MT-10-20121112_14-songs 11/13/2012 12:02 PM Page 8 Songs and Hymns HYMNS / PIYUTIM Hymns Shabbat ADON OLAM Havdalah Songs Adon olam asher malach, 'Q‹k¨n r¤J£t oŠkIg iIs£t Israeli Songs b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. /t¨r‰c°b rhˆm±h kŠF o¤rœ¤y‰C Days of Awe L’eit naasah v’cheftzo kol, 'k«F Im‰p¤j‰c v¨G…g³b ,‡g‰k Three Festivals azai Melech sh’mo nikra. /t¨r§e°b In§J Q†kœ¤n h³z£t Sukkot V’acharei kichlot hakol, 'k«F©v ,Ik‰fˆF h¥r£j©t±u Pesach l’vado yimloch nora. /t¨rIb QIk§n°h IS‹c‰k Shavuot V’hu hayah, v’hu hoveh, 'v®u«v tUv±u 'v²h¨v tUv±u Chanukah v’hu yih’yeh, b’tifarah. /v¨r¨t‰p¦,‰C 'v®h§v°h tUv±u Tu Bish’vat V’hu echad v’ein sheini, Purim 'h°b¥J ih¥t±u s¨j¤t tUv±u l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah. Songs of Memory /v¨rhœˆC§j©v‰k Ik kh¦J§n©v‰k B’li reishit b’li tachlit, ',hˆk‰f©, hˆk‰C ,h¦Jt¥r hˆk‰C Meditation and Healing v’lo haoz v’hamisrah. /v¨r§G¦N©v±u z«g¨v Ik±u National Hymns V’hu Eli v’chai go-ali, 'hˆk£t«D h©j±u hˆk¥t tUv±u v’tzur chevli b’eit tzarah. /v¨rŠm ,‡g‰C hˆk‰c¤j rUm±u V’hu nisi umanos li hˆk xIb¨nU h¦X°b tUv±u m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. /t¨r§e¤t oIh‰C h¦xIF ,³b§n B’yado afkid ruchi, 'h¦jUr sh¦e‰p©t Is²h‰C b’eit ishan v’a-irah. /v¨rhœˆg¨t±u i©Jh¦t ,‡g‰C V’im ruchi g’viyati, 'h¦,²H°u±D h¦jUr oˆg±u Adonai li v’lo ira. /t¨rh¦t tO±u hˆk ²h±h You are our Eternal God, who reigned before any being had been created; when all was done according to Your will, then You were called Ruler. And after all ceases to be, You alone will rule in majesty. You have been, are yet, and will be in glory. And You are One; none other can compare to or consort with You. You are without beginning, without end. To You belong power and dominion. And You are my God, my living Redeemer, my Rock in times of trouble and distress. You are my standard bearer and my refuge, my benefactor when I call on You. Into Your hands I entrust my spirit, when I sleep and when I wake, and with my spirit my body also; Adonai is with me and I shall not fear. 625 From Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur, copyright (c) 2007 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed, sold or copied without express written permission. MT-10-20121112_14-songs 11/13/2012 12:02 PM Page 11 Songs and Hymns EIN K’ELOHEINU oh¦yUHˆP Ein k’Eloheinu, ein k’Adoneinu, 'Ubhœ¯bIst‹F ih¥t 'UbhvOtœ¥ ‡F ih¥t ,ŠC©J ein k’Malkeinu, ein k’Moshi-einu. /Ubœ‡gh¦JIn‰F ih¥t 'Ubœ‡F‰k©n‰F ih¥t vŠk¨S‰c©v oh¦rh¦J Mi ch’Eloheinu, mi ch’Adoneinu, 'Ubhœ¯bIst‹f h¦n 'UbhvOtœ¥ ‡f h¦n k¥t¨r§G°h .¤rœ¤t h¥rh¦J mi ch’Malkeinu, mi ch’Moshi-einu? ?Ubœ‡gh¦JIn‰f h¦n 'Ubœ‡F‰k©n‰f h¦n oh¦t¨rIb oh¦n²h ohˆk²d§r JO¨J Nodeh l’Eloheinu, nodeh l’Adoneinu, 'Ubhœ¯bIst‹k v¤sIb 'UbhvOtœ¥ ‡k v¤sIb ,IFªx nodeh l’Malkeinu, nodeh l’Moshi-einu. /Ubœ‡gh¦JIn‰k v¤sIb 'Ubœ‡F‰k©n‰k v¤sIb j©xœ†P ,IgŒc¨J Baruch Eloheinu, baruch Adoneinu, 'Ubhœ¯bIs£t QUrŠC 'UbhvOœ¥ ¡t QUrŠC vŠF´b£j baruch Malkeinu, baruch Moshi-einu. /Ubœ‡gh¦JIn QUrŠC 'Ubœ‡F‰k©n QUrŠC yŠc§JˆC U"y oh¦rUP Atah hu Eloheinu, atah hu Adoneinu, 'Ubhœ¯bIs£t tUv v¨T©t 'UbhvOœ¥ ¡t tUv v¨T©t rIf±z atah hu Malkeinu, atah hu Moshi-einu. /Ubœ‡gh¦JIn tUv v¨T©t 'Ubœ‡F‰k©n tUv v¨T©t v¨nŠk§j©v±u v²h‰m©yh¦s¤n oh°H¦Nªt‰k oh¦rh¦J There is none like our God; there is none like our Eternal One; There is none like our Ruler; there is none like our Redeemer. Who is like our God? Who is like our Eternal One? Who is like our Ruler? Who is like our Redeemer? We will give thanks to our God; we will give thanks to our Eternal One; We will give thanks to our Ruler; we will give thanks to our Redeemer. Praised be our God; praised be our Eternal One; Praised be our Ruler; praised be our Redeemer. You are our God; You are our Eternal One; You are our Ruler; You are our Redeemer. 626 From Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur, copyright (c) 2007 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed, sold or copied without express written permission. MT-10-20121112_14-songs 11/13/2012 12:02 PM Page 10 Songs and Hymns SHALOM ALEICHEM Hymns Shabbat Shalom aleichem, malachei hashareit, ',¥r¨שּׁ©v h‡f£t‰k©n 'o†fh‡k…g oIk¨J Havdalah malachei Elyon, 'iIh‰k†g h‡f£t‰k©n Songs miMelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohˆfŠk§N©v h‡f‰k©n Q†kœ¤N¦n Israeli Songs HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUrŠC JIs¨E©v Days of Awe Bo-achem l’shalom, malachei hashalom, 'oIk¨שּׁ©v h‡f£t‰k©n 'oIk¨J‰k o†f£tIC Three Festivals malachei Elyon, 'iIh‰k†g h‡f£t‰k©n Sukkot miMelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohˆfŠk§N©v h‡f‰k©n Q†kœ¤N¦n Pesach HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUrŠC JIs¨E©v Shavuot Chanukah Bar’chuni l’shalom, malachei hashalom, 'oIk¨שּׁ©v h‡f£t‰k©n 'oIk¨J‰k h°bU œf§rŠC Tu Bish’vat malachei Elyon, 'iIh‰k†g h‡f£t‰k©n Purim miMelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohˆfŠk§N©v h‡f‰k©n Q†kœ¤N¦n Songs of Memory HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUrŠC JIs¨E©v Meditation and Healing Tzeit’chem l’shalom, malachei hashalom, 'oIk¨שּׁ©v h‡f£t‰k©n 'oIk¨J‰k o†f§,t‡m National Hymns malachei Elyon, 'iIh‰k†g h‡f£t‰k©n miMelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohˆfŠk§N©v h‡f‰k©n Q†kœ¤N¦n HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUrŠC JIs¨E©v Peace be to you, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. Enter in peace, O messengers of peace, angels of the Most High, Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. Bless me with peace, O messengers of peace, angels of the Most High, Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. Depart in peace, O messengers of peace, angels of the Most High, Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. 627 From Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur, copyright (c) 2007 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed, sold or copied without express written permission. MT-10-20121112_14-songs 11/13/2012 12:02 PM Page 13 Songs and Hymns YIGDAL oh¦yUHˆP ,ŠC©J Yigdal Elohim chai v’yishtabach, 'j‹C©T§J°h±u h©j oh¦vO¡t k©S±d°h vŠk¨S‰c©v nimtza, v’ein eit el m’tziuto. /I,Uthˆm§n k¤t ,‡g ih¥t±u 'tŠm§n°b oh¦rh¦J Echad, v’ein yachid k’yichudo, 'IsUj°h‰F sh¦j²h ih¥t±u 's¨j¤t k¥t¨r§G°h .¤rœ¤t h¥rh¦J nelam v’gam ein sof l’achduto. /I,US§j©t‰k ;Ix ih¥t o³d±u 'oŠk‰g®b oh¦t¨rIb oh¦n²h Ein lo d’mut haguf v’eino guf, ';UD Ibh¥t±u ;UD©v ,Un§S Ik ih¥t ohˆk²d§r JO¨J lo naaroch eilav k’dushato. /I,¨שּׁªs§e uhŠk¥t QIr…g³b tO ,IFªx Kadmon l’chol davar asher nivra, 't¨r‰c°b r¤J£t rŠc¨S kŠf‰k iIn§s©e j©xœ†P rishon, v’ein reishit l’reishito. /I,h¦Jt¥r‰k ,h¦Jt¥r ih¥t±u 'iIJt¦r ,IgŒc¨J vŠF´b£j Hino Adon olam l’chol notzar, 'rŠmIb kŠf‰k 'oŠkIg iIs£t IB¦v yŠc§JˆC U"y yoreh g’dulato umalchuto. /I,Uf‰k©nU I,ŠKªs±d v¤rIh oh¦rUP Shefa n’vuato n’tano, el k¤t 'Ib¨,±b I,¨tUc±b g‹pœ¤J rIf±z anshei s’gulato v’tifarto. /IT§r©t‰p¦,±u I,ŠK´d§x h¥J±b©t v¨nŠk§j©v±u v²h‰m©yh¦s¤n oh°H¦Nªt‰k oh¦rh¦J Lo kam b’Yisrael k’Moshe od, 'sIg v¤J«n‰F k¥t¨r§G°h‰C o¨e tO navi u’mabit et t’munato.
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