Freehold in at Civil Rights Office SEE STORY BELOW Rain, Mild WIT Rain today, clearing tonight. Tomorrow fair. High both days FINAL in«s. ' ) B*4 Bank, Freehold T , (See Details Page 2) ( Lo«S Branch J EDITION Monmonth County's Borne Newspaper for 92. Years VOL. 93 NO. 153 BED BANK, N. J, FRTOAY, FEBRUARY 5; 1971 20 PAGES TEN CENTS on Target By HOWARD BENEDICT We're right on the landing a false signal. If it occurred troller, said at a news confer- The abort would have di- nar craft into a narrow valley dawn on the moon. The sun's dust, in ^e abort system SPACE CENTER, Houston site!" Shepard cried exuber- during the descent to the ence after the landing, "It rected them back up toward surrounded by high ridges, rays slanted in from the west, switch. (AP) — Astronauts Alan B. antly as their 13-minute dive moon, it would have led the was not so easy to get us the Apollo 14 command ship, craters and mammoth boul- painting long black shadows The steps toward landing down to the surface because the Kitty Hawk, in which ders. of the hills and rocks that rose Shepard •* Jr. and Edgar D. to the surface ended. lunar module's guidance com- started at 11:50 p.m. last Mitchell' chimed in, "That puter to order engine firings of this problem. We cranked Stuart A. Roosa rode in lonely as high as 8,000 feet above the Mitchell made a bull's-eye Two Walks Set night when Antares separated landing; in the moon's rugged was a beautiful one." that would have taken the up a solution which is truly orbit waiting for the return of Ahead lay 33% hours on the landing site. highlands today after outwit- The touchdown was two craft away from the moon and astounding. The Massachu- his fellow crewmen Saturday surface and two moonwalks — A Manual Feat from Kitty Hawk and soared ting a computer failure that minutes later than called for aborted the landing. setts Institute of Technology afternoon. the first scheduled for five The solution worked out at oft on its own orbit of the experts pitched in and in four threatened to abort their mis- in the flight plan as Shepard, Mission Control came up "That was really great work hours after landing, the sec-MIT meant that instead of moon, ••• • sion at the last minute. flying the craft manually, ma- hours did a fantastic job of on the abort problem" Mitch- ond set for Saturday morning. relying on computer guidance with a solution in which the getting us around a very seri- After completing two more History's third pair of lunar neuvered to the landing target computer was told to ignore ell told Mission Control after The astronauts are there in to put them down, the astro- circuits of the moon at 4:05 between two crajer clusters ous problem." the landing.. explorers carried man's quest the false readings. This meant the name of science, hoping nauts had to fly the ship man- a.m., Shepard and Mitchell for knowledge to that alien named Triplet and Doublet. Shepard and Mitchell had to Griffin said the solution was - "That really saved the mis- ually almost all the .way the bleak region will yield se- •fired their engine and began soil in the ferry Antares, Minutes after landing She- work furiously, right up to the found with only 10 minutes to sion," Shepard agreed. crets of the birth of the moon down. • • the powered descent from which touched down at 4:18 pard reported the craft had ,moment they started down to- spare. The two men became the and perhaps the earth and so- Mission Control officials a.m. EST in the dusty surface come to rest on a gentle 8-de- ward the surface, to program No Physical Danger fifth,and-sixttL Americans to lar system. ' speculated that the cause of ' nineties above the surface of the Fra Mauro region. gree slope "in good shape." the changes sent from earth. The problem posed no physl^carfy their natiSi flag to the The scene that greeted them the probIem/waSvfiE2bjbJy about 300 miles west of "We're on the surface, The computer problem was Jerry Griffin, a flight con- cal danger to the astronauts. moon as they 'their lu- was the shadowed effect of some contamination, perhaps the landing site. GOP Hopefuls at By BEN VAN VLIET The two of themvspent a into the $15,000-a-year posi- filled by "any able adminis- of the Inter-American hight- WASHINGTON - A year considerable amount of tune tion. trator." wayi program. ago William F. Dowd was together at the 134th annual However, sources say, the Mr. Apy, first considered a Mr. Kennedy said he consid- here to solidify his nomination, N.J. Chamber of Commerce majority of the GOP leader- candidate for the job, has told ers himself a arious contend- as a Third District congres- dinner exchanging views and ship isn't going to standstill Mr. Danskin that he's not in- er for surrogate. sional candidate. giving ea,ch other encourage- for a non-lawyer in the posi- terested in becoming surro- "I took a long, hard look at ment. tion. Mr. Dowd, who got the nom- gate. However, he's still look- the opposition and I decided I ination and lost, wasn't here The surrogate's job, which They figure that the Demo- Ing for the 1972 congressional should seek the job," he said, last night but there were plen- will become available in late crats will nominate former nomination. "If I dont get it, I'll smile Surrogate Donald H. Cun- and say 'okay'and wait some ty of others taking his-place. March when. incumbent Louis Mr. Kennedy is slightly dif- R. Aikins takes office as a ningham, a lawyer, for the more." Prominent among those job, and there's little sense in ferent. He would like to be- county judge, is reportedly come surrogate, but in lieu of Also under consideration for here to politick were former still "wide open." running a non-lawyer on the surrogate are S. Thomas Gag- assemblyman Chester Apy of Republican ticket which would that he would like to run for llano of Holmdel,, a former Little Silver, who is seeking The consensus among Mon- then give the Democrats Congress next year against Oceanport councilman, and endorsement from the Republi- mouth County Republicans is somewhat of a legitimate the incumbent Democrat Freehold Mayor William cans for almost any job, and that county Chairman Benja- campaign issue. James J. Howard. Boyle, who is also being con- Brian T. Kennedy, Spring min H. Danskin wants to put Mr. Danskin says, as he has Mr. Howard, who normally sidered as a potential chal- Lake' Heights, who really Freehold Township Tax all along, that the surrogate's attends these affairs, is in lenger to Democratic Sheriff wants to be county surrogate. Collector Robert N. Ferrell job is wide open and can be Panama reviewing progress Paul Kieraan next year. Job Changes at Fort Are Hit By DORIS KULMAN tive areas, which increases in response to a Daily Regis- the unions fighting the new set Lodge 1904, American Fed- FT. MONMOUTH-The re- them from six to W at the fort ter inquiry, didn't indicate up, said he hasn't yet received eration of Government Em- drawing of competitive areas and ECOM'S Philadelphia how the establishment of a a computer breakdown of the ployes, AFL-CIO, has referred at Ft. Monmouth, vigorously agency, was dictated by new competitive area with one em- number of civilian workers in the new setup to its local ajfolv' ••' A GOOD OOP GRIP — Chester Apy, left, o Little Silver R^pufeficah !who'tf like the protested by federal em- AMC policies. ploye, a secretary, ,or another each competitive area. ney and is considering1 a' with seven employes, one of party's nomination for the 1972 Third District congressional race, gets a good Re- ployes' unions, will give senior Also a Factor However, pencil-and-paper courtroom challenge. publican handshake from Gov. William T. Cahill at the N. J. State Chamber of government workers the best The AMC spokesman said whom reportedly is a clerk- calculations indicate that AFGE President J. Edward chances of "competing with the diversity of commands at typist, another a secretary-typ- there is one employe in each Harvey has declared the new Commerce.dinner in Washington last night. Also on hand was Brian T. Kennedy, their peers" in the event of an- the fort also was a factor in ist, and a third an electronics of two competitive areas at setup will abrogate employes' Spring lake Heights, Who is seeking endorsement for the Monmoulh County sur- other reduction-in-force the new policy. engineer betters their chances the fort, the Defense Commu- seniority and veterans prefer- rogate's job. (AP Wirephoto) (RIF), a spokesman for the An employe fired in a RIF of "competing with their nications Agency SATCOM ence rights and give the com- Army Materiel Command in can exercise seniority rights peers." Field Office East, and Detach- mand "the right to hire and Washington says. only in the same competitive ECOM yesterday made for- ment D of the 12th Military fire at will..." The AMC is the parent of area in which the job he held mal announcement of the new Police Group, Mr. Cahn said. Asked whether Civil Service Tunnel for Fast Rail the Army Electronics Com- was assigned.
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