ORGAN OF THE 11111114 N111 111111 Ai 01 II BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS MESSENGER EDITOR W. L. EMMERSON VOLUME 70 • NUMBER 26 DECEMBER 17, 1965 A Message to Our People from The Northern European Division Winter Council E, the members of the Northern European Division Executive Committee, assembled on this first occasion in our newly dedicated headquarters office in St. Albans W for the purpose of transacting necessary business in connection with the orderly and successful prosecution of the work of God in Northern Europe, West Africa, and Ethiopia, send warm Christian greetings to all our believers and their children in these many countries. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our membership for their loyalty to the message and to the church, and for their sacrificial support under the prospering hand of God of our evangelistic field and institutional programmes, thus helping to make it possible for us to vote the largest budget in the history of the Northern European Division. Through the fruitful co-operation of the ministry and laity under the blessing of God, an unprecedented harvest of souls has been brought into the brotherhood of the church and substantial material advancement of the work has resulted in all lands of the Division. The Northern European Division is a far-flung field. The work has spread marvellously, especially in the African fields, but, brethren and sisters, much remains to be done. Political, religious, and social events indicate with precision that we are indeed living in the climactic period of this globe's history. The lengthening corridors of time are rapidly leading human events toward the "night when no man can work." In such a time as this there is a need for the total energies of our churches to be focused on the task at hand, and for yet deeper devotion and consecrated commitment. The providential openings for the extending of the Advent message in many parts of our Division field, constrain us all, members and workers, to dedicate ourselves anew to the finishing of the Gospel commission's task in order that the world may be lightened with God's glory. "For this cause" together with you, we bow our "knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, "May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3 :14-19. THE DIVISION COMMITTEE. .........„....................... The Church Its Ministry by Pastor J. A. McMillan President, British Union Conference THE ministers for Christ are derived from the the congregation. We should have a clear under- ministry of Christ. Jesus taught that the ministers standing as to their resemblances and their of the Gospel are the servants of the church. differences. "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered Both are called of God and elected by the unto, but to minister, . whosoever will be membership. (Heb. 5:4; Acts 6:1-5; 13:2.) Both great among you, let him be your minister." Matt. are ordained by the laying on of hands, signifying 20:28, 26. The New English Bible translates this that they are "set apart" to serve the church. "serve" and "servant." Jesus invites His followers Speaking of Paul and Barnabas' ordination, E. G. to pray that since "the crop is heavy, but labourers White writes: "Their ordination was a public are scarce; you must therefore beg the owner to recognition of their divine appointment to bear to send labourers to harvest His crop." Matt. 9:38, the Gentiles the glad tidings of the Gospel." (Acts N.E.B. of the Apostles, page 161.) Both minister and elder But while the minister is the servant of the are the spiritual shepherds of the flock and are church, he is also, under God, the one responsible equally charged to "tend the flock." 1 Peter 5:1, 2, for the existence and the healthy development of N.E.B. the church. As we have already seen, Jesus ordained What are the differences between the ministry and twelve and sent "them forth to preach." Mark 3:14. the eldership? There are a number of these and they It was by the preaching of the word by the ministers should be kept in mind in order to maintain good that souls were saved and churches formed. (Acts relationships. 2:14, 37, 41.) "It was at the ordination of the The local elder is ordained to serve the local twelve that the first step was taken in the church or assembly, which elected him to office, organization of the church that after Christ's and he is accountable to the local congregation departure was to carry on His work on the earth." for the discharge of his duties. (Acts 14:23.) He is —Acts of the Apostles, page 18. elected for one year and while his ordination is not "God's workers today constitute the connecting repeated, he must be re-elected by the church if link between the former workers, the church of he is to continue in his office beyond the year. history, and the church that is called out from (Church Manual, page 79.) the world and prepared to meet their Lord. The Although the elder is strictly limited in his tide of spiritual life is to flow through the appointed spiritual office to a single congregation, nevertheless channels, as in the history of the past. From age his is a responsibility second only to the ordained to age the light which God has for the world minister. He must subscribe to the same high has been imparted to the church militant, and standards of conduct, being "above approach," "a God is continuing to impart precious light. All man of the highest principles." 1 Tim. 3:2, 4, the excellencies that have come through the belief N.E.B. The Lord's messenger states that among the of the truth from past ages to the present time, responsibilities resting on the elders, they must are to be treated with utmost respect."—Special guard the spiritual interests of the church Testimonies. (Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 241), promote faithful In the apostolic church, the following categories tithing by the members (Testimonies to Ministers, were found—"God's people, incorporate in Christ page 305), and plan soul-winning activities and Jesus, . including their bishops and deacons." Christian service in the church. (Christian Service, Phil. 1:1, N.E.B. Saints, bishops, and deacons made page 62.) up the church. It is agreed that "bishops" and The minister is ordained to serve the universal "elders" were synonymous terms in the New church and is not elected by, nor accountable to, Testament. (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1; 1 Tim. the local congregation. He serves the conference 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9.) Elders and deacons were elected which grants his credentials and is answerable to and ordained. (Titus 1:5; Acts 6:1-5.) In addition, the conference committee in the person of the deaconesses were appointed to assist the deacons president of the conference. He serves as the ranking in caring for the church and promoting its welfare. officer in the church to which the conference has (Rom. 16:1; 1 Tim. 5:9, 10.) This was the total appointed him. (Church Manual, page 79.) complement of officers recorded in the New "Paul regarded the occasion of his formal Testament. ordination as marking the beginning of a new and It is clear from the New Testament that the important epoch in his lifework. It was from this expression "elder" was taken over from the time that he afterward dated the beginning of his synagogue services and the Old Testament (Num. apostleship in the Christian church."—Acts of the 11:25, Joshua 23:2, etc), and applies both to the Apostles, pages 164, 165. ministers of the Gospel and the local elders of The minister is authorized by the conference 2 to preach, baptize, organize churches, conduct the who look to him for courageous leadership and ordinances, funerals, and marriages. Paul reminds direction. He is also called an "ambassador," where both ministers and elders that their position of the concept is of divine calling and authorization leadership and authority must not tempt them to to represent the grace of God and proclaim the "lord it over the charge alloted to" them (1 Peter peace terms of the Gospel of Jesus to mankind. 5:2, 3, R.V.) "not tyrannizing over those who are Working for God is a great honour, but it also allotted to your care." (N.E.B.) Repeatedly, the calls for great fortitude, that a man may "war a Lord's messenger has reminded us that God has good warfare." Therefore Paul exhorts the young not placed any kingly power in the church. Jesus minister Timothy: "Thou therefore endure hardness, established the principle, "All ye are brethren;" as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." 1 Tim. 1:18; "You are all brothers." Matt. 23:8, N.E.B. 2 Tim. 2:3. Because of this, "the church should The deaconate (deacons and deaconesses) have gratefully accept these servants of Christ, even an important part to play in the affairs of the as they would accept the Master Himself.
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