' ' 'I ,' .I ' / : \ r ! ·;- '?-. .J / '· ./ • ,, . ' ._, A ) • } \_, \ ,.,,,.r· .,; J ' i , also-KV\ownas ,, , ~~ i · • . "s \ , ~~~!~!!$~~~!~~c)~ . -~F· I -Vol. 5, 'No. 11,, Jan •. 8, 1959 Semi-Monthly , J6 ye~fy by !irst class p1ap' ,' '( '\ " / , "' " NEWS 1. , L ,,. 'CHICAGO .HOLlDAY MEE1', Dec. 27: ~ 60 -Robinson, Mich; 6. 2;_Murchison (l '); ·"' Jacobs, 6.-3; 6.0HH--Stanger, Mien, 7. 5; Stillwagon, Smith, WM; two-mile Asnmore 9:.l,6~2. Fr,akes _9.18·? , Harvey 9:27, Vanderheuval ; 220 Ethkrton 22. 6, Murchison, McCqllll;M.ile- . ,Colemki 4fl3. 8, Gregor_y 4:14, Eni9ks. rlJ Richards · 6'6½"; Gibs'orl,.Ji14" .'· 60LH boomos 17(.1; Dobbs, Sta~g~; py ' Landstrom '14' ( tio;yle, Gibson, Welboulne ·13'6". 880- Peake 1:55. 9; · . Mal Spence,Billups. ~SJ- Nickel'.,44'2½", Greer, Anderson._fil'Steffes 2215¾",McCaruf ~Bird;_-.... Shot Edeman 48'1"; VHnter 47'6"; Crowley 47'4". .. ,,,,.. \ -- ,- ~ W~ER ALL-COMERS Lqs Angeles ·, Dec. 14: tfammer-Con~101ly ~19'.J.0"; .Pag;ani, 1 181 '1"r;~ Ellis J, 70'1 .'.!. 35 lb. wt. Connolly 66 11~½" •, be~t on re_c.9rdL~69'4"Joul};, fagani75f; * 1 Ellis 51:9" ~ 'New York Dec. ? Shot Marchiony 52'11¾", Kqrn 52'7;i", Wi:µslow .50'5½", · · Hands 50'2", all Manhattan • . Stw'Torci, ,Dec. 27- 2-mile, Larrie 9:,42. 6, Linn 9:42. 8; / Jan. 3 Linn, HS·, 4: 23. 3; Y aley, HS, 4: 23. 7 •. ' :- ., ' ANNUAL POLL T,his year's Track Newsletter Poll has been changed. Only aboue25% of't!1e readers pahicf :: p.ited in previous pons and so we decided it isn't right to use up a page of the 1':Jutsletter to _cpnduct tlfe poll. However, -~ who want to participate can _do, so by answer:ing 'these ques- , dons: , 'll. ,Your ·picks for. 1960 O~ympic winners in each event ~ 2 • . At~~te of the year, U. ,S. ·· and world, for the entire sport (track or field), for tJ;"acke¥ents, for field events. 3. All-- time, all-~tar team, one athlete per event. 4. Which TN features do yotJ want morq of, v.hich would you like to see eliminated. Scnq answers Within_th:tec days of ~.eceipt. , , , r ,i . BULLETIN BOARD , "- . _ , >;,. 1 Next Newsletter to be .mailed Jan. 21. January Track & F1eld News m.rilecl Feb •.,, 5. ' ) 'News of indoor camp_~ign is needed. Be sure to send in ali results ; as soon as av·rulable. I ~. , _Greatest Sprinters · series is concluded in this 'issue. Our thanks to TN Max.Stiles for a wonderful contribution. -- . ., .. ,_ ...,. · · Stop watches for sale. As far as we kr!.ow,-the finest stop watch mr.de is the Omega 1135,,"'. ~ an,,,extra, extra large, 30 second watch, with split hands, R,etails in U.S • .for $325, inclu4ing trut~s. After 18 months qf ~ffort We have succee~ed ~ obtaining just twd of these wonderful' \' watches (we hope to get a few _more, but' it is yery difficult). T,he firs:t two checks fo,r. $~62. 50 (just half-price) will get tllese watches. I(no takers, will be advertised in T&FN. ' ._ ..... , !'.Out-of-print NCAA Guide (1956) 'and ,ATFS Annuals (1952 -2 cop~es~ 1955) have turnecf up~· c, Also ,autog:i;aphed copy 'pf. "Zatopek, The ,Maratho~ Victor". , Available at $5 each. A&demand \. will exceed '~upply, please do not ;send money, but merely state .~youf desires ~and -pick il:num- ber between l · and l00 _fso th~t everyone may have fair .chance). - · , . , . · , --~ ,, . Back Issues will go oii special sale sqon in T &FN. :rrack ,Nuts may hav¢ fil;st , chance (since . , _some 1s_~u.esh~ve only on~ copy available; others pnly a few). · Major ,price 'clianges /,frorh · · , ;, l~st printed in Dec. T &FN- -some price~ 'up, some1 dpwn, some "not available" issues now • f available. Best chance yet to complete your files. Ask for special list. ✓ ,, _Women's AU-Time List begins <in, thi~ issue, 'compiled by Bernie Cceii:is,~ustralia, and Jan ,,... Popper, Czech. It will be the most completely detailed list yet published, by far, and will be the forerunner of a 'handbook; if the author's can find a publisher. 50 best perf9rmei's fOf , -eaclJ:,event Will be published. Forward and credits to be announcellatcr. _/Send, any corre oction~ I 1 to B~rnie, Cecins, . Perth Chest Hospital,- Room 40, Wnrd,. 3B, Subiaco ., VI.A., I Australia.. ' ,/. ,yP.·.f·--:''. , ,",,_ ✓ 1 .• \_ ,,.,, ·• · Flno :.·)~✓ oL;c · oJi,T ·,,,·,· ,· ,&>-';' "·,r;-~-"" 1 ,. 1 1 • , )' ' 1 · ' ' . 1 ,'\ ~' !, ·- _ i '---, 11 : 1 ,,; by ·\.\alterE. /Donovan _, 1 c; - ' _(P · z . , In 1950 the Gulf Associjltion ,of the "AAlf'nametl Fred Wolcott as the top ~ack star in . Texas fo1ithe past 50 years; Wolcott ; ·who ran in the sil"~r and blue colors of Rice Institute from _1938 through 1940~ )Va_s one -of' ~e gr~a,test hurdlers in track ' history and the second ,,_ __, 1 Irian to peat,14 seconds .fer the highs~ 'Wolcott's tr,ernendous 1speed (he could run the 100 in ; ; 9. 5) earn~d him the hono.r of removing Je~se Owens' name tr_om the record books as the ~ - '- i . \ ,;, - I , ~ , ,'i holder of the 22p yiµ-d ~d 200m,lqw hurdles mrl4s records. This speed, plus flawless 1 1 ~. 1· for~ J'o:Y_ffithe iiU:r<lles, helped Wotcott tcf tied th~-gxe1a;~world kec~rcl of 13.1 establ~~hed by · ·L ,Olyp;1p1c ,Cp~pio~ (19~6) Forest 1i O¥.j1tS,ov cer the i,2oy and 1,Qm h1glis. , Nu~erous ·~ndoor i f ,' . ;. 1• r~cords \also fell before this plond tor n.ado from Texas. l :/ · 1 •· ·. /) • ,_ His debut in big timf track Jas , aµinco~~picuous t~rd in the 200m,lows at the AAU ·\, Y Ju~or c_hampionships won by Charles Belcher ofrG~orgiaJJ:;ech f1t~ 1Wf:1-ukce, 1937. 1 1 , , ·( ' As a sophomore in 1938'he was 1thc sensation of the outdoor track se~en, wip.ning :ff \ ever .race he rari. 1 He,~on the highs ~at tpe Texas '_Relay~ fu, a windswept 13. 9 and also ,, ff · cap~reg the 100 ,in ~- B.( At the 1(ansas Relays ,he_set a new meet mark of 14. 2, He set a ·•-·t new· meet record of 14, 2 'at t_he Drake Relay~, ec_µpsi~g the old µiark of 14. 4 made oy 1 Olympic Champpeorge Saling of Iowa in 1932. - In this iame llJC"-etVvolcott helped Rice set ,.- , a ne,w'Amer;i.cah re~ord · o:f_3;25. 3 for the spr~t medley rel~y, running 11.'fsmashing "220 leg 1 1 a - \~ · 1 \89d 1tlienflllChored Rice's 440 relay team whicl'l tied th~ D:vake res,ord of 4i. s: At 1the Cen- ~ :: -) · tral Intercollegiate Conference meet, Freddie won the high's,- and lows, f;!Stabllshihg meet c ; " records of 14. 2 1 and .23. 3. He won'.four gold medals at the 'southwest Conference meet, . ' 2 \ winning the 100 in 9. 8,, the 220 lows in 23. o, the highs in 14~1 l an' anchbting the 440 relay~ · ', B.y the t:i,me the NCAA meet rolled around in Minneapolis, Wolcott was hotter than 1 the Houlton summer sun. In the heats of the highs her~ 14. Oto ·tie Bbb Osgood's (Michigan) A -µicrfGan 1 record .made iir1937 . ..This markalso "biolce the cfiawpionship record of 14 ..1 made ) ' by Saling in 1932 ·and tied by Towns in1936. Fred ~ent on to win thc?final ip14. l and then ( l; ,I beat Earl Vickery of USC in the_lows 'in 23. 3, a championship record around a turn ., It was J the only,double of the day. , , ,". , . 1 r): I \ l At the A.AU meet, on a poor tracf at Buffalo, New York, r he lcluplicated ,the title 1 ·"' ~ubles ,of AllanTolmich (1937) 211d~Steve Ande.rson (1929) by c·ap~uring the 'highs in 14, 3 and 1 r i / and the lows in 23. 6. '•As the,w9rl 3is J1Un;fuerone hurdler h~ tou:rcd ~wrope that year •. , -~ Wolcott mad'e his indocir debut in .1939 at the AAO meet in Madison Square Garden. r H~ fiJ:?.ishedthird b~hind ;Tolmi £h and Roy Staley of USC as Tolmicl i set a new worid record 1 \, ,of -8.4for the '65µihighs. , · ~ ). , ' ~ , - ' Y-,<' . ( ,. Fred opened the 1939 outdoor season . anthe Texas Relays -winning fl1e highs in 14~ l in i ,,1 and anchdrii,.g Rice's 440 relai teain tq a gr_eat ,.victory a ~ew meet record time of 41. 4, ,i Although he ra."1the 100.rinvitadon -in 9. 5,he was beaten by one foot by \Vilhur Greer of (, ,, r ?yiichigan ,State. , He suffer~d a slight leg injury at the ·Kansas Relays but still managed to 1 1 1 / _ ; ,win .the hi~hs in 14. 3. \ At the Drake Relayshe wo11,in 11.·4 ~d ,anchored the 880 lielay team 1 ;-, J ,to a •win. He_scored lµs second tripl ~, at tµe So\lthwest €dnference meet winning the 100 in 1 , ·, ~ 9. 8 . (after winning his heat..ffl 9. ·5); the hfghs in 14. 3 and the lows in ~4. 2, ' He was a double winner ag~ in· the NCAA,capturing the highs in 14.2 and trre 'low.s in-23.9 tr~m:Vickery \,_ • .,.. J and Roy Gochran of Incli,-ana~ A~ Lincoln, Nebr.; Wolcott -,._won the hea~ of the A.AUhighs in 13. B-:1::futthe meet ., record (was riot allowed because of a favoring wind. In the fi~als, Wolcott was beaten _by Joe Batiste, 'a tall Negro schoolboy from Tucson, Ariz ;; mWctng his debut on ,_ 1 the _pational scene.
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