (0, 11, 1) telnetlib tempfile termios test testresources (0, 2, 7, ‘final’, 0) tests textwrap this threading timeit tkColorChooser tkCommonDialog tkFileDialog tkFont 0.9 tkMessageBox tkSimpleDialog toaiff token tokenize tornado 4.2 trace traceback ttk 0.3.1 tty turtle types unicodecsv 0.13.0 unipath unittest urllib 1.17 urllib2 2.7 urllib3 1.10.4 urlparse user uu uuid virtualenv 13.1.0 virtualenv_support wadllib 1.3.2 warnings wave weakref Continued on next page 1.3. Installed python packages 11 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.1 – continued from previous page Package name Version webbrowser werkzeug 0.10.4 whichdb wsgi_intercept 0.10.0 wsgiref xdrlib xlrd 0.9.0 xml xmllib 0.3 xmlrpclib 1.0.1 yaml 3.11 zc zipfile 1.3.2 Installed python3 packages This information is provided by the directive: .. packages:python3:: which is a shortcut to: .. packages:python:: :bin: python3 It lists available python3 packgaes. Package name Version CDROM CommandNotFound DLFCN DistUpgrade IN LanguageSelector TYPES UpdateManager abc aifc antigravity apt apt_inst apt_pkg 1.0.1ubuntu2 aptsources argparse 1.1 ast asynchat asyncio asyncore audioop base64 Continued on next page 12 Chapter 1. Installed tools Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.2 – continued from previous page Package name Version bdb binhex bisect bz2 cProfile calendar cgi 2.6 cgitb chardet 2.2.1 chunk cmath cmd code codecs codeop collections colorama 0.2.5 colorsys compileall concurrent configparser contextlib copy copyreg crypt csv 1.0 ctypes 1.1.0 curl curses b‘2.2’ datetime dbm dbus 1.2.0 debconf decimal 1.70 difflib dis distlib 0.1.8 distutils 3.4.0 doctest dummy_threading easy_install email 5.1.0 encodings enum filecmp fileinput fnmatch formatter fpectl Continued on next page 1.3. Installed python packages 13 Packages Documentation, Release 0.1.1 Table 1.2 – continued from previous page Package name Version fractions ftplib functools genericpath getopt getpass gettext gi 3.12.0 glob gzip hashlib heapq hmac html html5lib 0.999 http idlelib imaplib 2.58 imghdr imp importlib inspect io ipaddress 1.0 janitor json 2.0.9 keyword language_support_pkgs lib2to3 linecache locale logging lsb_release lzma macpath macurl2path mailbox mailcap mimetypes mmap modulefinder multiprocessing netrc nis nntplib ntpath nturl2path numbers opcode Continued on next page 14 Chapter 1.
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