Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 2015 20: 1–10 Spatial and temporal changes of sedimentation in Three Gorges Reservoir of China Peng Gao,1* Zhao-yin Wang2 and Donald Siegel3 1Department of Geography, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA, 2Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and 3Department of Earth Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA Abstract This study examined the temporal trend of sedimentation in China’s Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) from compiled sedi- ment data at multiple temporal scales. Based on decade-averaged annual sediment loads, a decreasing trend of sediment supply between 1950s and 2000s was found, with a lower-than-expected mean sedimentation rate. From 2003 to 2013, the annual sediment supply generally decreased, with the annual sediment deposition rate being about 50% less than that pre- dicted with prior numerical models. The reduced annual sedimentation rate was attributed to (relatively) small dam build- ing within the upstream watershed, conservation activities and sand/gravel mining. Morphological changes at two cross sections within the TGR between 2003 and 2013 indicated that sediment deposition caused only limited bed accretion along the main course of the TGR. In the tail area of the TGR, where sediment transport ceases first, the sedimentation occurring between 2004 and 2013 was insufficient to impede navigation. These results indicate that at least as a first approximation sedimentation in the TGR is well controlled, making it a subdued ‘river dragon’. Key words sediment supply, sedimentation, Three Gorges Reservoir, Upper Yangtze River. INTRODUCTION country’s population. Thus, the TGR is directly affected Three Gorges Project, begun in 1993 and completed in by these anthropogenic activities, and its construction 2006, dams China’s Upper Yangtze River, forming proba- has raised a series of environmental issues that have bly the world’s most controversial reservoir, the Three been debated both domestically and internationally. Gorges Reservoir (TGR). The reservoir is bounded by One controversial issue is whether or not sedimenta- upstream Chongqing City and downstream Yichang City tion will quickly fill the reservoir after its completion, simi- along the main Yangtze River (Fig. 1). It has a water stor- lar to what happened with the Sanmenxia Reservoir, age capacity of 39.3 km3 and a filled water surface area which was built on the middle reach of Yellow River in the of 1084 km2 (Avakyan & Lakovleva 1998; Pelicice et al. late-1950s (Jiang & Fu 1998; Mei & Dregne 2001). Long 2014). The TGR generates 22 000 MW of power, being before the TGR was constructed, the perception that the the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world. Geo- gravel-bedded Upper Yangtze River would supply to the morphologically, the TGR receives water and sediment TGR sufficient coarse sediments to cause reservoir dys- from the entire Upper Yangtze River Basin (UYRB), function soon after its completion was pervasive in the which consists of several subwatersheds associated with public eye (Dai et al. 1994). In contrast, physical experi- the main tributaries of the Upper Yangtze River (Fig. 1). ments and sediment modelling predictions concluded that The Jinsha (dark pink in Fig. 1) and Jialing (green in (i) continuous sedimentation would stop about 100 years Fig. 1) subwatersheds supply the largest quantity of sedi- after the dam was completed; and (ii) the new channel bed ment to the TGR. Although the UYRB contains largely elevation would remain sufficiently below the designed hilly terrains, it has been heavily used for intensive agri- base level of 145 m above sea level to maintain its water culture and urbanization to support one-eighth of the storage capacity and assure normal reservoir operation (Lin et al. 1993; Qian et al. 1993; Wang et al. 2013). *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Nevertheless, doubts still remain about how much Accepted for publication 10 September 2015. sediment will be deposited in the TGR. Barber and Ryder Doi: 10.1111/lre.12109 © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd 2 P. Gao et al. Fig. 1. Upper Yangtze River Basin (UYRB) and location of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), Upper Yangtze River and main tributaries (UYRB contains area surrounding TGR and seven other subwatersheds represented in different colours). (1994), for example, contended that because the models ral trend of sediment changes that may serve as accurate for predicting reservoir sedimentation were one-dimen- evidence to address, and perhaps close, the debates. sional, they failed to characterize the complex three-di- Studies on sediment transport in the Upper Yangtze River mensional processes of sediment transport. Luna and its main tributaries are not new (Lu & Higgitt 2001; Leopold, a renowned American fluvial geomorphologist, Yang et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2006; Dai et al. 2008; Xiong raised a concern on the basis of uncertainties of future et al. 2009; Xu & Milliman 2009; Lu et al. 2011). In these sediment prediction over 50 years of reservoir operation studies, however, sediment data were obtained at differ- (Leopold 1998). Concerns about how deposited coarse ent sets of hydrological sites within the river system sediment might handicap navigation and lead to flooding under varying times. Thus, the results are not compara- in the tail section of the reservoir (e.g. Chongqing City ble. and its neighbouring area in Fig. 1) also have been dis- This study compiles sediment transport and associated cussed in public debates for decades (Dai et al. 1994). data at multiple temporal and spatial scales to highlight Since the reservoir was impounded in 2003, however, the the dynamic patterns of sediment movement above and TGR has in fact not encountered severe sedimentation within the TGR, as follows: (i) decadal-averaged sediment problems. Furthermore, relevant studies have indicated loads from 1950s to 2000s; (ii) annually averaged sedi- that there exists a decreasing trend of sediment supply to ment loads between 2003 and 2013; (iii) monthly sedi- the TGR (Wang et al. 2007; Xiong et al. 2009; Lu et al. ment loads in 2005, 2007 and 2013; (iv) temporal changes 2011; Xu et al. 2013), suggesting the sedimentation rate of net sedimentation rates in three segments of the reser- would be reduced. voir tail; and (v) channel morphological changes along Nonetheless, since the full impoundment of the reser- channel cross sections within the reservoir. From these voir in 2010, doubts regarding sedimentation in the TGR measured (not modelled) data, this study illustrates the still persist in public media, examples being Probe Inter- temporal trend of average reservoir sedimentation, its national (Dai 2010), Facts and Details (Hays 2011), News spatial and temporal variations, and the tendency of sedi- China (Wang et al. 2010) and China National Geographic mentation in the backwater zone. (Fan 2014). Although predicting exactly what will happen 100 years from now in the TGR is impossible because no METHODOLOGY theory that can precisely predict sediment load under a Four types of field-measured data were compiled at differ- given water discharge and sediment component currently ent spatial and temporal scales from China’s River Sedi- exists (Simons & Senturk 1992), assessing the quantities ment Gazette published between 2002 and 2013, and a of available sediment data before, during and after the recently published summary report on sediment issues in dam building does provide a means of piecing the tempo- the TGR (Sediment-Panel 2014). The first type of data © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd Sedimentation in Three Gorges Reservoir 3 consists of decade-averaged annual run-off and sediment the total input sediment loads (Fig. 3) indicated that the loads from the 1950s to 2000s entering and leaving the upland percentage began to decrease since the 1980s TGR. The data for the 1950s were calculated using the and, by the 2000s, it was only about 6% of the total. Thus, data obtained from 1955 to 1960, whereas the 2000s data the annual input sediment load was increased by 6% to were the data collected between 2001 and 2007 (Table 1). account for this component of the annual sediment sup- As similar decadal data were not available from the ply. Qingxichang and Huanglingmiao hydrological stations Although the annual sediment output data from the (Fig. 2), the input sediment load for each decade was cal- TGR were available for both the Yichang and Huangling- culated as the sum of those reported at the Cuntan and miao stations, those from the latter station were more Wulong stations, and included the sediment load from accurate because it is located closer to the dam (Fig. 2). higher-elevation areas around the TGR. Data from the Comparing the loads from both stations, however, indi- Yichang station were used to represent the decadal out- cated (Fig. 4) that the difference was negligible. Thus, put sediment load (Fig. 2). data from the Yichang station were selected for this The second type of data consists of calculated annual study to be consistent with the decadal sediment loads total sediment load supplied to and transported out of the (Table 2). Furthermore, monthly sediment load deposited TGR between 2001 and 2013. The input data for different in the TGR for 3 years was compiled (i.e. 2005, 2007 and time periods were calculated using data from different 2013) to indicate seasonal sediment dynamics after three sets of the hydrological stations to achieve a high accu- reservoir expansions occurring in 2003, 2006 and 2010. racy. Before 2003, when the reservoir impoundment first The third type of data consists of channel morphologi- began, the tail of the reservoir was far downstream of the cal data measured at two cross sections in the main chan- tributary (Wu River). Thus, input data on sediment inputs nel of the TGR. Two sets of cross section profiles to the TGR were best represented by those obtained between 2003 and 2013 were compiled for stations from the Qingxichang station, located furthest upstream located 5.6 and 160.1 km upstream of the dam (cross sec- (Fig.
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