THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBEB 20, 1900. 7331 OTICE is Lereby given, that the Governor at which respective offices, as well as at the office N and Company of the New River brought of the Company, all persons wishing to inspect from Chad well and Amwell to London, commonly them may do so at any time during office hours for called the New River Company, under the powers the period of one month before they are confirmed. of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, the "Metro- —Dated this seventeenth November, 1900. polis Water Act, 1871, and the Metropolis Water By order of the Board, Act, 1897, has (subject to necessary confirmation) . MONTAGUE WATTS, Secretary. made Regulations instead of the Regulations now Office : Southwark Bridge-road, London, S.E. in force, and that the Regulations so made have been submitted to the Local Government Board TVT OTICE is here1 y given that the East London for confirmation, and that copies have been 1, JJ Waterworks Company under the powers of deposited at the offices of the Mayor, Aldermen, the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, ihe Metropolis and Commons of the city of London, the London Wa'er Act, 1871, and the Metropolis Water, Acr, County Council, the city of Westminster, the 1897, have, subject to necessary confirmation, made metropolitan boroughs of Finsbury, Islington, Regulations instead of the Regulations now in Shoreditch, Stepney, Hackney, Stoke Newington, force, and that the Regulations so made have been St. Pancras, Hampstead, and Holborn ; the submitted to the Local Government Board for Urban District Councils of Hornc-ey, Tottenham, confirmation, and that copies have been deposited and Wood Green, and at the offices of the County at the offices of the Major, Aldermen, and Com- Councils of Middlesex and Hertfordshire; at mons of the city of London, of the London County which respective offices, as well as at the office of Council, of the metropolitan boroughs of Bethnal the. Company, Clerkenwell, E.G., all persons Green, Finsbury, Hackney, Islington, Poplar, wishing to inspect them may do so at any time Shoreditch, Siepney, Stoke Newington, and Wool- during office hours for the period of one month wich, of the County Councils of Middlesex, Essex, before they are confirmed,—Dated this 19th and Kent, and of the county borough of West November, 190<\ Ham, at which respective offices, as well as at the By order of the Court of the New River office of the Company, all persons wishing to Company, inspect them may do so at any time during office JAMES SEARLE, Clerk. hours for the period of one month before they are confirmed.—Dated this loth November, 1900. The Company of Proprietors of the West By order of (he Board, Middlesex Water Works. I. A. CROOKENDEN, Secretary. OTICE is hereby given that the Company Office : 1-5A, St. Helen's-place, London, B.C. N of Proprietors of the West Middlesex Water Works, under the powers of the Metropolis JVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Grand Water Act, 18 i2, the Metropolis Water Act, i.1 Junction Water Works Company, under 1871, and the Metropolis Water Act, 1897, have, the powers of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, (subject to necessary confirmation) made Regu- the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, and the Metro- lations instead of the Regulations now in force, polis Water Act, 1897, have, subject to necessary and that the Regulations so made have been sub- confirmation, made Regulations instead of tl:e mitted to the Local Government Board for con- Regulations now in force, and that the Regula- firmation, and that copies have been deposited at tions so made have been submitted to the Local the offices of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons Government Board for confirmation, and that of the city of London, the London County Council, copies have been deposited at the olfices of the the County Councils of Middlesex and Surrey, Mtvor, Aldermen, and Commons of the city of the borough of Richmond, Surrey, the metro- London, of the London County Council, of the politan boroughs of St. Marylebone, Paddington, metropolitan boroughs of Hammersmith, Ken- Kensington. Hammersmith, Fulham, Hampstead, sington, Paddington, St. Marylebone, and West- St. Pancras, Westminster, Chelsea, Holborn, minster, and of the County Council of Midt7lesex, Battersea, and Wands worth, at which respective at which respective office?, as well as at the office offices, as well as at the office of the Company at of the Company all persons wishing to inspect 19, Marylebone-road, London, N.W., all persons them may do so at any time during office hours •wishing to inspect them may do so at any time for the period of one month before they are con- during office hours for the period of one month firmed.—Dated this 15th November, 1900. before they are confirmed.—Dated this 17th By order of the Board, " November, 1900. J. GOODWIN, Secretary. By order of the Board, Office: 65, South Molton-street, W. F. H. WTBDKN, Secretary of the Com- pany. "JVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Company _Ll of Proprietors of the Kent Waterworks, . "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Southwark under the powers of the Metropolis Water Act, J.1 and Vauxhall Water Company, under the 1852, the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, and the powers of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, the Metropolis Water Act, 1897, has (subject to Metropolis Water Act, 1871, and the Metropolis necessary confirmation) made Regulations instead Water Act, 1897, has (subject to necessary con- of the Regulations now in force, and that the Regu- firmation) made Regulations instead of the Regula- lations so made have been submitted to the Local tions now in force, and that the Regulations so Government Board for confirmation, and that made have been submitted to the Local Govern- copies have been deposited at the offices of the ment Board for confirmation, and that copies have Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the city of been deposited at the office of the Mayor, Alder- London, the London County Council, the metro- men, and Commons of the city of London, at the politan boroughs of Deptford, Greenwich, Cam- office of the London County Council, and at the benveil, Bermondsey, Lewisham, and Woolwich, offices of the boroughs of Bermondsey, Battersea, and at the offices of the County Councils of Kent Camberwell, Deptford, Greenwich, Lambeth, and Surrey, at which respective offices, as well as Wandsworth, Southwark, and Richmond, at the at the office of the Company, Mill-lane, Deptford, office of the Wimbledon Urban District Council, S.E., all persons wishing to inspect them may do at the office of the County Council of Surrey, so at any time during office hours for the period of.
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