INSIDE Singleschart,6-7;Album chart, 17; New Singles, 18; NewAlbums, 13; Airplay guide, 14-15; Independent Labels, 8. February 15, 1982VOLUME FOUR Number 46 65p Trust fund plan sugarsthe blank tape levy pill IN A new move to give the recordbelieve that by not providing adequate industry's case for a levy on blank tapeprotection for our musicians, composers more public appeal,MPshave been toldand artists, together with the record that at least a third of any' proceedscompanies and publishers, the British would be used to financea Musicgovernment is not only being extremely Development Trust. unfair, but paving the way for consider- And the same meeting heard a prop-able public detriment. The musicians of osal that there would be a ceiling onthis country deserve a much better deal payments to any one artist or composerthan is suggested in the government in a year - a similar scheme to thatGreen Paper on copyright." proposed for the public lending right for MCPS managing director Bob Mont- books. gomery was also at the meeting where heHERE IT is - what can only beKeith Bourton of Virgin (seated, best BPIchairman Chris Wright revealedcountered Green Paper claimsthatdescribed as a hyperbole of PRs - allindividual pr with an independent plansforthe fund to anall -partyadministering a tape levy would bewinners of RB's annual Leslie Perrinlabel); Brian Southall, EMI publicity meeting of MPs on Monday, saying theextremely costly by pointing out thataward for excellence in the musicexecutive (best major company press trust would be used to encourage music-there were already three establishedbusiness press and public relationsoffice award); Mrs Jane Perrin; Chris al arts and generally re -generate thecopyright royalty collection agencies infield, as judged by a panel of journal-Poole of Chrysalis (best independent music industry. the music business quite capable ofists from The Times, Daily Mirror,label pressofficeaward); Anthea In particular, Wright said the fundhandling collection and distribution of aLondon's New Standard, Smash Hits,Graves, former secretary of Leslie would be used to make records of musicnew levy. Melody Maker and Record Business. LeftPerrin ... and Judy Totton (best that would not otherwise be recorded by Now theBPIis planning to set up ato right are: Mick Houghton (bestindividual independent pr) who sports commercial companies, due to the 'stag-similar meeting with members of theindependent pr company, Brassneckan authentic Liverpool football strip gering losses' caused by home taping.House of Lords in the next few weeks toPublicity); Mike Wilkie (best indi-and professed herself 'over the moon, TheBPIhas now successfully lobbiedinvestigate the possibilities of initiatingvidual pr with a major record com-Brian' to be honoured for the third year 32 MPs from all parties. legislation for the proposed levy. pany); Geraldine Oakley (Brassneck);running. A new survey currently being carried out by theBMRBis expected to show that losses due to home taping continuePolyGram wins Portuguese imports Euro-case to worsen. Last year it was estimated home taping was costing more than £200POLYGRAM'S THREE -year battleity, which Portugal has applied to join.and, it is believed, up to 100 countries, million. through the courts to stop the flow of Following a High Court hearing lastamong them Israel, which are signa- Wright continued that albums nowcheap parallel imports from Portugalyear the matter was referred to thetories of a Treaty of Association with cost the British consumer half as muchhas fmally been won. European Court for a fmal decision,the EEC. as they did ten years ago in real terms. A judgement issued last week by theagainst which there is no appeal. Now PolyGram'sactionwasagainst And he praised the way the UK industryEuropean Court in Luxembourg back-the Court's judgement supplied toSimonsRecordsandHarlequin. earned enormous sums ininvisibleed the British company's case thatPolyGram is that national copyrightSimons had been bringing supplies of exports, all achieved with an employeerecords manufacturedinPortugallaws can be enforced to protect anparallel imports into the country from base of just 40,000 in the UK. were not protected by EEC regulationsintellectual copyright where non -EECPortugal and Harlequin had been re- Musicians Union general secretarypermittingtheunrestrictedtrans-countries are concerned. tailing them. Simons' contended that John Morton toldthe meeting:"Ishipping of goods within the commun- This particularly applies to Portugal TURN TO P2 AVAILAI3LE AT LAST RICHARD JON SMITH STAY WITH ME TONIGHT 7"JIVE 10 JIVE 12"JIVE T10 C SALES 01--f 11E WS Tellydisc expands into STOP PRESS MRS/BPI royalty secondary marketing breakthrough TELLYDI SC is expanding its activities Another development from the com- THERE HAS been a surprise break- to complement its direct response sell-pany will be the introduction in June of through in the long -running dispute ing of specially compiled albums toTellyshop, offering a wide range of between the BPI and the MRS over the embrace secondary marketing exercises.consumer products, records included, basis for calculating mechanical royal- in readiness for the launch inthe Established in 1980 as a joint venture ties. Autumn of Channel 4, when direct The two bodies - representing the between Arista-Ariola and the Huttonresponse advertising will be much in advertising company,Tellydischas record industry and the publishers - evidence. IMAGINATION HAD thetableshave agreed that for the year commenc- mostrecentlyspecialisedinTV Since Tellydisc began operations in promoted direct response multi -artist turned upon them when they visiteding January 1 1982, companies which May 1980, the proportion of viewersPye's recent Birmingham sales meet-have abolished rrp will pay a mechanical concept packages and has just releasedlikely to respond to direct mail advertis- its first 3LP classical box -set. ing to present the sales force with goldroyalty of 61/4 percent on the following ing has increased from 6-7 percent todiscs for work on the Body Talk album.basis: For 7 and 12 -inch singles on an Because itsadvertising thrust has18-19 percent. Specifically on the recentFor after the presentation, up poppeduplift of 25 percent of trade price been aimed at a broad consumer base,Moments package, Tellydisc anticipatedMiss England and Miss Birmingham toexcluding VAT; for popular LPs and which has also given it a recognisablea14 percent response but actuallypresent the band with their own goldtapes with an ex -VAT trade price of logo identity, the company has beenattracted 28 percent. awards. Pictured left to right in front ofmore than £2.75 they will be paid on an negotiating with non -music companies Having doubled its second year tur-the sales people are: Manny Eliasuplift of 31 percent and on LPs and to use records as premium offers. Firstnover, Tellydisc is aiming for a 40(band manager); PRT sales managertapes with an ex -VAT trade price of less contract has been agreed with thepercent increase in business this yearTony Smith; Imagination fronted bythan £2.75 the calculation will be made Nationwide Building Society which isand will be following The Classicalthe beauty queens; PRT marketingon an uplift of 36 percent. The same testing a scheme in its offices in theCollection, now being promoted, with adirector Matt Haywood and Red Busapplies to all classical albums. Yorkshire and Tyne Tees areas. Cus-3LP country set and another selection ofand R'N'B Records general manager The differential between full price tomers opening a first-time account andclassical 'lollipops' in June -July. OneTilly Rutherford. and mid -price percentages take account adding an extra £100 to their currentmajor artist package is in preparation. of the heavy discounting of full -price accounts during February or March will The company, which may shortly product. There will be an annual review be entitled to a free copy from a selectedopen up inAustralia,has recentlyCapitol sued of the newly -agreed set of indices. range of Tellydisc albums. A nationalmoved to new premises in Kensington The new agreement clarifies the basis campaign is planned for the Autumnand Brian Berg has been appointedin Beatles on which mechanical royalties are paid and in the meantime, according tomanagingdirector, with Dennis following the widespread abandonment chairman Charles Vere Nicoll, otherKnowlescontinuingas marketingroyalty row of rrp during 1980. The BPI and MRS premium schemes are pending. director. are now confident of moving on to a AIR STUDIOS is claiming it is owed atfinalised main industry agreement while least 650,000 dollars in a law suit issuedthe MRS now hopes its law suit against Millionaire promises £30,000 against Capitol Records in Los AngelesCBS will be resolved swiftly. Superior Court over disputed Beatles video spend to push Volcano record royalties. MILLIONAIRE BUSINESSMANhired a group of marketing and prom- Air - one of whose founders wasMajor push Ray Turnerisspendingtensofotional independents, including RogerBeatles producer George Martin and thousands of pounds promoting aSt Pierre, Bernie Cochrane, Theosubsequently bought by Chrysalis - hason revamped single by an unknown British act whichLoyla, Clive Dearsley and Promo -accused Capitol of conspiracy to induce has spent the past three years inpeople, to promote the release. breach of contract and interference withCBS tapes Scandinavia. The group in question is A promotional video has been madeprospective business advantage and is Volcano and the single 'I Wanna
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