A-PDF Split DEMO : Purchase from www.A-PDF.com to remove the watermark Architecture & Urban Design 骆文义 LOOK BOON GEE Look建筑设计公司创办人及董事总经理,新加坡 Founder and Managing Director of LOOK ARCHITECTS, SINGAPORE 骆文义,Look建筑设计公司的创始人,可能很多 The architecture of Look Boon Gee, founder of LOOK Architects, may beguile many to simply term him as a modernist. However, 人会简单的误以为他是一个现代主义者,然而,在研 on closer examinations of an extraordinary portfolio of works accumulated over a short period of slightly over 10 years, it reveals 究了他近10年的非凡作品后,展现给我们的却是一个 a craftsman, economist, ecologist and innovator at heart that is consistently challenging the status quo of architecture. 坚持不懈挑战设计现状的创新者。 他的作品的主要特点是综合性,你无法简单的将 The main characteristics of his works is that they defy any straight jacketing into any simple categorization, other than the continual 他们分类,以及不断的创新和每个项目的新奇设计。 ability to innovate and surprise with each new project. It is an architecture that constantly searches for new breakthroughs 他不断地在众多领域搜索新的突破,这主要体现在他 in multitude of fields; be it in cutting edge building technology, sustainable ecological designs or conservation interpretations. 对尖端建筑技术,可持续生态设计和文化保护的独特 Instead of being hampered by the pursuit of a stylistic aesthetic, his 骆文义 见解上。 architecture seeks its beauty in a well resolved piece of architectural Look Boon Gee puzzle where all the problems, constraints, ideals and opportunities 他对美学的追求体现在将所有的难题、限制、理 clicked in place to release the full potential of the project. Adopting an open mindset and unrivalled vigor in approaching very piece of 想与机遇完美的融为一体,释放出项目的全部潜能。 work, Look Boon Gee has a gifted flair to identify and dissect the necessities and aspirations of the people and place involved, to 依靠开放的心态和无与伦比的活力,骆先生以他天赋 arrive at a unique solution for each piece of work. 的才华,明确的解析人和场所的关系,以得出作品的 The precise reading of the forces at work often materializes itself 独特解决方案。 in the finished project resulting in architecture of clarity that calms and inspires at the same time. Look Boon Gee’s relentless pursuit 骆先生坚信对现代建筑和人文的追求可以创造出一 of architecture based on the humanistic belief that it can be used to create a better world. This sets him as an exemplar for his 个更美好的世界。在建筑设计领域的关键路口,他是专 fellow professionals at the critical crossroads of the development of architecture; we are only beginning to uncover a truly Asia n 业人士的典范,并开始发掘出亚洲建筑的真实潜力。 Architecture. 405 纪达夫 Keith Griffiths 亚洲及中东区主席 Chairman – Asia and the Middle East 凯达环球有限公司 Aedas Ltd. 1975年 建筑学硕士(剑桥大学) M Arch (Cambridge) 1975 1978年 建筑文凭(剑桥大学) Dip Arch (Cambridge) 1978 1979年 英国注册建筑师 Registered Architect (UK) 1979 1979年 英国皇家建筑师学会会员 RIBA 1979 1985年 香港注册建筑师 Registered Architect (HK) 1985 1986年 香港建筑师学会会员 HKIA 1986 2001年 香港建筑师学会资深会员 FHKIA 2001 纪达夫先生为凯达环球集团董事局与亚洲、中东区主 Keith is the Chairman of Aedas' global board and of Asia and the Middle East. 席。他曾于英国剑桥大学圣约翰学院修读建筑,从事建筑 He studied Architecture at St John's College, Cambridge University and has 设计工作有30年。1985年,纪先生在香港创立自己的建筑 practiced architecture for three decades. Keith formed his architectural practice 设计师事务所,并带领事务所发展成为今日的凯达。在纪 in Hong Kong in 1985 and led the company into the creation of Aedas in 2001. He has overseen the phenomenal growth of Aedas to become the world’s 先生领导下,凯达发展迅速,现已跻身成为全球第二大建 纪达夫 second largest architectural practice with 39 offices worldwide. Keith has a Keith Griffiths 筑设计师事务所,并在全球设立39间办事处。纪先生拥有 well recognized reputation for outstanding leadership and innovation. He is 出众的领导才能和创新思维,其优秀的设计受到公认。纪 a recognized and sought after designer who promotes sustainable design 达夫先生致力于推广卓越的可持续设计与文化融合的理 excellence and cultural integration as the keystones of Aedas' philosophy. Keith 念,并将其奉为凯达设计宗旨。除此之外,纪先生着力推 facilitates international design workshops, reviews, staff trainings and educational 动多项内部活动如国际设计工作坊、设计方案检讨、员工 outreach programs, and is an instigator and champion of Aedas' integration into 培训及教育外展课程等,带领凯达及员工融入众多不同的 many communities, cultures and countries the company works with. He provides 社区团体、文化及国家,他提倡通过建筑设计改善社区的 a driving force in Aedas' work to improve our environment through our built form 面貌。纪先生在亚洲、及中东有多项地标项目,其中包 and its integration into the fabric of our communities. Keith has been leading the 括中国广州白天鹅宾馆的扩建及翻新工程、位于迪拜的 design for a number of landmark projects in Asia and the Middle East. To highlight 达10万平方米的办公楼及商场综合发展项目、中东迪拜 a few, those includes the redevelopment of the White Swan Hotel, Guangzhou; Boulevard Plaza、中国长沙新河三角洲总体规划、香港国 Boulevard Plaza, Dubai; Xinhe Delta Masterplan; Terminal 2, Hong Kong 际机场二号客运大楼达100万平方米的扩建项目,以及香 International Airport: 100,000 sq.m extension at Hong Kong International Airport; 港中环中心区包括置地广场、遮打大厦、历山大厦的翻新 The regeneration project for The Landmark, Chater House, Alexandra House and 重建项目。 Prince’s Building in Central, Hong Kong. 406 奥利弗·库恩 Oliver Kuehn 奥利弗·库恩先生出生于建筑世家,是家族中的第四 Oliver Kühn is an architect in the fourth generation. He studied architecture at the 代建筑师。他曾就读于德国慕尼黑工业大学建筑系,并在 Munich University of Technology, and graduated in the shortest possible time. He 最短的时间内完成学业,后在理查德•罗杰斯伦敦事务所 began his professional career in the office of Richard Rogers Architects in London, 开始了他的职业生涯。作为项目建筑师的他,完成了如国 and worked as a project architect for many international projects, including airports 际机场,高层办公楼等诸多项目。 and office high-rises. 奥利弗的重要兴趣在于大型尺度的项目,并赋予项目 Oliver’s key interest is in large-scale projects which he develops at the highest 本身最大可能的技术,功能以及审美水平。他既是一个全 possible technological, functional and esthetic level. He is both a globalist and 球化主义者,同时又是一个独特的完美主义者,这也使得 a distinct perfectionist, which enables him to look beyond the immediate project 他能够超越项目本身的社会、文化和环境问题的要求,通 requirements to social, cultural and environmental issues, and then to analyze and 过分析和发展,为每个项目提出最佳设计方案。他频繁的 develop the best technical design solution for each project. 国际曝光,使得他与世界各国的合作伙伴,合作建筑师有 His strong international exposure allows him to cooperate worldwide with his 着广泛的项目合作,这也使他对不同的人以及文化率持有 partners and co-architects, and makes him open minded to different cultures, and 开放的观念和态度。 to other people’s views. 为了加强自己作为GKK建筑师事务所总裁的业务技 To strengthen his business skills as the CEO of GKK Architects, Oliver studied 能,奥利弗在瑞士就读了企业管理,并以最佳毕业生的荣 business administration in Switzerland and graduated at the top of his class. Oliver 誉完成其学业。奥利弗同时也担任了一系列大学的客座教 is a guest speaker sought after at a number of universities, and has been awarded 授,并已获得多项国家和国际级别的设计大奖。 several national and international design awards. 斯万提·库恩 奥利弗·库恩 Swantje Kuehn Oliver Kuehn 斯万提·库恩 Swantje Kuehn 斯万提·库恩女士是建筑与室内设计的大学教授,她 Swantje Kühn is a university professor for architecture and interior design. Her 的设计风格受到了其在芝加哥伊利诺斯州韦斯恩大学的当 design approach is strongly influenced by her education in contemporary arts at 代艺术教育的强烈影响。毕业之后,她又就读于德国慕尼 Illinois Weslyan University in Chicago. After graduation, she studied architecture at 黑工业大学建筑系,并将其对艺术的追求与德国工程技术 the Munich University of Technology, and was able to combine her artistic approach 的理性与逻辑相互结合。其最早的工作经验完成于非洲, with the rational and logical approach of German engineering. Her first work 并作为设计建筑师在理查德罗杰斯伦敦事务所工作了数 experience was in East Africa, where she worked for several years later she joined 年。 Richard Rogers Architects as a design architect for and worked on a number of 她作为德国戴特蒙德应用科学大学的斯万提教授的同 different projects in London. 时,也是GKK建筑师事务所的合伙人之一,并担任德国汽 Although a professor at the University of Applied Science in Detmold, Swantje is 车制造业的内饰设计的市长级顾问。 also a partner and director of GKK Architects, as well as a design adviser for a 从2005年起,奥利弗和斯万提开始深入中国。他们广 mayor German automaker in the development of auto interior components. 泛而深入地走访了许多中国城市,并开展了一系列的学术 Since 2005, Oliver and Swantje have been engaged in China. They have travelled 讲座、展览以及设计工作。 widely in the country, and have given several series of lectures, followed by 奥利弗·库恩先生与斯万提·库恩女生已结婚20多 exhibitions and design workshops. 年,并有3个孩子。 Oliver and Swantje Kühn have been married for twenty years and have three children. 407 邓文杰 Tang Man Kit, Joseph 董事 Director 学术资格 Academic Qualification 1979年 香港大学建筑学 (一级荣誉) 文学士 1979 Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies 1981年 香港大学建筑学士 (优异) University of Hong Kong (Awarded with First Class Honours) 1981 Bachelor of Architecture University of Hong Kong (Awarded with Distinction) 专业资格/公职 Professional Qualification / Appointment 1985年 香港建筑师学会会员 1985 Member of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects 1986年 英国皇家建筑师学会会员 1986 Member of The Royal Institute of British Architects 1987年 香港屋宇机构认可人士 (第一类别) 1987 Inclusion in the registrar of Authorized Person List 1 of Buildings Department 1990年 香港注册建筑师 1990 Registered Architect of The Architects Registration Board, Hong Kong 2002年 香港建筑师学会资深会员 2002 Fellow of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects 2004年 中国一级注册建筑师资格 2004 PRC Class I Registered Architect Qualification 2006年 香港大学建筑系助理教授 2006 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Architecture University of Hong Kong 2008年至今 建筑师事务所商会秘书长 2008 - Present Honorary Secretary of The Association of Architectural Practice 2010年至今 公共事务论坛 (论坛) 成员 2010 - Present Public Affairs Forum (the Forum) - Member 邓文杰 Tang Man Kit, Joseph Awards 奖项 1979 Ho Fook Prize in Architecture (HKU) 1979年 香港大学何福建筑奖 1979 - 81 Jardine Henry Lo Scholarship (HKU) 1979-1981年 香港大学怡和奖学金 1981 UIA International Design Competition for Students of Architecture 1981年 世界建筑师联会之建筑系学生国际设计比赛 Prize from Societe Francaise des Architects,France 法国建筑师学会奖项 Prize from D’instit et urbanizme, France 法国都市规划师学会奖项 Prize from the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary 匈牙利布达佩斯科技大学奖项 1983 Design Competition 1983年 香港专业教育学院(屯门)设计项目比赛(一等奖) Tuen Mun Technical Institute (First Prize) 1985年 九龙公园设计项目比赛 (一等奖) 1985 Design Competition - Kowloon Park (Co-Winner) 1987年
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