E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2007 No. 18 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was tember 21, 2006 in the Gainesville Sun. saves money, but it also reduces the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Mrs. Vernell James wrote this letter. quality of the benefit; 1.5 million vet- pore (Mr. MEEKS of New York). She and her husband, both in their sev- erans are sufficiently unhappy with the f enties, married for 58 years, wrote, result that they opt to buy the more quote, ‘‘Medicare part D has been a inclusive Medicare coverage.’’ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO great experience for our family. Health TEMPORE Well, they are not the same creatures insurance is important because it helps at all, these two programs. I have the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- us stay well and live a quality life. My background to know, I have been a fore the House the following commu- husband is on three different medica- member of the Veterans Committee for tions, so good health insurance is nication from the Speaker: 15 years; I served on the Health Sub- something we need. WASHINGTON, DC, committee on this Veterans Com- ‘‘The Medicare Web site made it sim- January 30, 2007. mittee. In fact, I chaired the VA ple enough to choose a plan and sign I hereby appoint the Honorable GREGORY Health Subcommittee in the past. W. MEEKS to act as Speaker pro tempore on up. Now that the November 15th dead- this day. line is approaching, seniors need to be Next: Why do this at all when the NANCY PELOSI, thinking about which plan is best for private insurance market is keeping Speaker of the House of Representatives. them. We save nearly $250 a month be- premiums costs low for beneficiaries? f cause of Medicare part D on our medi- As the Post went on to write, quote, ‘‘the Congressional Budget Office esti- MORNING HOUR DEBATES cations, and we are looking forward to continuing savings next year.’’ mated this week that savings from di- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- I have met this lady, and she im- rect negotiations would be negligible, ant to the order of the House of Janu- pressed upon me how this benefit has the average monthly premium has fall- ary 4, 2007, the Chair will now recog- given them healthy coverage, and more en since the program began a year ago. nize Members from lists submitted by importantly, peace of mind. But don’t Private insurers can do this precisely the majority and minority leaders for take my word for it or the word of this because they are free to establish morning hour debates. The Chair will lady; I found no more convincing argu- formularies, but market discipline en- alternate recognition between the par- ments than what was recently in the sures that these lists are not unappeal- ties, with each party limited to not to two editorials in the Washington Post. ing narrow. The insurers need to keep exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, One appeared November 2, 2006, and one customers.’’ Emphasis added. except the majority leader, the minor- the day after the bill, H.R. 4, passed, Further, the Post wrote, quote, ‘‘The ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- January 13, 2007. Democrats’ stance is troubling because ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. Because of the prominence of this it suggests an excessively government- The Chair recognizes the gentleman newspaper to policymakers around this led view of health care reform. The bet- from Florida (Mr. STEARNS) for 5 min- town, I would like to share these edi- utes. torials with my colleagues. ter approach is to let each insurer offer its own version of the right balance to f On what grounds does the Post dis- agree with the Democrat bill, H.R. 4, see whether it attracts customers, and MEDICARE PART D—WASHINGTON which involves price fixing? First, the then adapt flexibly.’’ POST’S TAKE same point that many of us may have I have been extolling the Federal Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, two heard on the House floor during the de- Employee Health Benefit Program as a weeks ago the House passed a bill to re- bate, but unfortunately not in com- model for over a decade. FEHBP works quire the Secretary of Health and mittee because the bill failed to go well precisely because the Office of Human Services to negotiate with drug through regular Democratic order. On Personnel Management administering companies on the prices of pharma- comparing Medicare to VA, Veterans it does not micromanage the program, ceuticals for the part D drug program, Affairs, the VA ‘‘can do this because it does not set prices. It simply sets the H.R. 4 was the bill. is free to deny coverage for drugs terms of allowable plans, and then of- In my district, I have heard over- whose makers refuse to provide dis- fers Federal and Legislative branch whelmingly good news about the exist- counts. Fully 3,000 of the 4,300 medi- employees, including Members of Con- ing part D program. For a striking ex- cines covered by Medicare are unavail- gress and the Executive Branch, the ample, there was a letter to the editor able under the veterans’ program. Re- cafeteria of options, and they go forth from one of my constituents on Sep- stricting the list of coverage drugs and they choose what is best for them. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H989 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:45 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H30JA7.REC H30JA7 hmoore on PRODPC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 30, 2007 On November 2, the Post echoed this for Congress before, they are conserv- CHARLIE ALLEBACH, JR. endorsement of consumer freedom ative Democratic counties. They don’t The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- writing, ‘‘Retirees have a choice of in- run their counties and cities this way. ant to the order of the House of Janu- surance plans with widely varying They don’t say the mayor is going back ary 4, 2007, the gentleman from costs, and some are faced with deci- in the back rooms and is going to put Pennyslvania (Mr. DENT) is recognized sions on how much to spend out of together the budget for the next year. during morning hour debates for 2 min- pocket. If they choose to pay top dollar We are not going to have any kind of utes. for branded medicines, the incentive to hearings, we are not going to allow any Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I come here invent new medicines will rise. If they input. And here in Congress, in the past today not to speak about the great prefer to save money, incentives for in- we have had review by subcommittees, weighty issues of the day, whether it novation will decline a bit. Either way, and then the subcommittee hearings be Iraq or the budget process and pro- a balance will be struck that reflects and taking testimony, and then we had cedures of the House, homeland secu- broad social preferences.’’ a voting it out of subcommittee called rity or any number of issues. No, Mr. My colleagues, the Democrat bill, a markup. Then we had review by the Speaker, I come here today to talk H.R. 4, that was passed, not through full committee. Then we had input about the career of a wonderful indi- the democratic process here in Con- from both Democrats and Republicans. vidual. You know, it was Tip O’Neill gress, but put on the floor without Then we had a voting it out of com- who once said that all politics is local, amendments, will not help the part D mittee. And then it went to the Rules and I rise today to honor the career of Medicare prescription drug program, it Committee, and then the Rules Com- one of our Nation’s great local civic will hurt it. If you don’t believe it, read mittee considered it. And then it came leaders, civic officials, Charlie these editorials of the Washington to the floor. And then there were op- Allebach, Jr. Post. portunities for amendment, not on $463 Charlie has been serving the people of f billion of American taxpayer money, the Borough of Souderton, Pennsyl- vania, for almost 43 years. Let me say VOTERS MADE A MISTAKE no, not here. There is no sub- that again. That is for 43 years, he has TRUSTING DEMOCRATS committee, no committee, no Rules Committee. Well, they may take it to served the people of Souderton, Penn- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Rules, but I am not sure about that be- sylvania. He first became a borough ant to the order of the House of Janu- cause it won’t matter. It is coming to councilman in 1964—by the way, I was ary 4, 2007, the gentleman from Texas the floor tomorrow for a vote on the 4 years old at that time—he was ap- (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized during $463 billion Obey-Byrd earmark. That pointed mayor in 1970, and he has been morning hour debates for 5 minutes.
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