An Advertising Supplement of The Blade INSIDE! Six pages of innovative programs, exciting cultural events, educational opportunities and more. September – November, 2013 the search for affordable education SECTION T , PAGE 2 toledoBlade.com THE BLADE: TOLEDO, OHIO ■ SUNDAY , AUGUST 25 , 2013 THE BLADE: TOLEDO, OHIO ■ SUNDAY , AUGUST 25 , 2013 toledoBlade.com SECTION T , PAGE 3 CAMPUS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 A Message from the President EDITORIAL BOARD table of contents Jennifer Lynn Sobolewski Bowling Green State University Recognized for a Timothy Brunner 6 Siena Heights Davis College low-cost education leading to high-paying careers Audrey R. Burkholder Heidelberg University 7 Davis College Providing marketable Heather Hoffman Lourdes University skills to put your career within reach Denise Hudgin Mercy College 8 Mercy College Michelle O’Dell Low tuition, fees, and a quick path to graduation Northwest State Community College Amber Stark Owens Community College 9 Northwest State Tony Dickens Professional Skills Institute Get a great start for less Doug Goodnough Siena Heights University 10 Lourdes University Stacy Jenkins An affordable private school in a lovely location Tifún University Lawrence Burns, Chairman The University of Toledo 11 Tiffin University Aid for those who make the effort to use it CAMPUS CONNECTION PRODUCTION STAFF Joseph H. Zerbey, IV 12-17 What’s Happening President & General Manager at area colleges and universities? Mike Mori Director of Sales John Fedderke 18 University of Toledo Director of Marketing Internships help pay for school, Heather Foor Advertising Director/Digital Sales Manager prepare for a career Bonnie Hunter Dr. David J. Livingston Special Section Coordinator of Lourdes University 20 Bowling Green State Abigail Kanellakis Editor/Coordinator University Treating students like Annie Cieslukowski Lourdes University is a place that meets the educa- family through the Family Campaign Copy Editor tional needs of students from a variety of backgrounds. Phillip Long, April Spangler Graphic Designers Students come from Florida and Alaska and from Central 22 Owens Community Campus Connection is published by The Blade’s Catholic and Northview High school. Our students also College Owens’ Oserve presents Marketing Department in cooperation with Bowling Green State University, Davis College, are Must returning from the military or recently únding the a complete financial picture Deúance College, Heidelberg University, opportunity to return to school to begin a new career or Lourdes University, Mercy College, 23 PSI Individualized financial counseling Northwest State Community College, enhance their professional skills. Each of these students Owens Community College, Professional Skills puts students on the right path Institute, Siena Heights University, continued on page 4 Tifún University, and The University of Toledo. For advertising information, 24 Heidelberg University call Retail Advertising at (419) 724-6350. The high price of higher education has been a hot topic for some time now. Dual admission drastically lowers costs From the president on down, everyone seems to have an opinion on how to make Statements and opinions expressed in a college education more affordable. In this issue of Campus Connection, we Work-study and Campus Connection articles and in paid advertisements e[plore the ways local schools are helping students make the grade, únancially. 25 Defiance College do not necessarily reûect the opinions of The Blade. scholarships make school more affordable Cover Photo: Lourdes University offers students a high-quality private education at an affordable cost. SECTION T , PAGE 4 toledoBlade.com THE BLADE: TOLEDO, OHIO ■ SUNDAY , AUGUST 25 , 2013 President’s Message A Message from the President continued from page 3 úQGVLQ/RXUGHVDSODFHWRFDOOKRPH7KH\DUHZHOFRPHGWRDFDPSXV DQGQLPEOHLIRQHLVJRLQJWRVXFFHHG)XUWKHURQHPXVWEHDEOHWRZRUN ZKHUHWHDFKHUVDQGVWDIINQRZWKHLUQDPH7KLVGRHVQRWPHDQVWXGHQWVDUH DFURVVGLVFLSOLQHVDQGEHZLOOLQJWROHDUQIURPRWKHUFXOWXUHV7KHIDFWLV DOZD\VFRPIRUWDEOHVLQFHHGXFDWLRQLQYROYHVEHLQJFKDOOHQJHGDQGRXU ZHGRQRWNQRZZKDWMREVZLOOEHLQGHPDQGLQDGHFDGH-XVWUHûHFWRQWKH VWXGHQWVDUHFKDOOHQJHGWRWKLQNEH\RQGPDQ\RIWKHZRUOGYLHZV HYHUSUHVHQWÛDSSÜÖWKHúUVWPRELOHDSSZDVLQWURGXFHGLQ WKH\EULQJWRFDPSXV(YHU\VWXGHQWLVH[SHFWHGWREHLQYROYHGLQ DQGVLQFHWKHQPRUHWKDQMREVLQDSSGHYHORSPHQWKDYH VHUYLFHWRWKHFRPPXQLW\DQGPDQ\VWXGHQWVKDYHRSSRUWXQLWLHV EHHQFUHDWHGLQWKH86DORQH6WXGHQWVDW/RXUGHVOHDUQWREH WROHDUQDQGVHUYHLQFRXQWULHVDURXQGWKHJOREHIURP,UHODQGWR FUHDWLYHûH[LEOHDQGHQWUHSUHQHXULDODQGVRWKH\OHDYHRXUFDP /HVRWKR SXVSUHSDUHGIRUDZRUOGWKDWLVFRQVWDQWO\FKDQJLQJ $W/RXUGHVZHDUHSURXGRIRXU)UDQFLVFDQURRWVDQGJUDWHIXO /RXUGHV8QLYHUVLW\HGXFDWHVWKHZKROHSHUVRQ:HDUHFRQ IRUWKHOHJDF\WKDWWKH6LVWHUVKDYHJLYHQDQGFRQWLQXHWRJLYHWR FHUQHGZLWKWKHLQWHOOHFWXDOVSLULWXDOVRFLDODHVWKHWLFDQG RXUVWXGHQWV/RXUGHVLVDFRPPXQLW\RIOHDUQLQJUHYHUHQFHDQG HWKLFDOGHYHORSPHQWRIRXUVWXGHQWV/LYLQJLQDFRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH2QRXUDFUHFDPSXVZHRIIHUDOLEHUDODUWVFXUULFXOXPZKLFK WKDWERDVWVRQHRIWKHúQHVWDUWPXVHXPVLQWKHZRUOGZHXQGHUVWDQGDQG SUHSDUHVJUDGXDWHVIRUVXFFHVVDVOHDGHUVLQDUDQJHRISURIHVVLRQDOúHOGV DSSUHFLDWHWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIGHYHORSLQJDQDHVWKHWLFVHQVLWLYLW\$GGLWLRQ DVZHOODVIRUJUDGXDWHZRUNDWVRPHRIWKHúQHVWXQLYHUVLWLHVWKURXJKRXW DOO\NQRZLQJZKDWDSULYLOHJHLWLVWROLYHRQRQHRIWKHJUHDWODNHVZHUHF WKHFRXQWU\ RJQL]HRXUHWKLFDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRVWHZDUGWKLVUHVRXUFHZLWKFDUH2XUDWK $V,ZDVUHFHQWO\UHPLQGHGE\WKH&(2RIRQHRIRXUORFDOFRUSRUDWLRQV OHWLFWHDPVDQGRXUPDQ\RWKHUVWXGHQWRUJDQL]DWLRQVSURYLGHRSSRUWXQLWLHV LWLVQRWHQRXJKWREHDQH[SHUWLQRQHÙVFKRVHQúHOGRQHPXVWEHûH[LEOH IRUVWXGHQWVWROHDUQOHDGHUVKLSDQGSUREOHPVROYLQJVNLOOV THE BLADE: TOLEDO, OHIO ■ SUNDAY , AUGUST 25 , 2013 toledoBlade.com SECTION T , PAGE 5 Spotlight On Northwest State’s Advanced Manufacturing Center Accelerated Degree Programs Allow Students From robotics to automation, the face of manufacturing is changing to Earn Bachelor’s Degree in Three Years and at a rapid pace. Manufacturers need well-trained employees that Bachelor’s + Master’s Degrees in Four Years can operate technology, troubleshoot and more. The Advanced %eginning fall semester, Tifún 8niversity will offer students the Manufacturing Center at Northwest State Community College is opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree in three years designed to help meet those training needs. Construction is underway followed by a master’s degree in just one additional year. on this addition to NSCC, and in the spring of 2014, new equipment, programs and labs will be ready for students and local businesses. “We are doing this to offer students the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree in less time than the normal four years, saving the student both time and money,” explains TU President Paul Marion. ÛThis is Tifún 8niversity’s proactive approach to convenient learning in higher education – a new opportunity to provide higher education in a ûe[ible, timely and convenient learning setting,Ü Marion says. www.facebook.com/ @LiveItOnCampus campusconnectioneducation SECTION T , PAGE 6 toledoBlade.com THE BLADE: TOLEDO, OHIO ■ SUNDAY , AUGUST 25 , 2013 SIENA HEIGHTS UNIVERSITY The Flexible Classroom: Educational Partnerships, Delivery Methods Help Siena Heights Keep Costs Down for Students iena Heights University not only attempts to Michigan’s post-secondary schools. s make higher education more affordable for • According to Affordable Colleges Online, its current students, it also tries to help its gradu- Siena Heights was ranked 24th among its top 36 ates maximize their return on their investment. “Most Affordable Roman Catholic Colleges with SHU was recently cited in three national High Starting Salaries for Graduates.” Siena Heights affordability and return-on-investment studies was one of only two institutions in Michigan to focusing on colleges and universities: make the national Catholic rankings. à Siena Heights was only one of úve private • ACO also ranked Siena Heights in the top institutions included in The College Database’s 30 “Highest Return on Investment” colleges and list of colleges and universities in Michigan that universities in Michigan. According to the ACO offer the best únancial return on investment. The research, institutions on this Michigan “Highest public and private institutions on the list were Return on Investment” list have graduates who earn ,n $pril 203, SHU representatives testiúed at a included because they have annual tuition rates more over their lifetimes, on average, than gradu- úeld hearing in Monroe hosted by a U.S. House of near or less than $20,000, and new graduates who ates from other Michigan institutions. Representatives subcommittee on higher educa- earn close to $40,000 or more per year, on aver- Siena Heights enrolls about 2,400 undergraduate tion and workforce development. At that hearing, age. SHU students enter the workforce earning an students and 350 graduate students across all its SHU ofúcials said that by accepting such a high estimated $39,600 per year after graduation, rank- campuses, which include the Adrian (main), Battle number of transfer credits, Siena Heights often ing it among the most únancially effective of all Creek, Benton Harbor, Jackson, Lansing, Monroe, saves students thousands of dollars and increases and Southúeld in Michigan and an online program. the number of courses students take at the com- SHU has had adult degree completion programs for munity college by encouraging the student to nearly 40 years. Many of its transfer students are return to the community college to complete more able to transfer in three years
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