DOCUMENT RESUME ED 272 732 CE 044 846 TITLE Subsistence Specialist Handbook. Pamphlet No. P35101. Fourth Edition. INSTITUTION Coast L;uard Inst., Oklahoma City, Okla. PUB DATE Apr 86 NOTE 270p.; Supernedes ED 226 197. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; *Cooking Instruction; Cooks; Course Content; Eauipment; Food; Food Handling Facilities; *Food Service; *Foods Instruction; *Food Standards; Hand Tools; Hygiene; Independent Study; Job Training; Military Personnel; *Military Training; Postsecondary Education; Vocabulary IDENTIFIERS Coast Guard ABSTRACT This self-paced course is designed to present a basic, general overview of the duties of a Coast Guard Third Class Subsistence Specialist. The co,J.rse provides basic information necessary to perform food preparation and food service tasks using various types of food service equipment and utensils. The course contains 16 illustrated reading assignments, each consisting of learning objective(s), introduction, information sheets, and self-quiz with answers. The course covers the following topics: sanitation and safety; food service utensils and equipment; armed forces recipe service; meats; poultry and seafood; cooking and carving procedures for meat, poultry, and seafood; vegetables, fruits, soups, salads, sauces, and gravies; sandwiches and beverages; functions of food materials in baking; quick breads, cakes, cookies, and pies; yeast-raised products; food presentation; Coast Guard cining facility policy and organization; food inspection; food storage; nnd services. Appendixes to the course materials include a glossary, food srvices hand tools list, food preparwtion nints, and pamphlet review quiz with answers. (KC) **************************************************************k******** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** U.S. Department of Transportation United States Coast Guard U S. DEPARTMENTorEDUCATION Office of t7ducationaI Research and Improvement ED 0 CATIONAL RESOUPCESINFORMATION CENTE R iER'C . This document has Peen renratuced as received from the person or nrcanization ongsnatti g it t' Minor changes have Peen macte to improve reirOducOon 4:Way U. S. Coast Guard Institute ROints of vie* oponions stated in Mos doCu- rnent do not nccessarily represent official Pamphlet No. P35101 OLPI positton or policy (04/86) SUBSISTENCE SPECIALIST HANDBOOK i'ourth Edition: April 1986 U. S. Coast Guard I) .,;:it-ute Clerical and Personuti Services Branch P.O. Substation 7 3 Oklahoma City, 73169 .1.1C:.). 749-2333 QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS -1 EXT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SUBJECT MATIER SPT-A7ALIST FCR THE SUBSISTENCE SPECIAL 1ST RA , ;. REFERENCES The following references were used to develop this pamphlet: Comptroller Marnial, Vol.IV (COMDTINST M4061.3B) FOOCI Ser Vice Practical Handbook (COMDTPUB P4061.4) Food Service Sanitation Manual (COMDTINST M6240.4) NOTICE TO STUDENT T;le primary purpose ,9f this self-paced, non-residentcourse is to present a basic, general overview of the duties of a THIRD CLASS SUBSISTENCE SPECIALIST. Thecourse provides basic information necessary to perfornt food preparation and food service tasks utiii.!:frig varioustypes of food service equipment and utensils. It is specifically desi,TrA for nonrated Coast Guard 1)ersonnel strikingfor subsistence specialist. The course content is based on Class A School currir.lchirn and on the Enlisted Qualification Manual COMDTINST M 1414.8A. IMPORTANT NOTE: This text has been compiled foi- TRAINING ONLY. It shouldNOT be used in i_lace of official directives or publications. The text informationis curi-c5,i. according to the references listed. You should, tr,iwever, r:mernber that it isyour responAbilitv to keep current with tlw iatest professional infor- mation available for your rating. Current information is available, in the Coast GuardEnlisted Qualifications Manual, COMDTINST M1414.8A. This ,vimphlet contains 16 reading assignments. Read the learningobjectives before you begin reading the te:Nt. The self-quizzes should reinforce the e.ijectives. Appendix C of the pamphletis a review quiz. SWE STUDY SUGGEST7ON:Servicewkle exam questions for you.' rate andpay grade are 1 Ised on the Professional and Military Requirements sections of the EnliAedQualifications Manual, CCI:.)...DTINST M1414.8A if you use the references from this text and consult the EnlistedQualifications Manual, you should ha:c -c*ood inforrnatiou for review whenyou prepare for your servicev,ide exam. ..,-%-trr EDSo 1'2.- .4.- C) 00 :r. c-. IslitSt.?., . >z :a 1-3 CI) Z.: 0 LI: 1,7 00 4te0 m E S.34C5 CONTENTS TITLE PAGE REFERENCES NOTICE TO STUDENT iii Reading Assignments SANITATION AND SAFETY 1-1 FOOD SERVIC..1 UTENSILS AND EQUIPMENT 2-1 ARMED FORCES RECIPE SERVICE (AFRS) 3-1 MEATS 4-1 POULTRY AND SEAFOOD 5-1 COOKING %ND CARVING PROCEDURES FOR MEAT, POULTRY AND SEAFOOD 6-1 VEGETABLES, FRUITS, SOUPS, SALADS, SAUCES AND GRAVIES 7-1 SANDWICHES AND BEVERAGES 8-1 FUNCTIONS OF FOOD MATERIALS IN BAKING 9-1 QUICK BREADS, CAKES, COOKIES AND PIES 10-1 YEAST-RAISED PRODUCTS 11-1 FOOD PRESENTATION 12-1 COAST GUARD DINING FACILITY POLICY AND ORGANIZATION 13-1 FOOD INSPECTION 14-1 FOOD STORAGE 15-1 SERVICES 16-1 Appendixes GLOSSARY A-1 FOOD SERVICES HAND TOOLS B-1 FOOD PREPARATION HINTS C-1 PAMPHLET REVIEW QUIZ D-1 ANSWERS TO PAMPHLET REVIEW QUIZ E-1 SANITATION AND SAFETY ...==== Reading Assignment: 1 Pages 1-1 through 1-11 OBJECTIVES To successfully complete this assignment,you must study the text and master the following objectives: 1. Cite seventeen methods of promoting personalhygiene. 2. Identify the two-pan method. 3. State why steel wool should not be used in thegalley for cleaning purposes. 4. Cite manual dishwashirm procedures. 5. State the cleaning processes for the followingitems: (a) tables (b) chairs (c) benches (d) bulkheads (e) overheads (f) stainless steel surfaces (g) decks 6. Cite five precautionsyou should exercise when you prepare and serve food in orderto pre- vent the occurrence of foodbome illnesses. 7. Identify the methods for disposing of foodrefuse. 8. State the subsistence specialist's rolein insect ank.1 rodent control. 9. Identify who is primarily responsible forridding a food facility of insects and rodents. 10. Cite five causes for foodborne illnesses. 11. Given the name ofany illness listed below and a list of transmission modes, match the illness to the appropriate mode of transmission: aylococcal )od pcisoning Dotulism (c) salmonellosis (d) streptococcal foodborne infections (e) amoebic dysentery (f) trichinosis (g) infectious hepatitis 12. Cite five Safety Do's for subsistencespecialists. 13. Cite eight Safety Don'ts for subsistencespecialists. 1-1 INTRODUCTION (11) When passible, use utensils instead ofyour hands to handle foods. If you must useyour hands, Before you can step into a Coast Guard dining fa- use disposable plastic 4oves. cility (CGDF) and actually begin cooking,you should learn certain basic facts concerning SANITA- (12) NOT use your fingers for tasting foods. TION AND SAFETY. All aspects of cooking MUST contain these two very necessary elements. (13) NOT reuse a cooking utensil after using it for tasting foods (unless the utensil is propedy sanitized You will notice throughout this Handbook that before putting it back into the food). CLEANLINESS and SAFETY are an integral part of the total food-preparation/serviceprocess. (14) Visit sick bay IMMEDIATELY ifyou notice ANY open lesions, particularly if thestJccur on your PERSONAL HYGIENE face, neck, hands, or arms. Since many disease-causing organismsare trans- (15) NEVER keep your street clothing and other mitted by food service personnel,one of the primary personal effects in the food preparation/serviceareas; considerations in any CGDF should be that ofper- also, do NOT change clothes in theseareas. sonal hygiene. (16) If you must sneeze or cou0 whileyou are in a To promote good personal hygiene,you as an SS food preparation/service area, you should turnyour should: head away from food and equipment,cover your mouth or nose, then IMMEDIATELY washyour hands before returning to work. (1) Be TOTALLY physically clean. (17) NOT scratch or pick your face ornose while (2) ALWAYS wear clean garments whenyou you are working in food areas. work in food preparation/service areas. REMEMBER: Many unconscious habits are extremely (3) ALWAYS wear a cap or a hair net which unsanitary. These habits include (1) putting your fingers completely covers your hair (this is to keep hair in your mouth, (2) scratching your head, (3) rubbing your from falling into food). ears, and (4) drying or wiping your hands on your apron. (4) ALWAYS be clean shav?n (a NEATLY trimmed moustache, however, is permissible). CLEANING AND SANITATION PROCEDURES FOR FOOD SERVICE (5) ALWAYS keep your fingernails trimmed short AREAS, UTENSILS, AND EQUIPMENT and keep them clean. Next to personal cleanliness, the most important (6) ALWAYS wash your hands BEFOREyou aspect of maintaining a truly sanitary CGDF is handle any foods. properly cleaning and sanitizing your food prepara- tion/s 'vice are iipment. (7) ALWAYS w -11 your hands A} IERyou ilmidle raw foods. '44.N METHOD (8) ALW vash your hands AFTER using toilet Fcr certain cleaning procedures, a hand cleaning facilities or aitu.3 blowing your nose. method may be employed. This procedure is called the "two-pan- method. (9) NOT smoke in food
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