Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal Mail to: State Clearinghouse, P. 0. Box 3044, Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 (916) 445 -061 3 SCH# 2018021061 For Hand Delivery/Street Address: 1400 Tenth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 I Project Title: Onyx Ranch South Fork Valley Water Project Lead Agency: Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Contact Person: Dan Bartel Mailing Address: _8_4_9_A_l_le_n_R_o_a_d _________________ Phone: ( 66 1) 589-6045 City: Bakersfield, CA Zip: 933 14 County: ----------------Kern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Location: Coun ty : Kern City/Nearest Community: Communities of Weldon and Onyx Cross Streets: SR 178 , Fay Ranch Road, Kelso Valley Rd, Doyle Ranch Rd, and Scodie Lane Zip Code: 93283 Lat. / Long. (degrees, minutes, and seconds): ~ 11_' ll_" N I 1-1]_0 li_' Ql_" W Total Acres: 4 109 Assessor's Parcel No.: (see below) Section: ___ Twp.: ____ Range: ____ Base: ____ The project site is located in : Sections 13 , 14, 23 , and 24, Township 26 S. , Range 34 E. and Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, and 17, Township 26 S., Range 34 E. and Sections 34 and 35, Township 25 S. , Range 35 E. , Mount Diablo Meridian and Base. The project site is comprised of 29 parcels with the following Kern County Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 055-130-12; 055 -1 30-1 4; 32 1-020-02; 321-020-05; 32 1-020-43 ; 32 1-030- 02; 32 1-030-05; 32 1-030-11 ; 32 1-030- 12; 321-030-13; 321-030-15; 32 1-030- 16; 32 1-030-17; 321-030-21 ; 32 1-040-03; 32 1-040-04; 32 1-040- 10 ; 321-061-01 ; 32 1-06 1-05; 32 1-181-01 ; 426-032- 10 ; 426-032-11 ; 426-032-12; 426-032- 13; 426-032-14; 426-032-15; 426-034- 10 ; 426-035- 02; and 426-080-04. Within 2 Miles: State Hwy#: SR 178 SR 155 Waterways: South Fork of the Kern River, Isabell a Reservoir, Kern River Airports: NIA Railways: N"-'-'-"-/A...__ _______ Schools: See Attachment A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Document Type: · - CEQA: □ NOP [8J Draft EIR NEPA: D NOI Other: D Joint Document D Early Cons D Supplement/Subsequent EIR □ E ,Officeof Planning&Researcm al Document D Neg Dec (Prior SCH No.) G fITT 1s D Other --------- ----- D Mit Neg Dec 0th er □ FONS! Local Action Type: D General Plan Update D Specific Plan □ RezonS TATE CLEARlNGHO~ ~ nexation D General Plan Amendment D Master Plan D Prezone D Redevelopment D General Plan Element D Planned Unit Development D Use Permit D Coastal Permit D Community Plan D Site Plan D Land Di vision (Subdivision, etc.) ~ Other Project Approval Development Type: D Residential : Units ___ Acres ___ D Office: Sq.ft. Acres ___ Employees ___ D Transportation: Type ______________ D Commercial: Sq. ft . Acres ___ Employees ___ D Mining: Mineral _____________ D [ndustrial: Sq.ft . Acres --- Employees O__ _ D Power: Type _______ MW _____ D Educational D Waste Treatment: Type MGD _____ D Recreational ___________________ D Hazardous Waste: Type ______________ 0 Water Facilities: Type_________ MGD ____ [8J Other: Change in points of diversion and place of use for water rights associated with parcels identified in the attached Project Description . Project Issues Discussed in Document: ~ Aesthetic/Visual D Fiscal D Recreation/Parks [8J Vegetation ~ Agricultural Land [8J Flood Plain/Flooding D Schools/Uni versities iz;JWater Quality lz;JAir Quality [8J Forest Land/Fire Hazard D Septic Systems lz;J Water Supply/Groundwater ~ Archeological/Historical iz;JGeologic/Seismic D Sewer Capacity [8J Wetland/Riparian iz;J Biological Resources D Minerals [8J Soil Erosion/Compaction/Grading [8J Growth Inducement D Coastal Zone 0 Noise D Solid Waste [8J Land Use ~ Drainage/ Absorption D Population/Housing Balance [8J Toxic/Hazardous [8J Cumul ative Effects ~ Economic/Jobs D Public Services/Facilities 0Traffic/Circu lation D Other: _______ lz;JOther Energy/Greenh ouse Gas Emi ssions Present Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Designation: See Attachment A ProjectDescriptio_n:_ii~YRif\VSDp;l;p~;e~to... ci;;;~thtpoi1u;;r~ii~;si~;~dphl~;;r~~;fo;tl1~~~te7~igl7t;;~;ci,rt;l\~itl~th;----· parcels on the project site so that the water can be delivered in the RRBWSD service area on the San Joaquin Valley floor and used for irrigation and groundwater recharge. The RRBWSD proposes to reduce the diversion and use of surface water on the project site by converting irrigated fields to non-irrigated pasture or native vegetation. With the proposed project, surface water that is diverted under the existing condition would remain in the South Fork of the Kern River and flow downstream. The net increase in the South Fork would flow dO\rnstream to the Isabella Reservoir, be released through the Isabella Dam, and flow dowmtream in the Lower Kern River until the water is diverted at the RRBWSD diversion points. From there, the RRBWSD would deliver the water to recharge basins and channels within and near its service area west of Lhe City of Bakersfield. The increased water supplies to the RRBWSD' s service area would mitigate the shortages in the RRBWSD" s contracted SWP water supply from the State of California, which has been steadily reduced due to environmental constraints impacting exports in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta. Reviewing Agencies Checklist Lead Agencies may recommend State Clearinghouse distribution by marking agencies below with and "X". If you have already sent your document to the agency please denote that with an "S". s Air Resources Board Office of Historic Preservation Boating & Waterways, Department of Office of Public School Construction California Emergency Management Agency Parks & Recreation. Department of California Highway Patrol Pesticide Regulation, Department of s Caltrans District # 6 Public Utilities Commission Caltrans Division of Aeronautics s Regional WQCB # ~ s Caltrans Planning Resources Agency Central Valley Flood Protection Board Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of Coachella Valley Mountains Conserrnncy S.F. Bay Conservation & Development Commission Coastal Commission San Gabriel & Lower L.A. Rivers and Mtns Conservancy Colorado River Board San Joaquin River Conservancy s Conservation, Department of Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Corrections, Department of State Lands Commission Delta Protection Commission SWRCB: Clean Water Grants Education, Depa1iment of SWRCB: Water Quality Energy Commission SWRCB: Water Rights s Fish & Wildlife Region # 4 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Food & Agriculture, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of Water Resources, Department of General Services, Depa1iment of Health Services, Depatiment of s Other Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District Housing & Community Development s Other So. San Joaquin Valley Arch. Information Center S Native American Heritage Commission Local Public Review Period (to be filled in by lead agency) Starting Date May 27, 2020 Ending Date July 27, 2020 Lead Agency (Complete if applicable): Consulting Firm: Environmental Science Associates Applicant: Rosedale~Rio Bravo Water Storage District Address: 626 Wilshire Boulevard Suite l .f 00 Address: 849 Allen Road City/State/Zip: Los Angeles, CA 90017 City/State/Zip: B_a_k_e_rs_fi_el_d.;.., _C_A_____________ _ Contact: Jennifer Jacobus Phone: (661) 589-6045 Phone: (213) 599-4300 Signature of Lead Agency Representative: - · c-;:s _ -~ ) -------------------- Date: - c;; / 20 / Zo 2 O Authority cited: Section 21083, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 21161, Public Resources Code. 2 Attachment A NOC & Environmental Transmittal Form Onyx Ranch South Fork Valley Water Project Draft EIR (SCH# 2018021061) Schools within Two Miles of Project Site 1) Three schools with one school site, consisting of the Preschool, the South Fork Elementary (Kindergarten through Second Grade), and the South Fork Intermediate School (Third and Fourth Grade), are located at 6401 Fay Ranch Road, Weldon, CA 93283 2) South Fork Middle School is located at 5225 Kelso Valley Road, Weldon, CA 93283 General Plan/Zoning/Existing Land Use Land Use: Agricultural lands, vacant lands, paved and dirt roadways, Onyx Ranch headquarters with residential structures and supporting buildings, and Onyx Store and residential structure Zoning: A (Exclusive Agriculture), A-1 (Limited Agriculture), A-1 MH (Limited Agriculture/Mobilehome Combining), RF (Recreation-Forestry), E (2 ½) (Estate-2 ½ Acres), and CH (Highway Commercial) General Plan Designations (Land Use Categories in the Kern River Valley Specific Plan and Kern County General Plan): 3 .1/2.4 (Public or Private Recreational Areas/Steep Slope) 5.5/2.5 (Maximum 1 Units/Net Acres/Flood Hazard) 5.6 (Maximum 2.5 Gross Acres) 5.6/2.5 (Maximum 2.5 Gross Acres/Flood Hazard) 5.7 (Minimum 5 Gross Acres/Unit) 6.2 (General Commercial) 8.1 (Intensive Agriculture) 8.1/2.4 (Intensive Agriculture/Steep Slope) 8.1/2.5 (Intensive Agriculture/Flood Hazard) 8.3 (Extensive Agriculture) 8.3/2.4 (Extensive Agriculture/Steep Slope) 8.3/2.5 (Extensive Agriculture/Flood Hazard) 8.5 (Resource Management) 8.5/2.4 (Resources/Management/Steep Slope) 3 Onyx Ranch South Fork Valley Water Project Draft EIR, Mailing List for Notice of Availability, May 2020 State Clearinghouse Kern County Clerk Recorder CEQA Required 1400 Tenth Street 1530 Truxtun Avenue Sacramento, CA 95814 Bakersfield, CA 93301 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Sequoia National U.S. Department of Agriculture/NRCS Forest Federal Agencies 5000 California Avenue, Suite 100 Attn: Forest Supervisor Bakersfield,
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