United NatiOlU ression UN. LIBRARY PLENARY MEETING 668th settle- GENERAL ,f arms 0 'E~~l Friday, 8 March 1957, s or of 24 (;1 at 3 p.m. hrough ASSEMBLY :ounter ELEVENTH SESSION UN!S,~, COLLE l stipu- Offi~ial Records New York ~ plane ich the ing its CONTENTS to' independence within the Commonwealth. It is in­ of the ~rience, sembly \ P/J9tl fused with the conviction, based on that disparity in race or tradition, far from being a bar, : adopt Agenda item 25: ch the is a powerful incentive to continue to nurture our Admission of new Members to the Ucited Nations common interests on the basis of mutual·esteem. nscend AdtUission of Ghana to membership in the United un­ :IS' ations ...................................... .. 1305 4. It is a matter of deep satisfaction to us that Ghana, 's; tl~e ttions. Agenda item 66: at its own wish and with agreement of all other hall be Question considered by the first emergency special ses­ members, has become a full member of the Common­ wealth. The grant of independence which has brought r there sion of the General Assembly from 1 to 10 November of its 1956 (conti111led) ~314 this about is not just an isolated act of state. It is not earth, Agenda item 25: a ,single event with no antecedents. It is the final stage in a steady process directed towards the achievement I there Admission of new Members to the United Nations Admission of Ghana to membership in the United of self-government, of the building up of a sound Nations (Clmcllld'ed) .•..•..•••••.•••.•••••••.••. 1326 foundation of democratic institutions, and the establish­ Arrangements for future meetings of the eleventh ses- ment of economic Cl.nd social stability. sion of the General Assembly........................ 1326 5. Independence carries with it heavy responsibilities. Suspension of the eleventh session of the' General As- sembly ............................. .. 1331 It is not ,thoughtlessly granted, nor lightly assumed. I think that the debates in the Houses of Parliameut in Westminster and the statesmanlike remarks made President: Prince WAN WAITHAYAKON by Mr. Nkrumah, Prime Minister of Ghana, at'the (Thailand) • independence celebrations about the ,task that now lies ahead of his country are sufficient proof of this. 6. In the former Gold Coast this process has been renlarkable in its swiftness. By ?eace£U1 and constitu- AGENDA ITEM 25 tional means, but in. a very short space of years, the statesnen of Ghana and other officials have gained Admission of new Members to the United Natinns .the ~per:i"'nce in democratic government and admin- ADMISSION OF GHANA TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE istration which now enables them to take their place UNITED NATIONS on the world stage well equipped to play the valuable and responsible role that Hes ahead of them. 1. The PRESIDENT: Members will have learned 7. The United Nations is particu1~r1y well placed to with gratification that the Security Council has con- be able to judge the fitness of Ghana for membership sidered the application of Ghana for admission to mem- in the United Nations. From the very foundation of bership in the Uniterl Nations rA/3566] and has the United Nations, the Trusteeship Council and the unanimously recommended that Ghana be admitted. General Assembly have been observing the measured The Council's decision is to be found in document development of self-governing institutions in the Gold A/3567. Today the Assembly ha'S before it a draft Coast, as it then was. This was by virtue of the fact resolution submitted bv Australia, Canada, Cevlon, that the Trust Territory of Togoland under British India, New Zealand, Pakistan and the United King- administration was administered under the terms of dom rA/35691, which when adooted will admit Ghana the Trusteeship Agreement as an integral part of the to membership in the United Nations. Gold Coast. As Sl1ch, it enjoyed the same political 2. Mt:. NOBLE (United Kingdom) : Two days ago, advance and the same democratic and liberal anstitu- on 6 March. 1957, historic ceremonies in Accra . tions as the Gold Coast itself. marked the celebration by the first British dependency 8. Members willrecaU that the General Assembly in tropical Africa of its independence within the Com- considered the question of the future of Togoiand monwealth. They were attended by her Royal High- under British administration in great detail in the ness the Duchess of Kent, representing Her Majesty early :part of this session and reached the conclusion the Quel:'!1, and by representatives of Her Majesty's that the ohjectives of trilsteeshiphad been achieved Government in the United Kingdom and of all other for the first time in the case of this Trust Territory. Commonwealth countries. It was ,indeed a proud day It further recommended that the Territory :should be in the history of,the Commonwealth of Nations. united with an independent Gold Coast [resolution 3. Ghana"s emergence to 'state{-;,ood and independence' 1044 (XI)]. is the latest example of the· flexible and democratic 9. This judgment of the General Assembly coincided. process by which the Commonwealth developed, a With the views of Her MaJesty's Government in the process animated, by love of freedom and by respect United' Kingdom, which L-·q two years previously, for the individual and for the democratic way of life. at the ninth session of the General Assembly, made This process has, over the years, and particularly kno,,:n its prOpOSals for the future of this Trust since the Second Wor,ld War, brought many people Territory. 1-2,200 130S AjPV.668 .. _"..""~ 1306 668th meeting--8 March 1957 10. The steps whkh were taken by the General As­ 18. Tbis is a proud day for the United Nations, for 26. It is a sembly following the presentation to it of the United our Organization has played a considerable role in Kingdom Kingdom memorandum of 1954 [Aj2660] are well Ghana's evolution towards independent nationhood. transition 0 known to Members, and I need not repeat them now. As was pointed out yesterday in the Security Council, one. It is But I 'should like, however, to make a special mention Ghana is a State formed by the union of a former dominion 0 of the constructive part played throughout by the Trust Territory with a fornler Non-Self-Governing that territor Indian delegation and, in particular, by my friend Mr. Territory, administered under Chapter XI of the such a Pow Krishna Menon. United Nations Charter, but in fact treated by the is built up 11. On Wednesday, 6 March I was glad to be able United Kingdom in a spirit fully in accordance with ture. The to notify the Secretary-General that the final measures the provisions of Chapter XII. These two Temtories­ of this con required by the General Assembly in relation to Togo­ Togoland under British administration and the Gold forward wit land under British administration had been completed. Coast-through the efforts of their own people and tion in it. At its 775th meeting, the Security Council, by a unani­ with the guidance and help of the United Kingdom, 27. Even mous vote, recommended to the General Assembly have moved rapidly to a 'Stage which enables them to independenc that Ghana should be admitted to membership in the take full control of their own affairs. Evidence of their interest the United Nations. I am confident that t.'le General As­ political maturity was given last year in the general ship of its sembly will endorse that recommendation by a una.'li­ elections to Ghana's Parliament, as well as in the veloping in ' mous vote this afternoon. By so doing, it will happily plebiscite in Togoland which took place under United on democra complete an ordered progr'ss in which· the people and Nations supervision. These important undertakings strides in ed leaders ()f Ghana, successive Governments in my own were conducted in a manner fully in accordance with Now that G country with the approval and good will of all our the best democratic traditions. confident th sister nations in the Commonwealth, and the United 19. This is alsO a proud day for the Commonwealth. spirit of fre Nations itself, have all played their full part. We in Australia, who are strong supporters of th3 the emblem 12. My delegation is honoured to join in 'sponsoring, Commonwealth ideal, are happy that Ghana, having 28. We h together with other members of the Commonwealth, obtained its independence, has decided to remain within the honour the draft resolution which is now before the Assembly. our free association of independent peoples of different admission 0 backgrounds and races, dedicated-as is recognized by Sir Le 13. Two days ago, Ghana became an independent everyone-to the ideals of justice, progress and 29. member of the Commonwealth. Today we of the Com­ Zealand dele freedom. j;or, and mo monwealth will, I trust, welcome it into the United 20. The United Kingdom, in assisting 'So skil£Ullyin' Nations. draft resolu this happy development, deserves our gratitude and providing fo 14. The United Kingdom has, of course, been in a our thanks. The Australian delegation takes this 0p­ in the Unit special position in its relationship with the Gold Coast. portunity to express its congratulations to the United expectation It has worked with the Gold Coast in the most close Kingdom delegation on this occasion. will be una and friendly' co-operation towards the goal which it 21. Independence Day has been celebrated in Ghana 30•.Ghana' has now achieved. It has naturally been able, because with appropriate ceremony and popular enthusiasm.
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