PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Dec, H. I!i7il ‘Wish You Were Here’ Becomes Big Business Youth Being Sought Salesman Found Guilty Deadline Set Jan. 1 Scholastic Gagers In Teacher Slaying “ I suppose it’s a search for Postcards now are divided into In Sub Fraud Scheme For Immunizations LONDON (DPI) — “Postcardsare some 3,000 separate categories. It is Are Busy Tonight really beginning to sweep the nostalgia, for something of the past." Page 2 Page 4- Page 14- Page 15 Pearlman said. "But suddenly there amazing the subjects which can form world," said David Pearlman. "1 a collection. mean, just look at it.’’ are collectors everywhere. C^HiCISTMAS. He waved his arm around a huge "The main collecting areas are the One specialist in the London show D & L l\as it all^ivraplied Up room crammed with 1.5 million pic­ United States, France and Britain. exhibited postcards on the history of ture postcards and people who are But those two dealers over there the teddy bear. Another concentrated came from British Columbia for this #Iaat0ttbur0 making postcard collecting one of the on "life in Russia in 1902. " There witl\jsa vings. t^ ! fastest-growing hobbies of the day. show, and there are collectors in were collections on the Boer War, on The room held the third annual Australia, New Zealand, Germany — the cartoon character Felix the Cat, Partly Sunny British International Postcard just everywhere.” on postcards showing women at work Exhibition, a four-day binge which The boom began nine years ago in rural Ireland at the turn of the cen­ Highs Near 40 Peariman, editor of a monthly when the postcard turned 100 years tury. magazine for postcard collectors, old. The first one to meet the formal Dalalli on pag* 2 called "the single most important definition of "a piece of cardboard to Some collectors specialize in post­ display of cards in the world” be delivered by the post office at the card curiosities — jigsaw cards, or It showed off collections of postcard rate” was issued in Austria ones made of ivory or leather or in­ lim lh Good Figures lEtipmng on Oct.l, 1869. "Having wonderful time” postcards laid woods, or cards which show Vol. XCVIII, No. 64 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, December 15, 1978 whose pictures were grouped in It was probably the world's most nothing until rubbed with metal. WASHINGTON (UPI) - In- > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered specific themes — on cricket, royal­ successful gimmick. By "the golden There was even a set of three- I dustrial production rose 0.7 per­ ty, trains or ships or airplanes, a age of the picture postcard, " roughly dimensional cards published in 1910 cent last month, the Federal collection of maps on postcards from 1903 to 1910, about 900 million a with viewing glasses attached. Reserve Board said today, a ("Greetings from Ohio, the Buckeye year were mailed in Britain alone. strong performance that con­ State” ), naughty French postcards of Postcards became such a mania that In spile of the vast numbers which 59.99 tradicted forecasts the nation plump nude ladies, nice French ones a Glasgow newspaper lamented in flooded the world, ‘the supply of could be headed for a mild reces- of Art Nouveau girls in woven silk. 1903: cards is limited now — especially old WRAPS UP HIS I Sion next year. Israel Rejects Treaty Plan Most visitors gave these merely a “In ten years Europe will be buried cards I.t good condition,” Pearlman When coupled with the latest glance. Instead they came to do beneath picture postcards." said. ‘And demand is growing by I government reports on retail By United Press International in the occupied West Bank and Gaza serious business with the 50-odd So many survive, Pearlman said, leaps and bounds. You can guess the Strip. FAVORITE WOOL sales and employment gains, the Israel today rejected the proposals professional postcard dealers that any collector going after sheer result.” industrial production report could But Begin this week said that crowded elbow to elbow around the quantity would soon be swamped. One result is that the world's made by the United States and Egypt Egypt now wants to tie its exchange prompt forecasters to revise their ■J-M! for conclusion of a peace treaty and hall. Specialization is a must, and even leading fine art auctioneers, economic projections upward. of ambassadors with Israel following then quantity is a problem. Collector Sotheby's and Christie’s, now oc­ SPORT COATS, sharply criticized the Carter ad­ a treaty to a date for solving the By now the buying and seliing of Most believe the economy will ministration for siding with the old postcards is a business worth Reginald Silvester concentrated on casionally auction postcards. A price Palestinian problem. expand between 2 and 3 percent Egyptians in the negotiations. miliions a year, even though in- postcards issued by British railway of $200 for a card is not unusual. next year. But some private He also has said Egypt wants a dividuai cards can still sell for pen­ companies and soon had 12,000 Many at the London show were WARM SUBURBAN Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, looser intepretation of a key article, economists have said a mild who failed in his shuttle at getting the nies. different cards. priced at $35, recession is a likelihood. which now would prevent Cairo from two nations to sign ^ e pact by Sun­ going to war with its Arab allies. COATS OR Industrial production is the out­ day as sought by President Carter, 5 . “These demands,” Begin said put of the nation’s mines, fac­ left Cairo for Washington today. tories and utilities. It is con­ following the five-hour special ses­ At Prestwick Airport in Scotland, sion of the cabinet, “are inconsistent CHRISTMAS. sidered to be a key economic hOODED PARKASI where Vance’s plane made a one- with the Camp David frameworks or barometer because when produc- hour refueling stop on its way back to D & L l|ps it aJI^wrapped up I tion slows, jobs are lost and con­ are not included in them and changes Washington, U.S. officials said there substantially provisions of the sumers have less products to would be no comment on the Israeli aforementioned peace treaty. w itl|sa vings. t««! I purchase. decision until they have seen the full The 0.7 percent November in­ “Therefore, they are unacceptable text of the cabinet statement. to Israel and rejected by it. crease was the largest since an The Israeli cabinet decision put identical increase in August and “The government of Israel rejects Israel on a collision course with the the attitude and interpretation of the 31 was healthier than the 0.4 percent United States because the Vl^te United States government with A gain of September and October’s House, in statements Thursday, 0.5 percent rise. regard to the Egyptian propolis.” made Israel responsible for the Begin said Israel would like success or failure of Vance’s shuttle Washington “to keep its objectivity” Effects Seen rescue mission. and later said in reply to a question, ’The cabinet, in a statement read by “The position as expressed by the WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ad­ Prime Minister Menachem Begin, (Carter) administration is one-sided. ministration officials say Presi­ blamed Egypt for the inability to con- Any one-sided decision imposes dif­ dent Carter’s anti-inflation | clude a treaty based on the ficulties and we hope it will change.” program is the best way to avoid a . framework of the Camp David peace Carter said ’Thui^ay that the con­ recession, and is beginning to agreements signed in September. clusion of the treaty was “primarily work. Christmas Sale at Parkade Begin said the Egyptians in- in the hands of the Israelis.” Treasury Secretary Michael trc^uced wholly new demands and. r"” .” Some area young ladies do some Christmas ’The negotations for a pact began Blumenthal told the Joint lynn Glasser of South Windsor and twin chided the U nit^ States for a “one­ Oct. 12 and proceeded in fits and Economic Committee Thursday shopping of items made by blind persons. The sisters, Laura and Pam Armstrong of sided” interpretation of them. starts, although progress was rapid the president is determined to I items were made especially for children to Manchester. Looking on is Bill Gaughan of Basically, the main issue blocking initially. But the Ulks hit a deadlock carry out his controversial I buy for their parents. Talking with Santa East Hartford. The “store on wheels” was agreement has been the same that about a month ago, which led to the has overshadowed the negotiations program despite opposition. Glaus (Roy Moechel of the Board of Educa-' Vance mission. G. William Miller, chairman of set up Thursday at the Manchester Parkade. from almost the first day: the link tion for the Blind) are, left to right, Tammy- (Her-ald photo by Strempfer) Begin today reaffirmed Israel’s the Federal Reserve System, was between the treaty and the-fn(«« willingness to sign a U.S. draft treaty scheduled to testify today before | progress toward Palestinian self-rule as presented to it Nov. 11 and ap­ the same committee. proved Nov. 21. Israel’s rejection of the proposals £ Backs Theory brought from Egypt by Vance came SHETLAND SPORT COATS, Public-Private Rights Disputed as no surprise. But it meant Sunday’s regularly $75 to 90, now 5 9 .9 9 . MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. deadline for initialing the treaty will (UPI) — Scientists say the first not be met unless there were drastic Our entire stock at gift pricesi Handsome By CHARLIE MAYNARD his house to a hilltop slope to enjoy cause erosion of the land.
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