Our Annual USCGCTHE HealyLAKE Dinner WASHINGTON & EVERETT COUNCIL NEWSLETTER Bellevue Red Lion Hotel Wednesday Our Annual USCGC Healy Dinner Bellevue Red Lion Hotel Wednesday, 11 March 2015 Special Guests Members of the USCGC Healy Keynote Speaker: CAPT John Reeves, USCG Commanding Officer, USCGC Healy Topic: “Artic Science and the Opening of the NW Passage” Recognizing the Healy Sailors of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year RecognizingVOL. vol. 78 71 DELGENE Delgene the University PHILLIPSPhillips of - -Editor EDITORWashington www.lakewashnlus.org NROTCwww.lakewashnlus.org DecemberMarch 2016 2015 Recognizing Corporate Member GE Power Conversion FUTURE EVENTS Many Recognized at November Council Dinner To register go to our website: www.lakewashnlus.org. By Pete Stiles Our Annual USCGC Healy Dinner Dinner Meetings Photos By Delgene Phillips BellevueWednesday, Red Lion 11 JanuaryHotel Wednesday,Wednesday, 11 March 8 March 2015 Fifty-five members and guests attended the Lake Washington & Special Guests Everett Council’s dinner held on 9 November 2016 at the Belle- MembersBoard of the Meetings USCGC Healy vue Red Lion Hotel. The program opened with adopted unit Naval Wednesday, 4 January Station Everett Sea Cadet Division 132 “Presenting the Colors” Keynote Speaker: CAPT John Reeves,and Marjorie USCG James leading the audience in the Pledge of Alle- CommandingWednesday, Officer, 1 March USCGC Healy Topic: “Artic Science and the Openinggiance. of Board the NWmember Passage” Cecil Allison gave a very thoughtful Invo- cation. Following dinner, Pete presented the council’s proposed 2017 Officers and Board of Directors which will be voted upon by RecognizingABOUT the Healy US Sailors of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year Recognizing the University of Washingtoncouncil members NROTC attending the 11 January 2017 dinner. Pete noted Recognizing Corporate Member GEthat Power the council Conversion is looking to fill two vacant officer positions, Treasurer and ToThe register Lake Washington go to our & website: Everett www.lakewashnlus.org. , Council11 March (LW&EC) 2015 is part of the Secretary, with copies of the position SpecialNavy Guests League of the United descriptions at each table. He asked MembersStates, ofwww.navyleague.org the USCGC Healy that anyone attending the dinner, or friends of those attending, who might KeynoteCouncil Speaker: Adopted CAPT Units: John Reeves,be interested USCG in learning more about Commanding Officer, USCGC Healyeither vacancy contact him via tele- Topic:US Naval “Artic Station Science Everett and the Opening of the NW Passage” USCG Base Seattle phone or email. The evening recogni- RecognizingUSCGC Healy (WAGB the Healy 20) Sailors oftion the started Quarter with andNaval Sailor Station of Everett the Year RecognizingUSCGC Henry Blakethe University(WLM 563) of WashingtonSea Cadet Division NROTC 132 - NSE and the RecognizingUSCGC Blue Shark Corporate (WPB 87360) Member GEUniversity Power Conversionof Washington NROTC. Pete thanked LTJG John USS Jimmy Carter (SSN 23) Steenmeyer, (above right) CO of the Naval Station Everett Sea ToUndersea register R & Dgo Detachment to our website: www.lakewashnlus.org. OurLiberty Annual High School USCGC NJROTC Healy DinnerCadet Division for his continuing dedicated leadership and pre- U. of Washington NROTC sented him with the council’s annual donation of $500. CAPT BellevueNaval Sea Cadet Red Corps,Lion HotelNS Everett Div Mark Johnson USN, (at left) CO Wednesday, 11 March 2015 and Professor of Naval Science SpecialVoyager is Guests the official newsletter of the for the UW NROTC presented an MembersLW&EC NL of-US the and USCGCis published Healy quar- terly in March, June, September and De- overview and description about Keynotecember and Speaker:printed by American CAPT JohnPublish- Reeves, USCG the quality and professionalism Commandinging & Printing, Officer,Inc. in Kent, USCGC WA and Healy of the midshipmen and officer Topic:provided “Artic to all members. Science Comments and the and Opening of the NW Passage” candidates enrolled in the suggestions are welcome and should be NROTC. Afterwards, Pete pre- Recognizingsent to: Voyager the Editor, Healy P.O. SailorsBox 547 of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year RecognizingBellevue WA 98009 the- 0547University or email ofto: Washington NROTC sented CAPT Johnson with the [email protected] Corporate Member GE Power Conversion Council’s annual donation of $750. (continued on page 4) VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE Since the council’s inception in 2001, our mission and focus has remained on our active duty Navy Time flies and here we and Coast Guard enlisted men and women. It is a are approaching the end recurring privilege to meet the young men and of 2016. The Lake women on the “front lines” whether in a SSBN Washington & Everett “Boomer,” on a floating city nuclear aircraft carri- Council has enjoyed er, aboard a Coast Guard Cutter, attending Univer- another successful year sity of Washington NROTC commissioning cere- with five bi-monthly monies and participating in a NJROTC awards dinners which were ceremony or visiting a Sea Cadet drill weekend at held at the Bellevue Naval Station Everett. Truly these outstanding en- Red Lion Hotel and a listed personnel and students represent a bright “Summer Fun Event” future for the U. S. Navy, the U. S. Coast Guard which this year was held at the Everett AquaSox and our Country. Baseball Club in Everett, WA. In addition to sup- porting our active duty Navy and Coast Guard Moving Forward adopted units, the council continued to provide recognition and financial support to our three stu- In October, the council launched a newly updated dent adopted units: University of Washington and redesigned website with the same URL: NROTC, Liberty High School NJROTC and the www.lakewashnlus.org. We hope that you will Naval Station Everett Sea Cadet Division – 132 periodically “take a look.” The new website is NSE. Tours Director Jim Ardissono continued easy to read and easy to navigate and when you his outstanding job of scheduling events at active do, you will find three new sources of infor- duty commands and, in addition, at Boeing man- mation: “Sea Service News” which concentrates ufacturing facilities. Our tours generate immense on current Northwest Naval and Coast Guard interest from council members and non-members news and information that will interest our mem- alike and are always “sold out.” bers and friends, especially items that aren’t well- covered by the general news media. The “Honor Our Focus and Primary Mission Page” features people, events and images that highlight positive views of our military services and patriotic actions of military interest. Under “Upcoming Events” you will also be able to 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS know in advance about council dinners, tours, our “Third Annual Golf Scramble” and other council activities. Additionally, there will be other perti- President…………….…..…..Pete Stiles First Vice-President….…..…Vacant nent information published that you will find in- Second Vice-President……...Vacant teresting. Perhaps best of all, you will now be able Treasurer…(interim) ...…….Bob Renner to pay for dinners electronically via credit card. Secretary…………………….Vacant Chaplain………………..……Jim Ardissono We currently have two adopted units at Naval Sta- Judge Advocate………...…...Bert Kinghorn tion Everett, the USCGC Blue Shark (WPB Membership…………………Cec Allison 87360) and the USCGC Henry M. Blake (WLM Tour Director……………….Jim Ardissono [email protected] 563). In early 2017 we will start an adoption pro- gram for the current and new Arleigh Burke Class Other Directors: Jim Britt Dan Burr Jay De Bellis Niles Fowler Jeff Garrett Aegis Destroyers assigned to Everett, the USS Phil Johnson Mitch Mitchell Delgene Phillips Shoup (DDG 86), USS Momsen (DDG 92) , USS Jim Sketchley John Thoma Matt Thompson Kidd (DDG 100), USS Gridley (DDG 101), USS Director Emeritus: Louise Chase (LWC) (NLUS) Sampson (DDG 102) and USS Ralph Johnson Niles Fowler (NLUS) Roger Ponto (LWC) (NLUS) (DDG 114). In addition, we will continue to work RADM John Lockwood USCG, Retired (LWC) on re-establishing a new Navy League presence in National Directors: Pete Stiles Jim Sketchley Everett and Snohomish County. Retaining current members and recruiting new individual members and Community Affiliate members will continue to be a priority as well as scheduling interesting 2 VOYAGER December 2016 and compelling keynote speakers and other pro- LW&EC BUSINESS AFFILIATES gram participants for our dinner events. If you have suggestions about future keynote speakers, military or non-military, please forward their Corporate Members name(s) and contact information to me at [email protected]. It is a pleasure to repre- GE Energy Power Conversion sent all of you as we recognize the adopted units Honeywell, Inc. that we support and their distinguished Sailors of Kvichak Marine Industries, Inc. the Year and Sailors of the Quarter. As Council Microsoft President, I have the opportunity to be the visible SAFE Boats International tip-of-the spear but you, our council members and Schneider Electric friends, are the energy and direction behind our USAA efforts. Your officers and Board of Directors are Vigor Shipyards, Inc. dedicated, selfless contributors to mapping and directing our resources in in our support of our Community Affiliates local Sea Services. We look forward to your con- tinued support and participation in 2017 and well American Publishing & Printing, Inc. beyond. B.E. Meyers & Company,
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