JACKSON COUNTY HISTORY AT RISK oAt£ CHANG£! PUBl\C HEAR\NG NOW MAY 4 10:30 A.M. he Magazine of the Southern Oregon Historical Society 1H! • Tackson County H istorical oAT£ cttANG£! Societies at Risk! PUBL\C \-\EAR\NG NOW MAY 4 :JN GS POTENTIAL 27 PERCENT FUNDING CUTS 10:30 A.M. ith the upcoming m~eting of the Jackson County Budget Committee t:"!.~ W on April27, Jackson County SOUTHERN ~~~~ HISTORICAL museums are faced with a 27 percent reduction OREGON 1111 SOCIETY in funding. This would impact all services, with SINCe 1945 major cuts in museum and library hours, programs, exhibits, publications, and other vital services. Please help us preserve our current levels of funding and services by 1 o History voicing your support. In 1948 the Rogue Vall veterans were demandi ey was booming. World War II goods to fill those h ng new and bigger homes bu . had ended, returning Why Is History Worth muc?-n~eded raw m~:~i~l:~~ ~~mills ran almo~t c~~~~:~~l~~~~rishe d selling ·ng? movmg mto the valle . e much of this possibl upp 1y the Preservl • pioneer families wat ~ and rapid changes were an ev . e. New people were In a recent publication from the Ametican them, ·and local his to~ ed as elders died, taking their ~:Yday pan of life. Early Association of State and Local History, the citizens of Jackson c cal landmarks were in danger flds~om and values with le d d. ounty decided t 1 o ISappearin C value of history in American society was vy e Icated to collectin .0 P ace on the ballot a . g. ~nc~rned discussed and included some of the was approved by · g, preservmg and interp t" special, contmumg following points: asse?sed property ::~o:ity of the V?te;s and 25 c::t~ng local history. The levy contmuing levies in th twn was dedicated to history T~er thousand dollars of People who share a history-even years. This was a rette state ?f Oregon, requiring n~ se .s was one of the few different sides of the same story-can provides core sup:ort~ :m az~n-? thing to do! The histori~aall approval every few 1discover the understanding, insight, and thirteen other hi t . ·7 mllhon-for the Southern fu~d CUJTently and respect needed to build a common History Museums As on~~ organizations that mak 0 rehgon Histo1ical Society future. History provides the foundation for T ssocJatwn (JCHMA) e up t e Jackson County talking about things that matter in our he Southern Oregon H" . · communities today. JCHMA make wise use Istoncal Society and the other . thinking citizens who . o{9the resources and funding o~dgaruzatwns of the When people get involved with the pledged to share the· ,~n . 48, cared deeply about th ~rov1 ed b~ ~hose forward past they begin to see themselves as J k rr entage-the gift of hist . eJr commurutws and 2connected to others. The result is a hist~~ salonfuCo~nty administrative staff h ory-with future generations. sense of belonging, direction, and c ndmg fo th f< as proposed 27 meaning. 2000/2001 . If you w~ul~ l~urteen organizations in th~ JC=ent reduction in lev~ls, please join the JC e to support our efforts to . A for fiscal year By preserving and presenting auditorium at . HMA and me at the Jackso geserve cun-ent funding 12 45 evidence of the past, and actively Budget Co~tt~e ~~:· on T?ursday, April 27, andnletotunty Courthouse 3connecting past, present, and future connecting it with th how Important it is that we he Jackson County through public programming, history eff s to the B d e present and the future preserve the past by 011 0 organizations pass the gift of history oar of Commissioners at the. s~!endd"~ letter supporting our on to future generations. a uress. Thank you. History organizations make their AI A/sing communities more attractive 4places in which to live, work, and ' regon Hi t · visit. And they are themselves travel :----:------:--:----------~P:re:s:id:e:n~t ~S~o:u~~::~~::::~::::~~:::Js oncal Society destinations, employers, purchasers of goods: and services, and recipients of gifts and Your voice can make a difference. grants. History organizations are economic engines in their towns, cities, and regions. Two ways to support maintainiflg current funding levels: When people understand the -Come to the Jackson County Budget Committee meeting, differences made by the actions of Thursday, April 27 at 12:45 p.m. at the Jackson Cmmty Courthouse those who have gone before, they see S auditorium (10 South Oakdale, Medford). that their actions can make a difference. They realize that they, too, can make history. -Send a letter to the Board of Commissioners, 10 South Oakdale, Medford, OR 97501. 2 VOL. 2, NO. 5 Vol. 2, No.5 May2000 SO UTI-I ERN OREGON HERITAGE TODAY Editorial Guidelines SOUTHERN OREGON uture articles average 3,()(X) to 4,000 (pre-edited) words. Other materials range from 500 to 1,000 words. Electronic Fsubmissions arc accCpted on 3-114-inch disks and should be accompanied by a hard-copy printout. Cite all sources and construct endnotes and cutlines using the Chicago Manual of Siyle. The author is re.<;ponsible for verification of cited facl<;. A selection HERITh of professional, unscreened photographs and/or line art should accompany submission-black-and-white or color. The Southern Oregon Historical Society reserves the right to use Society images in place of submitted material. All material should be labeled with author's name, mailing address, and telephone number. Manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope stamped with sufficient postage. Authors should provide a brief autobiographical note at the end of manuscripts. The Southern Oregon Historical Society secures rights to full and final editing of all manuscripts, layout design, and one­ time North American serial right~. Authors will be nmified of acceptance of manuscripts within ninety days of receiving FEATURE: materials. In most cases, payment is upon publication. Southem Oregon Herirage Today takes great care with all submitted material, hut is not responsihlc for damage or loss. Only BuHe Falls Discovery Loop photocopies of irreplaceable original historical documents should be submitted. Facts. views, and opinions expressed in signed submissions are those of the author and do not necessarily re!lcct Winds Through History the viewpoims or opinions of Southem Oregon Herirage Today or the Somhem Oregon Historical Society. by Nancy Bringhurst •••••••••••••• P• 8 DEPARTMENTS SUNDAY DRIVING OuR OwN VoiCES Upper Rogue Support Society efforts to Historical Society maintain funding Finds a Home p.2 by Jim and Alice Collier SOHS News and Notes p.4 Exhibits and program PHarO BY DAKA HEDRICK-EARP updates and calendar p.6 MEMBERS AND DONORS ROOTED IN p.15 HISTORY Camas: Meadow Flower, fROM THE ARCHIVES Edible Root by Donn L. Todt A Memorial and Nan Hannon Mystery p.16 by Bill Alley PHarO BY DoNN L. TOOT p.S THE PIONEERS: ON THE COVER The Valley's Merchant Lord of the eastern skyline, Miller-A.A. Davis Mount Mcloughlin, a slumbering by Bill Miller volcano, towers over the Butte p.14 Creek basin on the Butte Falls Discovery Loop Tour. SOUTHERN OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY #2928 1 ~uthern Oregon Historieal Society . AnnMoore,Medford,xec:No~. Magazine Stoff Southern Oregon Heritage Today is produced Soard of Trustees Alice Mullaly, Central Point Cynthia WiCklund, c01JMU""'\ll01"' o:;o,""'""' .. using Quark XPress on Macintosh computers and is i'Jien Alsing, Ashland, ~ Marjorie Overland, Medford, ARirVK:..'-"'ESIDOO Bii!Pewell; GUEsr.""'"" printed by Ram Offset lithographers. J:heryl Breeden, Medford Dime Hedrick-Earp, mo~ ~obert Medford Administrative. Stoff Copyright 2000 by Southern Oregon Historical Society, ISSN #1082-2003. All rights reserved. No ludi Dr d, nruua Brad linderi EXroJflVE "''""'' lewis ~ . ,Medford Maureen Smith, flNAt<CE/Off!'~ 001£0C. part of this publication may be printed or electronically ;1. WalterEmori; M.D., Jacksonville· Amelia Chamberlain, !'R0<3m.<S DI'..'OO!< Collections/Research Ubrary Staff duplicated without the written permission of the ,im Fely,Rogue River Susan Cox-Smith,-~ Mary Ames Shere!, a.'iWOR or al!JiCl!ONS AND '"''''rs Southern Oregon Historical Society. .oyce Hailicka, BuHe Falls Jae<Jue Sundstrancl, IJERRf/AACY<ro COO>J:XtW.e< ;-laney Hamlin; Medford, SEOF"oJ«f Southern Oregon.Heritage Today is published Carol Harbison.SOmuelson, USlWlY ~PHOTO A0.vsr William Alley, w..HMST/HiSIO<lAN ~eeve Hennion1 Jacksonville monthly by the Southern Oregon Historical Society. )Jwson lnada, Ashland 106 N. Central Ave., Medford, OR 97501.-5926. Bill Miller, """"ASSlSTANT 3 \laney McGrew, Jacksonville (541) 773-6536 Upper Rogue Historical Society Finds a Home by Jim and Al ice Col lier e Upper Rogue URHS began the purchase of the property in Historical Society December 1998 and will have the mortgage paid off 11(URHS) was in January 2003. Of course, this would not have organized and incorporated been possible without financial help from the in 1988 for the purpose of Jackson County historical tax fund. The Society helping to secure park and sincerely thanks the people who pay into that fund The former Trail museum land in Shady Cove. That project did not each year and the county commissioners who see to Creek Tavern, parts materialize. In 1996, the URHS participated with the it that the fund monies are distributed back into the of which date to 1914, Spirit of the Rogue Nature Center located at community. is now the home of McGregor Park by providing both staff and material The museum is located in "downtown" Trail on the Upper Rogue for public display.
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