PAGE fOtJRTEEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1957 Average Daily Net Press Run mattrbratrr lEorning ISfralb For the W'eek Ended The Weather July 27, 1957 FoTMMt e f D. & WestiMr OarnM The regular weekly meeting of blilder tnolfbt, channe ot "000$- the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) will ha heada, .Democratic Director Eu­ About Town Opens Practice gene Kelly had propoaed ia ihort- 12,002 tered ahowera. Low in S6e. Thora- be held at the American Legion Subcommittee Will Discuss Public Records FX3 /•cct hilleh Home, at 7 pjm. Wednesday. All term leaae of the present course to Member of tho Audit day, wanner, .eeattered ehowera, Mra. Ma]r\'on Kochln, 315 the club. Under Kelly’a propoaal, Bnrtiau of Circulation Autumn St., and her children are members that have study books Barnes^ Lease Plan Tonight the club would operate a course MarrUge Liceoae j Prevents & Dtsiroyt Manchester^A City o f Village Charm Uiunderebowerq; High la SSe. ■peiidlM the ihonth of Aug;uit In are asked to bring them at this open to the public with payment of Nonpsn Ralph Williams, 90 Mill i Ttx. Mr». Kochln le recover­ time. green fees, reserving use of fh'I I St., and Rosemary Catherine Arm-1 TREE ROOTS ; strong, 195 N. Main St.. Aug. 23. | N 6Mnr flpM I Mil ing: from an appendectomy opera­ The Manchester Country CHub'r.''cssed at $2,000 an acre by the clubhouse to members 1st Trutwit tsrti s Fdi Twr VOL. LXXVI, NO. 268 tion at the h ^ e of her parenta. would pay a total of $310,000 for Town Assessor arid 8ach of the The lease to the club would serve ■ Building Permits (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1957 (ClaaaUled AdvertleiBg ea Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mr. and Miy^oaeph Fltzgrerald. Sewer Plant Sum a 80-year tease to create Its own 18 greens on the present course as a trial for possible lease of To Philip T. DesJardins for al- golf course on town prope^y is assessed st an additional $1,000 town land to a private group for a i teraUons to a home at 143 Wood- I See le«r •'•tllOeJlri m &h .Odell, 9-year old Has 350,000 Left under a propoaal presented by Dl a green. The towm bases Its as­ large public recreation ai'ea In the I ®t., $375. t l lAB $ 8'U SI ■'» a .Vf ,ff daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer rector Gilbert Barnes. sessments on 72 per cent of actual future, Kelly suggested. His pro-! To Ellison Construction Co. for Navy to Slash Reporter in Jam Odell, 513 Center St., received an Barnes' idea will be discussed value. posal was rejected by the Board of Joseph DuPont for a garage at honor award a t Holiday House In The town of Manchester now Governors of the Country ClUb. 56 Woodslde St.. $1,700. has about 550,000 left out of a b:^ a Director'a subcommittee F orthree or more growing sea­ Sacramento, O llf., Aug. 14 Canaan. The award is the Girls' meeting at 8 o'clock tonight In the sons. as long as it would take to "I don't think this new proposal To Andrew Ansaldi for addi-' ^ BREAKFAST SPECIAL ^ •Members (/P)—Carlos Gutlerrei,. a Sac­ Friendly Society Award, and Is $1 million bond Issue to build a of Barnes has anything to offer to lions to a home on Wells St., $400. Civilian Aides new sewage treatment plant. Municipal Building. build the 10 new holes on the west A 2 Griddle Cakes Q 2 ramento Bee reporter, says given each week to the girl' who If the plans advanced by the side of the street, the club would anyone but the Country CTub,” ^ Butler, Syrup X Tv ^ he’s in a Jam. Doesn’t hardly is “exceptional in all phasea of The balance remaining from the Republican Director U adopted Director Kelly said today.'“Thirty 41 Students Defy U.S. continue to lesse all of the present List by 18,000 know who he la now. And all camp life." , bond Issue reported In a state­ years is far loo long at this time ment on the sew.'tge treatment the club would irake a complete course under Barnes' proposal, because he visited palm and 16-hole course out of'248.5 acres luring that tlmc,^ the Director until we have had an opportunity Personal Notices ^Arthur Drug Storasj Union Vote mind readers for a story. The Manchester Itallan-Amerl- plant constniction account made to see how It would work out on a Washington, Aug. 14 (A*)—The public today. of town Isnd on the east side of suggests, the club w'ould pay rent "One of them told me I am ean Society will meet this evening S. Main St. All of the acreage of $19,500 a.year. For the remain­ public-private basis and what the Navy announced today if will drop a Jailbird,” Gutierrez wrote. at 7 in the clubhouse on Eldridge The report shows that 3855.567 ultimate use of the land would be.” Card of Thanks Washington, Aug. 14 (JP)— f tomera left.” Barbera anawered. 18,000 civilians from ita payroll, has been spent .nd 194,065.39 is would' not be used, Barnes says, ing period of the lea.se,' the rent W6 wUh to thank all of our neigh- PUlnly aeeing no point to further "Honea’tli', I do not remember S t to honor Frank Gatti, 14 but the club could ha- as much would be $5,600 a year. As an al­ Kelly added that he wondered Senators out to show racket­ the majority of them by Oct. 31. ever being in Jail. Another one Florence St., who died yesterday. committed. whether "the people at the Coun- bore, friends and relatives for tne | queationing, he aaid aheepiahly. The Navy aaid this amounted to of the property as It needs for the ternative to this type of payment, . , ttAi.- .* 1 niany acta of kindness and sympathy eer Johnny Dio rigged a key "I waa drunk at the time. 1 waa gave some advice on how to Gatti was a member of the Society Of the total. $800,734.66 has lb holes. try Club feel the same way as the shown us in our recent bereavement. GENERAL 4.8 per cent of the current cMlian been paid on the construction con­ he proposes s uniform rate for all Board of Governors" who turned We esperlally thank Harnllton Stand-j New York City Teamsters In the bar drinking and everybody work force totaling 389,717. The forget the horrors of war. And Ban for many years. on China Travel Eight holes In the course now of the 30 years with the same vrent out and I don’t know whether I don’t recall ever being In tha tract and $85,339.18 remains to be on town land would go to the total. d^n the publlcprivate operation "«nt . TV SERVICE Union election produced testi­ Navy waa not immediately able to sendee. Kaslmer Halenar and his paid. Other expenses ^ere for Dr. John R. Eddy : proposal. flnrsl ^Irlbtit^fl anrt loaneS the line ef mony today of votes by a I voted or not." say how much money will be saved Thomas, 309 -Oakland S t, have tools, engineering fees, furniture, club under the proposal. The ' re The club now lea.ses the present _________ csr*. Days A Can "Do you know what kind of an by the cut. "I waa told - my bo»s la a and equipment. maining holes In tbe present course for $7,500 a year under an ' Thp Hewitt family. Nights $2.95 Pius. Parts neighbor of one of Dio's aides, election It wAs7’’ Kennedy asked. nasty man and hates me. that Just returned from a trip to their Dr. John R. Eddy recently oourse, six on the west side of S a brother-in-law of the aide An announcement aaid the action ■my wife la in love with my home town of Berwick, Pa. Some of the r->nuilnin|k $50,- opened his office at the Profes­ agreement to expire Sept. 30. lO riO K lfl TEL 5n 3-5482 "No, I didn’t have no knowledge," was taken to hold spending for the 347.05 will be spent on equipment Main St. and four on the east If Barnes suggestion is „p. ; V /flt D IO E in iereO and a truck driver found Barbera anawered. "I knew It 'w'aa current fiscal year within the $10.. bw l friend. I’m sure I’ve never Depart sional Building. 153 Main St,, for side, would stay n'ith the town. proved by other Directors and the i been married.” The last in a series of weekly still to be bought. The rest will the practice of internal medicine. , drunk in a bar. pertaining to a union." 400.000,000 N^avy ceiling set by the Of th( eight holes to go to the Country Club, the club would be Oii Pump Control He aaid he did not know- what "Many women, I heard, show picnics will be held this-evening go into paying off part of the A native of Burlington. Vt.. Dr. Hussell Stover Along with thoae willing to talk, Defense Department. great Interest in me. But I " ’»z at each of the playgrounds. • Fires Interest and principal on the 30- club, three would be the holes In required to give one year’s notice _____ the Senate EUcketa Inveatlgatlng union, and that after he attended Secretary of Defense Wilson has | Eddy graduated from Burlington the 21.9-acre Clubhouse plot north before vacating ten holes of the I Water Department Superintend­ warned that all of them are Express will be held for anyone wishing to .vear bond issue.
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