A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAP MATAWAN FREE PUB LIBRARY 165 MAIN ST Bulk Rate MATAWAN, NJ 07747 US Postage Paid Eatontown, N.J. B ^ S H O R E Permit #66 SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN APRIL 14, 1993 25 C E N T S VOL 23 NUMBER 15 A re teachers overpaid? Louise Ellinger, just named Keyport’s Teacher of the Year, assists Sherrae Gutridge, a kindergarten pupil at the Keyport Central School. Many readers responding to a recent Independent sur­ vey said that they believe area teachers' salaries are too high. However, school officials say educators are finally getting fair compensation after years of being paid too little. See Page 3 for survey results and a comparison of teachers’ salaries. For Ellinger’s story, see Page 14. INSIDE Five race to fin ish lin e in M ataw an-Aberdeen school e l e c t i o n Page 24 H azlet budget goes to voters Page 22 Five candidates vie fo r three K eyport board seats Page 26 Calendar.................................................................32 Editorials................................................................30 Police Beat............................................................ 28 Obituaries............................................................. 29 Real Estate............................................................. 38 Sports ................................... 34 Rich Schultz r.£ = ? -: • J Fc a ' r ! ] 43 - i i r i r 2 APRIL 14, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT _ FR O M OUR NURSERY Beautiful Weepinq MjjjiiSszs H r J l l I n i LACE LEAF Garden Centers 1 Amturf JAPANESE MAPLE >in99 Disston IWetal Reg. 69.99 LAWN ^SUDerSuper Selection 4 9 s LAWN fon-V alu® Weil Branched PATCH Assorted JUNIPER RAKE I f E m s c o BRADFORD [99 PEAR 99 Sale 7 " , C avex ’^ Cor"t0 for4 9 89 5’Tall Reg. 39.99 Sale 1 ™ > tch in g RAKE I Balled & Burlapped 2 9 Reg. ‘ io 9s Emerald Green D24B R 99 WEEPING _oovers up to m n m ft. » e g . S12 PACKETS jWhife Supplies Last) S a le a r b o r v it a e WILLOW Preen Reg. ‘21* % 5 0 OFF 1 gal. Cont. „„ Golden or Green garden H igh Yield 7-8’Tall 2 9 " BONE NTeacbortOfOr 1 0 0 WEEDER Balled& Burlapped POT PACK (No-Weeding All Season) Hardy Field Grown ” MEAL 2 4 ROSES 6 " FERTILIZER I* Cold Crop Plants RHODODENDRON 5 tor 29" Sale 1 5 * * Sale 7 " For Acid LowngPiants I Cabbage-Lettuce etc 99 Reg. *20" 9 each FORSYTHIA Covers 2500 so. ft. Reg. *10’“ Col 1 f l 99 ' r erennials ' !99 207b. bag Sale I U I* Ground Cover JUNIPER STRICTA 3’-4 Heavy • VinyLex 16 •SummerFlowering Bulbs & GOLDEN BI0TTA 10 tor 59" LAWN Republic EZfiROP Remy Typar 2 /2-3 Tall-3 Gal. Cont KWANZAN EDGING PRE-TREATED CHERRY 99 SPREADER LANDSCAPE 10"eachor10fOr 1 0 0 ““ B’-8’ heavy f a b r ic l a n d s c a p e 4 9 l e 1 1 " PINES t im b e r s Your Choice Of- ALBERTA sa. e 2 9 " •B lack Reg. S15' S a le • W hite SPRUCE 6 ”x2ilOft. 1 4 " 6 ”x 6 ”x 8 ’ . _ #916. Reg. s39' • S erb ian 2 for 25°° 3 Gal. cont. Reg. *21s! (Rough Q 9 9 • N orw ay 99 • Austrian 21/2-3’ Tall 3 ’X 1 0 0 ’ Cut) lOfor 100°° 1 9 each • 2 - 3 ” Tad PINK DOGWOOD r fiiJ*° N " EASY-TO-USE J O N A T H A N 4 STER PROGRAMS, Well Branched 99 GREEN 4 STEP 5,000 SQ. FT. ' 1- 0 0 O F F , 4’-5’ Tall 1 9 4-STEP PROGRAM 1. Spring Green Fert Why consider a lawn service when Plus Crabgrass Preventer . f r o Bundles of Scotts 2. W e e d & F e e d Fertilizer 9 9 \& e° 3. Super Green Up guarantees results. I r,j & P PRIVET Buy a years 4. Summer Survival Glorion program for EAST HEDGE 3 9 9 5,000 sq. ft. TW INLIGHT 4 STEP 15,000 SQ FT 25 Per Bundle DELUXE 1. Crabstopper Lawn Food 2. W eed Stopper From Our " * * ------ 1 AZALEAS r GRASS FOOD Our Price ' 4 9 s 19 9 Less Mfg. Rebate 8' 9 9 3. No Grub Insect Killer 4 . S u p e r Turf F o o d BIRD GALLERY 10 for 4 9 " 2M9 1 C O S T T O Y O U ... 4 1 W e have the usual and Purchase any the unusual in J&P ROSE Sale I j 15,000 SQ. FT. 4-STEP PROGRAM Scotts BIRD HOUSES Spreader with TREES 2 9 " While Supply Lasts LOWEST Our Price 139" 4 Step program and FEEDERS PRICE 9 9 ^ - and receive an IN Less Mfg. Rebate 24°° additional Caldwell BEST BRAND 25 lbs. YEARS FINAL COST TO YOU. $10.00 Rebate. WILD BIRD SEED Peg. 7.99 _ PACKAGED TURFBUILDER STOP CRABGRASS BEFORE IT STARTS! mU,TTREES 15,000 SQ.FT. MULCHES Many Varieties Our Price................1 9 .9 9 Twinlight 1 5 ,0 0 0 G lorion 2 in Scotts Super BIG 3 CU. FT. BAG Dehydrated Less Mfg. Rebate 6 .0 0 CRAB S Q . FT. FERTILIZER Plus Turfbuilder plus HALTS FOREST Shredded COW MANURE Final Cost u CRABGRASS 10 for 49! 99. STOPPER PREVENTER Our Price... 1 4 * Hardwood Mulch or 99 35 LB£ .To You . 1 J LAWN FERTILIZER 15,000 SO. FT BAG Less Mfg. Plus TEAM 200 Pine Bark Nuggets Japanese S A L E Rebate... 6 99 99 RED OVER Final Cost 2 5 89 t s J 2 5 Reg. 51.95 To You. 1 2 10 for $3 3 MAPLE 18” to 24” Tall 1 0 9 9 Well Branched 1 £, I Beautiful Cascading 11 5 Varieties ot MULCHES AT COLTS NECK, RT. 34 Snow Fountain in Bloom OWG a r * e " ill WEEPING '" ‘‘S a s a g PR0 PLAN & BILJAC CHERRY 99 DOG FOOD V is it O u r REG. 69.99 49 ‘l/i&U Ocffi rho ‘nStock... COLTS NECK Jumbo Climbing ROSES jttw ided hOit& Meek our Inu/ pricesi STORE Splash into Spring 4’-5’ Trellised in 0 0 9 9 HOUSE \7 « 4 T o le B IL J A C 10 Gallon Container 0 9 26 OZ. limit 1 PER C A R T O N only 1 . 0 0 picture n n /m k ir « q q VERSA-PUMP \ BrtnB “ »/J"3'w e’H FLOATING 0 9 “ G150-175 gallons I — S p e c ia l 7 LB BIL JAC per hour FOOD 1 Ltr. Reg. 61.99 99\S ? ^»"“0Ur Reg............. gssSELECT DOG FOOD S<st£e 3 9 andseape Cement Garden Final Any Henri CEMENT BIRD Less Challenge C o st to > 9 9 1 PRE FORMED POND That extra touch for your a s r a j f f i S S Rebate........3°° You landscape... Everything We Carry Large 2 9 you need • Fish • Apuatic CALIPER ROUTE 9 NORTH PURINA 40 039 2 0 ° /o O f f Plants • Fountains and all accessories... • Pre-fab TREES FREEHOLD I DOG FOOD Lbs. 8 Ponds and L i n e r s .____ LIME 462-2700 in almost any variety! by Limecrest OPEN MON.-SUN. 50 LB. *i 59 a bag BAG I 9AM-6PM BROCK’S PRICE POLICY We Guarantee we will not be undersold. Brock will match Bakers 40 LBS ROUTE 34 NORTH any Current-Newspaper advertised price on brand name PELLETIZED LIME items. Simply present the AD to the cashier prior to COLTS NECK purchase. Items must be of equal size and quality. 99 462-0900 2 a bag OPEN MON.-SUN. Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right BIG 40 LB. BAG 9AM-6PM to limit quantities. Sale prices effective thru 4/20/93. 1881 Potting Soil Premium 0 9 9 Quality “THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS” THE INDEPENDENT, APRIL 14, 1993 3 - S i I - r ..- .r- j r -r—.----------------■ . r ■ r-* A re teach ers p aid too m u ch o r too little? ers. At that time, the Survey reveals lawmakers were responding to com­ 1 Teachers' Salaries 1 public’s opinions plaints that teachers were underpaid and that Number of full Lowest Highest Average Median By Lauren Jaeger the profession was not Town time teachers Salary Salary Salary Salary Staff writer attracting top college Hazlet 265 $26,400 $54,800 $44,305 $51,700 Good salary. Summers off. Short graduates. working day. Spring and winter hiatus. The increases at the Holmdel 159 $26,000 $58,800 $41,962 $40,500 And all medical benefits paid. bottom of each district’s More than any other complaint voiced pay scale caused a rip­ Keyport 87 $25,600 $53,800 $36,824 $34,900 ple effect, as veteran in the recent Independent survey on Matawan-Aberdeen 252 $27,000 $56,000 $49,900 schools, readers said they were unhappy teachers wanted their $45,495 salaries to increase footing the bill for the increasing salaries Middletown 676 $28,800 $59,600 $43,866 $43,300 of their school districts’ teachers. commensurately. And many asked why teachers’ salaries As the 1980s ended are so high when the job includes so many and the economy ................... perks such as those listed above. slowed, taxpayers felt Source: New Jersey Education Association 1991/1992 Are teachers’ recent raises fair when so the pinch of paying for the second and third years of teachers’ benefits are totally covered for the roughly many people in private industry are get­ 110 teachers in the district. See related story, Page 14 ting laid off or taking serious pay cuts? contracts that were settled when money was available and good, new teachers In Hazlet, a new teacher would ,earn Jerri Antunes, spokesperson for the $28,500 this year with a bachelor’s degree are not looking to be reimbursed for that New Jersey Education Association were in short supply.
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