t- r KENTUCKY IRISH MThRICAN r I soon as possible parade when of the order from its foundation is otter the sale I the laymens street until the present time jpens on May 14 The committee 40000 men will be in line I TALL FIGURES SUCCESSOR DISGRACEFUL Solemn vespers were sung at 330 i ranging for tile joint meeting be- WONDERFUL ¬ oclock and were followed by bene- 11I t and Trinity Councils QUEEN OF MAY diction of tIC most Blessed Sacra ¬ announced that Tuesday night of 1ment Tile relic of St Paul was next week Trinitys members would exposedI for the veneration of the lie the guests of Mackin und that 1 CLNIhVOLUMEj ¬ ± U So many were un Parochial Schools Make Big they would be Achievements of tho Founder Of St Patrick Itcvclved Royal- Will Be Duly Honored by Thnt Is Very Mild Term For faithful all day properly entertained able to attend the services Tuesday Saving For XonCiithollc President Robert T Burke commend- of Third Order of St Welcome In New York Devout Members of the Latest Kepuhltcan that It has been determined to give ed the work of the committee and i Taxpayers Harbor Church Primary a special blessing with the relic of stated that it was the desire of the Francis St Paul at the services beginning at officers of Mackin to hold these joint rn 330 oclock tomorrow aftern- meetings more regularly and more frequently The Catholic church honors Mary Heard Front nitncilsu Contract of Catholic- Humble German Peasant Girl Week of Solemn Pageantry liH the mother of God in a particular Cries of Fraud during beautiful month KduiutorH in Greater Who Never in Brought to Close Tills manner this Every Ward anil From oonQPNING FORTY YEARS Faltered of May lt is the month of flowers County New York Her Work Afternoon und In every church and chapel the o e devout children of Mary Immaculate lay their votive offerings at her Bishop of Louisville to Cel ¬ ¬ shrine In anany churches pro Club Grades4 and Courses Must Keep Community cessions arc held in her honor and Pollee Were Willing Tools In Of the Catholic Womans AnniversaryQuietly Her Built Convents Armagh Men Gave the Irish I as far as ds convenient some special Alleged Will Be a Joyous Pace With the Citys and Hospitals Throughout Primate a Grand Re- Hands of the prayers or service are offered up Reformers Occasion Schools the Land s ception each day Sunday May 24 will be the fortieth The May day procession at St anniversary of the consecration of Johns church was held nt 730 oclock the Right Rev William George Me Thursday evening The members of Splendid Provided 4 loskey as Bishop of Louisville Young1 AffIDAVITS ARE INTERESTING Quarters and STATISTICS ARE INTERESTING and WAS BURIED EASTER MONDAY GREAT JIME FOR THE CATHOLICS the Ladles Sodality carried the event will be quietIand re the statue of the Blessed Virgin Everything Is Clean j igiously celebratol cat the Cathedral through the aisles A brief instruc¬ I I and New of the Assumption on May 24 25 and r lion and benediction of the Blessed 26 Advanced nigc and multitudinous Sacrament followed An alleged Republican primary was There are hundreds of thousands A fact not noticed in the Louisville Today will close the greatest eight arcs have told heavily on our Bishop l Between 150 and 200 boys and girls leld in Louisville last Saturday after- of American people who do not op recently and while ha is mentally dailyt papers last week was the death days history of Jfcv York ifche ast Intme will tike pant in May procession noon The object was to select del Central Location Gives Busy predateJ thalt the Catholic parochial sound as ever he is constrained to of Mother Mary Bernsidlne the r old Knicker ¬ 3 The festivities of the at Sacred Heart church ut oclock to bo schools of this country arc saving iiislband Ms strength rencrablo founder ol the Third Order ¬ egates to the State convention Noon bockers the stirring times of aboli tomorrow afternoon The rotary Men Chance For the nonCatholic taxpayers millions Instead of nn elaborate celebration of St Francis which occurred at serna tfil low held in this city next Wednesday and tion tie return of her troop lh the and dE5Mai fv r Luncheon of dollars The figures sound big of Bishop McCloskey consecration The Very t tfti lAttiat the personnel civil and SpanishAmerican wars all J but they are none the less true The anniversary the faithful of the diocese HolyTJlurlJdll Cronin old indicate the 1 was seventyfour years age y va figures and will visit the Cathedral on one of of and pale into insignificance beside the fay celebr ty of Republican they are authentic have the thro days of the triduum to offer although she began life in America festal ceremonies have attended 1 not been compiled by Catholics but an girl that church nt Slyn btertwTWSW identfalnomina thanks for Ills long life and to ask untutored her achievements Nearly MOO wcill by special writers on the New York are not only remarkable the diocesan centenary of the fore evening children from VERY WORTHY IS THE ENTERPRISE the Almighty ithat ho nay be spared- but little lon and for Congress this dls moil other Eastern dully papers 11 most see the United States Be ¬ take part At St Louis Bertrands to us a while longer On each of the short of miraculous Her funeral in rlct Some of the dally papers re in Greater New York there are took from St Luajiuij ¬ the regular Rosary procession will IJ three days sacrament of confir- jjiuw ginning with the reception of Cur ferred to what actually happene ns 101000 children attending tile Cath the vent Syracuse on Easter ¬ toke place and the dinal Logne last Saturday and eon fifteen banners a farce Instead it was a tragedy ollc parochial schools at an annual mation will be administered 1o those morning MondayyIJr weep will be carried by members of the children ihnd adults who have not with the Very Rev tinning through the entire Not since Bloody Monday was the will llright clean wholesome and we11Icost of 1500000 The mud is yet Louis Miller i Young Ladies Sodality The recita notI is formerly pastor of St until the street procession of lay- of the people of Louisville BO ienliljiUcd is a good way to describe contributed In the way of fees for received it It estimated that not men concludes this afternoon the lion of the rosary a brief instruction upon new quarters of the Catholic tuitiont ns Ls done by parents or less than 1000 will receive the sacra- md benediction or Sac trampled and throttled Thero the city of New York has been the the Blessed were cries of force and fraud In every Womans Club on the north side of guardians of children who are in tins ment that makes us soldiers of Christ celebrontjof will follow The statue of within scene of Catholic splendor that nincnt vnrd and louder than all was the Walnut street ibXtvytCI1 Sixth and private1 schools but it is a general the three days The Right gave the final benediction makes pageants of the Old World the Blessed Virgin will be crowned howl front the County convention Seventh Although tiiurviiew club- charge upon the church revenue in rev John B Morris Hlllltol of Little Anna Morn the tobefounder of J by Mary Algnes OConncll crown i will sacrament iJIUlght seem small Archblsfiop Farley as the was In basement house which was formerly the old tock administer the the Third Order of St Francis was t Will be carried by Mary Agnes The latter held the parishMoreover m head of the archdiocese of New Yorrf oC the Court House beneath the IVnverley Hotel was tic system of edit each of the three days No social born in a little country village in Mar- ¬ was as a matter of course the cell ¬ Doherty and Mary E Ring and marble statue of Henry Clay nnd In1boarders anti for noon lunch h u satlon is maintained in the Catholic Celebration of the anniversary Is con Germany She was one of six chil- tral figure but to many there was garet Hammond will rend the net of the shadow of the City Hall The week ago the formal opening will archdiocese of New York A child templated dren four girls and two boys Their one who part in the celebration consecration tame the the blind the deaCrtake place next Monday Tuesday and 1 a kindergarten and pass parents were devout Catholics and took halt hunter ¬ ¬ t-ilirougircOinplete elementary sec time only legacy they had to leave who held greater interest than the even men without legs were brought Wednesday All friends of the insti I SOLEMN tutlOI1 ondary and collegiate courses to the KITES their children was the gift of faith Archbishop Cardinal Gibbons or the COMING STRONG front the Alms House seven miles are invited to pny it a visit tape Papal Delegate and that one was away and dumped at the Court on one of the days degree of Bachelor o AJand When a mere child Anna announced Michael Logue Archbishop to vote at the behest of the I The now club house is not an or s leer intention of going to America Cardinal House orncdichupecialin ¬ of Armagh Primate of All Ireland alleged reformers now In control of unto structure but it Is comfortable for the priesthood in Cutback Grand Pageant When Mon and founding an order for the care Division 4 Held hilts stitutions Tliero ore within rfre of the sick and infirm In her four ¬ one hundred fourteenth sue Another the citys eleemosynary institutions ipaeious and convenient It + Is and and above ithe archdiocese 132 elementary schools signor OConnell teenth year she went into the service of St Patrick To hun- ¬ Meeting and Got New and leaders of the Taft bureau- Ithree floors basement and v cesfor the every part of it is fresh neat and with a total registration of 65152 In Consecrated of some
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