M - MANCHESTEH HERALD. Saturday. Dec. 7. 1M5 LOOK FOR THE STARS... * * * U S WORLD Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get A new approach Kennelly backs Giants have shot to mathematica House tax chief at NFC East title better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a p a g «3 .. pag« 4 ... page 11 ■k difference it makes. Telephone 643-271 1, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. KIT ‘H’ CARLYLE ®t»y Larry Wriglit HOmE AND BARDEN TAB SALES N f Fr«e to Qualified non­ iHaurhrstrr) Manchester ■ A City ol Village Charm Hrralft profit oroonlzotlon, wood frame green house de­ - : 0 : signed to sit on foon- Canterbury Estate Sale — dolton. 6M-6754.a 50 Olcott Drive, Manches­ I H W E T o S K Monday, Dec. 9.1985 Single copy: 25* ter. Saturday, December A £«(ao(A)H ^6«DU)/V(AM If you need a bettor car fo 7th, 9am-3pm. Selling CftY, drive the youngsters to complete contents of school, check the many home. Living room furni­ offerings In today's Clas­ ture, mohagony Duncan sified columns. 643-2711. Phyfe dining room set, maple Queen Ann dro- Manchester pleaf table, Orexel moha- gany twin bedroom set, maple and wicker pieces, hand and electric tools, PETS crystal, china and much more. called hub of Toy Poodles — Dark oorl- cof, male and female, $350. Call evenings, 875- 0865. AutomotlV8 />-7 gambling ring MUSICAL ITEMS CARS/TRUCKS By George Loyng Cashmon. "This is one of, if not the, for sale Herald Reporter largMt operations in the state,” [ THE NUTCRACKER by riu- Jw- KuN-rt School Lloyd's AM /FM stereo Holyfield aaid. Holyfleld identified John Dadis­ and 8-track stereo car­ 1975 Dodge Window Van BveitYTHINO A Spruce Street man has been IS SOZWdif... charged with running a betting kos, whom be said has a record of tridge player and turnta­ — With back seat, 3 speed ANc^eveayoNB ble. Hardly used. Asking on column and removable tS A S U H B f'. operation that handled more than gambling arrests, as the head of $85. Call 647-1560 Otter bed frame In back. Call , , $40 million a year in connection the operation. He said $34 million 5pm, ask for Len. after 4pm, 742-5824. with a raid police are calling one of worth of business a year was the biggest in state history. conducted at the Forest Street Hammond Rhythm II Or­ Beautiful 75 Camaro. Su­ John “ The Greek” Dadlskos, SI. location and $6 million a year was gan — Excellent condi­ perior Condition. Will bor- of 28 Spruce St., was charged done at the Hartford location.- tion. Best offer. 649-3782 galn. Coll 228-3227 Saturday with 376 oounta of violat­ Holyfield said police have not after 5:30 or weekends. anytime. ing state anti-gambling statutes tabulated bow much money the transactions at the Birch Street 1984 Buick Riviera — after police found him in posses­ location were worth, but called it a RECREATIDNAL Loaded, mint condition. sion of football betting slips, 28,000 miles. Must sell. U hoor I Qualify Bultdtfip -<• N o# throom re Manchester police said t ^ y . He large ansount. [ ite m s __________ 875-8161, leave message. ilfvlee. Pfta _ , . _ ' construction, rasldantloli stollotlon i also was charged with six counts Police said they were informed AMieter tica ite fno- commercial, gdiinionai gorbagedli each of professional gambling and of the gambling operation by a A M F Ten Pin Bowling 1984 Magnum — Show­ tu Y *d l. 446>311LA<^i renovations, o cotnplete repoirs. 649 . I P 0 C S T transmission of gambling infomna- confidential informant two years G E T OP Ball with bag. $35. Call room condition. 3,000 lUA-Convanw, building servlc#. 569-^5L asterCord ac6 ON rms T t W4$ TW6 N THAT Uon, police said. ago. However, because Manches­ CMIB... claka BenetP' an 646-1780.1:] miles. Must sell. 875-8161, UN3BUBVA0L£ , 'N- Police said the operation was ter police did not have experience Htrakt photo by Pinto leave message. CtZePt&LE SIGHT. located in Manchester and at least, with professional gambling, they Child's cross country skis, three other towns. ■ought assistance from gambling manufacturer picketed outside the East Hartford plant, poles and shoes, (size 2), 1979 Dodge Colt — Always Striking machinists from Pratt 5 Whitney piants in North Also arrested Saturday were experts with the Organised Crinne very good condition. $35. garaged, high mileage, Haven, Southington and Middletown try to discourage a where union members last week refused to authorize a CARS/TRUCKS MOTORCYCLES/ r n MISCELLANEOUS rnMISCEllANEOUS Diane Dadiskos, 37, of Hebron, a Task Force and Hartford Police. Coll 647-8869.P good condition. Snow I f O J ---------------- motorist from entering the company's East Hartford strike. tires Included. $800 or best J for sale [bicycles LEJ AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE daughter of John Dadiskos; John Holyfield said. offer. 643-8840. B. Holmes, 33, of Glastonbury; and Seized in the raid on the plant this morning. Employees of the jet engine 77 Chevy 10 Van — 6 Bovs 20’ Huffy bicycle. New Nylan Car Caver — For Sale — 2 New radial George Chesky, a Hartford resi­ Manchester locations were five 1977 Dodge Aspen — 4 cylinder, standard, $2,100. Banana seat and training Cost $35, sell for $25. Size tires, size 14. $95 for the dent who alleg^ ly ran a betting calculators, six phones, a 2-inch- [ an tiq ues door, 47,500 miles. $2,500 649-8926 after Spm. wheels. Only $25. Coll medium. 649-0388.O pair. 643-4592.D operation at 706 Wethersfield Ave. thick wad of $1,000 bill wrappers, a or best offer. Must see. 742-0465.O Diane Dadiskos was charged televiiion set, betting stubs, and Call after 6pm, 647-9466. 1979 Chevy Impalo Wagon DO YOU have a bicycle no Pair 215 X 70 R15 Rims for with six counts each of profes­ gambling records that were writ­ Hundreds picket to force new talks — Clean, good condition, one rides? Why not otter It Lincoln. $25. Phone 644- sional gambling and transmission ten on water soluable paper, police 1963 T-BIrd — All power, high mileage, 649-9566 af­ tor sale with a want ad?. 1098.O HARTFORD ter 6pm. Asking $2,200. of gambling information, police said. Police said they were able to EAST HARTFORD (AP) - were the New England Health memorandum from a United Tech­ officials vowed to bring strikers excellent condition, low IMISCELUNEOUS said. Holmes was charged with make the arrests before water was Hundreds of picketers marched in Care Employees Union, the New nologies Corp. official on the from company plants in North mileage, must be seen. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC NOTICE MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES 1976 Plymouth Fury — 318 | / 0 LAUTOMOTIVE------------ AUTOMOTIVE possession of gambling records thrown onto the records. support of Pratt & Whitney Air­ Haven Federation of Teachers, the negotiating committee. United Haven, Middletown and Southing­ $3,500. Call 643-2882 PM. AUTOMOTIVE The Annual Meeting of the and Chesky was charged with WAREHOUSE V-8, Good condition. $795. I Bolton Cemetery Associa­ TOWN OF COVENTRY Police said Holmes, who oper­ craft's striking Machinists union New Haven Labor Council, Teams­ Technologies is Pratt & Whitney’s ton to picket in East Hartford in an Call 633-3179 after 7pm. tion will be held at 1 P.M. on professional gambling, police said. ated the upolstery business, and outside the company's largest ters Local 671 in Hartford and the parent company. effort to disrupt production at the 1967 Mustang, automatic, New HR78-14 White wall The Town ot Coventry Is 6 cylinder. First$200takes December 13th at the Bolton compiling o list ot Contrac­ Diane and John Dadiskos and Dadiskos were arrested outside 199 plant today as a walkout against Hotel and Restaurant Employees The memorandum did not say giant defense contractor. O p « n Tu9$.-Sat. 1976 Vega Hatchback — steel belted radial Town Hall, Bolton, Conn. tors tor snow plowing for the 01277543 Holmes were released on $5,000 the defense contractor entered its Union. what will happen to workers who Union officials hoped union It. Call 742-8843 after mounted. $35. Fits 78 NISSAN DODGE Forest St. as they loaded furniture 10am-5pm Automatic, power steer­ ROBERT O. MURDOCK winter storms. If you ore In­ cash bonds and are scheduled to second week. About 5,000 members of the continue to honor the pickets after members who voted for the strike 5:30pm. Ford. Coll after 6pm, 646- ITS PRESIDENT terested, please pick up the $1,888,000 Inventory Uquidation onto a truck. Police said 20 officers ing. $375 or best offer. appear in Manchester Superior International Association of Mach­ today. Workers honoring the would honor the picket lines to be 4618.0 012-12 required forms at the Coven­ participated in the raids. Union officials said 500 to 600 243 FamtbigtM Ava., Toyota Corolla, 76 Lift- 646-4122 after 4:30pm. try Highway Department, 46 Court on Wednesday. inists and Aerospace Workers picket line by not working today set up at the East Hartford plant. Holyfield said the phones at 199 picketers from unions across the back — Automatic, air, Bradbury Lone, Coventry, 8.6% FINANCING Police said the arrests culmi­ struck at three of Pratt & Whit­ will not be paid, according to the "W e feel that possibly when they Hartford Class I Trailer Hitch — NOTICE TO CREDITORS CT. 06238. It there are any state convinced half of the jet AM /FM , excellent. Many 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air — nated a two-year investigation Forest St.
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