The Inventory of the Faith Baldwin Collection #674 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center \ Bald,,in, Faith Gift of September, 1968 RAIN FOREST New York, Popular Library, 1968 Typescript with profuse holograph corrections, 256 PP• Rtvis:i· ns and rejects, carton tyJ<':Scr:ipt, lOppo tyJ c:script, 2 PP• Letter I I ,, Reese, 1.~rgnerit.e TIS to .F'B E.ay 3, 1967 re RAIN FDREST. of Holt, rlinehart and Winston Ar1c:1enda, October, 1968 f, 1, "A S;,t.urd::i.y Jforrd_ng. June 6R., Poen: in hologr2pho 2 PPo BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda Nov. 15, Jg68 J ";cn11scrints ."fr - ---- ...! __ a) ff BALDWIN STORY by Fail:h Baldwin as told to Elsie Lee. Unpublished. Typescript. 472 pp. Signed by FB. Included is "short version". Typescript. 107 pp. ,i b) EVENING STAR. Novel. Typescript with holograpJ-, corrections and printer's marks. Signed by FB. 229 pp. THERE IS A SEAso:-;:. Novel. Typescr; pt with holograph correcti"ns. ,-md printer's marks. Sign~d by FB. 255 pp. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda November 1968 The materials are concerned with Miss Baldwin's war work, 1942-1945. 1) Broadcasts to Germany for OWL By FB. 16 Broadcasts. Typescript with halo·- graph corrections. 30 pp. Note of explanation by FB. Holograph. 1 p. 1 2) Articles by FB done for WriterS ,; War Board. 1/ ,, a) "Children in \lartime" Typescript, signed, 3 pp. b) "Gardens All Winter" Typescript, 2 pp. c) "Definition of an American". Typescript, 2 pp. d) "Recreation Is Patriotic". Typescript, 2 pp. e) "U.S. Women's Role In A World At War". Type.script, 2 pp. f) "An American Small Town At War" Typescript, 3 pp. g) "An American Farm Goes to War" Typescript. 4 pp. h) Photostatic copies of the published pieces. Note of explanation by FB. Holograph---1_.E.E_, ,, 11 3) Correspondence 19 TLS to FB from officials of the U.S. Office of War InformatLon, U. S. Treasury Department, The American National Red Cross, National War Fund, Office of Price 1 Administration, Stamps For the Wounded, United Service Organizat:i,Jns, and Writers ,7 War Board. 1943-1945 including: Bush, Prescott S. TLS to FB. Dec. 2, 1943 Leech, Margaret. TLS to FB. Nov. 13, 1945 / I 1, 4) a. Notes for a proposed Biblical novel. Typescript and holograph 61 pp. b. Notes for a proposed 1830 American novel. Typescript with holograph notations. 18 pp. c. Five letters to FB re: Biblical research. 1943. Baldwin, Faith Addenda December 1968 ./!)f{.J CBS Television Film. "Person to Person." Edward Murrow interview with FB. One half hour. , Proof of book jacket for VELVET HAMMER. i l 2 photographs of FB, signed and annota.ted.,j y.anuscript .t)/'1, :2, "Look Out for Lizau Play by Elsie Lee adapted from the novel by FB. Mimeo, 122 pp. Signed and annotated by FB. It I/ 2 large ~hotographs, portraits of FB. Circa 1930. Signed. Baldwin, Faith Purchase of February 20, 1969. Box 3 AIS to Miss Morton November 28, 1934 1 ALS and 1 TIS to Mrs. Smith. April 3, no ye-.re Jan. 14, 1941. 12 AIS and 1 TLS to Marshall Bean 1963-1965. Signed photograph. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: April, 1969 Box 3 TAKE WHAT YOlJ WANT. Novel, To be published by Holt in 1970. Typescript with profuse halo. corrections, 263 pp. Addenda, May, 1969. (in separate package) 3 records produced by The Famous Writers School. "Let I s Talk About Writers" in which Faith Baldwin is interviewed by Bem1ett Cerf; April 28, May 26, 1969. Purchase May 1969 Letters Baldwin,Faith 2 ALS to Marshall Bean: Sept. 25, 1968, and no date. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: August, 1969 Box 4 1) THE VELVET HAMMER (originally entitled THE SINGING BIRD). Novel. Dm,1pleday, 1969. Typescript with profuse holograph corrections, 253 pp. 2) Printed short stories. I 11 11 a) The Three Graces • Good Housekeeping, December, 1960. 11 11 b) Letters to Mark • Ladies' Home Journal, October, 1942. 11 11 c) Black Alder • Ladies' Home Journal, January, 1948. 11 11 d) The View • Woman's Home C011-ipanion, April, 1948. BALDWlN, FAITH Addenda: August, 1969 Box 4 11 r·1'Yl 'd OWS Wa lk'' Holograph manuscript, 3 pp. An explanation by FB of how, why, when, and where she came to write her book WIDOWS WALK. Composed especially for the Faith Baldwin Collection. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: August 1969 Corresporiderice Nixon, Richard (as President U.S.). TLS to FB. April 11, 1969. Brace, Gerald Warner. ALS to FB. September 13, 1968. Moore, Ruth (Novelist). TLS to FB, April 5, 1969. Rockwell, Norman. TLS to FB. February 12, 1969. Peterson, Elly M. (Assistant Chairman, Republican National Committee). TLS to FB. May 19, 1969. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: Sept. 1969 Letters ~~,4 Stegner, Wallace. TLS to FB. August 19, 1967. Menen, Aubrey. ALS to FB, May 15, 1956, German, Sharon. TLS to FB. September 6, 1967, Keller, Helen TLS to FB July 8, 1955. MacLennan., Hugh TLS to FB August 31., 1967 Nichols, Beverley TLS to FB September 30, 1966 Williams., Emlyn ALS to FB November 13, 1963 Addenda, October, 1969 Letters Baldwin, Faith to Edna Kaehale: 16 ALS and TLS, 2 telegrams and 4 Christmas cards 1952~1959. (Not individually dated) Addenda, October, 1969. J!JC[f..) S- THE VELVET HAMMER. Novel. Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1968. a) Typescript with holo. corr., 294 PP• b) Galleys with printer's marks. c) Page proofs with printer's marks. Original drawing of ''Hazel" by Ted Key, creator of the cartoon chare1c+.er. I I 11 Inscribed to FB on her 76th birthday. BALDWIN, FAITH · Pmrchases of December, 1969, and January, 1970. Box 5 Letters Baldwin, Faith to Professor Grover (Rollins College) ALS February 23, no year. II II II " " II II ALS July 17, no ye9r. II 11 to Mr. Upton ALS, October 22, no yearo II 11 to Mr. Leis TLS, March 2, 1950. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda, Moy, 1970. ~-,---Letters: Dunnett, Dorothy TIS April 25, 1970. Gaskin, Catherine TLS April 1, 1970 Signed Catherine Gaskin Cornberg Ni:xon, Richard 'l'LS April 6, 1970. Potter, Dan TLS March 3, 1970 Stern, Richard Martin TLS February 19, 1970. &ildwin, Faith Addenda, f1..:iy, 1970 J ~tter Box 5 Segal, Erich TIS to Faith Baldwin. 1'fay 16, 19700 BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: May/June, 1970 Kl\.~TTJSCRIPT Box 6 Folder 1 M"'Y VILLAGE. Holt, Rinehart, Winston Typescript with holograph corrections. 267 pp. REVIE'll'S Folder 2 TAKE WHAT YOU WANT and THE VELVET l-1Af•l}1ER. I, clippings and photocopies. Ca. 50 pieces. Addenda, July, 1970 Letter Sarton, May TIS to Faith Baldwin. December 6, 1966. Baldwin, Faith Addenda, August, 1970 Box 5 Citations to Faith Baldwin from: 1. Save the Children Federation. CBrtificate of Humanitarian Fellowship. n.d. 2. Stamps for the Wounded. Philately's Volunteer Service Convr1ittee, n,d. 3. U. S. Office of Pr.ice Administration. April 3, 19450 4. Co~necticut Pioneer Franch, National League of American Pen Women, for "her soutstandin~ contributions to American literature." Oct. 20, 1966. 5o S:il ver Hill Foundation. Member of the Board of J.bna~ers s~~nce ] 944, April 1, 1968. Proof of book jacket for ANY VILLAGE 2 photographs, mountedJ 4½ x 6½, of Maude Adams, inscribed to Faith Baldwin, 1906. (one in costume as Peter Pan, one as ttThe Little Minister 11 Letter Blrnmt, Winton Mo TLS Post Office Dept,. J1Jly 20, 19700 Addenda, Purchase, Aur,ust, 1970. ,Letter Baldwin, Faith ALS (postcard) to Fthel Ha 11 Frcer-1an , May 21, 1951. West Newton, Mass • ./irldendc1, Purchase, Au~nst, 1970. Letter Baldwin, Faith TLS to Mr. hauti. Dec, 6, 1952. B-{11,DWIN, FAITH .Addenda: March-April-June 197i Box 7 A) Novel ANY VILLAGE. Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1971. a) Setting~copy. Typescript with holograph corrections, 336 pp. b) Galley proofs. c) Page proofs. Incomplete. d) Reviews and publicity, 17 pieces. e) Letters, 1971. From book reviewers. 1 TLS 1 TLS photocopy 1 ALS 1 book review B) Poem. 11 What Shakespeare Missed" by FB. Printed. 5 pp. on 3 leaves, Ca. 1910. C) Bronze cast of FB's hand made Ca. 1930. (In HBG's office). BALPWIN, FAITH Addenda: December 1971 Photographs inscribed to Faith P1-ldwin and signed. 1) Grace Coolidge, 1929. 2) Gary Cooper, 1945. 3) Joan Crawford 4) Bette Davis 5) Marie Dressler 6) P.C.Wren BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda, January, 1972 Purchase Box 7 Letter Baldwin, Faith ALS to Ray Carter, June 1, no year. BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: January 1972 Purchase Box 9 Letter Baldwin, Faith. ALS to Mr. Libby, April 29,r_l930J• BALDWIN, FAITH Addenda: February 1972 Manuscripts by FB Box 7 1) HARVEST OF HOPE. Carbon typescript, 178 pp. 2) ONE MORE TIME, To be published by Holt, Rinehart, and Wilson, 1972. Typescript with holograph corrections, 303 pp. Box 8 3) RAIN FOREST. Popular Library, 1968, Carbon typescript, 305 pp. 4) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW. Popular Library. Typescript with holograph corrections, 165 pp Play by Elsie Lee ''Liza" by Elsie Lee from a novel LOOK OUT FOR LIZA by FB, 11 a) Red bound photocopy of typescript, "corrected production copy , 97 pp. b) Publicity sheets, containing reviews. 2 copies. c) 23 glossy photographs from Broadway production of "Liza". Short Stories by FB 11 1) "Background • Unpublished. Typescript, 10 pp, (111) . 11 2) "The Bird in the Bush • "Retfred 8/14/61", Typescript, 13 pp. (111). 3) "Conflict of Interests". Typescript, 11 pp. (111). 4) "Demi-Tasse". Typescript, 11 pp. (Ill). 5) Desolation", Unpublished, (Ill). a) Typescript with holograph corrections, 10 pp. b) Typescript, 12 pp. 11 11 6) "The Disappearance • Not Offered".
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