through Education Written submissions from Conference Speakers Table of Contents 3 The Devil’s Seven-Prong Fork 43 Making Americans Illiterate: Charlotte T. Iserbyt • Maine A Key Factor in the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Samuel L. Blumenfeld • Massachucetts 7 Is Freedom Burning? Cynthia Weatherly • Georgia 49 The Deliberate Destruction of Education in Tennessee and Who Is Behind It 14 The Trojan Horse of Charter Schools Kelleigh Nelson • Tennessee Polly Anglin • Pennsylvania 55 A Teacher’s Testimony: 19 The Prison of the Accountability The Agenda in the Public Schools System: Updates from Texas Jane Aitken • New Hampshire A. Patrick “Pat” Huff, Ph.D. • Texas 59 Developing a Winning Strategy 22 Microcosm of Education’s Role Rosa Koire • California in the Coming World Economy Supplement: What is ICLEI? Donna • Rhode Island 65 Outcome - Based Education and Higher 24 The Golden GEM Years Order Thinking Skills Bettina Dobbs • Maine Jeannie Georges • Indiana 77 21 Ways to Restore Local Control 27 International Baccalaureate Unraveled Cherilyn B. Eagar • Utah Debra K. Niwa • Arizona 79 Obama’s “Race to the Top” Agenda — 37 Created Classroom Chaos to States under Republican Leadership Fall Controlled Cyber Conditioning for the Carrot: Children Sold Out for a Mary Thompson • California Profit Anita B. Hoge • Pennsylvania 2 The Devil’s Seven-Prong Fork By Charlotte T. Iserbyt Our family has seen many changes in the past year which necessitated my pulling a “Houdini the United States and abroad the act” and withdrawing from the political activist reader can go to americandeception. scene. com, a free website, which provides scanned primary research, and click One of the changes in my life was a move on researcher/writer D. Niwa’s “hot- from the city to the countryside . to a house off-the-press” The Emerging North overlooking the magnificent Kennebec River American Union (NAU), which in- in Maine. This great river attracts wonder- cludes a most useful timeline (1921- ful birds, including our nation’s symbol, the 2006), Maureen Heaton’s The Impos- Bald Eagle. They appear frequently, espe- sible Dream, and The Don Bell Reports. cially when the river freezes, swooping down onto the ice floes which provide a solid base from This website also makes available which they can feed. Would that our nation, to the public, for the first time, the whose symbol is the Bald Eagle, had similar 3,000-page transcript of the 1953 solid constitutional support from its govern- Reece and Cox Congressional Com- ment thus enabling Americans to continue to mittee hearings related to the inves- live as free citizens. tigation of the subversive activities of The Bald Eagle, still free, is flying with both the tax-exempt foundations. During wings. The United States, no longer free, is flying with but one wing . a meeting in New York City in 1953 research director for . as pilots would say, “on a wing and a prayer.” the Reece Commission Norman Dodd was told by Row- This article explains why our formerly free country is, in the 21st an Gaither, the president of the Ford Foundation, that the Century, flying with only one wing. White House instructed the foundations “to use their grant- making power to so alter life in the United States that we The most devastating aspect of “The Devil’s Seven-Prong can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.” The Fork” is that we victims hadn’t the foggiest idea we were foundations, especially Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford, being victimized by it, but thought, to the contrary, that concerned that the American people, to whom they owed the government had our best interests at heart. The gov- their tax exemption, would have access to the record of ernment, in partnership with the “usual suspects” — the these hearings, scooped up all available copies immediately elitist, internationalist corporate sector, the tax-exempt after the hearings were abruptly terminated in 1954. Presi- foundations, the Federal Reserve Bank, the educational dent Eisenhower, carrying out the above treasonous direc- system, the controlled media, and some important religious tive to the foundations, signed the first agreements with the denominations — has year after year, consistently worked Soviet Union in 1958 at the peak of the Cold War. Had to create an environment which keeps its citizens ignorant those hearings not been terminated, it is unlikely Americans regarding what is really going on, thereby creating the nec- would be looking at the demise of their nation under the essary citizen apathy which allows “the usual suspects” to North American Union (NAU), or that the virtual merger accomplish the dismantlement of the greatest, freest, most of Russia’s and the United States’ basic political, economic, successful nation in the history of the world. cultural, educational, and law enforcement systems would have taken place over the past 48 years. If Americans do not understand how they have been victim- ized by “The Seven-Prong Fork,” if they do not start ask- THE DEVIL’S ing questions and demanding answers, if they do not take action to reverse our nation’s slide into world government, SEVEN-PRONG FORK they will experience in the very near future what George consists of: Orwell described so well in his novel 1984: Prong One: If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on Semantic Deception the human face — forever . and remember, that is forever. Semantic Deception, covered by George Orwell in 1984, calls for lying through the deceitful use of words. Few For the history of regional governance and subversion in Americans question the innocent-sounding words/phrases 3 The Devil’s Seven-Prong Fork Charlotte T. Iserbyt such as “regionalism,” “consolidation,” “democracy,” “free on Townhall.com is a vitriolic diatribe in which he attacks trade,” “public/private partnerships,” “school choice,” concerned, well-informed and highly respected Ameri- “base closures,” “faith-based,” “freedom,” “patriot,” “se- cans, including journalists, due to their opposition to the curity,” “prosperity,” “peace,” et al. NAU and the highway through Texas and the Great Plains connecting the USA, Mexico, and Canada. He calls them Why has no one told the American people that regionalism, “paranoid, lunatics, losers, crooks, cranks, demagogues and be it local, county, state, national or international, is Com- opportunists.” His hysterical ranting indicates that CNN’s munism? The regionalization (consolidation) of the world Lou Dobbs and Jerome Corsi, amongst other writers, are is quite similar to the three-stage plan outlined by Stalin succeeding in waking up Americans to the fact that their at the 1936 Communist International. At that meeting, the nation is on its way out as a Constitutional Republic unless official program proclaimed: they act quickly. Dobbs described the merger controversy this way in a recent CNN broadcast: Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of so- cialism in different countries or groups of countries, after For any American to think that it is acceptable for the which there would be federal unions of the various group- president of the United States and . our government, to ings of these socialist countries, and the third stage would proceed without the approval of Congress or a dialogue and be an amalgamation of these regional federal unions into a a debate and a public voice from the people of this country is world union of socialist nations. absolutely unconscionable. What they’re doing is creat- ing a brave new world, an Orwellian world, in which the will What Stalin called for is taking place in front of our very of the people is absolutely irrelevant. eyes, with the NAU and other emerging global regional groupings, following the model of the European Union. Re- Reported on earthtimes.org (1/7/07), “‘A U.S.-European gionalism erases constitutional, geographical borders and, economic partnership like NAFTA [North American Free in so doing, does away with locally elected officials, creat- Trade Agreement] is critical to both regions’ economies,’ ing larger and larger municipal units managed by faceless, new European Union President Angela Merkel of Germany highly trained, socialist change agent bureaucrats. says.” The late Andrew Carnegie, who, in 1886 called for “creating two nations out of one people” — returning the The liberal writer, Morris Zeitlin, admits that regionalism United States to the “mother” country, England — must be is communism in an article entitled “Planning Is Social- smiling from his grave! ism’s Trademark,” published in the Communist Party’s Daily World (11/8/75). Go to deliberatedumbingdown.com where Other examples of the use of deceptive words follow: the deliberate dumbing down of america: A Chronological Paper Trail can be downloaded free. Zeitlin’s article is found on page • President George W. Bush’s PATRIOT Act is probably 134. the most unpatriotic, treasonous Act ever passed by the Congress. More recently, former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev confirmed Zeitlin’s comments when • President George W. Bush’s FREEDOM (Mental he, during a visit to London on March 23, 2000, referred to Health) Initiative will eventually, if fully implemented, the emerging European (regional) Union (EU) as “the new mandate mental health screening and services lifelong European Soviet.” Does this not make the NAU the “New for all Americans. Anyone familiar with the history American Soviet”? of the Soviet Union will immediately recognize this initiative’s resemblance to the Soviet Union’s use of Regionalism has been fostered not only by the left, as would the mental health system to incarcerate political dis- be expected, but by mainstream conservative leadership as sidents. In 1948 Alger Hiss, Soviet agent, redefined well. I recall, at a Conservative Political Action Conference “health” as a “state of complete physical, mental, and (CPAC) in the mid-seventies, an exchange of views between social well-being, and not merely the absence of dis- the former editor of National Review, William Rusher, and ease or infirmity.” The international elite view those myself.
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