\\jciprod01\productn\g\gwn\89-1\front891.txt unknown Seq: 1 22-JAN-21 15:00 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW ARTICLES The Myth of the Privacy Paradox 1 Daniel J. Solove Junk Science at Sentencing 52 Maneka Sinha FedAccounts: Digital Dollars 113 John Crawford, Lev Menand & Morgan Ricks NOTES Drugs and Racketeering Don’t Mix: The 173 Shane Roberts Potential Achilles’ Heel of the National Prescription Opiate Litigation I Presume We’re (Commercially) Speaking 202 Geoffrey Comber Privately: Clarifying the Court’s Approach to the First Amendment Implications of Data Privacy Regulations VOLUME 89 NUMBER 1JANUARY 2021 \\jciprod01\productn\g\gwn\89-1\front891.txt unknown Seq: 2 22-JAN-21 15:00 The George Washington Law Review, ISSN 0016-8076, is published in January, March, May, July, September, and November by students of The George Washington University Law School, 720 20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20052. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. gwlr.org. Phone: (202) 994-4610. Fax: (202) 994-4609. Publication Office: Joe Christensen, Inc., P.O. Box 81269, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. Please send address changes to the Editorial Office. Subscriptions are $50.00 per year; foreign, $55.00 per year. District of Columbia residents please add 5.75% sales tax. Absent timely notice of termination, subscriptions are automatically renewed upon expiration. Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, D.C., and additional mail- ing offices. Single issues of the current volume are available from the Editorial Office. Regular issues are $10.00 each; symposia and Annual Review of Administrative Law issues, $15.00 each; and double issues, $20.00 each. To cover shipping charges, please add $1.75 per issue to addresses in the United States, $3.50 to Canada, $3.75 to Mexico, and $10.00 to elsewhere. For back issues of previous volumes, inquire of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2350 North Forest Road, Getzville, New York 14068. Microfilms of all volumes are available through William S. Hein & Co., Inc., as well. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address and new subscriptions to The George Washing- ton Law Review, ISSN 0016-8076, 2028 G St. NW, Suite LLC-022, Washington, D.C. 20052, at least 45 days before the date of the issue with which it is to take effect. Duplicate issues will not be sent without charge. The George Washington Law Review invites the submission of manuscripts for publication. We regret that manuscripts cannot be returned unless a self-addressed, postage-prepaid envel- ope is submitted with the manuscript. We also welcome electronic submissions. Please see our website for further details. \\jciprod01\productn\g\gwn\89-1\front891.txt unknown Seq: 3 22-JAN-21 15:00 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW BOARD OF EDITORS 2020–2021 MUAMERA HADZIC Editor-in-Chief ANDREW HILE ALEXIS HILL Senior Managing Editor Senior Executive Editor BENJAMIN WHITLOW Senior Production Editor RACHEL MOVIUS SUMMER FLOWERS Senior Articles Editor Senior Notes Editor AUSTIN MARTIN JESSICA SULLIVAN Senior Online Editor Senior Projects Editor PATRICK BURNETT JAMES BUCHSBAUM KELSEY BARTHOLD KEVIN COLEMAN ALEXANDRA CARLTON HALEY CONNOR NICHOLAS DREWS ASHLEY CONNELLY LINDSEY COPE LILY TING HSU CLAIRE CONNOR MARY CROWELL ANDREW JONES YOUJIN KWON LAUREN ESTELL CHARLES TRACY JALEN LARUBBIO ASHLYN ROBERTS MEGAN WALDEN R. SHANE ROBERTS, JR.ANDREW J. TOPAL YOULAN XIU JOSEPH TOTH CHIH-WEI WU Articles Editors Managing Editors Notes Editors LINDSAY PEARLMAN HANNIBAL NICHOLAS CONTARINO ELIZABETH HUMMEL MARIE VOGEL EMMA LIGGETT RACHEL LERNER Production Editors AMY ORLOV Notes and Projects Editors JACOB REISKIN Online Editors ASSOCIATES ELLEN ALBRITTON ASHLEY GRAHAM GRIFFIN PACE PANYA BALDIA NICOLE HADDAD ANDREW PALMER CHASE BELFORD ABIGAIL HOLLINGER JUSTIN PERKINS CHRISTIE BOYDEN MADYSON HOPKINS BRIAN ROBERTS ELIZABETH BRIM JEAN HYUN ANDREI SATCHLIAN JULIA CAFFERY EMILY JENKINS STEPHEN SCHIERMEYER JOSHUA CARRIGAN PETER LATTANZIO DESTINY STOKES ERIN CLANCY HEEWON LEE MICHAEL SWISTARA GEOFFREY COMBER JASSEN LU S. THOMAS PERRY STEPHEN DE SIMONE JESSICA MUGLER JOSHUA WARNER KATHERINE DEPAOLIS JACOB OLLIFFE SEAN WESP CLAYE EPPERSON MICHAEL WILLIAMS CAROLYN JACOBS HARRIS, Administrative Associate \\jciprod01\productn\g\gwn\89-1\front891.txt unknown Seq: 4 22-JAN-21 15:00 MEMBERS KEVIN ADAMS RAYMOND HERNANDEZ REID OSTROM SAHAR ATASSI STEVEN HESS ALICE PALKOVITZ JESSICA AZERAD AUSTIN HIMES JENNIFER PANTELL ROSE BEATTIE SANAA JAIN BRAYDEN PARKER NEAL BILLIG HANNAH JONES JAINA PATEL CARLY BISHOP STEVEN KAPLAN PRIYA PATEL JESSE BRENNAN JOSHUA KEYSER JEREMY PATTON ANABEL BUTLER ALYX KLOTZ JONATHAN PELOQUIN BENJAMIN CARROLL ELIE KOMMEL ARSHJIT RAINCE JOHN CATALFAMO THERESE KUESTER ELIZABETH ROONEY EMILY CAYLOR KENDALL LAWRENZ ZACH ROOP ALLYSON CORIGLIANO SOJUNG LEE KATHERINE SCHLUSSER DAVID DEFELICE GABRIELLE LEEMAN TIMOTHY SCULLY LUCA DIFRONZO SOPHIE LEFF JOHN SEIDMAN JESSICA EISCHEN ERIC LEVINE HANNAH SHLAFERMAN EMMA EISENDRATH CHRISTINA LONGO ALYSSA SIEJA NATALY FARAG LUCAS LONGO HEATHER SKRABAK MARIANA FERNANDEZ RIVEN LYSANDER KAYLA SLATTERY SAMUEL FINN NICHOLAS MASTRIA LAURA STANLEY JACOB FRALEY JENSEN MATSUDA BRENDAN STAUTBERG KEVIN GOON CHARLES MCKEE KYLE SUOMINEN LILLA GRISHAM YUVAL MOR SARA UHLENBECKER JOHN HABIBI ALFONSO NAZZARO VANIA WANG SOOHYUN STEPHANIE HAHN MATTHEW NISI DAVID WETZEL MICHAEL HAWTHORNE JESSICA OJEDA PAUL ZHOU MIRANDA HERNANDEZ JACOB ORGEL MADELINE ZUSCHNITT \\jciprod01\productn\g\gwn\89-1\front891.txt unknown Seq: 5 22-JAN-21 15:00 The George Washington University Law School 2020–2021 Officers of Administration Thomas LeBlanc, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., President of the University Dayna Bowen Matthew, A.B., J.D., Ph.D., Dean of the Law School; Harold H. Greene Professor of Law Tammy P. Tideswell, B.A., J.D., LL.M, Senior Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs; John S. Jenkins Family Professorial Lecturer in Law and Policy Renee ´ Y. DeVigne, B.S., J.D., Associate Dean for Student Academic Development Elizabeth L. Ewert, B.A., M.F.A., J.D., Associate Dean of Students Alan B. Morrison, B.A., LL.B., Lerner Family Associate Dean for Public Interest and Public Service Law Emily Hammond, B.S., J.D., Jeffrey and Martha Kohn Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Lin Harmon-Walker, B.A., J.D., Interim Director for the Environmental and Energy Law Program Rosa Celorio, B.A., J.D., Associate Dean for International and Comparative Legal Studies Scott B. Pagel, B.A., M.A.L.S., J.D., Associate Dean for Information Services; Director of the Law Library Susan Fine, B.A., J.D., Associate Dean for Professional Development and Career Strategy Thomas B. Colby, B.A., J.D., Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development Alfreda Robinson, B.A., M.A., J.D., Associate Dean for Trial Advocacy Lisa M. Schenck, B.A., M.P.A., J.D., LL.M., J.S.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Sophia Sim, B.A., J.D., Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid John M. Whealan, B.S., M.S., J.D., Associate Dean for Intellectual Property Law Studies Jason Belk, B.A., M.P.P., J.D., Assistant Dean of Students David M. Johnson, B.A., J.D., Assistant Dean for Public Interest and Public Service Law Jessica Tillipman, B.S., J.D., Assistant Dean for Field Placement Nancy Hullihen, B.S., M.B.A., Assistant Vice President of Development for GW Law Mike Briggs, Director of Information Systems Kasey Brzezanski, Director of Finance, Personnel, and Logistics Andra Roy Chernack, Director of Disability Support Services and Senior Academic Advisor Matthew D. Dillard, Director of Admissions Lin Harmon-Walker, B.A., J.D., Interim Director for the Environmental and Energy Law Program Elizabeth H. Field, B.A., M.B.A., Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing Philip Hawkins, Director of Financial Aid Rosanne L. O’Hara, B.A., M.S.Ed., Director of Academic Support Services Laurie S. Kohn, A.B., J.D., LL.M., Interim Jacob Burns Foundation Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs Jeremiah S. Pam, A.B., M.A., M.B.A., J.D., Director for Business and Finance Law Program Karen D. Thornton, B.A., J.D., LL.M., Director for the Government Procurement Law Program Donna M. Attanasio, A.B., J.D., Senior Adviser for Energy Law Programs Jacob Burns Law Library Scott B. Pagel, B.A., M.A.L.S., J.D., Associate Dean for Information Services; Director of the Law Library Matthew Bochniak, Head of Instructional Technology Robert Bratton, B.A., M.L.S., Head of Cataloging and Metadata Virginia M. Bryant, B.A., M.L.S., Assistant Director for Technical Services Richard D. Evans, Emerging Technologies Librarian Lori L. Fossum, B.S., M.A., M.A., M.A., J.D., Reference/National Security & U.S. Foreign Relations Librarian Jennifer Fritz, B.M.M.E., M.L.I.S., Systems Librarian Nicole Evans Harris, B.A., J.D., M.L.I.S., Assistant Director for Information Services Mary Kate Hunter, A.B., J.D./B.C.L., M.S.L.I.S., Reference/Government Contracts Librarian Lesliediana Jones, A.B., J.D., M.L.I.S., Head of Document Services Germaine L. Leahy, B.A., M.L.S., Head of Reference Iris M. Lee, B.A., M.L.S., J.D., Head of Collection Services Leslie A. Lee, B.A., J.D., M.L.S., Assistant Director for Administration Jennie C. Meade, B.A., J.D., M.S.L.S., Director of Special Collections Deborah Norwood, B.A., J.D., M. Law Libr., Assistant Director for Public Services Trina R. Robinson, B.A., J.D., M.L.I.S., Head of Acquisitions & Continuing Resources Kenneth J. Rodriguez, B.A., M.A., M.S.L.I.S., J.D., Reference/Intellectual Property Librarian \\jciprod01\productn\g\gwn\89-1\front891.txt unknown Seq: 6 22-JAN-21 15:00 Lawrence Ross, B.A., M.S.L.I.S., J.D., Head of Electronic Services Robert O.
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