English Tea Party & Open House Helping Hands Personal Care Home 710 Stella St., Grenfell SK Saturday, August 25 - 11a.m. to 3 p.m. 710 Stella St. Grenfell, SK www.helping.ca 306-697-3105 or Email: [email protected] $150 PER COPY (GST included) www.heraldsun.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40006725 -YPKH`(\N\Z[ Serving Whitewood, Grenfell, Broadview and surrounding areas • Publishing since 1893 =VS0ZZ\L Wind turbines Greyhound bus void to be $ODUJHFUDQHOLIWVWKHÀQDO section of a tower into position at the Western Lily Wind Energy Project, just east serviced by Rider Express of Grenfell. The blades and gearbox, which will be added By Elaine Ashfield DQG :LQQLSHJ 0DQ ZKLFK SDVVHV to the top of the tower, have [email protected] WKURXJKFRPPXQLWLHVRQ+LJKZD\ been preassembled on the 3HRSOHZLOOQRWORVHWKHEXVVHUYLFH DQG WZLFHDGD\ WULSV ZLOO EHJLQ EH- ground and the circular UXQQLQJ WKURXJK WKHLU FRPPXQLWLHV WZHHQ9DQFRXYHU%&DQG&DOJDU\ portion is visible near the base WKH\ZLOOMXVWVHHDEXVVHUYLFHUXQQLQJ Alta. of the tower. Hicham Ayssi XQGHUDGLIIHUHQWQDPH 5LGHU([SUHVVQRZSURYLGHVWZLFH from Enercon Canada is *UH\KRXQGDQQRXQFHGLWZLOOFHDVH GDLO\URXWHVEHWZHHQ5HJLQDDQG6DV- overseeing the site and said RSHUDWLRQVLQ2FWREHURIWKLV\HDUVR NDWRRQDQGDOVR6DVNDWRRQDQG3ULQFH about 60 people from Rider Express Transportation Ltd. of $OEHUW7KHUHDUHDOVRZHHNO\URXWHV EHWZHHQ5HJLQD6DVNDWRRQDQG6ZLIW Enercon, Borea Construction, 5HJLQDZLOODGGPRUHEXVHVWRLWVH[- &XUUHQW and local companies are LVWLQJEXVLQHVVDQGH[SDQGLWVURXWHV )LUDW 8UD\ RZQHU DQG SUHVLGHQW currently involved in 6L[PRUHRUSDVVHQJHUEXVHV ZLOOEHDGGHGZLWKPDQDJHPHQWKRS- of Rider Express Transportation Ltd. construction. It takes about LQJWRKDYHWKHVHUYLFHEHJLQQLQJLQ plans to visit all of the small towns three weeks to completely 6HSWHPEHUWR0DQLWRED$OEHUWDDQG DQG VPDOO FLWLHV ZKHUH *UH\KRXQG install, wire, and inspect %ULWLVK&ROXPELD depots exist to talk with them to see each tower. They anticipate 'DLO\ WULSV VHYHQ GD\V D ZHHN LI WKH\ DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ EHFRPLQJ D that all 10 turbines will be ZLOOEHRIIHUHGEHWZHHQ&DOJDU\$OWD depot for Rider Express. connected to the provincial grid by the end of this year. SARAH PACIO | HERALD SUN Two people sent to hospital after two separate rollovers By Chris Ashfield Whitewood EMS, along with Fire [email protected] DQG5HVFXHUHVSRQGHGDQGWKHGULYHU Two people were taken to hospital was transported to hospital in seri- following two separate rollovers last RXVFRQGLWLRQ+HZDVODWHUDLUOLIWHG week, one involving a half-ton, and the WR 6DVNDWRRQ IRU IXUWKHU WUHDWPHQW - other an ATV. ZKHUHKHVWLOOUHPDLQVZKLOHKHUHFRY HUVIURPKLVLQMXULHV 7KH ÀUVW UROORYHU KDSSHQHG IRXU 7KH IROORZLQJ HYHQLQJ RQ $XJ PLOHVQRUWKRI:KLWHZRRGMXVWEHIRUH :KLWHZRRG(06DQG)LUH 5HV- DPRQ$XJZKHQDSLFNXSWUXFN FXHUHVSRQGHGWRDQ$79DFFLGHQWDW VRXWKERXQG RQ +LJKZD\ HQWHUHG DURXQGSPDWDIDUPQRUWKHDVWRI WKH ZHVW GLWFK KLW DQ DSSURDFK DQG :KLWHZRRGQHDUWKH&OD\ULGJHGLVWULFW rolled end for end several times. The 7KHPDOHGULYHURIWKH$79KDGEHHQ GULYHUDQGORQHRFFXSDQWRIWKHYHKL- LQMXUHG DIWHU WKH IRXUZKHHOHG $79 FOHDWHHQDJHUIURP:KLWHZRRGZHUH KH ZDV RSHUDWLQJ ÁLSSHG DQG UROOHG WKURZQIURPWKHWUXFNLQWKHUROORYHU RYHUWRSRIKLP+HZDVWUDQVSRUWHG $ VKRUW WLPH ODWHU KH ZDV IRXQG E\ to hospital with non-life threatening SDVVLQJ PRWRULVWV ZKR VWD\HG ZLWK LQMXULHV KLP XQWLO HPHUJHQF\ SHUVRQQHO DU- RCMP from Broadview and Moo- rived. VRPLQGHWDFKPHQWVDUHLQYHVWLJDWLQJ IT’S SUMMER FUN TIME ACCEPTING DONATIONS – Lake front seasonal spots – Rental Cabins The WFD is fundraising – New development property to replace their Phone: 306-793-4365 – Nightly or seasonal spots breathing apparatus. • Hotel • Restaurant • Lounge Cell: 306-740-7804 The total cost will be – Playground and Boat launch OPEN Breakfast Buffet Everyday – Store & Hall Rental approximately $100,000. 7-DAYS 6 to 9 a.m. $800 This space available for as little as $25.00 per week. A WEEK ROUND LAKE, SK. Includes online ad and Facebook post. DONATIONS CAN BE MADE AT CONEXUS CREDIT UNION (WHITEWOOD) • Daily specials • Friendly atmosphere Any donation made will be matched by Borderland Co-op Resort & Campground Phone 306-735-2230 and Conexus Credit Union (up to $15,000 total, each). NEW REC DIRECTOR FASTBALL FINALS HOLE-IN-ONE WINNER HORSESHOE CHAMPIONSHIP Town of Grenfell fills Grenfell looking Dloughy received the keys 89 competitors throw shoes recreation director position 2 to sweep series 6 to a 2018 Ford Escape 6 at national tournament 11 The Herald Sun www.grasslandsnews.ca 2 August 24, 2018 Chiefs SARAH PACIO | HERALD SUN Cowessess Chief Cadmus Delorme (second from left) welcomed several guests to Cowessess Powwow on Aug. 14. These included (left to right) FSIN 9LFH&KLHI(GZDUG 'XWFK /HUDW)6,1&KLHI%REE\&DPHURQ:KLWH%HDU &KLHI1DWKDQ3DVDSDQG'DULQ3RRUPDQIURP.DZDFDWRRVH)LUVW1DWLRQ Cowessess chief welcomes guests at annual powwow By Sarah Pacio cluded FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron, [email protected] FSIN vice-chief Edward (Dutch) Lerat, Cowessess First Nation hosted its and White Bear Chief Nathan Pasap. annual powwow Aug. 14 to 16. Darin Poorman from Kawacatoose Rook Sparvier and Howie Thomp- First Nation and former NHL coach son were the emcees and Buffalo Lodge Ted Nolan also attended the powwow, was the host drum for the powwow. along with royalty and visitors from Elder Sam Isaac gave the opening several other First Nations. invocation for the Grand Entry on Ochapowace First Nation will hold Tuesday evening. Special guests in- their annual powwow on Aug. 24 to 26. Generations SARAH PACIO | HERALD SUN Grenfell hires rec director A celebration of traditions brought generations together for the Grand Entry at WKH&RZHVVHVV3RZZRZRQ$XJ2FKDSRZDFH·VDQQXDOSRZRZQRUWKZHVW RI:KLWHZRRGLVEHLQJKHOG$XJWR By Sarah Pacio eral hours cleaning a tions with caution tape [email protected] mess left by a previous and council was provided Grenfell town council event. with information regard- held a regular meeting “This is embarrass- ing burns that can result in the council chambers ing,” Coun. Patty Cole from contact with the at 7 p.m. on Aug.16. commented. “In the fu- plant. ture, we should have Campers request denied New rec director hired someone checking before Council approved ad- A request for reim- renters go in.” bursement of a camping ministration’s decision Coun. Ken Hamnett to hire Andrea Nicholl to fee was denied. Council agreed, and Mayor Rod rejected the request be- ÀOO D WKUHHPRQWK WHUP Wolfe suggested this re- as the director of recre- cause the individual had sponsibility could be as- given less than 48 hours ation and culture, with signed to the recreation New Product Specialist the possibility of extend- notice of cancellation as director. Council unani- required by the town ing the term. They ad- mously approved a $200 vised administration to bylaw. Councilors sug- reimbursement for the gested that a disclaimer purchase a phone for the renter. Kevin Hunt director of recreation and regarding this policy culture so that whoever Public works deals with should be added to the of Moosomin, SK LVÀOOLQJWKDWUROHFDQEH diseased trees ERRNLQJVLWHRUFRQÀUPD- contacted directly. Coun- Council accepted tion email. cil also agreed to reim- regular monthly re- Council supports windup dinner burse a town employee ports from town staff, In response to a let- 1-306-735-2604 Dealership for phone fees incurred including public works ter from Emily Arthur since May, as she was superintendent Keith regarding the Grenfell 1-306-434-8152 Cell required to communicate Sparkman. In July tourist booth, council ex- [email protected] with GRP staff in the ab- and August, the public pressed appreciation for sence of a director. works staff removed and the volunteers’ service Rink renter reimbursed burned several trees in- and moved to provide up Please contact Kevin for your A letter was submit- fected by Dutch elm dis- to $100 annually for a new or used vehicle needs! ted to council requesting ease. Workers have also windup dinner. partial reimbursement sprayed areas at the Ser- At 7:30 pm, council vice Road and golf course went in camera to dis- for the rental fee at the THE NEW GRP Arena because the affected by wild parsnip. cuss confidential mat- THE FUTURE renter had to spend sev- They marked some loca- ters. & 902 South Railway St. Whitewood Check us out on Facebook ),5(%$1127,&( Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sales Only NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT effective midnight, August 21, 2018 and until further notice a complete Fire Ban will be in effect for the entire Town of Whitewood. No person shall light, or start or allow or cause to be lighted, a fire of any kind 1-306-735-2604 Toll Free: 1-866-RAM-HEMI whatsoever during a fire ban. No wood-burning fire -pits. No fireworks. Covered charcoal, natural gas or propane barbeques and camp-stoves are permitted. Fire Ban will be reviewed by Mayor, Fire Chief & CAO on weekly basis and Whitewooddodge.com notification will be posted when the Fire Ban is lifted. The Herald Sun www.grasslandsnews.ca August 24, 2018 3 Helping Hands cuts ribbon to care house in Broadview Company expands from city to Broadview, Grenfell and Melville By Sarah Pacio and the Managers are nity to be more engaged. [email protected] eager to coordinate with Whoever is interested The Broadview House the new communities can contact us,” Mr. Ly- care home on Main they serve. Whether gouriatis said. Street is under new man- it is musician sharing Further information agement. John Lygouria- their talents or someone about Helping Hands tis and his wife, Heather stopping by with their Personal Care Homes Monaghan Lygouriatis, pet, Helping Hands wel- can be obtained by call- took ownership of the comes community in- ing the main office in home in Broadview on volvement. It also hopes Regina at 306-545-7733. Aug.1 and hosted an to invite family and There will also be an community members to open house at the Gren- open house on Aug.18. Ribbon cutting SARAH PACIO | HERALD SUN After operating care attend special events in fell home on Aug. 25 Broadview Mayor Carol Mills (far right) cuts the ribbon at the former Broad- homes in Regina for the spacious dining room from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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